Chapter 3066 identified

When Young Master Liu heard the words of the third princess, he smiled lightly and agreed.

"Cheng Qian, your mother is right.

As long as you two, girl Tong, agree with each other, other things are not important.

As for your Uncle Zhou's side, I will help you as a father. "

When Liu Chengqian heard what his father and mother said, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Dad and mother kissed the two of them, and in a few words, they had finalized their life-long affairs, which was a bit too hasty.

Regarding the major events of your life, no matter how anxious you are, you should at least give yourself some time to think carefully.

How can you play house like a child, it's a deal, it's a deal!
After Liu Chengqian remained silent for a long time with an embarrassed expression on his face, he frowned slightly and let out a sigh.

"Father, mother, it's a matter of my life, baby, at least let me think it over carefully.

Isn't it too hasty for the two of you to make such a decision? "

Looking at Young Master Liu and his wife, Liu Chengzhi said hesitantly.

Hearing his son's hesitant tone, the third princess raised her beautiful eyes to stare at Liu Chengqian and rolled her eyes.

"Sloppy? Where is the sloppy?
Brat, didn't my mother tell you just now?
What Wei Niang said is that as long as you and girl Tong'er fall in love with each other, Wei Niang will help you make decisions about the major events in your life.

The premise of everything is that the two of you agree with each other.

If you don't have girl Tong'er in your heart, you can't tie the two of you together forcibly, right?

Now you just need to tell Wei Niang whether you like Zhou Tonger or not. "

Hearing his mother ask him for the second time whether he likes Zhou Tong'er or not, Liu Chengqian clasped his hands silently, and fell silent with a hesitant expression.

Sensing that something was wrong with his son's emotions, First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered thoughtfully.

Seeing his son's silent appearance, the third princess couldn't help but frowned.

"Ganer, you are 20 years old this year, you should know what you like and what you want.

Is it so difficult for you to answer the question of whether you like girl Tong'er or not? "


Liu Chengqian stopped talking for a long time, but he still didn't say why.

Seeing his son's hesitant appearance, the third princess began to think secretly.

After a while, the third princess raised her eyes and landed on Liu Chengqian.



"You tell my mother honestly, are you worried about something?
For example, does girl Tong'er have you in her heart? "

Hearing his mother's question, Liu Chengqian shook his head without hesitation.

"Go back to mother, no."

"Then are you worried that your Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou will not agree to your marriage after they find out what happened between you and girl Tong'er?"

Liu Chengqian raised his eyes and took a peek at First Young Master Liu, seeing his father frowning slightly and meditating secretly, he shook his head again.

"Go back to mother, it's not."

"It's not that, it's not that, why is that?
Could it be that you really don't like Tong'er? "

Liu Chengqian lowered his head with a complex expression and was silent for a moment, looking at the third princess with tangled eyes.

"Mother, for a while, the child didn't know how to answer this question.

Don't ask, let the child calm down and think about it, okay? "


Just when the three princesses were pretty and helpless, the voices of Qi Ya, the empress and the other sisters suddenly sounded from the corridor.

"Husband, sister Yan'er, we are back."

"Husband, sister Yan'er."

When Liu Chengqian saw a group of aunts coming out from the corridor, his complex expression immediately eased.

"My child has met all the aunts."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, aunts."

"Husband, the concubines and sisters in the kitchen have already explained."

Young Master Liu looked up at Qi Yun, smiled and nodded.

"Ah That's good."

Qi Yun tugged Liu Mingzhi's sleeve lightly with her knuckles, her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

"Husband, what's the matter, did you ask Cheng Qian about anything?"

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, then stood up from the bench and stretched.

"All that needs to be said has been said."

"How's the situation? Can Tong'er girl and the two of them succeed?"

"Let's just talk about it."

"Should I say two things? What's going on?"

Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at Liu Chenggan, then shook his head silently at Qi Yun.

"My husband doesn't know what this kid is thinking.

If you sisters are really curious, just ask him directly.

As for whether he will tell you anything, I don't know for my husband. "

Hearing her husband's answer, Qi Yun's pretty face froze, and she subconsciously looked at Liu Chengqian.

Qi Ya and the other sisters all looked at Liu Chengqian when they heard Liu Mingzhi's words.

Liu Chengqian noticed the suspicious eyes of all the aunts, and smiled bitterly.

"Hey hey, aunts, don't look at the child like this."

Young Master Liu put his hands behind his back and rushed towards Qiushuang Pavilion first.

"Yun'er, you sisters and Cheng Qian should talk here first, and go to the gazebo for my husband.

Wait for a cup or two of tea, and it will not be too late for you to go there. "

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

After Young Master Liu's figure gradually faded away, Qi Yun, Yun Qingshi and the other sisters walked towards the three princesses at the same time.

"Sister Yan'er, what's going on?"

"Sister Yan'er, why does my sister feel that there is something wrong with your husband's face?"

"Sister Yan'er... Husband..."

Young Master Liu naturally didn't know what happened after he left.

At this time, he was rushing towards Qiushuang Pavilion without haste.

"Sister Tong'er, according to what you say, what the third brother did is too much.

You treat him so wholeheartedly, how can he do this? "

"That's right, sister Lingyun is right.

Sister Tong'er, don't worry, when my dad comes back later, I will let my dad give him a hard meal, and vent my anger for you. "

Zhou Tong'er waved her hands generously when she heard the words of Liu Yunxin and the others.

"No, no, you must not do this."

"Sister Tong'er, your heart is too soft.

The third brother has broken his promise to you time and time again, why are you still helping the stinky third brother? "

"It's a pity that Sister Yue'er hasn't come home since she went out in the morning.

Otherwise, we will ask Sister Yue'er to help you beat him up now. "

When Zhou Tong'er heard this, her originally nervous expression became a little nervous again.

"Don't, don't, don't do this.

As for the matter between me and Liu San... he, we just need to discuss it ourselves. "

Liu Yaoyao looked at Zhou Tong'er's pretty face with embarrassment, saw Liu Lingyun, Liu Yunxin and the others wanted to say something, and coughed a few times with a smile on the corner of their mouths.

"Hmm, aura."

"Hey, sister Yaoyao?"

"Your elder sister Tong'er has no tea in her cup, and you still haven't refilled her a cup of tea."

"Alright, alright, my little sister will pour tea for Sister Tong'er."

Liu Yaoyao looked at Liu Lingyun who was carrying a pot of tea, and smiled lightly and patted the back of Zhou Tonger's hand.

"Sister Tong'er, Lingyun and the others are still young, and they speak freely without knowing the severity.

Sister, don't take it to heart. "

Zhou Tonger looked at Liu Yaoyao, smiled and nodded.

"Sister Yaoyao, don't worry, I understand it in my heart."

"Sister Tong'er, it's your private matter to do something between the two of you.

My sister clearly knows that what Chenggan did is wrong, and you are very unfair to my sister.

However, my sister can't help you much, I hope you can understand my sister's difficulties. "

Zhou Tong looked at Liu Yaoyao's sincere eyes, pursed her cherry lips and remained silent for a long time, then smiled wryly a few times with sour eyes.

"Sister Yaoyao."

"Hey, Sister Tong'er, tell me."

"You know? If it was in the past, I would not forgive him so easily just because of his behavior of breaking promises to me time and time again.

No matter how bold the younger sister's personality is, she is still a daughter who has not yet left the court.

I came to the capital to see him time and time again, but he was perfunctory to me time and time again.

As time passed, my sister gradually became confused.

Sometimes when my sister is alone, she thinks about it more than once.

For such a man who has repeatedly broken his promise, what is the point of me doing this?

Sister Yaoyao, do you know the kind of courage I have to muster up every time I take the initiative to come to the capital to look for him.

Sister, every time I come to the capital, I feel very uneasy in my heart.

I was afraid, afraid that after meeting him, the result would be the same as before.

We have known each other for eight years.

The agreement he promised me before has been delayed for eight years. "

When the word "eight years" was mentioned, the mist that had condensed for a long time in Zhou Tong'er's brisk eyes slipped down quietly.

Liu Lingyun looked at Zhou Tonger who was crying, and carefully put the teacup on the stone table.

"Eight years, as if it was just a blink of an eye, passed like this.

Sister Yaoyao, do you know how I have lived these past eight years?
Every time I come to the capital, my heart is full of longing and anticipation.

I look forward to him giving me an explanation and fulfilling the promise he promised me back then.

Unfortunately, in these years.

Every time I came to the capital happily to meet him, but in the end I left sad again and again with tears in my eyes.

In the following years, when I left Beijing and returned to northern Xinjiang, my sister persuaded me more than once.

The reason why he treats me like this again and again is that I really don't have Zhou Tong'er in his heart.

In this case, it is better to give up.

I persuaded myself again and again, and each time I thought I had persuaded myself.

But, I can't control it!
Whenever I think of him, I can't help but come to the capital to look for him. "

While shedding tears, Zhou Tonger quietly confides her thoughts to Liu Yaoyao.

Liu Yaoyao looked at Zhou Tonger who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and sighed silently.

Then he quickly took out his handkerchief from his sleeve, and gently wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"Oh, sister Tong'er.

Sister, as Chengqian's sister, I apologize to you on his behalf. "

Zhou Tong'er shook her head generously, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingers.

"Sister Yaoyao, no, you don't have to do this.

Although I didn't hate him before, I also complained about him a lot.

At that time, I didn't know his real identity, and I felt a little sour when faced with his behavior towards me.

However, it is different now.

When I knew his real identity, I also understood him.

I understand why he treats me like that, and also understand his difficulties.

In his position, sometimes, many things are always involuntary.

After I knew his difficulties, I felt much more comfortable.

The grievances I have suffered over the years are not so serious. "

As Zhou Tonger spoke, a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Liu Yaoyao looked at Zhou Tong'er wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiling at the corners of her mouth, a hint of emotion appeared on her pretty face.

"Sister Tong'er, brother Chengqian can meet such a considerate and good girl like you, it is really a blessing he cultivated in his previous life."

Outside the gazebo, behind bushes a dozen paces away.

Young Master Liu squinted his eyes slightly, gently turning the emerald finger on his thumb, staring deeply at the white clouds under the blue sky.

After hearing the words that Zhou Tong'er and Liu Yaoyao confided, my previous doubts and some things I couldn't figure out.

At this moment, I already want to understand everything.

As Zhou Tonger's daughter-in-law, she has recognized it herself.

Even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu couldn't stop himself.

The sound of footsteps coming from behind woke Young Master Liu out of his contemplation.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, and looked behind him.

I saw Qi Yun, the empress, the third princess and their sisters, and Liu Chengqian, who looked depressed, rushing towards the gazebo.

"Cough cough cough."

Young Master Liu coughed forcefully, walked towards the gazebo with a smile on his face.

Liu Yaoyao, Zhou Tong'er and the others heard Young Master Liu's muffled cough, and instinctively turned to look outside the gazebo.





"Brother... No, no, uncle."

Seeing First Young Master Liu walking towards the gazebo, Zhou Tong'er habitually called elder brother, and then changed her name to uncle with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Young Master Liu walked into the gazebo, and waved his hands cheerfully.

"No courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Thank you uncle."

Young Master Liu happily sat on the stone bench, took a sip of the herbal tea he had left earlier.

"Tong girl."

"Oh, uncle?"

Young Master Liu caressed the tea cover of the ear in his hand, and looked narrowly at Zhou Tong'er.

"Girl Tong, when we drink together in private, you can call me big brother.

I, who used to be the elder brother, will naturally answer you.

However, when there are many people, you'd better not shout like that.

Uncle, I am tolerant and generous, so naturally I won't argue with you.

But other people don't think so, especially civil and military officials in the court.

If you let them know that you called me big brother, they will inevitably participate in your father's book on teaching children. "

"Don't dare, my little girl dare not.

The little girl used to say it smoothly, but after seeing her uncle just now, she habitually just...just..."

"Girl Tong, don't be nervous.

When we were in northern Xinjiang, we have been dealing with each other for so long, don't you understand my character, my young master? "

(End of this chapter)

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