My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3102 Feng Guixi 2

Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu with a look of astonishment on his face, walked up to him lightly with lotus steps, and waved with a smile like a flower.

"Big fruit."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looked at the smiling person in front of him, his eyes were shining with complex and pleasant surprises.

"Girl, why... have you come back to the capital too?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Ren Qingrui immediately put away the smile on her stunning face, and rolled her eyes resentfully.

"What's the matter? Sister, I can't come back to the capital?"

Young Master Liu felt the beauty's gaze full of resentment, and shook his head without hesitation.

"No, no, brother definitely didn't mean that."

Ren Qingrui pinched her slender waist with both hands, walked gently in front of First Young Master Liu, and glared at him with a reproachful expression.

"Then what did you mean by what you just said?
Tell me yourself, what do you mean I have come back to the capital?

What's the matter, you really don't want to see my sister come to the capital to scatter? "

Qi Yun, Qinglian, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters saw Ren Qingrui's actions, instead of saying anything to stop them, on the contrary, they all showed expressions of interest on top of their beautiful faces with their own merits.

As for Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Little Cutie, Liu Zhenghao and their brothers and sisters, they looked elsewhere with erratic eyes, pretending to be looking at the arrangement in the hall.

Seeing the different expressions of the people, Liu Mingzhi pinched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

"Girl, brother doesn't mean that."

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's answer, Ren Qingrui asked again: "Then tell me, what do you mean?"

"Girl, brother, I'm just a little surprised.

I never thought that you would go back to the capital with the sisters Lian Er and Shu Er.

Seeing your figure at first glance, Brother Wei couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

That's why I asked you subconsciously, why did you come back to the capital. "


"Of course it's true. Brother Wei is really just too surprised."

Ren Qingrui let go of the hands pinching her slender waist, and her demeanor became elegant and dignified again.

She looked at First Young Master Liu with a reproachful expression, and snorted softly.

"Hmph, you still have a conscience!"

Seeing that the relationship between the two calmed down so quickly, Qi Yun and the other sisters couldn't help showing a look of disappointment in their eyes.

Obviously they were concerned about the result of not being able to watch a good show.

It's a pity!

Qi Yun lightly smacked her cherry lips twice, walked up to First Young Master Liu with a smile, and stopped beside Ren Qingrui.

"Husband, sister Qingrui finally came back to our house, you can't let her just stand like this?"

Qi Yun's words helped First Young Master Liu out of the siege.

First Young Master Liu let out a silent breath, and waved his hand cheerfully as a gesture.

"Girl, Lian'er, Shu'er, you must have worked hard all the way, eating and sleeping in the open air.

Come, come, sit down and rest your feet. "

When Young Master Liu was about to walk towards the throne, Qi Yun suddenly raised her lotus arms and stopped in front of him.

Young Master Liu was taken aback, looked at Qi Yun suspiciously and asked softly, "Yun'er, what's the matter? Do you have anything else to tell your husband?"

Hearing her husband's questioning words, Qi Yun rolled her eyes coquettishly, and raised her finger to indicate the hall.

"Husband, after we had breakfast, Yu'er and the other sisters just cleaned up the tables in the living room one by one.

Today, the water stains on the table case have not yet dried.

Do you think, under such circumstances, is it suitable to entertain Sister Qingrui in the hall? "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, followed the direction of Qi Yun's finger, turned his head and looked at several desks in the hall.

As Qi Yun said, there are still faint traces of water on the tables and chairs in the hall!

"Yun'er, it's not my husband's fault, I was stopped at the door by your sisters and others before I entered.

In this way, how would I know that Yu'er and the others had just cleaned up the tables and chairs? "

While talking, Liu Mingzhi turned around and waved to Liu Song.


"I'm here, young master, what are your orders?"

"You go to Xiaowu and the others right away, and clean up the living room as soon as possible."

"Yes, my little one obeys."

Just as Liu Song was about to turn around and leave, Qi Yun immediately raised her hand as a signal.

"Liu Song, wait a minute."

Liu Song paused, and looked at Qi Yun suspiciously.

"Young lady, what are your orders?"

Qi Yun did not answer Liu Song's question, but turned to look at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, going to the living room to entertain Sister Qingrui, isn't it too outlandish.

The concubine thought, why don't we go to the snow viewing pavilion in the garden and sit for a while. "

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, her beautiful eyes glanced at the sisters around her with a smile.

"Sisters, what do you think?"

"Husband, Sister Yun'er is right, why don't we sit in the snow garden?"

"My concubine seconded the proposal, the place over the living room is a bit small, so there are so many of us, it might be a bit cramped.

But the garden is good, not only the air is good, but also the location is open. "

"Yes, yes, yes, sister Rui'er is not an outsider, it's really too strange to go to the living room."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties who kept persuading him, and quickly waved his hand as a signal.

"That's right, let's go wherever your sisters tell you to go."

"Yeah, thank you husband."

"Husband, let's go there then."

After Qi Yun, her sisters and others looked at each other, they walked towards Ren Qingrui with smiling eyes.

"Sister Qingrui, let's go to the garden."

"Sister Rui'er, when you lived at home, you liked to hang out in the garden the most.

The last time you went to the state, it was such a long time.

Today you come back with great difficulty, but you have to remember the scenery in the garden well. "

Ren Qingrui looked at the enthusiastic attitude of Qi Yun and the other sisters, and her delicate face turned rosy.

She raised her eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, her beautiful eyes shyly looked at the beauties and nodded slightly.

"Well, my sister listens to my sisters."

"Hee hee, sister Rui'er, you are still the same as before, blushing at every turn."

"Sister Xiaoxi, you are wrong.

Sister Qingrui's character is not the kind of person who blush at every turn.

The reason why she blushed was because she was blushing in front of some heartless guy. "

"Yes, yes, yes, it is more insightful to say what my sister said politely."

Listening to the joking words of the queen and the other sisters, Ren Qingrui's cheeks were already stained with a layer of blush.

In a sentence of laughter, it became more and more bright red.

Ren Qingrui knew very well in her heart that Qi Yun, the empress and the other sisters were trying their best to make good things happen between him and Liu Mingzhi.

She already has her own heart, so naturally she won't refute anything.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's shy and timid face, heaved a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Liu Song who was standing aside.



"Prepare something like a desk table and send it to the snow viewing pavilion in the garden."

"Yes, little one understands."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the back of Liu Song walking away, smiled lightly and waved to the beauties.

"Let's go, let's go to the Snow Pavilion."

"Hey, here we come."

Qi Ya looked at the group of people in front of her with a smile, and gently tugged Qi Yun's sleeve with her knuckles.

Qi Yun paused slightly, and immediately turned sideways to look at her sister.

"elder sister?"

"Sister, husband, you go first."

"Huh? Sister, what are you going to do?"

Qi Ya let out a sigh of relief, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Silly sister, we can't just sit and reminisce in the snow viewing pavilion, can we?
Shouldn't the maids send some pastries, candied fruit, tea, snacks and other snacks? "

Hearing her sister's helpless words, Qi Yun immediately raised her hand and patted her tender forehead.

"Yes, yes, sister, you should be more thoughtful.

The younger sister was only thinking about how to bring her husband and younger sister Qingrui together, forgetting the most basic things. "

Qi Ya lightly patted the back of her younger sister's hand, raised her head and raised her red lips a few times towards the group of people who had gone away.

"Sister, hurry up and go, my sister will tell the maids and go."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, sister."

Qi Yun had just walked a few steps, and seemed to think of something again, and quickly turned around and chased after Qi Ya.

"Sister, wait a moment."

Qi Ya's lotus feet paused slightly, and she turned her head to look at Qi Yun who was chasing towards her.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Sister, Sister Qingrui, when she lived in our house, she liked to drink the peach blossom brewed by you.

When you rush to the Snow Pavilion later, don’t forget to take two altars of peach blossom wine with you. "

Hearing her sister's explanation, Qi Ya smiled lightly and shook her head: "My good sister, even if you don't remind me, my sister will take the two altars with me."

Hearing her sister's recovery, Qi Yun smiled lightly and nodded.

"Since you have already thought about it, sister, I won't say anything more about it.

Elder sister, my younger sister is going to her husband's place first. "

"Well, hurry up and go."

Qi Yun nodded with a smile, turned around and walked quickly towards the garden.

Looking at Qi Yun's hurried back, Qi Ya shook her head helplessly.

"Silly sister, can't you see it?

This was already a matter of course. "

When Qi Yun arrived at the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, Young Master Liu and the others had already settled down in the pavilion.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who walked into the pavilion with lotus steps, and waved with a light smile.

"Yun'er, what did you and Sister Ya do?"

"Husband, my concubine and sister went to arrange tea.

Sister Lian'er, Sister Shu'er, and Sister Qingrui rushed all the way back to the capital from Sichuan, and they must have suffered a lot.

The concubine is not allowed to prepare some tea to quench their thirst. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, and looked at Qinglian with a sad expression, Wenren Yunshu and the other two sisters.

"Lian'er, Shu'er."

"Hey, my concubine is here."


Liu Mingzhi looked at the puzzled expressions of Qinglian and sisters, and sighed with emotion.

"Hey, you two sisters have seen it, in the heart of your sister Yun, you two are more important than your husband!

You must know that on the day Wei Fu just rushed home from Sichuan, Yun'er, let alone prepare tea for him alone.

Even if it was a glass of cold water just brought out from the well, she didn't prepare a pot for her husband! "

When Qi Yun heard Young Master Liu's words, her eyes suddenly became angry.

"Husband, stop talking about being a concubine here.

How dare you say that you didn't drink tea on the day you came back? "

"Drink it, but it's the leftover herbal tea from your sisters!"
"You! You, you're dying of thirst."

"Hey hey, you can't bear it!"

Young Master Liu didn't wait for Qinglian, Wenren Yunshu and sisters replied, and then turned their heads to look at Ren Qingrui.


Ren Qingrui's delicate face was slightly startled, and she instinctively looked towards Young Master Liu.

"Well, Da Guoguo, what happened?"

"Girl, what Brother Wei said just now is not just for the sisters Lian Er and Shu Er.

In the same way, it is also for you to hear. "

Ren Qingrui's heart trembled, she lowered her head with a blushing pretty face.


Although Ren Qingrui had already heard the deep meaning contained in Young Master Liu's words, she still retorted softly.

"Da Guoguo, what you said has nothing to do with me, my sister!"

Hearing Ren Qingrui's tone of concealment, Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun who was sitting opposite him with a smile.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Yun'er, if my father's expectations are good, sister Ya has already gone to prepare peach blossom wine, right?"

Qi Yun's delicate body trembled slightly, and a look of embarrassment appeared on her pretty face.

At this moment, she still doesn't understand.

Husband, he has already seen through the tricks between his sisters and others.

Qi Yun let out a sigh of relief, looked at Young Master Liu and nodded slightly.

"Husband, you are right, my sister has indeed gone to fetch peach blossom wine."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and looked at Ren Qingrui with a smile.


"Huh? Big Guoguo?"

"How about it, Yun'er and the sisters, don't they value you enough?"

Ren Qingrui glanced at Qi Yun and the other sisters gratefully, and nodded like a mosquito.

"Well, my sister knows."

Liu Mingzhi raised his legs and leaned lazily on the pavilion pillar behind him.

"Girl, let's not talk about these things in depth."

Ren Qingrui pursed her delicate red lips a few times, and looked at Liu Mingzhi curiously.

"Da Guoguo, then what do you want to talk about with your sister?"

"Tell me, Brother Wei, why did you come back to the capital with Lian Er, Shu Er and the other two sisters?"

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of nervousness in her bright eyes.

"Da Guoguo, the question you want to ask my sister is just why I came back to the capital?"

Liu Mingzhi sensed the tension in the beauty's tone, and his mind tightened suddenly.

He knew that Ren Qingrui must have misunderstood himself.

"Girl, don't think too much, there is no other meaning in asking you this question for brother.

I'm just curious. "

Ren Qingrui was overjoyed when she saw the nervousness on Young Master Liu's face.

She could see that her sweetheart was nervous about her emotions.

She suppressed the joy in her heart, and slightly opened her mouth to ask back.

"Just curious? Curious about what?"

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