My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3071 will come after all

Chapter 3071 will come after all
Seeing Young Master Liu's dull expression, Zhou Baoyu took a puff of tobacco vigorously, and fell silent while hesitating to speak.

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Zhou Baoyu, then turned and walked towards the main seat under the gazebo.


When Zhou Baoyu heard Young Master Liu's greeting, he quickly bent down and knocked out the unburned shredded tobacco in the tobacco pot on the soles of his shoes, got up and followed.


"Baoyu, even if I don't talk about some things, you should understand.

Back then, if I had commanded hundreds of thousands of cavalry in person, I would have gone on an expedition of thousands of miles to subdue the barbarians.

Whether it is you or Baotong, you must become one of the vanguard generals under this commander.

This commander personally leads the troops to go out, you two can't do without following him on the expedition.

It's a pity that the people who led the troops back then were not the commander in chief, but the Duke Protector Zhang Kuang, the King of Zhen Wanyan Chizha, and generals like Hu Yanyu.

You brothers have followed this commander for many years, and have already gotten used to his way of using troops.

After suddenly following a new commander-in-chief, can you guarantee that you can still obey every military order of the commander-in-chief without hesitation? "

Zhou Baoyu trembled, looked at Young Master Liu in a daze and was silent for a moment, then lowered his head with a melancholy expression.

"Marshal, I finally understand."

Young Master Liu looked at Zhou Baoyu silently for a long time, and then heaved a long sigh.

"Hey! Baoyu, Cheng Kai and you, Ning Chao, Feng Buer, Duan Buren, and Ye Baotong were all brothers of my commander in the past.

Although we are not blood brothers, we are no different from blood brothers.

You brothers, Cheng Kai and you, you two were one of the first generals to follow me.

Ning Chao and the others, although the time with me is not as long as the two of you.

However, the friendship between us brothers and others is not much worse.

For more than ten years, you have followed the commander in the south and north, and fought in the east and west for many years. You have already become accustomed to the commander's way of using troops, and you are even more accustomed to the commander's orders.

This commander knows how to make you generals more brave and good at fighting.

All of you brothers are brave and skilled soldiers, this commander has never denied this.

This commander has never doubted your ability and your ability to use troops.

However, there is one thing that you must understand.

That is, no matter how brave you and Bao Tong are, how well you command the troops, the two of you brothers have to consider your own situation.

Baoyu, I believe in the abilities of both of you, Baotong.

However, it is a matter of the wealth and lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Western Expedition.

No matter how much I believe in your abilities, this commander, I still have to think carefully about it!
In other words.

Regarding the hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers of our Great Dragon Dynasty, the expedition of thousands of miles, and the great cause of the Western Expedition to expand the territory, I must ensure that everything is safe.

Baoyu, the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang, the Six Guards of the New Army, the Twelfth Army of the Northern Mansion, 40 elite soldiers drawn from various ministries of the Xin Mansion, and 40 elite soldiers drawn from the Anxi Protectorate and the Western Regions.

The two groups of soldiers and horses are added together, a total of 80 elite troops!

The safety of 80 troops is at stake, I can't afford to gamble!
Behind the 80 elite troops are 80 families.

Each of them has his own wife and children.

In this way, Ben Shuai couldn't afford to gamble even more.

If it was the past, this commander would only be responsible for commanding the elite soldiers and strong generals under his command to charge into battle and make contributions.

All follow-up matters can only be resolved by the imperial court.

However, now the commander-in-chief is no longer just a simple commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

He is still the king of a country who shoulders my great dragon's [-] miles of mountains and rivers, and shoulders my great dragon's country.

For the sake of the overall situation, Ben Shuai has no choice but to cut his flesh! "

Seeing Young Master Liu's serious expression, Zhou Baoyu flung his robe abruptly, knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Marshal, Marshal, you don't need to say any more, the general knows that he made a mistake."

First Young Master Liu pursed his lips vigorously a few times, then quickly bent over and stretched out his hand to help Zhou Baoyu up.

"Good brother, what are you doing, get up quickly."

"Thank you, Marshal."

Young Master Liu let go of the hands supporting Zhou Baoyu's arm, turned around and sat down on the stone bench behind him.

"You sit too."

"Yes, at the end will obey."

"Baoyu, the reason why the commander-in-chief said these words to you just now was not to reprimand or blame you.

I say this just to let you understand one thing.

It is not easy to govern a huge world! "

"Marshal, the last general is confused, the last general knows he was wrong."

Liu Mingzhi raised his finger and slid around the surrounding courtyards, heaved a long sigh with emotion on his face
"Oh, Baoyu."


"You and your sister-in-law's wife should have seen the sights of the city when they came to Beijing this time.

You tell Ben Shuai, after seeing the scene of the capital, what do you think of the capital? "

Zhou Baoyu was silent for a moment, then said solemnly: "Returning to Commander, the general can feel his own conscience and say that today's capital is definitely a prosperous world that has rarely been seen in a hundred years."

Liu Mingzhi picked up his teacup casually, nodded and took a sip of tea, then looked up at Zhou Baoyu with a distressed smile on his face.

"You are right, today's capital city can definitely be called a prosperous world that is rarely seen in a hundred years.

However, this is only the case for the civil and military officials in the imperial court, the people inside and outside the capital, and the hundreds of thousands of people in several prefectures in Gyeonggi.

But for me, this is a capital city where the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is prosperous.

It's more like a prison.

A more comfortable and comfortable cage. "

Zhou Baoyu frowned, and stood up abruptly.

"Big guy!"

Liu Mingzhi put down the tea cover, looked up at Zhou Baoyu and waved his hand.

"What are you excited about, sit down, sit down."

"Yes, at the end will obey."

"Baoyu, do you know how long this commander has not left the capital happily?
It's not the kind of departure that never leaves the capital for half a step no matter what happens.

It's the kind that can let go of everything and leave with peace of mind. "

"The last general, the last general does not know."

"I'm telling you, it's been five and a half years, and I haven't really left the capital for about five and a half years.

Every time the commander-in-chief wanted to leave the capital, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would persuade you and me for a long time.

What kind of country can't live without a king, and what kind of emperor can't leave Beijing easily.

"Wait, wait, wait" and other words of advice, I never tire of listening to this commander.

But, if I don't bother, what can I do?
After all, what those civil and military officials said was the truth.

You have commanded the soldiers and guarded the frontier for many years, why not this commander, trapped in the cage of the capital for many years?
You hope that you can lead your brothers to charge forward, fight for the country, and expand the territory for my dragon.

Ben Shuai, why not?
Baoyu, I can tell you without hesitation.

More than you, I hope to return to the previous military career of galloping horses and leaping with whips.

Sitting on that chair for more than six years almost wiped out the blood in Ben Shuai's body.

I am really afraid that in another three to five years, it will be more than ten years.

I, Liu Mingzhi, can no longer find the passion of the past. "

Young Master Liu put the teacup in his hand on the stone table while speaking.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about these unhappy topics."

Zhou Baoyu swallowed the tea in his mouth, and nodded with emotion.

"Yes, the commander-in-chief is right. I won't mention some unhappy things."

"Baoyu, Baotong, during the days when you two were guarding the frontier, there shouldn't have been any conflicts between you and the soldiers of Tsarist Russia?"

Zhou Baoyu shook his head without hesitation when he heard First Young Master Liu's question.

"No, whether it's the last general guarding the border, or Baotong guarding the border after the deployment, our soldiers and horses of Dalong and the soldiers of Tsarist Russia have never had any unpleasant incidents.

Especially the Great Emperor... After Cheng Feng and the Empress of Tsarist Russia became good friends of Qin and Jin, the relationship between our Dalong and Tsarist Russia became more and more harmonious.

During the years when General Mo led his brothers to guard the frontier, he never had any conflicts with the soldiers of Tsarist Russia.

As for Baotong, the last general did not hear him mention this matter.

And every time the border guards answered the camp, they always reported that everything was calm, and no potential crisis was found.

After the kid Chengfeng tied the knot with the Queen of Tsarist Russia, more and more caravans from Tsarist Russia came to Dalong for business.

Every time the caravans of Tsarist Russia pass by our frontier camp, they will give the generals and soldiers a dozen jars of their Tsarist Russia wine with smiles on their faces.

The general and the soldiers are well aware of the relationship between the Queen of Tsarist Russia and Cheng Feng, so naturally they will not make things too difficult for them.

After checking the goods on their convoy, they let them go directly.

Regarding these matters, Mr. Wang from Honglu Temple should have already reported to you, Commander-in-Chief. "

Hearing Zhou Baoyu's reply, Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time thoughtfully, then nodded with a light smile.

"That's good, so the commander-in-chief can rest assured.

By the way, are there any new changes in the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes on the land around Lake Baikal? "

Zhou Baoyu was silent for a moment with a complex expression, and sighed softly as he looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Back to Commander, the situation is not very good."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and pondered for a long time, then looked at Zhou Baoyu thoughtfully and said, "Is it because the production of potatoes and sweet potatoes is decreasing year by year?"

Zhou Baoyu was taken aback for a moment, and nodded hastily after recovering.

"Marshal is wise, the situation is indeed as you said, Marshal.

The output of potatoes and sweet potatoes this year is at least [-]% less than last year.

The way the soldiers cultivated, the way they irrigated, and so on, were not exactly the same as last year, but there was not much change.

However, compared with last year's output, this year's output is about [-]% lower.

Before Mo Jiang and Baotong transferred defense, because of this matter, he thought hard for a long time, and did not want to say a reason. "

Young Master Liu picked up a piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth, sighing with regret.

"In June of the third year of Taiping, the imperial court announced the content of the imperial edict to the people all over the world. Didn't you read it?"

"What the commander-in-chief said is that the people should plant potatoes or sweet potatoes for one year, and then rice or wheat for two years?"

"Yes, it is this edict."

"Marshal, the last general will see it.

It's not that the general doesn't want to act according to the edict, but that on Lake Baikal, except for potatoes or sweet potatoes, other food can't be grown at all.

Such a large piece of land, let it go to waste, it will be really distressing to see it in the end. "
"Baoyu, there is nothing you can do if your heart aches.

Although the yield of potatoes or sweet potatoes is extremely high, the damage to the land cannot be underestimated.

Forget it, you don't understand what Ben Shuai told you.

Regarding the matter over there, after the spring of next year, the commander-in-chief will issue some new decrees again, trying to find a satisfactory way to get along. "

"Yes, I will understand at the end."

"Baoyu, there is one thing you have to keep firmly in your heart."

Zhou Baoyu straightened his body suddenly, and looked towards First Young Master Liu with a serious expression.

"Please tell me, Marshal, I will definitely remember it in my heart."

"No matter now we..."

Young Master Liu seemed to think of something while talking, but his words stopped abruptly.

Glancing at the people in the gazebo with a faint smile, Young Master Liu waved his hands cheerfully.

"It's nothing, some irrelevant things, let's not talk about it for the time being.

When we are free in the future, let's chat casually for a while. "

Zhou Baoyu vaguely understood something, and waved his hands with a smile.

"Come on, let's talk about these irrelevant things when the commander-in-chief is free in the future."

Young Master Liu stood up and stretched, took out the carved jade fan from his cuff and flicked it lightly, his eyes were about to move with a smile on his face.

"Baoyu, we've already talked about other matters.

Next, let's talk about business. "

Zhou Baoyu was startled, and glanced at Zhou Tong'er vaguely, an indescribable melancholy flashed in the depths of his eyes.

After withdrawing his gaze, Zhou Baoyu sighed silently in his heart.

Alas, there are some things that should come, which cannot be avoided after all.

Since Zhang Wanjun took her seat, she has been silently observing her husband's every move.

Seeing her husband peeking at her daughter's complicated expression, Zhang Wanjun glanced at the daughter beside her with complex eyes, and a complex emotion flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Zhou Baoyu picked up the tea and took a sip, his eyes gradually calmed down.

"Master, what's the matter?"

First Young Master Liu glanced at Zhou Baoyu indifferently, then looked at Zhou Tong'er cheerfully.

Zhou Tong'er noticed that Young Master Liu seemed to have a deep look in his eyes, and immediately lowered her head with a blushing pretty face.

"Of course it's you and Mrs. Sister-in-law. The two of you have traveled thousands of miles to the capital to get down to business."

Zhou Baoyu's face froze, and he glanced at his daughter, fiddling with the tea lid in his hand erratically.

"Marshal, the general and his wife came to the capital this time, and there is really no important business.

We, husband and wife, are mainly worried that this girl, Tong'er, will cause trouble in the capital.

That's why I couldn't wait to rush to the capital, wanting to bring her back to northern Xinjiang. "

When Zhou Tong'er heard her father's reply to First Young Master Liu, she couldn't help showing a hint of uneasiness in her pretty eyes.


"Smelly girl, shut up, there is no place for you to intervene when talking between elders."

(End of this chapter)

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