My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 305 Treasure Ship

Chapter 305 Treasure Ship
Liu Mingzhi signaled Liu Song to open the heavy door of the warehouse, and waited until the dust in the warehouse was not so serious before walking in behind his back: "You four come with me."

The four of them followed directly without any hesitation. Perhaps the four of them had already understood that they were just fish and meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered. Try to make themselves look useful and receive some unexpected rewards.

After the four of them walked into the warehouse, they looked at the neatly stacked rows of large boxes in the warehouse. There were dozens of them. As for what was inside the boxes, the four of them understood that they must be valuable even if they didn’t know what was inside the boxes. Items such as gold, silver and jewelry are indispensable.

There may even be many things they haven't heard or seen.

Liu Mingzhi went straight to the wooden stand where the spray gun was placed, and lifted the cloth on it. The copper bullet inside had already been withdrawn, and he took out a copper bullet case and threw it on the ground: "Liu Song, get the knife."

Liu Song took out a small machete from his sleeve and handed it to Liu Mingzhi: "Master, what are you going to do? Maybe Xiao Song will do it for you."

Young Master Liu didn't say anything, took the knife and carefully pried open the back cover on the bullet case, he didn't dare to let Liu Song do it for him, in case Liu Song didn't know anything and hacked it with a knife and caused sparks, everyone in the warehouse Don't even think about getting out alive, there are a lot of taboo-like altars and jars piled up here, enough to razed the warehouse to the ground.

He poured the black gunpowder in the copper shell into the palm of his hand, Young Master Liu poured a little into the hands of the four hoes: "You four look carefully, do you recognize what it is? Have you seen this thing in other places? grow something?"

The four of them finely ground the black powder in their palms with their fingers, their faces confused: "My lord, what is this black powder? Is it flour? Why is it black?"

When the four were talking, Liu Mingzhi stared intently at the eyes of the four. Their expressions and tone could deceive people, but their eyes rarely deceived people. Those with strong minds could not be ruled out, but the four of them were obviously not that kind of people.Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the four of them didn't dodge together and looked completely dazed.

Sure enough, the four great inventions were handed down by the Chinese. In this world, the people of the Han family also developed the four great inventions. Since there is no way to open up ocean trade, the four great inventions should not be handed down.

"It's nothing, it's just a powder for treating wounds, you can sprinkle it away."

The four of them didn't suspect anything else, and slapped the powder in their hands to the ground one after another. Feeling a strange smell in their hands, they rubbed against the pillar beside them in disgust.

It's good to dislike it, the longer you dislike it, the better.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed a handful of spray guns and held them in his hand: "You haven't seen this kind of thing before, have you?"

"No, isn't this just an ordinary iron pipe?"

"That's right, it's just an ordinary iron pipe. It's okay. Come with me. I'll show you something in the study to see if you recognize it."

The four followed First Young Master Liu out of the storeroom and into the study with blank expressions. Liu Mingzhi sat on a chair and took out a piece of rice paper from a book and put it on the table: "Can you understand how this weapon works?"

The four of them looked at the pattern on the rice paper one after another. It looked like a cannon. It was the mass murder case in red in the later Qing Dynasty. It should be regarded as a relatively developed large-scale firearm in the black powder period.

This is all drawn by Liu Mingzhi based on the appearance in his impression, and he doesn't know the specific parameters. If he really wants to come up with such a big killer, he has to go through step-by-step experiments. Right now, Liu Mingzhi hasn't come up with such a guy. The idea of ​​"Golden Ten Thousand Liangs" is not just talk when the cannon is fired.

The firearms of the Ming Dynasty were so developed, it can be said that they were at the top of the world. Why did the Manchus enter the customs? The natural disasters during the Little Ice Age were on the one hand. There will be a tragedy that Emperor Chongzhen hanged Meishan.

The dignified imperial court can't support the consumption of firearms, let alone the Liu family. It is no problem for the Liu family to create dozens of doors. The key is that the time for this kind of firearms has not yet come out, and their power is not enough to maintain this kind of thing. .

"My lord, are you planning to build a handy weapon for Jiu Niu?"

"That's right, Jiu Niu's figure is too large, and the weapons used by ordinary people are not suitable for him. My Lord wants to prepare a convenient weapon for him. What do you think?"

"The appearance is okay, but it doesn't feel very comfortable in the hand. There is no place to hold it. Maybe Jiuniu won't be too used to it."

"Forget it, my lord will find another way."

Liu Mingzhi took out another piece of rice paper and put it on the table: "Look, which one is bigger or smaller, stronger or weaker than the one on this blueprint?"

Hoe He glanced at the patterns on the rice paper and then shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible, how could there be such a large sea-going ship in the world, if it is all made of wood, what kind of keel can support such a large cabin."

He Tu also nodded in agreement: "Hue He is right, it is impossible for such a big ship to sail in the sea, it is five or six times larger than our sea ships, this is simply a moving island, full of How could the wood be spliced ​​so well."

"That's right. There are huge waves on the sea, and it's impossible to guard against them. Not to mention huge waves, such a large sea ship may scatter even under the beating of small winds and waves. The final fate is no different from the destruction of the ship."


Liu Mingzhi looked playfully at the stern words of the four of them and smiled disdainfully. The pattern they said would surely destroy the ship was the treasure ship Tianyuan sent by Emperor Yongle Zhu Di to send the cruiser commander Zheng He Zheng Gong. , the largest seagoing ship in the world at the time.

Don't say that it was a huge monster in the period of backward technology in ancient times. Even in later generations, the treasure ship was larger than the average destroyer. It is such a small island on the sea that has experienced decades of violent winds and huge waves. Intact, it can be seen that China's creative ability is rare in the world.

Liu Mingzhi also sighed. He was able to draw the appearance of the treasure ship. There are many patterns of treasure ships in the history books of later generations. He also knows the size and parameters of the treasure ship. Anything can be copied, and there are too many things in it that I don't know anything about.

"I don't know if the craftsmen of this era can perfectly copy the treasure ship Tianyuan. If it succeeds, the Dragon Fleet will go out to the West and trade with all countries. It can be said to be the first of its kind in ancient times, and it is an extraordinary achievement." Liu Mingzhi Duan Holding his teacup, he muttered to himself: "It seems that I have to find a way to go to the file room of the Ministry of Industry to have a look. They must have the blueprint of the Dalong ship."

"Huh?" Hoe He was surprised: "Why are there so many weapons made for Jiu Niu on this boat, and there are many stone piers under it?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and immediately put away the rice paper and rolled it up: "My lord is just drawing something small, today is your last chance to ask questions, as long as you draw the appearance of your sea ship and the specific manufacturing process, you You can move another box of things to divide.”

"It's my lord, let's draw right away."

"Liu Song, take them to the front hall, where are the prepared items."

(End of this chapter)

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