My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3154 Create Opportunities

Chapter 3154 Create Opportunities

Qi Yun listened to the helpless tone of the queen and sister Ling Weier, and walked to Young Master Liu's side with a rather pretty face.

"Husband, it's getting late, elder brother, second elder brother, it's time for you to leave."

Hearing Qi Yun's words of persuasion, Liu Mingzhi first glanced up at Qi Yun with drunken eyes, then turned his head and looked outside the Snow Appreciation Pavilion.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, First Young Master Liu hiccupped lightly and waved his hands cheerfully.

"Nonsense, isn't the sun still in the sky? Why is it getting late?

Yun'er, you sisters, go back and rest first, stay with your elder brother for your husband, and the second brother will go back and rest after drinking for a while. "

Young Master Liu shook his head lightly, raised his wine glass and signaled to Song and Qing.

"Big brother, second brother, let's drink a toast."

"Okay, cheers."


When Qi Yun saw the three brothers who had started pushing cups and cups again, Qi Yun shook her head helplessly.

"Husband, after the sun goes down, the temperature outside should become colder.

If you stay in the snow viewing pavilion and continue to drink like this, when the night falls and you are blown by the cold wind, there is a high probability that you will be infected with the wind and cold tomorrow.

Listen to my concubine and stop drinking today.

Wait until another day when you are free, and then you brothers will get drunk and rest. "

Hearing Qi Yun's soft words, Liu Mingzhi paused suddenly when he lifted the jug and was about to pour wine, then turned his head and looked around.

He looked at the remaining snow around the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, and subconsciously put down the flagon in his hand.

The little sobriety left in his mind told him that what the lady Qi Yun said just now was very reasonable.

In this kind of weather, if you continue to drink, you will definitely catch a cold the next day.

First Young Master Liu glanced at Song Qing and Ling Yang, who smelled of alcohol and had drunken eyes, and put their hands on their faces and rubbed them vigorously a few times.

Gradually, Young Master Liu's drunken consciousness gradually sobered up a lot under the rubbing of his hands.

"Yun'er, you're right, it's so cold outside, it's really impossible to continue drinking.

It doesn't matter if you're drunk, but it's not worth it if you catch a cold again. "

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, she immediately beamed with joy, and immediately leaned over to pick up the cloak on the stone bench beside her, and gently put it on Liu Mingzhi's body.

Since the husband can say such words, it means that he is not completely drunk yet.

"Husband, get up quickly, my concubine will support you."

Qi Yun supported Young Master Liu's wrist, and looked sideways at the maidservants behind her with a wink.

"Ping'er, Xu'er, yes."

"Yes, the servant sisters obey."

Several servant girls received Qi Yun's signal, and immediately walked behind Song Qing and Ling Yang, and carefully helped them up.

With Qi Yun's support, Liu Mingzhi got up staggeringly, and cheerfully waved to Song Qing and Ling Yang.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, it's cold outside, let's go back to the room and continue drinking."

Qi Yun was about to support her husband and walk towards the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, when she heard Young Master Liu's words, the smile on her pretty face froze instantly.

"No problem, we brothers must get drunk."

"Hi! Hip! Don't go home until you're drunk."

The third princess shook her head helplessly, and gently tugged Qi Yun's sleeve.

"Sister, what should I do?"

"My dear sister, what can I do? Just push it back, do you really want them to continue drinking?"

"Hey, my sister understands."

The third princess inadvertently glanced at Ren Qingrui, who was standing outside the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, with a worried look on her face, raised her jade hand to lightly cover her cherry lips and let out a muffled cough.

"Ahem, but what about sister Qingrui?"

"It's not a big problem, just do as we say."

"Okay, sister knows."

Qi Yun smiled lightly and fastened the rope on Young Master Liu's cloak, and supported him with both hands towards the outside of the Snow Pavilion.

"Husband, let's go back to the room and drink."

"Hi, go back, go back."

Just as Qi Yun helped First Young Master Liu to Ren Qingrui's side, Ling Wei seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stopped in her tracks, and let out an exclamation with her slightly opened mouth.

"Ah! Sister Yun."

Qi Yun's lotus feet paused, and she looked sideways at Ling Wei'er: "Well, sister Wei'er, what's wrong?"

The third princess, Qi Ya and the other sisters also stopped, and looked at Ling Wei'er suspiciously.

"Sister Wei'er?"

"Sister Wei'er?"

Ling Wei'er raised her hand and patted her forehead, and looked at Hui'er who was following beside her with a pretty face in embarrassment.

"Sisters, I was only worried about my husband just now, but I forgot to introduce you."

Ling Wei hurriedly walked to Huier's side while she spoke, and held Huier's arm with a pretty face full of self-blame.

"Sisters, let me formally introduce you now. This is our second sister-in-law, and the baby in her arms is our nephew."

All the beauties turned around one after another, and all of them turned their eyes to Hui'er.

"What? Second sister-in-law?"

"Second sister-in-law? You don't see her often?"

"Sister Wei'er, who is the second sister-in-law? Didn't I hear you mention it?"

Ren Qingrui was equally dazed, and looked at Hui'er in bewilderment and began to look at her carefully.

Sister Yun, Sister Yan'er and their second sister-in-law?
I seem to have never seen Ya?
Hui'er felt the eyes of all the beauties, and suddenly became bewildered.

Among Young Master Liu's many wives, apart from His Majesty and Elder Sister Bai Ling, they are his old acquaintances.

For the rest of the beauties, although I have known the existence of each of them in private, I have never dealt with their sisters.

Now suddenly facing the eyes of a group of them, my heart couldn't help becoming tense.

Ling Wei'er turned sideways slightly, and pursed her lips with a smile on the eldest brother who was still swaying under the help of the maid who smelled of alcohol.

"My husband's second brother, my dear elder brother.

Isn't his wife our second sister-in-law? "
Except for the empress, Qi Ya, the three princesses and the other beauties nodded in a sudden realization, and walked towards Hui'er one after another.

Qi Yun withdrew her gaze and looked at Ren Qingrui with a chuckle.

"Sister Qingrui."

"Huh? Sister Yun?"

Qi Yun pushed Young Master Liu towards Ren Qingrui, then straightened her clothes, and walked towards Hui'er with lotus steps.

"Hey, sister Yun."

Qi Yun didn't seem to hear Ren Qingrui's words, and gave Huier a blessing with an elegant manner.

"Little sister and sister have met the second sister-in-law."

Seeing this, Qi Ya, the third princess and the other sisters also gave Huier a blessing with a big smile.

"Little sister, I have met my second sister-in-law."

"Excuse me, excuse me, hurry up and excuse me."

"Thank you, Second Sister-in-law."

Hui'er broke her arm out of Ling Wei'er's embrace, and shook the swaddle in her hand helplessly.

"Brothers and sisters, sister-in-law is still holding..."

"Sister-in-law, we understand, we understand."

Ren Qingrui struggled to support First Young Master Liu, who was swaying constantly, and beckoned to Qi Yun with a depressed face.

"Sister Yun, come and help me, I can't support Da Guoguo alone."

Qi Yun looked back at Ren Qingrui, pretending not to hear her words clearly, and waved her hands casually.

"Okay, okay, sister knows, you can help your big Guoguo back to rest first."

"What's the matter, sister Yun, what my sister said is that I can't support my big brother soon."

"Got it, got it, you can help your husband back first, my sister will go back after chatting with the second sister-in-law for a while."

Qi Yun didn't wait for Ren Qingrui to answer, and immediately waved to the maidservants standing a few steps away.

"Pinger, Xuer."

"The servant is here."

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and take the two distinguished guests to the wing to rest."

"Yes, yes, the maidservant sisters obey, and the maidservant sisters will leave first."

A few maidservants hurriedly responded, and immediately supported Song Qing and Ling Yang to rush out of the garden.

Ren Qingrui looked at the figures of the two maidservants supporting the Song Qing brothers who were gradually going away, and quickly said to Qi Yun and the other sisters: "Sister Yun, sister Ya, don't talk too much, I can't hold it anymore Come on, come and help me out.

Sister Yan'er, Sister Qingshi.

Sister Xiaoxi, Sister Rongrong. "

However, no matter how Ren Qingrui yelled, Qi Yun and the other sisters didn't seem to hear her voice.

"Oh, this little guy looks really cute."

"Sisters, our nephew looks like a tiger-headed tiger-headed tiger-headed nephew, at first glance, he will look like a rich man in the future!"

"Second sister-in-law, let's stop standing here, let's talk in the main hall."

"Yes, yes, the temperature outside is getting colder and colder, so don't freeze this little guy Ping An.

It's warm in the room, so let's talk in the main hall. "

Hui'er listened to the enthusiastic words of Qi Yun and the other sisters, so it was naturally inconvenient to refuse.

"Okay, my sister-in-law listens to you."

Qi Yun coughed lightly, and looked sideways at her personal servant girl.



"You take Qin'er and the others to clean up the leftovers in the Snow Pavilion, and we'll go back first."

"Hey, the servant girl knows."

Qi Yun nodded with a light smile, and waved to Hui'er with a smile.

"Second sister-in-law, please go first."

Qi Ya, the third princess, Murong Shan and the other sisters stepped aside one after another.

"Second sister-in-law, please."

"Don't dare, dare not, let's go together."

For a moment, Qi Yun, Murong Shan and the other sisters seemed to have forgotten First Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui, surrounded Huier and walked forward, talking and laughing.

Seeing this situation, Ren Qingrui immediately looked at Qi Yun anxiously, and the three princesses yelled.

"Hey, sister Yun, sister Ya, Da Guoguo and I are still here.

You wait a ha, wait for us a ha Sa! "

However, Qi Yun and the other sisters completely ignored Ren Qingrui's shouts, and continued to surround Hui'er and gradually walked away.

Ren Qingrui watched as the backs of Qi Yun and the others gradually receded, holding Young Master Liu's arm with difficulty.

"Da Guoguo, how are you doing?"

Young Master Liu burped lightly, looked at Ren Qingrui with drunken eyes and smiled silly.

"Hi, huh? Drink?"

"What's the matter? Who made you drink, my sister is asking how you are doing?"

"I didn't drink too much, my young master is fine, can I continue to drink?"

Ren Qingrui supported the swaying Young Master Liu with one hand, and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead with his cuff with a depressed expression.

"Drink, drink, drink to death."

"Huh? What?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, my sister will help you go back to drink."

"Okay, go back to drink, go back to drink."

Ren Qingrui took a deep breath, took Young Master Liu's arm and walked forward.

After struggling to support Young Master Liu, he walked for about 20 steps.


Ren Qingrui seemed to understand something, and quickly raised her head to look forward.

Ren Qingrui stared blankly at the path ahead, Qi Yun, the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi and the other sisters who had long since disappeared, a flash of embarrassment flashed in their bright eyes.

At this moment, how could she not understand.

Sister Yun, Sister Ya and the others didn't hear their own voices.

It's that their sisters and others are deliberately creating opportunities for themselves and their sweetheart to be alone.

Ren Qingrui withdrew her gaze and turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

The bright red face, which was tired from supporting Young Master Liu, became rosy again in an instant.

"Big... Big Guoguo."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, my sister will help you go back and rest."

"Don't rest, don't rest, my young master still wants to drink."

"Okay, okay, drink, my sister will take you back to drink."

Young Master Liu, who was looking shyly at Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes, supported his arm vigorously, and rushed out of the garden at a leisurely pace.

"Big fruit."


"Are you drinking too much now?"

"Didn't drink much, didn't drink much.

What is this little wine, I can still drink a few jars of wine. "

Ren Qingrui had a pretty face, and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, let's go back and drink."

The moment Ren Qingrui helped First Young Master Liu out of the garden.

The sun is setting and the night is falling.

A gust of cold wind hit, Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui couldn't help shivering.

"Da Guoguo, pay attention to the steps under your feet."

"it is good."

When the cold wind blew, First Young Master Liu trembled all over.

Liu Mingzhi gritted his teeth and shook his head, his eyes gradually regained a touch of clarity.

He looked at Ren Qingrui, who was struggling to support him, and his breathing was a little disordered, and his face couldn't help being stunned.

Ok?What's happening here?
After a moment.

Ren Qingrui pushed open the door, and silently helped Young Master Liu into her boudoir.

Ren Qingrui raised her lotus feet and kicked the door shut, helped First Young Master Liu to the table and sat down.

"Da Guoguo, how are you doing?"

"Hi, all right, all right?"

Panting, Ren Qingrui wiped off the sweat on her forehead, walked to the stove with lotus steps, picked up the Water Margin on it, and turned back.

"Da Guoguo, sit down, my sister will pour you a cup of hot tea."

"it is good."

Renqing Day didn't notice that Young Master Liu's tone was more clear than before, and he immediately lifted the teapot and poured two cups of warm tea.

"Da Guoguo, just wait a moment, my sister will make some cold tea for you to adjust, and you can drink it right away."

"Well, don't get burned."

"Yeah, my sister understands."

(End of this chapter)

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