My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3081 Where do you intend to point the sword?

After about a cup of tea, Young Master Liu and his party came to the courtyard outside the study in the inner courtyard.

Young Master Liu took out the key from his pocket, opened the copper lock and walked into the study.

"Come in."


"Okay, here we come."

"Little Five, Little Seven."


"After the two of you put down the food and drink, you should leave first."

"Yes, my little one obeys."

Xiao Wu and the other two placed the tray of wine and food on the table one by one, then turned around and left the study room.

"Third brother, what do you want to tell us?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the two of them, then stretched out his fingers to check the food and wine on the table.

"Brother, Baoyu, how are you two eating?"

Song Qing patted his stomach lightly, and smiled bitterly.

"Hehehe, to be honest, I'm not even half full.

However, third brother, if you have any business to discuss with the two of us now, it doesn't matter if you delay the meal for a while. "

Zhou Baoyu nodded in agreement when he heard Song Qing's words.

"Yes, yes, Commander, you are right to talk about business beforehand.

The matter of drinking and eating, if it is delayed, it will be delayed, and it is nothing. "

Young Master Liu shook his head angrily, and poured three bowls of wine on the altar.

"Since you are not full, sit down and eat for a while."

Then Young Master Liu sat on the chair carelessly, reached out and grabbed a piece of roast leg of lamb and sent it to his mouth.

"Sit down, both of you, and get down to business after eating half full."


"Got it."

It takes about a cup of tea.

Liu Mingzhi casually threw the bone on the table, got up and stretched, picked up the wine and drank it in big gulps.

"Third brother, are you ready to eat now?"

Young Master Liu put down his drink, and wiped the drink from the corners of his mouth with his fingers.

"It's almost half full. You two continue to eat. I'll go outside the study to wash off the grease on my hands."

Young Master Liu didn't wait for Song and Qing to say anything, and walked directly outside the study.

"Baoyu, how is your food?"

"Barely half full, how about you, Brother Song?"

"My brother is about the same as you, barely half full."

"Then shall we continue eating?"

Song Qing drank the remaining half bowl of wine, left the bowl and walked out of the study.

"If you're willing to eat it, then go ahead and eat it. Brother, I won't eat it anyway."

Zhou Baoyu licked the grease off his fingers, and immediately got up to follow.

"If you don't eat it, the younger brother won't either.

The business is important, and it is better to talk about the business first. "


The three of Liu Mingzhi went back and forth, and returned to the study again.

"Master, can we talk about another thing now?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, closed the door casually, and walked directly towards his desk.

"Brother, go and put down the map next to the bookshelf first."

"Okay, brother, I know."

Song Qing responded without hesitation, and hurriedly walked towards the map not far away.

Zhou Baoyu rolled up his sleeves and followed immediately.

"Brother Song, my younger brother will help you."

Liu Mingzhi took out the document that Zhou Baoyu gave him from his cuff, and put it on the desk.

Then he went to the window sill and opened two windows, and the study suddenly became brighter.

"Third brother, the map is down."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Liu Mingzhi reached out to pick up the tray of herbal tea on the desk, walked to the map next to the bookshelf and stopped.

"Brother, Baoyu, the teapot is put aside, anyone of you who wants to drink tea pours it himself."

"got it."

"Got it."

First Young Master Liu took a sip of his own tea, raised his head slightly and glanced at the huge map in front of him, narrowed his eyes and fell silent.

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance, Zhou Baoyu and his brows frowned slightly for a while, and their expressions gradually became serious.

Both of them are old people beside Young Master Liu, so they naturally understand First Young Master Liu's character very well.

Based on what they knew about Liu Mingzhi, Liu Mingzhi would never just stare at the map in front of him and remain silent for no reason.

For ordinary people, a map is nothing more than an item for identifying directions.

However, for a person like Liu Mingzhi.

What such a thing as a map means is naturally self-evident.

He just needs to calm down, stare at the map and think carefully about something.

It also means that he must be planning some great event.

Especially, when the two of them are still on the sidelines.

Song Qing, Zhou Baoyu all pondered secretly in their hearts.


The two looked at each other at the same time, and a thought popped up in their hearts at the same time.

Liu Mingzhi, nine times out of ten he will use troops again.

From the eyes of each other, the two have seen each other's thoughts.

The two exchanged casual glances, nodded tacitly, and then looked at the map in front of them in unison.

While carefully looking at the map in front of him, he was thinking secretly in his heart.

Both Song and Qing were silently guessing where Liu Mingzhi intended to use his troops.

Where does the sword point?

The three of them, Young Master Liu, were all paying attention to the map in front of them, thinking about their own thoughts in their hearts.

For a while, the study suddenly became quiet.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu turned around and put down the teacup in his hand, and took out his pipe from his waist.

Zhou Baoyu and Song Qing seemed to have heard Young Master Liu's movements, and hurriedly shifted their gaze from the map to Young Master Liu.

"Third brother."


"Brother, you need some fine cut tobacco for my younger brother."

"Got it."

Song Qing pulled out his dry pipe from his waist, ripped open the pipe and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Give you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from the cigarette pouch, and stuffed it into the cigarette pot.

Zhou Baoyu immediately took out the fire folder, blew it up and handed it over.

"Brother Song, little brother also come to order."

"Come on, you're welcome."

Young Master Liu slowly exhaled light smoke from his mouth, turned around and took the bamboo pole beside him in his hand.


"Hey, handsome."

"When you were in the gazebo in the garden earlier, You Yun'er, his sister-in-law and his wife were by your side, and asked you some questions on the spot.

There are only the three of us in the study now, and I will speak bluntly if I have something to say. "

Zhou Baoyu raised his hand to fan the smog in front of him a few times, looked at Young Master Liu and nodded silently.

"Master, tell me."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of tobacco, reached out and touched the bamboo pole in his hand on the map.

"When we were in the gazebo, you told Ben Shuai.

During the years when you and Baotong took turns guarding the frontier, you didn't notice any unusual behaviors by the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia, right? "

Zhou Baoyu nodded without hesitation: "Return to Commander, it is true."

"Then what you said earlier, did you really find anything unusual?
Or was it because Yun'er and Mrs. Sister-in-law were by your side at that time, it was inconvenient for you to tell me the real truth? "

"Back to Commander, the situation that the last general answered at that time is the real situation."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, and walked gently on the map with the bamboo pole in his hand.

"Baoyu, think about it again.

Didn't the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia behave in the slightest abnormally?

Even if it's just a small-scale abnormal behavior, it still needs to be carefully recalled. "

Zhou Baoyu looked at Young Master Liu's solemn expression, and took a puff of tobacco vigorously.

"Marshal, let's think about it first."

"it is good!"

Zhou Baoyu exhaled the smoke from his mouth, frowned slightly, his eyes silently showed the color of memory.

After a long time.

Zhou Baoyu's eyes came back to clarity, he looked at Young Master Liu and shook his head gently.

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, the final general can say with certainty.

During the years when Baotong and I guarded the frontier, the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia never made any unusual moves.

At the end of the day, before the mutual defense with the Baotong brothers, the two of us would carefully discuss the situation on the frontier in the big tent every time.

On the side of the Baotong brothers, they have also never seen any abnormal behavior by the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia. "

After listening to Zhou Baoyu's answer, First Young Master Liu frowned slightly, and nodded thoughtfully.


"Marshal, during the years when we guarded the frontier, our two brothers sent three hundred elite scouts every day to carefully investigate everything within a radius of a hundred miles.

We do this to avoid any emergency military situation.

Whenever the scouts announced the whereabouts of the Tsarist Russian soldiers, they would immediately report the situation with falcons.

As soon as the last general received the letter, he would immediately rush over with his deputy to meet the soldiers of Tsarist Russia.

In the past few years, the last general has negotiated dozens of times with the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia, big and small.

However, nothing wrong with them was ever discovered. "

"How did things go after you met?"

"Every time we meet, we greet each other with a smile, chat with each other for a while, and then wave goodbye with a smile on our faces.

By the way, sometimes we meet their generals, and we occasionally get together for a picnic.

Drinking, eating barbecue or something.

However, the general can guarantee that the general just drank with them and chatted about the customs of the two parties, and never talked about any important situation.

Regarding this point, the end will be able to take the head of the project as a guarantee. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhou Baoyu's serious face, smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"Okay, if this commander-in-chief can't trust you even on this point, we will be brothers for decades in vain."

"Thank you, handsome."

"When you get together for a drink, or a small talk, do they tell you why they're there?"


"Huh? What's the reason?"

"Back to Commander, they are also ordered to inspect the frontiers on a regular basis, just like our Dalong border guards."

"I see."

"By the way, Commander, the last general has one more thing to report."

"Go ahead."

"Marshal, when the last general is guarding the frontier, he will regularly call some patrolling scouts to inquire about the situation."

"How is the result?"

"There is no difference between them and the general's side, and they have not found anything.

When the last general commanded the soldiers to station at the frontier, they all focused on planting potatoes.

The scouts I sent out to investigate the situation, at most, only investigated the situation within a hundred miles.

At the furthest point, it was only about two hundred miles away.

But the patrolling scouts were different. From the north of Yin Mountain to the middle of Lake Baikal, they were within their scope of patrolling.

Commander, you also know that the patrolling soldiers of Dalong are stationed in a battalion every ten miles, with [-] patrolling soldiers stationed there.

Every five li a small village, [-] border guards are stationed.

The big camp and the small camp cooperated with each other, and each inspected the area under their jurisdiction every morning and evening.

With such a large patrol density of soldiers, if the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia want to sneak into our Dalong's transit.

It's almost impossible to avoid their eyes.

Even if there is a chance, it is very small.

It is precisely because of this that the last general can say with certainty that nothing unusual happened. "

Song Qing held his dry cigarette, reached out and picked up another bamboo pole, put it on the map and started to swim gently.

"Third brother."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"According to what Baoyu said, every move of Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses really cannot escape the eyes of our Dalong patrolling the border soldiers.

In this way, it means.

Anyone from Tsarist Russia, as long as they want to enter the territory of our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

In addition to following the normal route of diplomatic relations, there is almost no other way. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards Song Qing.

"Brother, what did you just say?"

Song Qing's face froze for a moment, and he said again: "Brother Wei just said that those people from Tsarist Russia, if they want to enter the territory of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, there is almost no other way except the route of diplomatic relations."


"Ah? No? What's wrong?"

"What you just said is anyone from Tsarist Russia, not someone from Tsarist Russia."

Song Qing frowned slightly, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Third brother, what's the difference?"

Young Master Liu knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot in the copper basin at his feet, and looked at the map in front of him with piercing eyes.

"Brother, there is a big difference."

Song Qing thought for a while silently, the expression on his face changed slightly.

"Hiss—brother, do you mean those caravans from Tsarist Russia?"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, frowned and turned to look at Zhou Baoyu.


Looking at Young Master Liu's dignified character, Zhou Baoyu swallowed involuntarily.

"Big... handsome?"

"Think about it again, about those Tsarist Russian caravans.

Didn't those people behave abnormally? "

"Back to Commander, those Tsarist Russian caravans, every time they pass by the frontier, the last general will lead the soldiers to carefully check all their goods.

Even the frame on which the cargo was loaded was inspected several times by the general himself.

After careful inspection, there were no prohibited goods at all. "


"Marshal, the end can be determined."

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes slightly in thought, then nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, I trust you!"

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