My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3145 Decentralization?

Chapter 3145 Decentralization?

Liu Mingzhi gently fiddled with the tea cover in his hand, looked through the Mian in front of him, and looked at the faces of the household officials under the Longtai.

He calmly observed the changes in the faces of the household officials, raised his brows a few times, and fell silent thoughtfully.

After a while, Young Master Liu waved his hand lightly.

"I see, you should take your seat first."

"Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty."

"Jiang Aiqing."

"The old minister is here."

"What is the situation of the people in the other three prefectures?"

Xia Gongming withdrew his gaze and immediately opened another document.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the people of the remaining three state capitals have no problem with housing.

However, there is a shortage of food in the homes of the people in these three prefectures. "

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and gently pressed the finger on the top of his thumb.

"Hubu, tell us about the situation in general."

"Returning to Your Majesty, in the territory of the three state capitals, it has been snowing heavily for several days in a row.

The snow is majestic and continuous.

Therefore, all the official roads in the three prefectures have been blocked by heavy snow, and there is really no way for the car brigade to hurry in the face of the deep snow on the official roads.

Whether it is the official businessmen of the imperial court or the caravans of the common people, they were all trapped in the middle of the road by the heavy snow, and had to stop for a while in the nearest state capital or post station.

Grain merchants can't get through, and the people in the local state capital naturally have no food to buy.

As a result, the people in the three state capitals suffered from food shortages. "

Liu Mingzhi stood up straight, lingered silently on the dragon platform for a moment, and looked slightly sideways at Jiang Yuanming.

"Tobe, isn't it?"

Jiang Yuanming was taken aback for a moment, and quickly bowed: "Huh? The old minister dares to ask His Majesty, what's wrong?"

"During the last great court meeting, the chief officials of various state capitals wrote to the court to report the situation of the people's livelihood and officials under their jurisdiction.

I remember very clearly that it was stated in their documents that the common people have enough food in their homes, which is enough for them to spend this winter without worrying about food and clothing.

If I remember correctly, among those documents, there are documents from the three prefectures of Dengzhou, right?
A few days ago, there was still sufficient food, but today there is a food shortage.

In this way, isn't this inconsistent and conflicting?
Could it be that the chief officials of the three state capitals concealed the truth before? "

Jiang Yuanming quickly glanced at the content on the document, and looked up at First Young Master Liu.

"Return to Your Majesty, that's not the case."


"Your Majesty, according to the normal situation, the food stored in the people's homes is indeed enough for them to survive this cold winter without any worries.

However, the situation changed after heavy snow blocked the road and made travel difficult. "

First Young Master Liu paused, and subconsciously frowned: "Jiang Aiqing, does the fact that the roads are blocked by heavy snow and travel is difficult, does it have anything to do with the food stored in the people's homes?

The grain stored in the people's homes is theirs, and the grain shipped by the grain merchants to various state capitals is another batch of grain.

There seems to be no necessary connection between the two, right? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's serious tone, Jiang Yuanming quickly closed the document in his hand.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing, have you forgotten?"

"Huh? Jiang Aiqing, what do you mean by that? Did I forget something?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the food and grass consumed by the [-] elite soldiers of our Dalong Tianchao [-]nd Route West Expeditionary Army.

At the beginning, they were recruited from many large and small state capitals such as Dengzhou and the northwest of Xuanzhou!
At that time, Your Majesty ordered you to collect grain and grass from the northwest first, and then supplement it with the follow-up grain and grass to the hands of the people in the north. "

Liu Mingzhi was slightly taken aback, and when he realized it, he instantly recalled what Jiang Yuanming had said about the past.

"Yes, yes, yes, I remembered, there is indeed such a thing."

Jiang Yuanming let out a sigh of relief, and held up the document in his hand respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the grain transported to the three prefectures by the government officials and merchants is the last batch of grain that the imperial court will compensate the people of the three prefectures.

Therefore, the veteran said just now that according to the normal situation, the food in the hands of the common people is indeed enough for them to survive this cold winter without worrying about food and clothing.

However, the chief officials of the three state capitals did not expect that these grains were forced to stop halfway due to the heavy snow blocking the road."

Regarding the details of the shortage of food for the people in the three prefectures.

After sorting it out, the veteran has listed them all in the document.

Your Majesty, please take a look. "



Liu Song trotted down to the dragon platform, took the two documents from Jiang Yuanming's hand, and immediately returned to the dragon platform.

"Master, please."
Liu Mingzhi took the document in one hand, held it in his hand and carefully flipped through the content on it.


Young Master Liu gently closed the document in his hand, and looked down at Jiang Yuanming who was under the dragon platform.

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"After the dynasty was dispersed, you immediately sent an order to the chief officials of the three prefectures, allowing them to open the emergency treasury and distribute food to the people for the winter.

Just in case, the golden eagle delivered the decree, and the messengers from the six hundred miles of Hongling delivered a letter to each of them. "

"Old minister obeys, Your Majesty is wise."

"Jiang Aiqing, do you have any other documents to play?"

"Return to Your Majesty, will the requests from the other four chief officials be approved together?"

"Approved, and at the same time pass the decree to several officials. After receiving my decree, immediately mobilize all the skilled craftsmen in the state capital.

Be sure to repair the houses that collapsed due to the snowstorm for the people as quickly as possible.

The imperial court shared half of the money, food and materials consumed for the common people. "

"Your Majesty is wise, long live my emperor."

"Ride the wind, inherit the will, and succeed."

The three brothers Liu Chengfeng stood up immediately, walked to the hall holding the jade wat in their hands, and made a big salute.

"My son is here."

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, picked up a few blank volumes of imperial decree from the dragon case and handed them to Liu Song.


"The little one is here, master?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup on the dragon table, smiled lightly and gave Liu Song a wink.


"Yes, my little one obeys."

Liu Song smiled lightly and walked in front of Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, and Liu Chenggan brothers, and handed over the several volumes of imperial edicts in his hand with a respectful expression.

"Your Highness, please."

The three Liu Chengfeng brothers looked at each other in dismay, not understanding what the father's behavior meant.
A hint of doubt also flashed in the eyes of the civil and military officials in the palace.

"Ride the wind, inherit the will, and succeed."

"My son is here."

"The content of the imperial decree is drawn up by the three of you and sealed by yourself."

"My son obeys."

"Brother, take it."
"Brother, come here."


After hearing Young Master Liu's words, all the civil and military officials in the palace changed their expressions slightly, and they sneaked a glance at Young Master Liu standing on the dragon platform with uncertain expressions.

Let the three princes draw up the imperial decree and seal it by themselves.

Your Majesty, is this about delegating power?

However, decentralization is not such a way!

Delegating power, how can it be delegated to the three princes all at once?

He doesn't worry about the three princes, because...
The civil and military officials withdrew their gazes, looked at each other with complicated expressions, and muttered inwardly in unison.

This?What is the situation?

Your Majesty, what is the purpose of this move?

Alas, it is becoming more and more difficult to guess His Majesty's mind.
Liu Mingzhi didn't seem to notice the weird faces of the civil and military officials, and sat on the dragon chair, stroking the tea cover in his hand.

"Chengfeng, please take your seats first."

"My son obeys."

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Besides these two papers, do you have any other papers to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is worthless."

"Well, take your seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Is there any love Qing who has a book to play."

"Return to Your Majesty, the veteran military department has a book to play."

Liu Mingzhi shifted his gaze to his uncle Song Yu through the Mian Yan in front of him.


Song Yu took out a few documents from his cuffs, and immediately got up and walked to the center of the hall.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to speak in public about what the old minister has played. Please read it yourself."

Young Master Liu frowned, and immediately put the teacup in his hand on the dragon case.


"Little obedience."

Liu Song went back and forth, and quickly handed several documents to Young Master Liu.

"Master, the clerk."

First Young Master Liu took the document and casually flipped through it a few times before putting it on the dragon case.

"Military Department, take your seat first."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Is there any Ai Qing who has a book to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister Xia Gongming has a book to play."


Xia Gongming walked to the center of the hall with the Chaohu, and silently took out a few books from his cuffs.

"Your Majesty, three days ago, the chief officials of various state governments presented the last batch..."
After a long time.

Xia Gongming closed the document in his hand, and looked up at First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, what the old minister said is over."

"Well, does Lao Aiqing have any other documents?"

"Go back to His Majesty, the old minister has no roots."

"Take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."
"Is there any Ai Qing who has a book to play?"

The civil and military officials in the hall looked at each other, and seeing that no one spoke again, they immediately raised the wat in their hands and saluted in unison.

"Return to Your Majesty, the ministers have nothing to play."

Liu Mingzhi stood up straight, his eyes calmly scanned the civil and military officials in the palace.

"There are ministers and officials in the cabinet, six ministries and nine ministers, three towers and two arrows, six guards and nine divisions, three armies and five households.

Dear dear dears, I would like to wish you dear dears a happy festival and a happy family. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will have fun with Your Majesty, long live my emperor."


"I send you off to Your Majesty respectfully, long live my emperor."

Young Master Liu glanced at the civil and military officials in the hall with a light smile, and hurried towards the back hall of the Qinzheng Hall.

After Young Master Liu walked into the bead curtain, all civil and military officials got up one after another, and greeted each other to the colleagues around them.

"Master Xia, I wish you a happy holiday and a family reunion in advance."

"Hahaha, Mr. Du, you are being polite, let's have fun together."

"Ge Lao, congratulations on celebrating the festive season in advance."

"Be courteous and courteous, and have fun together."

"Master Song, Lord Qin, after finishing the last document in hand, let's have a drink together!"

"Stick what you want."

"Unfortunately honored."

"Then we'll see you tonight."

"See you soon."

"Old Hou Ye, why don't you go to my brother's house for a drink in the afternoon?"

"What wine?"

"The 30-year-old fine wine can still catch the eyes of you, old master?"

"Hey, 30 years of fine wine, you have to go."

"King Wuyi..."

All the officials greeted each other cheerfully, and gradually walked towards the outside of the Palace of Qinzheng.

The apse of Qinzheng Hall.

"Master, all the officials have left one after another."

"Yes, Komatsu."


"My young master first goes to the harem to change into regular clothes, and you go and pass this kid Li Tao over to see me."

"Yes, the little one obeys, and the little one will leave first."

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"I'm fine here, you go to your business first."

As soon as Xiao Chengzi put away the whisk in his hand, he saluted respectfully.

"Old slave obeys, old slave resigns."

Young Master Liu put down the ginseng tea in his hand, picked up the documents at the side, and rushed towards the harem without haste.

It's about the time of a cup of tea.

Liu Mingzhi was changing the dragon robe on his body under the service of the maid, when there was a knock on the door in the Guangming Palace.

"Master, I have invited King Zhao here."

"come in."


"His Royal Highness, please come in."

"Uncle Song, you are being polite."

"Li Tao, my son, pay my respects to my uncle."

Young Master Liu looked back at Li Tao, smiled and pointed to the chair beside him.

"Tao'er, sit down and have a cup of tea first."

"Yes, thank you uncle."

Liu Mingzhi fastened the jade belt around his waist, stretched lightly, smiled lightly and waved his hands to the court ladies beside him.

"Xu'er, you sisters, step back first."

"The maidservant sister obeys, and the maidservant sister resigns."

After watching a group of court ladies leave, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Liu Song who was standing aside.



"Pack up the dragon robe and documents, and take them with you when you return home."

"Hey, little one knows."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pipe on the table, and walked towards the table in the hall with steady steps.


"The child is here."

"Drink tea?"

"Return to uncle, the child is not thirsty."

Liu Mingzhi lit the shredded tobacco in the tobacco pot with a torch, and looked at Li Tao's waist with slightly raised brows.

"You boy, you have also learned to smoke dry tobacco."

Li Tao casually took out the pipe from his waist, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Uncle, the boy has been smoking for several years."

"It's already gone, and no one else is present, so just smoke if you want."

"Hey, that kid is being rude."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Tao who was skillfully filling the shredded tobacco, reached out and patted his shoulder, and rushed out of the hall door first.

"Smelly boy, let's go outside with my uncle."

"Yes, the baby is here."

Li Tao followed Eldest Young Master Liu at a leisurely pace, and silently lit the pipe in his hand with a torch.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"You asked Uncle Song to find the baby. Is there anything you need to order?"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, and looked at Li Tao with a faint smile.

"It's nothing, just two days ago when my uncle went to sit with your two concubines.

Your mother and concubine told my uncle that your boy has been going to her place less and less recently.

So, my uncle asked you to come over and ask what's going on. "

"Ah? I see."

"Tao'er, tell uncle, did something happen to you there?

(End of this chapter)

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