Chapter 3152
Liu Mingzhi looked at the child in his arms with a light smile, and nodded with emotion.

"Peace is a blessing, peace is always happy, the word "Ping An" is a good choice!"

Song Qing glanced at the baby in Young Master Liu's arms, picked up his pipe, got up, walked to Ling Yang and sat down.

Seeing this, Ling Yang immediately moved his body.

Song Qing lit a pot of dry smoke on the stove sideways, and after lightly swallowing a few puffs of smoke, he looked at Ling Yang suspiciously.

"Second brother, what is going on with you and your siblings?"

Hearing the elder brother's question, Ling Yang smiled and looked at Hui'er who was sitting next to the queen.

"Brother, there is actually nothing to say, it's just that after getting along for a long time, feelings gradually developed.

Who can explain such things as love between children and daughters? "

Song Qing raised his hand and fanned the lingering light smoke in front of him aside, looked at Ling Yang and shook his head angrily.

"Second, isn't what you're talking about nonsense? Of course, brother knows that you and your siblings already have feelings for each other.

Otherwise, the two of you would not be able to give birth to a child called Ping An. "
Ling Yang picked up his wine glass and gestured: "Brother, since this is the case, what do you want me to say?"

Song Qing drank the wine in one gulp and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Second brother, I have to say that what happened between you and your siblings today was too sudden for Brother Wei.

A moment ago, Brother Wei was still urging you to start a family as soon as possible, so as to continue the incense of your Ling family.

In the end, it didn't take much time for a cup of tea before and after, and the third brother told Wei brother.

You kid actually already has a wife.

What's more, even a son has been born.

The difference between the front and the back is so big, my brother is naturally very curious about the things between the two of you. "

Ling Yang poured two glasses of wine with the pot, turned to look at Song Qing, and scratched his head helplessly.

"Brother, you also know the character of little brother.

Regarding the matter between my younger brother and my wife, my younger brother really doesn't know what to say.

Between me and my wife, we got along more times, and we gradually developed feelings for each other.

In the end, the two of us fell in love and became husband and wife. "

Song Qing's face froze, he picked up his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Oh, my God! How come my siblings have taken a fancy to you."

Ling Yang glanced at Hui'er, then looked at Song Qing with a depressed expression.

"Brother, there is nothing so harmful!"

Song Qing casually put the wine glass in front of Ling Yang, and looked helplessly at Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, I have a question for my brother."

"You want to ask Master Ben, how do I know about the relationship between Second Brother and Miss Huier, right?"

During Liu Mingzhi's words, he got up and handed the swaddling baby in his arms to the Queen.

"Gently, give the swaddle to Miss Huier."

Song Qing and Ling Yang, who were puffing, saw that the queen had taken over the swaddling baby, and immediately got up and walked to Young Master Liu and sat down.

"That's right, this is exactly the question that Brother Wei has in mind."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the chopsticks, chuckled and picked a piece of venison for the queen.

"To put it bluntly, don't just drink, eat a la carte."

"Husband, I am not very hungry."

"Eat as much as you can, and leave the rest for your husband."


Liu Mingzhi picked up his wine glass, smiled lightly at Song Qing, and Ling Yang and the two gestured.

"have a drink."



"Third brother, can you explain something to brother Wei now?"

Looking at Song Qing who was pouring wine for himself, Liu Mingzhi looked out of the Snow Pavilion with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"About half a year ago, the exact time was on that day, I can't remember the exact time.

That day, because of some incidents, Master Ben asked his second brother to come to the study to narrate.

It was that day that the young master suddenly found his second elder brother with a cold expression and a serious face.

From time to time, he couldn't help showing some faint smiles on his face.

Although the smile on his face was not particularly obvious, it was somewhat different from his previous expressions.

In the beginning, Master Ben didn't pay attention to this.

I thought that the second brother had encountered something interesting, so he had this reaction.

Then, later, when the young master asked the second brother to come to the study to discuss matters many times.

The young master noticed that the smiles on the second brother's face became more and more.

Gradually, the young master felt that something was not quite right.

It is not uncommon for a person to encounter an interesting thing, and it is not something to be surprised at all.

But one can't always encounter interesting things, can one?
Therefore, this young master overturned my previous guess.

In all likelihood, the changes in the second brother had nothing to do with the interesting things he encountered.

It's just that, for a while, I couldn't figure out the reason.

I gradually forgot about this matter. "

Song Qing glanced at Ling Yang, and his expression became more and more curious.

"and then?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his glass to gesture to Song Qing, and looked at the queen with a light smile.

"Wanyan, the next thing is for you to talk to big brother."

Song Qing touched the wine glass with First Young Master Liu, and after drinking the wine in the glass, he looked at the queen curiously.


"Brother, since my husband ruled the world, the life of my little sister, the former Queen of the Kingdom of Jin, has gradually become dull.

But, to help my husband.

Although the younger sister's life has become dull, the many spies of the admiral's department in the younger sister's hands have not really become dull.

As for some details, it's really inconvenient for my younger sister to tell you, but I hope you can understand. "

"Yes yes yes, understand for brother, understand for brother."

"Also about half a year ago, my little sister gradually discovered that Huier's efficiency in handling various things was getting worse and worse.

At first, the little girl also didn't care about anything.

She thought that Huier was just too tired and lacked energy, that's why this happened.

However, later the little girl discovered that Huier's figure was much rounder than before.

Moreover, when she was reporting things to her younger sister, she would retch and act evil from time to time.

The younger sister and the husband gave birth to Yue'er successively, and Cheng Rui and his siblings are already here.

Therefore, the little girl could tell right away that the girl Hui'er was already pregnant.

When such a situation happened, the younger sister wanted to ask Huier who the father of the fetus in her womb was.

Huier grew up with her younger sister since she was a child. She regarded her as both her master and her older sister.

Naturally, she didn't dare to hide anything from the younger sister's inquiry.

In the end, I told my husband about it.

Brother, the general situation is like this. "

Song Qing nodded with a clear expression after listening to the queen's explanation.

Afterwards, he picked up the wine and drank it down in one gulp, and pointed at Young Master Liu and Ling Yang brothers with a helpless expression.

"Good! Good!
Ling Yang, Liu Mingzhi, you two brothers are really good brothers.

One has quietly started a family, married a wife and had children, but in the end he didn't even fart.

One already knew the cause and effect of it, but in the end, he didn't even disclose the news to Brother Wei.

You two, each of you can really hold your breath! "

First Young Master Liu smiled bitterly, and quickly explained: "Brother, you have really wronged me.

About the second brother, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but that I don't know how to tell you.

At the beginning, I thought, the reason why the second brother didn't tell the young master about his marriage with Miss Hui'er must have his own difficulties.

Therefore, I am also waiting.

Waiting for the day when the second brother will take the initiative to tell me about the matter between him and Miss Huier.

However, this young master never imagined that the second brother would be so tolerant.

Younger brother, on the premise that I don't know what the second brother is thinking, it is naturally inconvenient to tell you.

Big brother and little brother don't want to do this either.

But, little brother, am I helpless? "

After listening to Young Master Liu's explanation, Song Qing picked up the wine glass and took a sip, frowned slightly, and fell silent thoughtfully.

After a while, Song Qing nodded slightly to First Young Master Liu.

"Brother Wei thought about it carefully, what you said is indeed reasonable.

I really can't blame you for this matter. "

Young Master Liu immediately picked up his wine glass, and gave Song Qing a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

"Brother is wise, younger brother toasts you."


Seeing that Song Qing had put down the wine glass, Young Master Liu immediately raised his own wine pot.

"Brother, younger brother will pour you some wine."

Song Qing silently added a pot of shredded tobacco, and looked at Ling Yang with melancholy eyes.

"Second? Aren't you going to explain something to Brother Wei?"

"Big brother, little brother has nothing to explain."

Hearing Ling Yang's answer, Song Qing frowned instantly.

He put his hands together and rubbed them vigorously a few times, and after taking a long breath, he picked up the wine Young Master Liu had poured for him and drank it down in one gulp.

"Second brother, there is nothing to explain, is that what you explained to brother?"

Second brother.

Song Qing's voice was hoarse.

In that instant, he suddenly felt that he had failed as a big brother.

It is said that an elder brother is like a father, and he just wants to fulfill his responsibilities as an elder brother.

Is it possible that I am thinking, wrong?

Ling Yang felt the unspeakable melancholy in Song Qing's eyes, and stood up quickly.

"Big brother, little brother absolutely has no other meaning.

It's really my little brother...I...I..."

"Second brother, you don't need to say anything, let's drink.

We brothers haven't seen each other for so long, and we finally get back together today, so we have to stay drunk. "

When Huier saw the situation between her husband, Song Qing, and Liu Dashao, she hurriedly stood up with her baby in her arms.

"Big brother."

"Hey, brother and sister."

"Brother, my husband has such a personality, I hope you don't have the same knowledge as him.

Brother, what do you want to know, let my younger sister tell you for my husband..."

Seeing the worried expression on the lady's face, Ling Yang quickly stood up, raised his hand and interrupted what he had just said.


Ling Yang took a few deep breaths, walked straight to Huier's side, raised his head and supported her arm, and pushed her to sit on the stone bench covered with cotton pads.

"My lady, I'm speaking for my husband."

"Husband, you?"

"Believe in your husband."

Hui'er paused for a moment, her beautiful eyes tapped her head a few times worriedly.

"Hey, I listen to you."

Ling Yang patted the back of Hui'er's hand lightly, got back to his original position and sat down.

"Big brother."

"You said."

"Brother, I would like to toast you first.

Little brother is very clear that what I said just now hurt your heart, big brother.

If you forgive me, I will drink this glass of wine with me. "

Song Qing nodded without hesitation, and after he leaned over to knock out the soot in the stove next to him, he immediately picked up the wine glass and touched Ling Yang lightly.


"Thank you big brother, cheers."

Ling Yang took off the wine glass from his mouth, and turned to look at the baby in Huier's arms.

"Big brother, what kind of identity is the younger brother's wife, just now the third brother and Wanyan's younger siblings have already mentioned it.

The confidant of the younger siblings, the leader of the admiral's secret agents. "

"Brother knows."

"As for the current status of the little brother, please forgive me, the little brother can't tell you yet.

But I can tell you that my current status is not much different from that of Huier. "

Song Qing's pupils shrank, he glanced at First Young Master Liu in a veiled manner, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, brother, I know."

"Brother, my younger brother just said that.

The reason why the younger brother named his son Ping An is to hope that he can live his whole life in peace in the future.

Frankly speaking, my younger brother doesn't want to see Ping An, a child who will go the same way as my younger brother and his wife one day.

My wife and I don't want this child because of our husband and wife's reasons.

To be involved in...into some struggle.

Peace, peace.

The little brother and the lady only hope to see that the child is safe and sound.

However, once the child is exposed.

His future life may not be as peaceful and peaceful as his younger brother and his wife expected.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the younger brother has not told you, but the third brother.

Huier and I are married and have a son.

Brother, you are also a father.

Little brother's hard work, little brother's hard work, you can understand..."

Song Qing took a deep breath, and directly interrupted Ling Yang's words.

"Second brother, you don't need to say any more, Brother Wei understands what you mean."

"Big brother."

"Drink, drink."

Hui'er looked at her husband's guilty expression, and her beautiful eyes looked at the second son in her arms with complicated eyes.

The queen sighed silently, and instinctively raised her eyes to look at First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi felt the Queen's gaze on him, silently picked up his wine glass, got up and walked to the edge of the snow viewing pavilion and stopped.

Young Master Liu picked up the wine glass and sipped it, and looked out of the snow-appreciating pavilion calmly.

"Wei'er, I haven't seen my brother for so long.

If you don't come out at this time, when will you have to wait? "

(End of this chapter)

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