My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3083 is not necessarily a good thing

"Third brother, how can you not be in a hurry for such an important matter?"

Zhou Baoyu also echoed and said: "Marshal, Brother Song is right. It is about food, we must not be careless!
Anyway, it won't take long, why don't you let Brother Song pass the letter to Baotong Golden Eagle first.

It's not too late to talk about other things when he comes back. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes to look at the two anxiously looking, and waved his hands calmly.

"Brother, Baoyu, this young master knows this very well.

I said don't be in a hurry, so you don't need to be in a hurry. "

Song Qing nodded helplessly, and had no choice but to put the envelope in his hand aside.

"Okay, brother, just listen to you."

Seeing that Song Qing had already been persuaded, Zhou Baoyu nodded helplessly.

"Since the commander-in-chief knows it well, the general will not say anything more."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the depressed expressions on the faces of the two of them, shook his head angrily, and filled a glass of wine for the two of them with the pot.

"Look at the appearance of the two of you, as for this?

I didn't know what a big deal had happened! "

Zhou Baoyu immediately put down the tea he had just picked up when he heard First Young Master Liu's words.

"Marshal, the end general doesn't want to do this either, isn't the end general in a hurry?"

Young Master Liu picked up the tea and sipped it, then got up again and walked towards the map not far away.

"Baoyu, do you still remember when we were chatting in the gazebo earlier, my young master asked you some questions?"

Zhou Baoyu raised his head slightly and thought for a while, then got up and walked to Young Master Liu and stopped.

"Marshal, at that time you asked the last general several questions.

The general didn't know which question you were talking about for a while, so can you remind the general? "

"A question about the situation on the frontier."

"It turned out to be this question, of course the last general remembered it.

But, does this have anything to do with the food issue? "

"Of course it's related. How did you answer Master Ben at that time?"

"The general told the commander-in-chief that before the general and the Baotong brothers adjusted each other, there had been two heavy snowfalls in the frontier, and they were all heavy snow.

On the way back to Yingzhou from the frontier, led by the last general, the snow on the official road was almost covered..."

As Zhou Baoyu was talking, his words stopped abruptly, and his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had understood something.

"Marshal, what do you mean to say, roads are blocked by heavy snow, and business travel is blocked?"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and glanced sideways at Zhou Baoyu with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Understood? Why don't you worry if you know this young master?"

"Yes, yes, I finally figured it out.

The general is wise, but the general is confused. "

Song Qing, who was standing aside, nodded suddenly after hearing the words between the two.

The two of them were only concerned about food, but ignored the weather on the frontier.

Now even the snow outside Yingzhou in northern Xinjiang has covered the horseshoe, and the snow in Xinfu and Beifu is probably already deep.

As for the further north of Beifu and Xinfu, the north of Yinshan Mountain and the snow on the shore of Lake Baikal, let alone.

If there is no timely supply of abundant materials behind them, the caravans of Tsarist Russia want to pass through the endless border of the Great Dragon to the north of Yinshan Mountain.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

As long as those Russian caravans are not fools, if they are killed, they will not choose this season to leave Dalong territory and return to their native territory.

Liu Mingzhi saw the gradually soothing expressions of the two, and silently swallowed the tea in his mouth.

"That's just one of them."

"Third brother, is there any other reason?"


"The caravans of Tsarist Russia have traveled between the two countries many times.

If they succeeded, they would have already succeeded.

Therefore, there is no need to worry at this time. "


"Baoyu, what this young master said is just for analysis, there is no other meaning."

"I will understand in the end, I will understand in the end."

"Third brother, I have a saying for my brother, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Seeing Song Qing's hesitant expression, Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation.

"Brother, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

"Brother, I want to say that even the caravans of Tsarist Russia have secretly brought potatoes and sweet potatoes back to Tsarist Russia...

The final result may not be as bad as what we just said. "

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Song Qing put down the teacup in his hand, picked up the bamboo pole beside him and drew a circle on the huge map.

The location enclosed by the circle is obviously the location of Tsarist Russia.

"Third brother, I have two ideas about being a brother.

First of all, is the land in Tsarist Russia the same as our land in Dalong, suitable for growing potatoes and sweet potatoes?

If their land is not suitable for growing two kinds of food, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Well, let's not say that they just sneaked back a few seeds.

Even if they brought back thousands of stones of seeds, as long as their land was not suitable for growing these two types of food.

For Tsarist Russia, everything will be in vain.

Secondly, even if their land is suitable for growing these two kinds of grains.

However, another question arises, that is, the people of Tsarist Russia, do they know how to grow these two kinds of grains?

Brother Wei vaguely remembers that Dalong Tai and Yuan..."

Song Qing only spoke halfway, and suddenly realized something, and stopped immediately.

The first year of Dalong Taihe was the reign title of Li Baiyu, Emperor Wuzong of the previous dynasty.

In front of the third brother, it was somewhat inappropriate for him to rashly bring up the matter of the previous dynasty.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's somewhat embarrassed face, and instantly understood what he was thinking.

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, smiled lightly and patted Song Qing's shoulders a few times.

"Big brother."

"Hey, third brother."
"In my heart, brother, I have never cared about these things.

When Brother Huang was still in power, the relationship between the two of us as a monarch and minister was very deep.

Brother thought about it at that time, as long as Brother Huang will not let me down.

Even if this young master is heartbroken, he still has to be loyal to assist the country and help the emperor to fulfill his father's will.

Going all out to help Dalong and Brother Huang to rule the world.

Establish a peaceful and prosperous age where the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world prospers.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful.

Brother Huang, who was supposed to be the living king of a country, died young.

Whether it is the previous dynasty or the new dynasty.

They are all my Dalong Kingdom.

Therefore, brother, you don't need to be afraid or avoid any topics.

Whatever you have, just say what you want. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's relaxed and calm expression, Song Qing was slightly relieved.

"Third brother, speaking of it this way, it seems my brother is short-sighted.

That being the case, Brother Wei said it directly.

In the first year of Dalong Taihe, the imperial court issued a new decree to announce to the world.

All the people who grow potatoes and sweet potatoes will be expelled on the spot when they see foreign onlookers.

If the barbarians of Fanbang do not listen to the advice, the people can deal with it by themselves.

There is no fault in injuring, and there is no crime in killing.

They can also be arrested and handed over to the chief official of the local state capital.

Regarding this decree, third brother, you should still have an impression, right?
Brother Wei roughly remembers that this decree was proposed by you, third brother! "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and nodded cheerfully.

"You are right, this decree was indeed proposed by this young master.

After I wrote the letter to the emperor, after several discussions among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, I finally issued it and announced it to the world. "

"Third brother, no matter when Li Ye was in power, or when you are in power now.

This decree has been maintained and has not been changed.

Those people from Tsarist Russia look completely different from our Dalong people.

Therefore, it also means that they are doing business in the territory of my Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

Because of this decree, they couldn't watch the way the people planted potatoes and sweet potatoes up close.

This is the root of another problem mentioned by Brother Wei.

Those caravans from Tsarist Russia, even if they were lucky enough to get some potatoes and sweet potato seeds.

However, they don't know how to grow these two kinds of grains, and they still stare blankly.

Guarding Baoshan empty, but helpless.

It is from the consideration of these two situations that I feel that I am a brother.

The final result may not be as bad as we imagined. "

After listening to Song Qing's eloquent analysis, Zhou Baoyu clapped his hands excitedly.

"Marshal, what Brother Song said makes sense.

Even if the people of Tsarist Russia got these two kinds of grains, their land might not be suitable for planting!
Even if they are suitable for planting, they may not know how and how to plant.

The commander-in-chief is worthy of being a commander-in-chief, and he is indeed a forward-thinking agency.

As early as more than ten years ago, he had already thought of a way to guard against the barbarians. "

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea, put down the teacup, turned around and walked towards his desk.

Opening the drawer of the desk casually, First Young Master Liu rummaged through it silently.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi turned back with a few pieces of yellowed rice paper in his hand.

Liu Mingzhi divided several pieces of yellowed rice paper into two, and handed them to the two of them respectively.

"Third brother, this is?"


Liu Mingzhi untied the tobacco bag, and lit another pot of tobacco.

He took a strong puff of the dry cigarette, pouted his mouth and gestured to the rice paper in the hands of the two of them.

"It is beyond doubt whether the land of Tsarist Russia can grow potatoes and sweet potatoes, two types of food.

After Chengfeng and Serena, the young couple, returned from Tsarist Russia with the young master's grandson.

Back then, those soldiers who escorted Chengfeng had already carefully investigated the situation in Tsarist Russia in private.

Regarding the general situation in Tsarist Russia, my young master, I remember what I mentioned to you.

What, neither of you remember? "

Song and Qing were stunned, and immediately looked down at the rice paper in their hands.

After reading the contents on the rice paper in their hands, Song Qing and Song Qing looked at each other with embarrassing expressions, and then laughed bitterly.

"Third brother, to be honest, Brother Wei really forgot about these situations.

After seeing the content on the rice paper, Brother Wei remembered that not only you mentioned it to me, but my son also reported to me the situation there after returning Dalong from Tsarist Russia.

Unfortunately, we haven't discussed the situation in Tsarist Russia again for so long.

Therefore, over time, I gradually put these situations behind me. "

Zhou Baoyu tidied up the rice paper in his hand and scratched his neck in embarrassment.

"Marshal, the situation here at the end of the general is similar to that of Brother Song.

I haven't paid attention to this aspect for a long time, and I also forgot about some situations. "

Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of light smoke slowly, staring at the map in front of him quietly.

"You guys forgot, this young master will never forget."

Song Qing put the yellowed rice paper aside, and also looked up at the mountains and rivers on the map.

"Third brother, after the first situation is ruled out, there is one remaining situation."

Zhou Baoyu hesitated for a moment, this time he was not echoing anything.

He was afraid that after he echoed Song Qing's words, he would be slapped in the face by Young Master Liu again.

as predicted.

Facts have proved that Zhou Baoyu's idea is still correct.

Liu Mingzhi held his dry tobacco in one hand, and walked up the vast line of Dalong's frontier on the map with the other.

After putting down his right arm, Young Master Liu chuckled cheerfully a few times.

"Big brother."

"Do you think what Baoyu said before, the Tsarist Russian soldiers who appeared around my Dalong border from time to time.

Really, is it as simple as just patrolling their borders? "

"Third brother, didn't Baoyu just say that?
When he was drinking with some generals of Tsarist Russia, he had already asked those generals.

The reason why they appear there is related to our Dalong's..."

During Song Qing's words, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at Zhou Baoyu.

"Brother Baoyu, most of the soldiers in your camp investigating the surrounding situation are those soldiers from Tsarist Russia?"

"Every situation is different, there are seventeen or eight miles, and there are also three or five miles.

Sometimes when the weather is bad, there are also cases of one or two miles away. "

"Were they close to your fields of potatoes and sweet potatoes when you discovered their whereabouts?"

Zhou Baoyu's complexion changed, and he clenched his fist and beat vigorously in the palm of his hand a few times.

"Marshal, Brother Song, what do you mean to say that those soldiers from Tsarist Russia secretly observed the way our Dalong soldiers planted potatoes and sweet potatoes under the guise of patrolling the frontier?"

Song Qing looked at Zhou Baoyu's nervous face, turned his head to look at Young Master Liu who was staring at the map silently, and nodded with a complicated expression.

"Brother Baoyu, since the third brother has reached this point.

If nothing else, it is likely to be the case. "

Zhou Baoyu cracked his fists and looked at the map in front of him with gloomy eyes.

"Marshal, the last general... the last general..."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at Zhou Baoyu, smiled lightly and waved his hand as a signal.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

"Boss, it's okay!
Once Tsarist Russia gets these two kinds of grain, within five years or so, their population will surely increase on a large scale.

The increase in the population of the common people means that the number of soldiers available for conscripts has increased.

Similarly, the strength of the Tsarist Russian court also increased.

To have such a fierce tiger by our side is definitely not a good thing for our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

Marshal, the strength of other countries is not our luck! "

Liu Mingzhi rubbed the tip of his nose with his fingers, and nodded with a leisurely smile.

"What's the hurry, if it increases, it will increase.

Their strength has increased, which may not be a good thing for my dragon. "

"Ah? Marshal, you are not confused..."

"Ah, what? Everything, there is a kid named Chengfeng."

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