My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3128 Spring Night

Chen Jie watched her younger sister staring at her husband with tenderness in her eyes, her beautiful eyes narrowed her eyes and placed Chaos on the dinner table.

"Good sister."

"Huh? Sister?"

"Sister, stop staring at your husband intently.

If you are so moved in your heart, when you rest, you just need to do your best to serve your husband well, won't it be enough? "

He Shu was startled when he heard Chen Jie's teasing words, and then he reacted immediately.

She naturally knew what Chen Jie meant by using all her strength.

In an instant, He Shu's stunningly pretty face was instantly covered with a layer of haze.

He Shu stretched out his hand and brought one of the bowls of wontons in front of him, looked at Chen Jie with beautiful eyes, and spat in secret with a blushing face.

"Hey, I'm afraid it's my sister who wants to do this by yourself."

After Chen Jie picked up Young Master Liu's cloak and put it on the hanger, she returned to the chair next to Young Master Liu with a smile and sat down.

"That's right, sister, that's exactly what I think, what can you do to me?"

Regarding He Shu's counterattack, instead of trying to hide the slightest intention, Chen Jie admitted it carelessly.

He Shu was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the spoon next to him after realizing it, and looked away with beautiful eyes dodging.

"Not ashamed."

Young Master Liu saw He Shu's cloudy face, shy and timid, and picked up the bowl and chopsticks with a light smile.

"Jie'er, Shu'er has a thin skin, so don't tease her."

Chen Jie raised her brows, picked up a spoon and put it in Young Master Liu's hand with narrow eyes.

"Yo, is this distressing?"

Young Master Liu looked at Chen Jie's gentle and charming smile, shook his head helplessly, picked up his chopsticks and looked at the four dishes and one soup in front of him.

"Eat, eat, let's eat first.

After my husband is full of wine and food, I will let you, Jieer, see you for my husband. I love you two sisters more. "

Chen Jie blushed pretty, and silently picked up her bowl and chopsticks.

After Liu Mingzhi devoured half a bowl of wontons, he turned his head to look at Chen Jie.


Chen Jie quickly put down the spoon in her hand, and looked up at First Young Master Liu.

"Hey, husband, what's the matter?"

Liu Mingzhi put down the spoon in his hand, picked up the chopsticks and added a piece of sauced beef into the beauty's plate.

"Jie'er, you have something on your mind."

When Chen Jie heard the very affirmative tone, her delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Husband, as a concubine...a concubine..."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Chen Jie's slightly red eye sockets, and let out a long breath with his brows slightly wrinkled.

"Jie'er, from the moment I entered the door as my husband, I saw that your eye sockets were flushed, as if you had cried.

Although it doesn't look particularly obvious, if you look closely, you can still see it. "

Chen Jie blinked her eyes a few times subconsciously, and pursed her red lips a few times with a complex expression.

"Husband, concubine."

"Jie'er, you are sitting next to Wei Fu, so close, if Wei Fu can't see the redness of your eyes, then it will be strange."

"Husband, me."

"My husband originally thought that when we were having dinner, Jie'er, you would take the initiative to bring it up to my husband!
However, Wei Husband has already eaten most of the bowl of wontons, but seeing Jie'er, you don't even have the slightest intention to tell your heart.

There is no other way, as a husband, I had no choice but to ask for it. "

"Husband, concubine, I'm sorry."

Liu Mingzhi patted the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder with a soft expression, picked up the empty bowl in front of the beautiful woman, got up and filled a bowl of chicken soup and put it over.

"Jie'er, tell Weifu, what happened?"

Chen Jie shook her head, subconsciously replied softly: "Return to husband, no, nothing happened."

Liu Mingzhi took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, then put his fingers on the corners of the beauty's eyes and gently kneaded them.

"You still said no, nothing happened, why are your eyes red from crying?

Is there anything between our husband and wife that we can't talk about? "

When First Young Master Liu said the latter sentence, his tone couldn't help but become a little more serious.

Chen Jie heard the change in Young Master Liu's tone, her delicate body trembled uncontrollably, and her face became tense involuntarily.


Seeing the nervousness on Chen Jie's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi also realized that his tone seemed to be a little heavier.

He Shu also put down his bowl and chopsticks, and looked at Chen Jie with worried eyes.

Liu Mingzhi breathed out silently, and stretched out his hand to hold Chen Jie's jade hand in his palm.

"Jie'er, did your husband scare you?"

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu silently, and shook her head without hesitation.

"No, husband, you didn't scare the concubine.

In fact, the concubine is very clear in her heart, husband, the reason why you said that just now is because you are worried about the concubine.

The concubine understands, the concubine understands. "

Liu Mingzhi moved his chair, raised his hands and hugged Chen Jie into his arms.

"Good Jie'er, as long as you can understand, as long as you can understand.

When my husband saw your eye sockets flushed, it was obvious that you had cried.

But he still refused to say why, and he was really worried. "

Listening to her husband's gentle words, Chen Jie's eyes couldn't help but sore.

She looked up at Liu Mingzhi's apologetic expression, and quickly blinked her eyes a few times vigorously.

Then she opened a pair of slender lotus root arms, and tightly embraced Young Master Liu's tiger waist, as if she wanted to completely integrate herself into her husband's body.

"Husband, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Liu Mingzhi gently caressed Chen Jie's back, resting his chin on the beauty's bun and rubbing it lightly.

"Jie'er, although we don't have the name of husband and wife publicly, we have been married for many years in private.

Our husband and wife have been sharing the same bed for so many years. In your heart, you and Shu Er still don't know how your husband treats you and your sisters?
As a husband, I can feel my conscience and say, in my heart, there is no difference between you two sisters and Yun'er, her sisters and others. "

Hearing Liu Dashao's earnest voice, Chen Jie raised Zhen's head buried in her husband's arms and tapped it a few times.

"Yeah, I know, I know."

Liu Mingzhi let go of the hands holding the beauty's waist, nodded and pecked lightly on Chen Jie's forehead.

"Jie'er, since you understand your husband's intentions, you should know that you shouldn't keep everything in your heart and bear it by yourself.

No matter what happened or any difficulties you encountered, you can tell Weifu without any worries.

As a husband, I will always be your sisters, the most solid backing.

Tell Weifu quickly, because of something that makes you unhappy. "

Chen Jie straightened her willow waist again, and wiped away the tears that were about to well out of the corners of her eyes with her fingers.

"Husband, concubine, I feel uncomfortable because I think of this child Ye'er."

Young Master Liu's mind was shocked, and he frowned instinctively.

He just thought about a lot of reasons that might cause Chen Jie to feel uncomfortable.

However, she never thought that the source of Chen Jie's discomfort was because of Li Ye.

Liu Mingzhi calmed down his mind, and gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb.

"Because Ye'er, what's going on?"

Chen Jie took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes looked at First Young Master Liu calmly.

"Husband, Ye'er, Tao'er, Jingyao, and Zhiyao are four brothers and sisters.

This child, Tao'er, has already married and established a career, and now he has sons and several daughters under his knees.

The girl Jingyao has given birth to a pair of twins since she married Chengzhi last year.

The girl Zhiyao has grown into a slim figure now, and she is about to reach the age to marry out of the court.

Ye'er and the others are four brothers and sisters, those who get married start a family and start a business, those who come out of the court to get married, those who come out to marry, and those who are waiting in the boudoir.

Only Ye'er, a child, stayed alone in the East China Sea.

I don't know when he will be able to find his own favorite person. "

After listening to Chen Jie's explanation, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression.

"So this is ah!"

"Husband, I didn't intend to be a concubine.

After Qie Shen and Sister Shu Er returned home, when they were changing into clean clothes, they accidentally saw the birthday present that Ye Er had given to Qie Shen in the closet.

When the concubine thought that she was about to give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, she was already a mother.

So, he couldn't help but think of the child Ye'er. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the corners of Chen Jie's eyes a few times.

"It's human nature, human nature."

Chen Jie took a deep breath, stood up and poured a bowl of chicken soup for Young Master Liu.

"Husband, I didn't want to tell you these things at first.

It's just that the concubine didn't expect it, but you, my husband, saw it yourself. "

He Shu heard her sister's words, and quickly echoed: "Husband, after my sister's mood improved under my concubine's comfort, she still confessed to my concubine, so don't tell you about it.

Just, just...

The concubine sisters did not expect that you, my husband, would notice something strange about your sister as soon as you came here. "

Hearing He Shu's words, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and took the soup bowl from Chen Jie's hand.

"Jie'er, Shu'er, I understand for my husband, I understand for my husband."

"Hey, husband, it's good that you can understand my sister's difficulties."

"Husband, drink the chicken soup quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Drink together, drink together."

Liu Mingzhi responded to the two sisters, and cleaned up all the chicken soup in the bowl.


"Husband, tell me."

"You also know that it snowed heavily in the capital for a day.

At this time, nine out of ten official roads outside the capital had already accumulated thick snow.

The road is blocked by heavy snow, and it is difficult to travel by car!

So, if you want to go to Donghai this year to see Ye'er, you probably won't have the chance.

If you force your way, it's not impossible.

However, for the sake of your body, it is better not to go.

You also know that the distance between the capital and the East China Sea is not a small distance! "

Chen Jie's eyes lit up when she heard First Young Master Liu's words.

She vaguely guessed the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words.

"Husband, what do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi poured a glass of wine from the pot, and looked at Chen Jie with a light smile.

"Jie'er, next year.

When the ice and snow melt next year, my husband will accompany you to the East China Sea to see what happened to this child. "

Chen Jie's delicate body trembled, and her pretty face immediately became joyful.

The excitement in Fang's heart was beyond words.

"Husband, what you said is true?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then pinched Chen Jie's pretty nose with a light smile.

"Silly lady, when did my husband lie to you?"

Chen Jie threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms, and shook her head with a smile.

"No, husband, you have never cheated on me."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, and gently stopped her slender waist.


"Hey, husband, say it."

"Jie'er, my husband can take you to Donghai to visit Ye'er.

However, you understand what being a husband means. "

Without thinking about it, Chen Jie already understood the meaning of Young Master Liu's words.

She hugged Young Master Liu's tiger waist with a smile, and nodded Zhen's head vigorously a few times.

"Hmm, I know.

Husband, don't worry, apart from family affection, I guarantee that I won't mention a single word about other matters. "

"Okay, my husband trusts you, let's eat quickly."

"Yeah, thank you husband."

After Chen Jie got her husband's promise, she became visibly happier.

"Husband, this pot of angelica ginseng and black-bone chicken soup is a great tonic!
This concubine boiled it for you personally, you should drink a few more bowls soon. "

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully took the soup bowl from Chen Jie, and looked up at He Shu.


"Hey, husband?"

"Don't just eat those wontons, drink some chicken soup too."

"Yeah, thank you husband."

After a long time.

Satisfied, Young Master Liu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and looked at Chen Jie and He Shu sisters with a smile.

"Jie'er, Shu'er, are you two sisters full?"

When Chen Jie and He Shu saw her husband's smiling eyes, they blushed immediately and lowered their heads subconsciously.

The two sisters didn't have to think about it, they knew what was going to happen next.

As the saying goes, fullness and warmth are what.

You know, my husband just drank it consecutively just now, a small half pot of nourishing angelica life black chicken soup.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if he could let his two sisters go.

He Shu looked at her sister Chen Jie with a slightly warm face, and then averted her gaze.
"Husband, I haven't eaten well yet."

"Really? But if Wei Fu heard correctly just now, someone seems to have burped several times, right?"

"Eh... concubine, concubine."

With beautiful eyes, Chen Jie put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, got up and walked out of the boudoir.

"Husband, this concubine is going to tell the servant girl to prepare hot water for bathing."

Seeing this, He Shu quickly stood up.

"Concubine, I clean up the dishes."

After a long time.

Young Master Liu looked at the two beauties who were huddled under the brocade quilt, naked, and extinguished the lamp beside the bed with fiery eyes.


In the beautiful woman's boudoir, there were touching notes.

Really, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold.

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