My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3165 There is only one long sigh

Chapter 3165 Only a long sigh

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands indifferently, and put the wine glass in his hand with a light smile.

"Wine is good, and wine is good."

Mother Han breathed a sigh of relief silently, and immediately picked up her wine glass.

"Thank you Master Liu for your understanding, Lingzhi."

"Well, Mother Han?"

"Come on, hurry up and offer a toast to Master Liu."

Ganoderma lucidum nodded hurriedly, and quickly picked up the wine glass to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Sir, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Master Liu, my family respects you."

"Drink together, drink together."

Seeing First Young Master Liu, the two had already put down their wine glasses, and Ling Zhi immediately lifted the jug to pour a glass of fine wine for him and Mother Han.

Seeing this, Mother Han glanced at Ganoderma lucidum with a smile, and the smile in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

This girl has good eyesight, and it is worthwhile for her to train the sisters for so many years.

"Sir, I'll toast you again, my sister, I'll do it first."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass with a light smile, and brought it straight to his mouth.

"Drink together."

"Ganoderma lucidum, don't let Mrs. Liu drink alcohol all the time, you also order food for her to pad your stomach."

"Hey, my daughter knows."

Seeing that Ganoderma lucidum was about to pick up vegetables for himself, Liu Mingzhi immediately stretched out his hand and pressed down the beauty's jade hand.

Ganoderma lucidum was stunned for a moment, and looked nervously at First Young Master Liu: "Sir? What's the matter?"

Mother Han saw Eldest Young Master Liu's actions, and after Ganoderma lucidum's words fell, she also looked a little nervous and asked: "Master Liu, do these dishes not suit your appetite?

If this is the case, the slave family will immediately order someone to replace you with other dishes, Mr. Liu. "

First Young Master Liu looked at Mama Han, Lingzhi and Lingzhi suddenly looked nervous, and patted their stomachs helplessly.

"Mother Han, you don't have to think too much. It's not that the dishes you prepared are unpalatable, but that I really can't eat the young master now."

"Here, did you eat breakfast very late today, Mr. Liu?"

"It wasn't too late for breakfast, but about half an hour ago, Master Zhu invited me to have another sumptuous meal with food and wine.

From morning to now, this young master has eaten two meals in a row.

Mother Han, do you think I can still eat a lot of things now? "

After listening to First Young Master Liu's explanation, Mother Han suddenly realized and nodded.

"It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this, the slave family thought it was because they didn't entertain well enough."

Liu Mingzhi backhanded the six dishes and pushed them in front of Mama Han and Ganoderma lucidum. With a light smile, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Lingzhi, have you had breakfast?"

"Mr. Hui, my little sister has already had breakfast."

"Mother Han, what about you?"

Mother Han's charming face was slightly embarrassed, and she said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Lord Liu, to tell you the truth, when Master Zhu went to look for the slave's house, the slave's house was still sleeping in the bed!"

Young Master Liu looked at Mama Han's embarrassing expression, and gave a thumbs up cheerfully: "Hehehe, I have to say, Mama Han, you are living a very comfortable life."

"Oh, Mr. Liu, my family doesn't want to do this either.

Isn't this the last few days, the weather is getting colder every day?
It was freezing outside, and the north wind was howling non-stop. Except for special circumstances, few people went out early in the morning.

Therefore, fewer and fewer guests came to Tianxianglou to have fun.

Even if the slave family wakes up at dawn, there are not too many guests to entertain.

That being the case, I might as well stay in the room and sleep late. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, and raised his wine glass as a signal.


"Hey, Master Liu is making fun of you. There is nothing I can do about it."

"Drink one."

"My slave respects you."

"Mother Han, since you haven't had breakfast yet, I'll leave these meals to you."

Mother Han quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, looked at First Young Master Liu and said, "Master Liu, this is not appropriate, this is not appropriate.

This is the food and wine prepared for you by the slave family, how can the slave family eat it by themselves. "

"Mother Han, we can be regarded as old acquaintances who have known each other for more than 20 years, so there is no need to care so much."


Liu Mingzhi raised his hand as a gesture, and said with a faint smile: "Such a good dish should not be wasted."

Mother Han hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a wry smile.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, you have said that, do you dare to say that you don't want to eat it?"

"Then move your chopsticks, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Master Liu, how can I continue to stay here to disturb you and Ganoderma lucidum reminiscing about the past?

Take these dishes home and eat them again, so I won't delay you and Ganoderma lucidum to continue talking about the old days. "

"That's fine too."

"Master Liu, I'm worried that Lingzhi won't be able to accompany you alone.

Look, do you need someone from the Nu family to immediately call Qingyu, Xiyue, Lingxian...these sisters over to accompany you with Lingzhi? "

As soon as Mother Han's words fell, Lingzhi's pretty face suddenly became resentful.

"Mother Han."

Mother Han got up and walked to Ganoderma lucidum, pretending to be annoyed and tapped her forehead lightly.

"Stinky girl, Mom did this for the good of your sisters.

When you go to play the piano later, you can't let Master Liu sit here alone, can you? "

Ganoderma lucidum looked at First Young Master Liu, and then nodded obediently.

"Yeah, my daughter understands, thank you mom."

Mother Han smiled lightly and nodded, then turned and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Master Liu, what do you see?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, picked up a melon seed and threw it into his mouth.

"Qingyu, what are Lingxian and her sisters doing?"

"Master Liu, Qingyu and the others are now either busy with their own affairs in the room, or wandering in the backyard.

As long as you agree, Mr. Liu, the sisters can come up to drink with you at any time. "

Liu Mingzhi gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb, narrowed his eyes and became silent.


Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, looked up at Mother Han with a light smile and nodded as a gesture.

"In that case, let the sisters come over together."

Mother Han suddenly looked happy, and patted her hands with a smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, Master Liu, please sit down for a while, and the slave family will send someone to call Qingyu and the other five sisters up."

"Wait a minute."

"Master Liu?"

Liu Mingzhi took out the pipe from his waist, got up and walked towards the half-open window behind him.

"We don't know if Qingyu and the sisters have had breakfast, so there's no need to withdraw the food, let's leave it to Qingyu, Xiyue and the sisters."

Mother Han said without hesitation: "Okay, I know."

Liu Mingzhi put the fire pocket into his cuffs, and lightly exhaled a puff of smoke towards the window.

"and also."

"Master Liu, tell me, my servant is listening."

"Zhu Run and the others are still in the hall downstairs?"

"That's right, before the slave's house went upstairs, Marquis Zhu, Mr. Song and the others were waiting for you, Mr. Liu, in the hall!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to fan the light smoke in front of him, and looked back at Mother Han.

"Mother Han, after you notify Xiyue, Qingyu and the other sisters, go and arrange the Tianzihao private room."

Mother Han walked towards First Young Master Liu with a smile: "Master Liu, we have known each other for decades, and my family naturally knows your habits.

Therefore, before going upstairs, the slave family had already sent someone to clean up the private room. "

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"In that case, my young master would like to thank Mother Han."

"Hey, Mr. Liu, these are all small things that the slave family should do."

Mother Han was talking, and she glanced at the Ganoderma lucidum behind her with a smile.

"Master Liu, do you want to take the Ganoderma lucidum to the Tianzihao private room now? Or will you move there after a while?"

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, turned around and lay down on the window sill with the dry pipe in his hand.

"Mother Han, you just need to send someone to invite Marquis Zhu and the others over.

As for this young master, I will not go there. "

"What? Mr. Liu, why don't you go to Tianzihao Private Room?"

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry smoke silently, and looked at the scenery outside Tianxiang Building with a sighing expression.

"Do you think if this young master passes away, Zhu Run, Lao Wang and the others can still have fun?"

Mother Han's face was startled, her eyes turned lightly, she thought for a while, and immediately realized what Young Master Liu's words meant.

Looking at Young Master Liu's back leaning over the window sill, exuding a faint sense of melancholy, Mother Han sighed silently in her heart.

"This...Master Liu, I understand."

"Well, it's good to understand.

This young master will not go there, you just need to let the girls take care of Zhu Run and the others. "

"Okay, Mr. Liu, then the slave's family will go downstairs first?"

"Well, let's go,"

Mother Han turned around and walked to the back of the door. After opening the door, she looked straight at the Ganoderma lucidum in the room.


"Hey, Mother Han?"

"Stay with Master Liu well, and mother will go down first."

"Yeah, Ganoderma lucidum knows, mother Han, go slowly."

Mother Han nodded with a light smile, and closed the door carefully.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the closed door, leaned her waist and picked up the large intestine on the stool, walked lightly with lotus steps and stopped behind First Young Master Liu.

"Sir, it's cold and windy here at the window, why don't you put on a big cloak."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at the beautiful woman beside him, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Ganoderma lucidum, no need, sir is not cold."

"Sir, but!"

"Lingzhi, I'm really not cold."



"Hey, little sister is here."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and leaned against the window sill behind him, stretching out his hand to hold the beauty's jade hand in his.

Ganoderma lucidum trembled, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and leaned slightly sideways into Young Master Liu's arms.


Young Master Liu looked down at the beautiful woman who was snuggling in front of him, and asked softly with soft eyes: "Ganoderma lucidum, tell the truth to Mr. Do you want to be your beloved?"

Lingzhi's tender body trembled slightly again, slightly raised her jade neck, and looked at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"Sir, are you asking about redeeming your body for your beloved?"

Liu Mingzhi replied with a light smile: "Is there any need to ask? Of course it's a redemption."

Young Master Liu thought that Lingzhi would nod without hesitation when he said these words.

However, this time he was wrong.

After Lingzhi listened to Young Master Liu's words, instead of showing the slightest hint of joy on her pretty face, a faint look of confusion appeared in her light and beautiful eyes.

Seeing the bewildered eyes of the beautiful lady, Young Master Liu couldn't help being stunned.

The beauty's reaction at this time was completely different from the reaction she thought in her heart.

Ganoderma lucidum recovered from the daze, and silently looked at First Young Master Liu.


"Well, you said."

"Little sister has a question I want to ask you, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a faint smile: "Okay, you can ask."

"Sir, what you want to ask is that the younger sister wants to redeem herself as a beloved, or is it that you plan to redeem the younger sister as a beloved?"

" there any difference?"

Ganoderma lucidum sighed softly, and silently leaned on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Well, there's a big difference."

"No, Lingzhi has confused Brother Wei.

Whether it is this young master who redeems your body for you, or you redeem your body for your own good, in the end it is the identity of a beloved person.

How can there be a difference between these two situations? "

"Because according to the rules, if you, sir, redeem your younger sister, then the younger sister will always be yours from now on."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with a slight frown, and already understood what she meant.

"Here, don't you want to go to slavery yourself and become your beloved?"

Ganoderma lucidum looked up at First Young Master Liu, and gently embraced First Young Master Liu's arm.

"Sir, if you redeem your life for my little sister, of course my little sister is willing.

Whenever you redeem yourself for my little sister, my little sister will tidy up her own things at any time, and leave with you, sir.

If the younger sister redeems herself, then forget it. "


Lingzhi silently pursed her cherry lips a few times, and looked out of the window with a sour face.

"Sir, my little sister's home is long gone, and my little sister's family is long gone.

There is nothing left, even if the little girl redeems herself and restores her real name, where will she go in the end?
The capital is so big, but there is no younger sister's family, let alone younger sister's family.

That being the case, the younger sister might as well stay in Tianxianglou!
At least on this day, there is Mother Han in Xianglou, and she is with her good sister who grew up with her. "

"Where is your hometown?"


"Where is Shunzhou Mansion?"

"Yes, Shunzhou Prefecture."

"Then how did you come to the capital, and how did you come to Tianxiang Tower?"

Ganoderma lucidum was silent for a while with memories in its eyes, then looked at Young Master Liu and shook his head silently.

"I almost lost my memory."

"Huh? Can't remember."

"Yes, I just vaguely remember that there was a catastrophe in my hometown back then.

My father had no choice but to sell me to someone else.

As for how she came to Tianxiang Tower in the end, the little girl's impression is almost blurred. "

Liu Mingzhi was emotionally silent for a long time, not knowing what to say for a while.

Only a sigh.


(End of this chapter)

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