"Da Guoguo, the sky has only just dawned for a while, do you really not want to rest for a while?"

Liu Mingzhi looked helplessly at the resentful Ren Qingxin, picked up his clothes from the hanger, and put them on one by one.

"Girl, the sky is already bright, you still want to stay in bed?

Seeing that Young Master Liu had already started changing clothes, Ren Qingxin nodded reluctantly, got out of bed and walked straight to the wardrobe in the corner.

"I know it, just get up when you get up, why are you so serious about it?"

Liu Mingzhi fastened the jade belt around his waist, and walked slowly towards the outside of the screen.

"Come in, the door is open."

"The slaves obey."

The door of the room opened in response, and two pretty and lovely maids walked into the room with a tray each, nodding their heads and lowering their eyebrows.

"Sister servant girl, see the young master."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you sir."

"Master, where do you and Miss Qing Xin put these slaves for washing?"

Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot, and gestured to the table beside him with a smile.

"Just put it on the table."


After the two little maids put down the tray, they smiled and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Young master, do you want the slave girls to stay and serve you and Miss Qingxin?"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea, and looked sideways behind the screen.

"Girl, do you wash up by yourself, or let Qin'er and the other sisters serve you?"

Hearing Eldest Young Master Liu's question, Ren Qingxin, who was changing his robe in front of the closet, immediately replied: "Da Guoguo, my sister can just wash up by herself."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, smiled and waved to the two little maids.

"No need, you two sisters go back and do your own business first."

"Obey, slaves and sisters will leave first."

After the two maids left, First Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand, reached out and picked up two trays and walked towards the back of the screen.

Seeing Ren Qingxin standing in front of the closet, already dressed and tied with a willow waist ribbon, Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Young girl, you change your clothes really quickly. It seems that I don't have that kind of luck as a brother."

Ren Qingxin paused for a while while tying the ribbon, narrowed his bright eyes slightly, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a half-smile.

"What's the matter? Want to see it?

Da Guoguo, if you really want to see it, then just tell me, at worst, this girl will immediately take off her clothes and scatter in front of you. "

As soon as Ren Qingxin finished speaking, without waiting for Young Master Liu to react, she raised her hand to untie the apricot-yellow Yunyan jacket on her graceful and delicate body.

Young Master Liu came to his senses, seeing Ren Qingxin's move to take off his clothes, he quickly waved his hands.

"Girl, don't, don't, you're kidding for brother, just kidding."

Seeing the reaction of his sweetheart, Ren Qingxin snorted with resentment in his beautiful eyes, and angrily walked to the washing rack next to him.

"Hmph, it's really not your fault to say that you don't understand style."

Liu Mingzhi laughed bitterly a few times, pretending not to hear the beauty's grievances, he picked up his washing things and walked to the stove. …

"It's getting late, wash first, wash first."

Ren Qingxin looked back at First Young Master Liu and rolled her eyes.

"Understood Lasa."

Liu Mingzhi reached out to lift the kettle on the stove, and shook his head helplessly.

I can see it, this girl Ren has determined her character.

"Girl, add some hot water."


After washing up carefully, Ren Qingxin looked at First Young Master Liu who had also finished washing, and directly pulled him towards the dressing table.

"Da Guoguo, my sister will comb your hair first."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded as a gesture, and let the beauty push himself down on the stool.

"Da Guoguo, I don't have the hair crown you used here, my sister. I'll give you yesterday's hair crown."


After combing under Ren Qingxin's dexterous hands, First Young Master Liu quickly got his clothes neatly arranged.

Ren Qingxin put down the wooden comb in her hand, leaned her waist and looked at Young Master Liu in the vanity mirror.

"Da Guoguo, how do you feel about it? My sister is good at dressing up, right?"

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile, got up and stretched.


"That's fine, as long as you are satisfied with Da Guoguo."

Ren Qingxin sat on the stool holding the hem of the silk skirt, picked up the wooden comb at the side, and handed it to First Young Master Liu with a smile on his eyes.

"Hey! It's the same as when we were in Sichuan together before, dressing up for my sister and me."

Liu Mingzhi reached out to take the wooden comb from the beauty's hand, walked behind Ren Qingxin with a chuckle, and stretched out his hand to tidy up the black hair scattered on both sides of her ears.

"Okay, brother, I will do your makeup for you. Tell me, is it cloud temples or other hair temples?"

Ren Qingxin rolled her eyes a few times, and looked up at Young Master Liu who was standing with her hand outstretched with a smile.

"My girl wants to wear her hair up, Da Guoguo, what do you think of it?"

Young Master Liu shook his head angrily: "Girl, stop making trouble, you are still a perfect girl now!

There is no reason for an innocent girl with yellow flowers to wear her hair up. "

Ren Qingxin closed her eyes in disappointment, corrected her sitting posture, looked at the vanity mirror in front of her, and let out a soft snort

"Hmph, then you can arrange the most suitable makeup for me according to the clothes I'm wearing."

"Okay, brother, I know."

Liu Mingzhi didn't care about Ren Qingxin's coquettish and resentful tone, he turned the wooden comb in his hand with a faint smile, and gently smoothed out the hair behind her jade neck.


Liu Mingzhi looked at the stunning woman in the mirror with delicate makeup, every frown and smile revealing her national beauty and heavenly fragrance, and with a smile, he picked up the jade hairpin on the side and inserted it between the beautiful woman's temples.

"Girl, are you satisfied?"

Ren Qingxin stared at the elegant and dignified self in the mirror, and an unconcealable smile could not help but rise from the corner of his lips.

She raised her jade neck slightly to look at First Young Master Liu behind her, and tapped her head vigorously a few times.

"Yeah, my sister is satisfied."

Liu Mingzhi casually placed the wooden comb on the dressing table, and then lightly patted the beauty's fragrant shoulders. …

"As long as you are satisfied, let's go, it's time to have breakfast."

Ren Qingxin stood up abruptly, quickly kissed First Young Master Liu on the face, and trotted towards the main hall with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

"Let's go, let's have breakfast."

Liu Mingzhi grinned twice with his eyebrows raised slightly, looked sideways at the stove beside him, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he cheerfully chased after the beautiful woman.

"Girl, what are you doing so fast, wait for a brother."

"Da Guoguo, can't you walk faster by yourself?"


Young Master Liu and Ren Qingxin rushed to the outside of the main hall together.

When the two walked into the hall one after the other, the dining tables in the hall were already full of people.

When everyone in the hall saw First Young Master Liu and Ren Qingxin walking into the hall together, they all looked at each other strangely.

Liu Xuan put down the spoon in her hand, and tugged at Liu Mingjie's sleeve with a narrow expression.


"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Stinky boy, I'm afraid we, the siblings, will change our tune in the future."

Liu Mingjie quickly swallowed the bun in his mouth, and looked at Liu Xuan suspiciously.

"Huh? Change your mouth? Sister, what do you mean by that?"

Liu Xuan glared at Liu Mingjie angrily, picked up a steamed bun and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"It's nothing, just eat your steamed stuffed bun."

Liu Mingjie quickly took out the steamed stuffed bun, smiled and dipped the sauce in the plate: "Oh, thank you sister, you can eat it too."

Seeing this, Liu Xuan rolled her eyes angrily: "Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat, it will kill you."

Liu Mingjie saw the sulky look of the elder sister Liu Xuan, and he took care of the steamed buns in his hand.

"Hi, sister."


Liu Mingjie raised his eyes and glanced at Ren Qingxin, and picked up the millet porridge beside him with a smile.

"Sister, do you really think that your brother and I have no eyesight at all?"

Liu Xuan's delicate face was startled, and she looked at Liu Mingjie with a puzzled expression.

"Stinky boy, what do you mean?"

Liu Mingjie took a sip of the porridge with a spoon, then gestured to Ren Qingxin who was following Master Liu with strange eyes.

"Sister, you can see clearly, Sister Qingxin hasn't tied her hair up yet."

Hearing her younger brother's words, Liu Xuan quickly looked at Ren Qingxin.

Sure enough, just as the third brother Liu Mingjie said, Ren Qingxin didn't put his hair up.

Liu Xuan is no longer the young girl she was back then. She has been in the Jianghu for many years and has seen so many world situations. She is naturally very clear about the difference between a woman with her hair up and down.

Liu Mingjie gently stirred the spoon in his hand, and touched Liu Xuan's arm with a smile.

"Sister, do we still need to change our words?"

Liu Xuan withdrew her gaze in surprise, picked up a small steamed bun and took a bite, then looked at Liu Mingjie suspiciously.

"Mingjie, why is this happening?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's because our elder brother is getting old and not very good at some things."...

"Pfft, huh."

Liu Xuan let out a muffled cough, and quickly pushed Liu Mingzhi's arm with her elbow.

"Stinky boy, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to be hung up and smoked by the elder brother?"

"Sister, that's what it is."

"To shut up."

"Okay, I can eat in peace."

Qi Yun quickly stood up, smiling towards First Young Master Liu and Ren Qingxin to greet her.

"Husband, sister Xin'er, you are up.

Come, come, sit down and have breakfast. "


"Thank you, sister Yun."

"Husband, please sit down quickly, the steamed stuffed bun and porridge should be cold after a while."

"it is good."

First Young Master Liu tidied up his sleeves, walked to the main seat with a smile and sat down.

Seeing that her husband had already sat down, Qi Yun grabbed Ren Qingxin's wrist and walked towards the dining table with a smile.

"My dear sister, please sit down too."

"Hey, sister Yun, please sit down too."

Qi Yun patted Ren Qingxin's shoulder with a smile on her face, and walked towards her position lightly with lotus steps.

Because of his location, Liu Zhi'an didn't realize that Ren Qingxin's hair was still a girl's attire.

However, when Ren Qingxin sat down.

Liu Zhi'an noticed at a glance that Ren Qingxin's jet-black hair was not up.

Liu Zhi'an silently put down the porridge bowl in his hand, and glanced at First Young Master Liu with a slight frown.


"Well, old man?"

Liu Zhi'an caressed the beard on his chin, got up and walked towards the outside of the main hall.

"Come with the old man, the old man has something to ask you."

First Young Master Liu quickly put down the porridge bowl he had just picked up, stood up with a puzzled expression and followed Liu Zhian.

Seeing the old man waiting for him outside the hall door, First Young Master Liu walked over directly.

"Old man, what's wrong?
It's early in the morning, what do you want to tell Master Ben? "

Liu Zhi'an looked back to observe the situation in the hall, and hurriedly dragged Young Master Liu towards a corner beside him.

"No, old man, what are you doing?"

"Shut up, just come here with the old man."

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, and let Liu Zhi'an pull him towards a secluded corner beside him.


After Liu Zhi'an stopped, he quickly glanced in the direction of the hall door.

"Bastard, no one can follow."

Young Master Liu turned around and glanced in the direction of the main hall, and put his hands in his warm cuffs with a helpless expression.

"No, old man, what do you want to tell Master Ben.

Tell me quickly if you have something, if not, Master Ben will go back to have breakfast. "

Liu Zhi'an withdrew his gaze, and glared at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"You bastard, explain to the old man why girl Ren didn't have her hair cut today?"

"Old man, are you old lake painted now?

Qingxin girl is still a perfect girl now, of course she won't wear her hair up! "

"Huh? Is Ren Yatou still a big girl now?"


"You didn't sleep... Uh huh, didn't you touch her last night?"...

Seeing the old man's astonished expression, First Young Master Liu shook his head angrily.

"Old man, isn't what you're asking nonsense?
If I had touched her last night, my young master, would she still be combing out the hair bun that a girl would comb out today? "

Liu Zhian frowned, and nodded subconsciously: "Well, what you said makes sense."

"That's it, let's go back to eat quickly."

Young Master Liu was about to turn around and go back, but Liu Zhi'an grabbed his arm.


First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and sighed silently.

"No, what's wrong?"

"No! No!"

"Old man, why don't you tell me quickly.

This young master is still in a hurry to go back to have breakfast, you have almost eaten, but this young master, I am still hungry. "

Liu Zhi'an looked at First Young Master Liu's depressed expression, and glanced sideways in the direction of the main hall.

"Bastard, Yun'er has roughly told your mother about what happened yesterday.

Then, this morning, your mother told the old man roughly again. "

"so what?"

"Bastard, the old man asks you, yesterday you went back with Ren girl, right?"


"Then you didn't come back, you lived with girl Ren, right?"


"Since this is the case, how can girl Ren still be a perfect girl with a golden body today?"

"Uh! Me! Me!"

Liu Zhi'an looked at the embarrassed expression on Young Master Liu's face, and mumbled thoughtfully for a while, as if he understood something.

He looked around and groped from his arms with a strange expression.


Liu Zhi'an took out a small paper bag from his bosom, and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's hand with a smile.

"The old man understands, the old man understands.

Brat, this is a priceless item, put it away quickly. "

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