Chapter 3060 Deja Vu
"Sister Ya."

"Huh? Husband."

"Were the youngest of our family and Zhou Tong'er in his mouth also so noisy before?"

Hearing her husband's curious question, Qi Ya tapped Qi's lotus feet and stretched out towards the garden for a few times, with a faint smile in her beautiful eyes, she gently shook her head a few times.

"Although it was noisy before, it is definitely not as noisy as it is today.

I haven't seen the two of them yet, but judging from the noisy words we heard just now, today's show must be very exciting. "

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and also raised his head to look at the source of the voice.

However, because of the bushes and large plants in the garden blocking the view.

First Young Master Liu could only judge the approximate location of the two of them based on the sound they heard, but he didn't directly see the figures of his third child and the girl Zhou Tong'er.



"Yun'er, Yan'er, where are Qing Shi and her sisters sitting?"

"Back to the young master, all the young wives are at the Qiushuang Pavilion now!"

First Young Master Liu smacked his lips, and set off to go straight to Qiushuang Pavilion.

"Sister Ya, Liu Song, let's go too."

"Hey, here we come."


"Mother, aunts, don't just sit there, come and help the child stop this silly woman!"
Oh, I'll go, mother, aunts, it's fine if you don't come to help stop Zhou Tong'er, but she's still sitting there eating melon seeds and watching a play.

As the elders of Hai'er, won't your conscience ache when you see Hai'er being chased and killed by this silly woman like Zhou Tong'er in such a state of embarrassment? "

Above the criss-crossing paths in the garden, Liu Chengqian's cry for help filled with grief and indignation sounded again.

Amidst Liu Chengqian's mournful cry for help, Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters were sitting in the gazebo, talking and laughing watching the good show in the distance.

Ling Wei'er threw the melon seed husk in her hand into the bamboo basket beside her, reached out her hand to pick up the tea on the stone table, and took a sip carefully.

After putting the tea lid on, Ling Wei'er turned to look at the third princess who was eating melon seeds and watching a play.

"Sister Yan'er, my sister thinks that these two children are becoming more and more like a husband and wife."

Yun Xiaoxi at the side immediately put down the melon seeds between his white teeth, and echoed with smiling eyes.

"Sister Yan'er, my sister thinks what Sister Wei'er said is too right.

After getting along several times, the two of them are now more and more like husband and wife. "

The third princess pursed her cherry lips a few times, Jiaoyan shook her head helplessly.

"The two younger sisters, Cheng Qian and Miss Zhou Tong'er, so what if they are husband and wife?

Whether the two of them can become good friends with Qin Jin in the end depends on what this brat thinks in his heart.

If Cheng Qian didn't have the girl Zhou Tong'er in his heart, what if the two of them were husband and wife? "

Qi Yun gently fanned the small Qingluo fan in her hand, and looked at the third princess curiously.

"Sister Yan'er."

"Sister Yun?"

"How do you feel about this Zhou Tong'er girl? Are you satisfied?"

"Sister Yun, what's the use of me being satisfied with my sister?
The younger sister still said the same thing just now, whether the two of them can get married or not, in the end it still depends on the child's own thoughts.

If he didn't have Tong'er in his heart, we can't insist on tying the two of them together, right?

In the end, isn't it going to be a deliberate and ruthless result? "

"Then in the recent days, Chenggan hasn't talked to you, sister Yan'er once, about his life-long events?

Especially the situation between him and girl Zhou Tonger, didn't he tell you something? "

"My dear sister, you don't know.

Ever since the girl Tong'er came to visit our house, let alone talk about anything with me.

Now that he saw his younger sister, he almost always avoided it.

My sister, I wanted to ask him something, but I couldn't find a chance at all. "

As the third princess spoke, her crescent eyebrows frowned slightly, and Jiaoyan sighed softly again helplessly.

"Oh, my sister is almost dying of worry."

"Sister Yan'er, you don't have to worry about anything. From my sister's point of view, Cheng Qian has a girl like Zhou Tong'er in his heart most likely."

Hearing Yun Qingshi's words, the third princess immediately looked towards her.

"Sister Qingshi, what do you say?"

"Sister Yan'er, haven't you noticed?

From the time Tong'er started 'chasing and killing' Cheng Qian, Cheng Qian shouted every once in a while that he wanted to be rude to her.

The results of it?From the beginning to the end, the child Cheng Qian never touched a finger of the girl Tong'er.

If Cheng Qian really wanted to do something to her, he should have done it long ago.

With Chengqian's strength at the seventh rank, he should be able to subdue Miss Tong'er within ten moves. "

Gu Mo Rongrong threw away the melon seed shell in her hand, and gently patted the residue on the palm of her hand.

"Sister Qingshi, Cheng Qian is a man after all, while Miss Tong'er is a girl.

The reason why he didn't subdue the girl Tong'er was probably because he was embarrassed to do it. "

"Sister Rong Rong, it's certainly a problem that good men don't fight women.

Moreover, this possibility accounts for only a small part of the factors.

Most of the reasons should be that Cheng Gan was afraid of hurting Zhou Tong'er.

If he really didn't care about Zhou Tong'er at all, why should he worry about hurting her? "

Huyan Junyao pondered thoughtfully for a while, then took Yun Qingshi's words with a light smile.

"Sister Qing Shi is right, I also think Cheng Qian is more likely to be worried about hurting this girl.

As the saying goes, do it again and again.

Girl Tong'er has come to our house several times, but every time Cheng Qian was running away, and girl Tong'er was chasing after her.

If Cheng Qian didn't have this girl in his heart, why bother to back down again and again?

It's really another girl, see if Cheng Qian will tolerate her "chasing and killing herself" again and again. "

Hearing the analysis of the sisters, the third princess subconsciously looked at the two figures who were chasing after each other on the path in the garden.

After a long time, the third princess withdrew her gaze and looked at the sisters around her with complicated expressions.

"Sisters, if it's really what you guessed just now.

Then why did he keep avoiding girl Tong'er and not give her an explanation? "

Qi Yun and the other sisters looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders spontaneously.

"Sister Yan'er, who knows."

"That's right, our sisters are not the roundworms in this child's stomach. How could we know what is going on in his heart?"

"It is estimated that there must be some special reason."

"My younger sister is the same as the older sisters, and I don't know what the child is thinking in his heart."

"Sisters, let's not think about things we can't figure out.

Sooner or later, we will know the truth of the matter. "

"Sister Xiaoxi is right. If you can't figure it out, forget it. You will know what's going on sooner or later."

The third princess nodded with a wry smile, and stretched out her hand to pick up the herbal tea in front of her to moisten her dry throat.

"Sisters, today we must keep this girl, Tong'er, and try to find a way to ask her who she is.

This girl has visited our house several times, and we sisters know nothing about her except that her name is Zhou Tong'er.

How can this work? "

"Yes, yes, you don't need to ask the details, at least ask the girl's origin and identity first."

Just as the third princess and the others were discussing softly, the voice of First Young Master Liu suddenly came to mind outside the gazebo.

"Ladies, I'm back for my husband."

"Ah, husband, you are back."


"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"Free of courtesy, free of courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

Young Master Liu sat on the stone bench, placed the Wanli Jiangshan carved jade fan on the stone table, casually picked up a cup of tea from an unknown beauty, and sent it directly to the end.

After drinking the tea in the cup, First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief and waved his hand as a signal.

"Huh, why are you still standing, sit down too."

"Hey, my concubine sisters sit here."

Qi Yun sat next to Young Master Liu, and lifted the pot with a sighing expression to pour a cup of tea for Young Master Liu.

"Husband, sister Hoshino left after all?"

Young Master Liu chewed the tea in his mouth, looked up at the beauties around him, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Yeah, in the end I left Dalong and went back to Wa Kingdom."

The queen shook the Qingluo fan in her hand, picked up a crystal grape and gently peeled off the skin, and handed it directly to First Young Master Liu.

"The matter of fate cannot be forced.

Since you really can't keep her, let her go.

And when you went out in the morning, didn't sister Hoshino already said it?

After she has dealt with her and her brother's affairs, she will come back to our Dalong again.

In this way, one day, we Yeju will have a chance to meet again.

You didn't often say before that parting is for a better reunion.

Wait, as long as her heart is on you.

Sooner or later, he will come back. "

First Young Master Liu took the grapes and brought them to his mouth, and nodded with emotion.

"Yes, parting is for a better reunion.

Besides, what can I do for my husband besides waiting?
Stop talking, stop talking. "

"Husband, why did you buy so many candied haws?"

"I saw it on the street and bought it.

There are many children in the family, and there are not many rough points left.

Let's not talk about the candied haws, let's talk about the situation of the girl Zhou Tong'er.

Before my husband came to the gazebo, what were you sisters talking and laughing about? "

"Husband, the concubine sisters were talking just now, we must keep this girl Zhou Tong'er today, and ask her about her background and identity."

"Just now, the concubine sister was still thinking about how to keep her. Husband, you will be fine when you come back."

"Husband, after Cheng Qian and girl Tong'er are tired from running and calm down later, you must ask girl Tong'er about her identity."

Young Master Liu reached out and grabbed a handful of freshly baked melon seeds. While nibbling the melon seeds, he looked thoughtfully at the two figures who were chasing each other in the garden.

After a while, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and spat out the melon seed shells in his mouth, and turned to look at the beauties around him.

"The surname is Zhou, and there are only a few families in the capital who can still get along with Cheng Gan on weekdays.

Which of their families is this Zhou Tonger a girl from? "

"Husband, do you think so too?"

"Husband, we sisters have thought about the possibility of this before."

Just when First Young Master Liu was about to speak, Zhou Tong'er's crisp and melodious but bold shout came out again when he stretched out his hand.

"Liu Sanlang, huh huh... huh heartless man, if you don't stop for my aunt, I will throw you with the ax in my hand.

Hearing Zhou Tonger's yelling, First Young Master Liu frowned slightly, pinched the melon seeds in his hand and looked towards Zhou Tonger's figure.

"Hoohoo, Zhou Tonger, you silly woman, why don't you throw one away?
This young master will not stand still, you lose it, you lose it. "

"You... you bastard.

I am really blind, girl, why did I fall in love with such a scoundrel like you. "

"Then you go straight away, my young master didn't stop you."

"My lady, leave your uncle. If you don't give me an explanation today, I won't leave even if I die in your house."

Listening to the noisy words of the two, First Young Master Liu looked back at the beauties and shook his head gently.




"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Husband, have you thought of something?"

Seeing the surprised expressions of the beauties, First Young Master Liu picked up a melon seed and threw it into his mouth.

"The girl's accent when she spoke is obviously not the accent of the capital.

If she came from one of the few Zhou families in the capital, she should speak with a capital accent.

It can be seen that we were all wrong just now.

The origin of this girl is definitely not from the capital.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Husband, and what?"

"Husband, don't be foolish, tell me what you thought of?"

First Young Master Liu spat out the melon seed husk in his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was remembering something.

"Moreover, Wei Fu vaguely feels that Zhou Tonger's figure looks familiar, as if he has seen her somewhere before."

"What? Husband, have you seen Zhou Tong'er before?"

"Husband, is it true or not?"

"My lord, did you remember wrongly?

This girl Zhou Tong'er is only nine years old now, about the age of two ten years, how could you have seen her? "

When Young Master Liu heard the surprised words of all the beauties, he thought about it for a moment with a hesitant expression.

"Ladies, I'm not sure if my husband has met Zhou Tong'er before.

In short, I just think this girl's figure looks familiar.

Look at her figure, listen to her tone of voice.

As a husband, I always have a feeling of deja vu. "

Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Zhou Tong'er again while speaking.

"Zhou Tong'er, Zhou Tong'er.

I seem to have heard this name somewhere.

It's just that, for a while, I really can't remember where I heard this name. "

"Husband, why are you talking more and more outrageous?"

"That's right, how could you have met Zhou Tong'er?"

"Husband, it's not that my concubine sisters don't want to believe you. You can't even remember why our sisters believe you."

"Ladies, I know for you, my husband's memory has always been good.

The reason why the husband can't think about it means that it should have happened a long time ago. "

(End of this chapter)

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