My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3113 Wait, why not

Chapter 3113 Wait, why not

"Girl, what's wrong?"

Ren Qingrui let go of her hands that were wrapping Young Master Liu's arm, and the two pale jade fingers hooked together casually, and twisted gently.

"Da Guoguo, I hope you can tell me frankly.

This time, sister, shouldn't I come back with Sister Qinglian and Sister Yunshu?

If, if this is the case, my sister and I will leave the capital and return to Shu after staying at your house for a few days. "

Liu Mingzhi's expression tightened, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands.

"No, no, girl, you think too much, brother definitely doesn't have this idea."


"Of course it's true. Didn't my brother tell you when the two of us were reminiscing about the past at the Snow Pavilion?"

"In that case, why are you?


"Why what?"

Ren Qingrui pursed her cherry lips a few times with some hesitation, looked up at Liu Mingzhi's puzzled expression, smiled lightly and shook her head gently.

"Nothing, nothing?"

"No, brother, looking at your expression, it seems that you have a lot of things you want to say to me.

Girl, there is nothing to see between the two of us.

If you want to say something to Brother Wei, or want to ask Brother Wei, just ask directly.

No matter what you say, brother will not mind. "

Ren Qingrui let out a sigh of relief, chuckled again and shook her head.

"Da Guoguo, nothing, really nothing."

Seeing Ren Qingrui's appearance like this, Liu Mingzhi sighed softly in his heart, and didn't continue to chase after her.

How could he fail to see that Ren Qingrui actually held back a lot of words in her heart and did not speak out.

However, since she doesn't want to say it now, she can't keep asking.

Everyone has their own concerns, their own ideas, and their own respect for her decision.

When the time came and she wanted to tell herself, she would naturally say so.

"Well, since that's the case, Brother Wei won't press you anymore."

Ren Qingrui blinked her eyes a few times, and nodded with complicated eyes.

She could already hear the implication of Liu Mingzhi's words.

I am no longer pressing you.

In other words, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask any more.

With just this simple sentence, Ren Qingrui knew that Da Guoguo had already seen through his thoughts.

Actually, Ren Qingrui really wanted to ask Liu Mingzhi now.

Sister, after I came back to the capital, since you are in such a happy mood.

Then you were outside Chengzhou City, in the small courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

Does the promise to me that the Ming media is getting married and the eight-carriage sedan chair still count?
Only helpless.

The indistinct barrier between himself and his sweetheart forced him to swallow the words that were already on his lips.

Perhaps, the sweetheart is not ready to marry himself as a wife yet.

That being the case, why should I ask again?

Just wait with peace of mind!

Wait until the day when Liu Mingzhi has made all the preparations and takes the initiative to marry him as his wife.

After all, I have been waiting for so many years.

What's the harm in waiting?
After Ren Qingrui figured this out, a faint smile appeared on her delicate face again.

Seeing the smile gradually returning to the beautiful woman's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi silently breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what Ren Qingrui is thinking.

However, he could feel how Ren Qingrui was feeling.

From the beauty's smile, I could tell that the smile on her face was from the heart, not a forced smile.

So good, so good.


"Hey, what happened."

"You don't have anything else to do, do you?"

"No? What's going on? Da Guoguo, what do you need me to do for you?"

"No, brother, I don't need your help with anything.

The documents in the study have been reviewed, and I have been idle for my brother.

Nothing to do, you can go around the city with Brother Wei. "

Ren Qingrui's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"I want it! I want it!"

"Alright then, let's go."

Ren Qingrui grabbed First Young Master Liu's wrist, and she walked faster with a wide smile.

"Da Guoguo, are we going to spread in the outer city? Or in the inner city?"

"It's all right, just walk around and relax."

"Then let's go to the outer city, there are many delicious things in the outer city, and my sister hasn't eaten it for a long, long time.

This time when I come back to the capital, my sister, I have to review it carefully. "

"Okay, listen to you."

"Yeah, let's go then."

Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

In the blink of an eye, the day has come to the end of October.

Dalong Taiping six years, October 29th.

A cold, windy, gloomy night.

Ruixue, the first fall.

The capital city of Dalong finally had its first snow this year that night.

The next day, the sky was bright.

Early in the morning, cheers echoed one after another in the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

"Wow, it's snowing, it's snowing."

"Sister Yunxin, hurry up and find sister Yaoyao, sister Yueer and the others, let's have a snowball fight together."

"It's snowing, it's snowing, it's finally snowing."

"It's so beautiful."

"Fifth brother, sixth sister, let's go to have a snowball fight."

In Xiyuan, the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion, in Huyan Yunyao's boudoir.

Under the warm brocade quilt, Liu Mingzhi was hugging left and right, sleeping soundly with even breathing.

Suddenly, Young Master Liu opened his eyes suddenly, sat up sleepily, leaned forward and looked out the window of the boudoir.

"What's the situation? Why is it so noisy in the early morning?"

First Young Master Liu muttered to himself, then yawned sleepily.

As First Young Master Liu sat up, a gust of cool air suddenly entered the warm blanket.

Sisters Huyan Yunyao and Yun Xiaoxi seemed to be feeling something, blinking their eyes a few times with pretty faces and lazily.

Huyan Yunyao groaned softly, wrapped her snow-white jade body with a brocade quilt, and sat up lazily.

"Hey, my husband, there is no big court meeting today, why did you get up so early?"

Yun Xiaoxi curled up her tender and delicate body with bumps, and muttered a word with a naive expression.

"Husband, please tuck the quilt quickly, it's a bit cold."

Young Master Liu immediately pushed the brocade quilt down, picked up the clothes from the bedside and draped them over his body.

"Yao'er, it's too noisy outside, my husband was woken up."

Huyan Yunyao raised her hand to cover her cherry lips lightly, and after yawning lightly, she leaned her willow waist and headed towards the outside of her boudoir.

Hearing the sound of yelling coming from outside the room, Huyan Yunyao frowned lightly.

"It's a bit noisy, what happened in the early morning?"

"Who knows, Yao'er, you two sisters, go on sleeping, and get up for my husband to see what's going on."

"Husband, I can't sleep anymore, let me help you change your clothes."

First Young Master Liu nodded lightly, lifted the brocade quilt and got off the bed straight away.

"Okay, let's get up together then."

After Huyan Junyao put on her underwear and her shoes, she walked lightly to the wardrobe next to the bed.

"Husband, what are you wearing today?"

"There is no court meeting today, so you can just wear a Confucian robe."

"Hey, I know, what about the color?"

"Anything, any color is fine."

"Okay, I'll give you my concubine's body."

Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful woman who was choosing clothes for him in front of the closet, tightened his obscene clothes, and walked slowly towards the main hall.


"Husband, what's wrong?"

"Did you put fresh briquettes in the stove last night?"

"Husband, the concubine has exchanged two yuan!"

"It's changed. Why does my husband feel that it's a little cold to walk today?"

"My lord, this is so normal!
It's already the end of October now, the weather changes every day, and it's not surprising that it's cold. "

"That's true."

Young Master Liu gently responded to the beauty, walked slowly to the side of the stove, and reached out to lift the steaming copper pot on it.

Looking down at the red briquettes burning in the stove, Young Master Liu shook his head with a surprised face, and walked towards the washing rack behind the screen with the kettle in his hand.

"Yao'er, my husband just saw it, the briquettes in the stove are burning just right!"

"The concubine has said it all, the concubine has replaced the briquettes.

Husband, this concubine will help you change your clothes. "

"Okay, for my husband, pour the hot water for washing first."

When Huyan Yunyao was serving Young Master Liu to change clothes, bursts of laughter suddenly came from the courtyard outside the boudoir,

"It's snowing, it's snowing."

"Daddy, Aunt Yunyao, Aunt Xiaoxi, it's snowing, it's snowing."

Young Master Liu frowned, and looked out of the room with joy.

"Got it, you guys go play first!"

"Hey, Lian Niang knows.

ah!Sister Yunxin, you are playing tricks, and dare to sneak attack me. "

Listening to the noise of fighting in the courtyard, Liu Mingzhi looked towards Huyan Yunyao cheerfully.

"My husband also said, no wonder the weather is a bit cold today, it turned out to be snowing."

"Husband, it's so lively outside, I think it's because of the snow."

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded, then turned and walked to the washing rack next to him.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year, it's snowing in the capital."

"Husband, wash up quickly, the hot water should be cold in a while."

"Okay, okay, my husband knows."


Holding the hot towel in his hand, Young Master Liu walked towards the bed with a smile.

"The creek."

"Little Creek!"

Yun Xiaoxi opened his eyes lazily, and looked at First Young Master Liu in a daze.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi gently sat up on the head of the bed, and pulled Yun Xiaoxi out of the bed with a smile.

"Xiaoxi, it's snowing outside, do you want to get up and enjoy the snow?"

When Yun Xiaoxi heard First Young Master Liu's soft words, his sleepy eyes woke up immediately.

"What? It's snowing?"

First Young Master Liu looked at Yun Xiaoxi's surprised expression, smiled lightly and said, "Yes, it's snowing, Xiaoxi, do you want to get up?"

Yun Xiaoxi sat up suddenly, picked up the underclothes at the head of the bed and put them on.

"Get up, this concubine will get up now."

While wearing clothes, Yun Xiaoxi gave First Young Master Liu a white look.

"Stinky husband, why didn't you call me a concubine earlier?"

Young Master Liu looked at the beauty's coquettish look, and shook his head angrily.

"Xiaoxi, can you blame your husband for this? It's obviously you who stayed in bed, okay?"

"It's your fault, it's your fault."

"Okay, okay, it's all my husband's fault, it's all my husband's fault, get up quickly."

"Husband, you pick me up and change clothes, I'm too lazy to move."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and threw the hot towel directly on the changing rack not far away, then leaned over and hugged the beautiful woman out of the warm bed.

"Silly Xiaoxi, how about it, can I spoil you for my husband?"

Yun Xiaoxi nodded with a smile like a flower, and gently moved her slender fingers on the tip of Young Master Liu's nose.

"Concubine, thank you for your good husband."

"Husband, hurry up and let Xiaoxi sister wash up, the hot water will be cold in a while."

"I'm coming."

It took about a stick of incense to work.

After the three of them finished dressing, they walked out of the room talking and laughing.

"Wow, that's a lot of snow."

"Husband, come and see the snow scene, it's so beautiful."

"I'm coming."

Liu Mingzhi walked into the courtyard with a smile, and looked up at the heavy snowflakes flying all over the sky.

"Husband, let's go find Sister Yun and tell them politely."

"Come on."

"Slave Lu'er sees the young master, sees the two young wives."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you sir."

"Lu'er, where are Yun'er and the others now?"

"Master, young ladies, young master, young miss, they have already gone to the garden to enjoy the snow."

"Understood, you go to your own business first."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

"Husband, Sister Yun, and Sister Ya have all passed by, let's hurry there too."

"Good good."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, and accompanied the two beauties all the way to the garden.

"Husband, hurry up, hurry up."

When Young Master Liu and his wife came to the garden together.

Qi Yun, the empress, the third princess and their sisters are walking in the snow holding oil-paper umbrellas, talking and laughing.

At the same time, in the open space in the distance, the sound of laughter and fights from First Young Master Liu and his sons and daughters could be heard.

When Qi Yun, Qinglian and the other sisters saw the figures of Young Master Liu and the three of them, they immediately went up to meet them.

"Ah, my husband, get up!"

"The concubine sees her husband."

"My sister has seen Da Guoguo."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties in front of him who saluted him, and waved his hands cheerfully.

"No courtesy, no courtesy, no courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you, Da Guoguo."

"Husband, my concubine sisters were talking just now, when will you guys wake up!

Unexpectedly, the concubine sisters just started talking, and your sister has already woken up. "

Liu Mingzhi tightened the cloak on his body, and looked cheerfully at the figures of children chasing and playing in the snow through the heavy snow.

"Hey, husband, I don't want to get up so early, but I can't help it.

The noise of the children playing and playing is so loud, it would be strange if I could continue to sleep for my husband. "

The Empress, Murong Shan, their sisters and others looked at each other with smiling eyes after hearing Young Master Liu's helpless words.

"Husband, my concubine sisters are going to appreciate the plum blossoms at the Snow Pavilion.

It just so happens that you're up too, so let's go there together. "

First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture, and rushed towards the snow-appreciating pavilion with his hands behind his back.

"Let's go and see how the plum blossoms are blooming this year."

"Hey, here we come."

"Big fruit."

"Huh? Girl."

"This morning, I really answered your poem.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear trees bloom. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the words that were already wrapped in silver in front of him, and breathed out into the palm of his hand with a smile.

"Hehehe, suddenly like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of pear trees are blooming!"

"Master! Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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