My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3123 Lead by Example

Liu Mingzhi looked at his son muttering to himself, and looked at the swaddle on the left with a smile.

"What? Are you not satisfied with the name changed for your father?
If you're not satisfied, then forget it, and treat it like a father, I didn't say anything just now. "

Liu Chengzhi quickly raised his head and waved his hand without hesitation.

"No, no, the child is not dissatisfied.

The child is just thinking about which of the two names sounds better. "

Liu Mingzhi handed the swaddle wrapped around his grandson into Qi Yun's arms, and with a smile he moved his fingers on the tip of his granddaughter's tender nose a few times.

"Clear dew, clear dew.

Chengzhi, if your father expected it well, the name Qinglu should be taken from the Book of Songs by you and Jingyao? "

Liu Chengzhi looked slightly startled, and then nodded hurriedly.

"Returning to my father's words, it is taken from the wild creeping grass in the Book of Songs."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and looked out of the hall with a smile.

"There are vines in the wild, and there is no dew.

There is a beautiful person, Qing Yang Wanxi.

The name Qinglu is taken from these two poems. The name is very pleasant and artistic.

However, there is something that doesn't quite fit the mood of the beautiful scenery in front of you. "

Liu Chengzhi followed Liu Dashao's gaze and looked out of the hall, watching the heavy snow of goose feathers flying in the sky outside the hall, and suddenly understood what Dad meant.

As far as the scenery in front of you is concerned, the name of Qingxue is indeed more appropriate than the name of Qinglu.

"At this moment, Ruixue is just descending, and there is a girl coming.

At this moment, the name of snow is indeed more in line with the current artistic conception than the name of dew.

Liu Qingxue!Liu Qingxue!
Well, my daughter's name is Liu Qingxue. "

Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly, and glanced at Liu Chengzhi with a smile.

"Chengzhi, after all, the name Qinglu was taken out by Jingyao girl and the two of you together.

Now it has changed to the word Qingxue, so you don't need to discuss it with Jingyao girl. "

Liu Chengzhi leaned over and glanced in the direction of the main hall, and smiled with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

"Father, baby knows Jingyao. After she finds out, she will definitely agree without hesitation."

"That's good, that's good, don't let the two of you make trouble because of such a trivial matter."

"No, no."

Liu Dashao withdrew his gaze and handed the swaddle to Liu Chengzhi with a chuckle.

"Come on, take a good look at your daughter."


Young Master Liu moved his wrist and looked back at Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters.

"Yun, Sister Ya, Wan Yan, do you sisters have any different ideas?

If not, our granddaughter's future name will be Qingxue. "

"Husband, my concubine has no other thoughts."

"Husband, Qingxue is fine."

"The concubine agrees, the name Qingxue is too good."

Liu Chengzhi shook the swaddling clothes in his hand cautiously, and walked to Qi Yun's side lightly and stopped.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why don't you use your eldest grandson's name and help the boy and Jingyao to refer to it again."

Liu Mingzhi pursed the corners of his mouth, looked up at the grandson in Qi Yun's arms and pondered for a while, then shook his head silently.

"Your eldest brother named his son Liu Chenyu, and you were inspired by your eldest brother to name his son Liu Chenshuo.

Liu Chenyu, Liu Chenshuo.

This name is very good, there is nothing to change, so let's take this name. "

Liu Chengzhi saw that his father had said so, so naturally he had no other opinion.

He turned his head and glanced at his son who was being held in Qi Yun's arms, and said cheerfully, "Hey, I know, my son's name will be called Liu Chenshuo from now on."

Qi Yun gently lifted the swaddle in her hand, and Lian Bu walked gently in front of her husband.

"Husband, grandson seems to be sleepy."

Liu Mingzhi looked down, saw the sleepy appearance of the little guy, and waved his hand with a smile.

"Yun'er, my father, the old man and the father-in-law have already seen it.

You and Chengzhi, let's send their siblings back to Jingyao first. "

"Hey, the concubine will be sent to Jingyao."

"Chengzhi, let's go back to the main hall first."

"Okay, baby knows."

"Father, grandfather, grandpa, that boy will go back to the main hall first."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and waved his hand: "Don't forget to wrap the swaddle tightly, so that the child does not get cold winds."

"The boy knows."

The queen lightly twitched her pretty nose, and Hao Mu glanced around in the hall suspiciously.
"Sister Lian'er, sister Yan'er, sisters, did you smell a burning lake?"

"Well, it seems to have such a lake smell."

"It tastes like sweet potatoes that have been roasted."

Liu Dashao's face stiffened, he slapped his hands vigorously, and hurriedly ran towards the stove not far away.

"Hey, what the fuck, this young master's roasted sweet potato."

Liu Dashao picked up the tongs next to him, and quickly took out the sweet potato, which had already been roasted, from the stove.

"Old man, father-in-law, the sweet potato is ready, come and eat it while it's hot."


"Come here, come here."

"Sister Ya, Lian'er, Rongrong, do you sisters want to eat?"


"Are there too many sweet potatoes? If there are too many, I'll have one concubine."

"Husband, my concubine is here too. When I was at home before, I only cared about talking. The concubine sisters hardly eat much!"

Master Liu put the tongs aside, picked up a roasted sweet potato, and peeled off the charred skin.


Liu Dashao was sitting on the round stool, and just as he was about to pick up the sweet potato and put it in his mouth, he heard Qi Lan greet him.

"Well, my father-in-law?"

Qi Lan walked to the side and sat down, looking at Young Master Liu with a complicated look, as if he wanted to say something.

When Liu Mingzhi saw Qi Lan's expression of hesitating to speak, he couldn't help showing a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Father-in-law, what's the matter? Do you have something to tell your son-in-law?"

Qi Lan hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently.

"Old man, I have something I want to ask you about."

"Father-in-law, please speak."

"Zhi'er, is the imperial court's rest period this year the same as before?"

Liu Mingzhi lightly took a bite of the sweet potato, smiled and nodded at Qi Landan.

"That's right, if nothing unexpected happens, the imperial court's rest period this year will be the same as in previous years.

Father-in-law, why are you suddenly concerned about this kind of thing?Did something happen? "

Hearing Liu Dashao's questioning appeal, Qi Lan sighed with a sigh, and put the roasted sweet potato in his hand on the table next to him.

"Forget it, since you've asked Zhi'er like that, I'll be outspoken, old man."

"Okay, my father-in-law, but it's okay to say it."

"Zhi'er, it is like this.

It has been two years since the kid Qi Liang was transferred by you to serve as the governor of the two prefectures in the Beifu and the Songzhou.

In the past two years, since he was transferred to Beidi as an official, the old man, your mother-in-law, our husband and wife, Lianger and their family have met once in total.

In the months leading up to the end of the year, your mother-in-law talked a lot about her son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter.

Therefore, the old man would like to ask you if this year's rest period can be earlier. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and gently placed the sweet potato in his hand in the tray on the table.

"It turns out that, my father-in-law, my son-in-law understands what you mean."

"Zhi'er, what this old man said just now has no other meaning.

The old man and your mother-in-law are both of our age now, and our health is not as good as before.

If it was when we were young, the old couple of us would rush to Beidi to visit Liang'er and his family by horse-drawn carriage in our spare time.

It's a pity, the years are not forgiving!

Although the old man is old, he is a man after all.

It's not a big deal for me to travel a long way by myself. What I'm worried about is that your mother-in-law's body will be overwhelmed. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complicated expression, Qi Lan carried the pot, Liu Zhian and the two poured a cup of tea.


"Zhier, say it."

"Father-in-law, you and your mother-in-law understand what your son-in-law thinks.

It's just...just..."

"Just what? Zhier, just say it."

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea, and pointed to the flying snow outside the hall with a wry smile.

"Father-in-law, it's already snowing so heavily in the capital now.

Compared with the capital here, the wind and snow on the north side, I am afraid that it is even worse.

As a result, it was inevitable that the road was blocked by heavy snow on the north side.

Under such circumstances, the youngest son-in-law would let the court enter a period of rest today.

Brother Qi Liang and his younger siblings, it is estimated that... it is estimated that..."

Liu Mingzhi only said half of his words and stopped.

He knew that Qi Lan would definitely understand what he meant.

Qi Lan looked outside the hall subconsciously. When he looked at the scene of the cold wind whistling and heavy snow outside the hall, he was silent for a while with a bitter expression, and nodded with a wry smile. …

Obviously, he already understood what Liu Dashao meant.

Under the weather that the road was blocked by heavy snow, the chances of my son's family rushing back to the capital from the north are very few.

Even if their family could rush back, Qi Lan would not agree.

Hurrying in such weather, the unpredictable crisis is really too big.

"Zhi'er, this old man understands what you mean.

On your mother-in-law's side, the old man will slowly unravel her. "

Liu Dashao looked at the sourness on Qi Lan's face, chewed the tea leaves in his mouth, and thought for a while.

"Father-in-law, things are not necessarily as bad as we said, but there are actually some turning points."

Qi Lan's eyes lit up in an instant, and he hurriedly looked at Liu Dashao.

"Zhi'er, what's the turning point?"

"Only let brother Qi Liang and his younger brother and sister return to Beijing together, and the children will continue to stay in Beidi."


"Father-in-law, brother Qi Liang and younger siblings are both adults.

If you want to rush back to the capital against the wind and snow, the problem is still not big.

The left and right is just to suffer and suffer a little on the way back to Beijing.

If you agree, the son-in-law will immediately ask Liu Song to pass a letter to Qi Liang's brother Ying Falcon. "

When Qi Lan heard Liu Dashao's words, the expression on his face was both a little moved and a little hesitant.

Seeing Daddy's complicated expression, Qi Ya moved gently to Qi Lan's side and sat down.


"Hey, daughter?"

Qi Ya pursed her cherry lips and pondered for a while, then gently shook her head a few times at Qi Lan.

"Father, why don't you forget it."

"Ya'er, do you also think it's unsafe?"

"Father, that's not what my daughter meant.

"Ah? What about you?"

"Father, the snow in the capital is already so big, and the snow in the north will only get worse.

The snow in the north is heavy, the safety of the people, whether there is sufficient food for winter, and whether the supply of briquettes for heating stoves is sufficient.

This series of problems of people's livelihood and official management cannot be ignored.

As his younger brother, he is the governor of the two governments who is in charge of all the important military and political affairs of the two governments, and the parent official of millions of people.

How can you rashly leave your own land and leave millions of people behind?

The daughter also knows in her heart that you and your mother miss your son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter very much.

However, our family cannot be for our own selfishness.

Just abandoning Daizhou and Songzhou, under the jurisdiction of the two prefectures, regardless of the safety of millions of people in a small prefecture!

Dad, our family's affection is indeed very important.

However, the safety of millions of people is even more important. "

Qi Lan's body trembled, and her expression suddenly became remorseful.

"Ya'er, for the father, for the father."

"Father, husband, he respects you and your mother, and understands your painstaking efforts to miss your son.

This is his due filial piety as a son-in-law.

However, the daughter can't just watch her brother make mistakes!

Since he has chosen the path of the temple, his good brother will naturally give up some things.

This point, not only you and your mother should be considerate, but Ya'er and her sister should also be considerate. "

Qi Lan's lips trembled a few times when she heard her daughter's earnest words. …

"Ya'er, I understand for my father, and I understand for my father."

Qi Ya blinked her slightly sour eyes a few times, and with a smile she picked up the roasted sweet potato on the table and put it in Qi Yun's hand.

"Father, when the ice and snow melt next year, Ya'er and sister will accompany you two elders to the Northland.

Let's live together in my brother's house for a while as a family.

Moreover, you and your mother can also stay at your brother's house for a long time.

Our old house in Jinling will no longer run with long legs, so what's the point of leaving it to the servants to take care of it for a year and a half? "

Qi Lan held the roasted sweet potato that had become warm in one hand, and gently tapped the back of Qi Ya's hand with the other.

"Ya'er, Dad understands, Dad listens to you."

"Dad, don't worry.

Ya'er will talk about it from the mother's side, and Ya'er promises that her mother will not talk about anything in your ear all day long. "

"Ya'er, no need, in fact, your mother never complained about anything.

She said those words mainly because she was eager to read. "

"Father, look at the people in the world, who doesn't miss their relatives.

When you and your mother miss your younger brother, just think about the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who went on expeditions for the country.

Think about it, the wives and children of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers.

More than you, you and your mother miss your younger brother, the younger siblings' family.

I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers on expeditions for the country, but they have been away from home for several years!
Don't their families miss their son more, their husband more, and their father more? "

During Qi Ya's words, she silently looked towards Liu Dashao.

"Father, the family is big, the country is bigger!

Your son-in-law is the king of a country.

More to lead by example. "

Liu Mingzhi saw the beautiful woman's eyes that seemed to be complaining about him, and took a bite of the sweet potato with a wry smile.

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