My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3170 Bo Xingming

Chapter 3170 Bo Xingming

"Master Liu?"

Young Master Liu was silent for a moment thoughtfully, put the teacup on the table, and casually pulled out the pipe from his waist to gesture to Mother Han.

"Mother Han, is it convenient?"

Mother Han nodded without hesitation, and quickly picked up a fire folder from the side and handed it over.

"It's convenient, it's convenient, Master Liu, just smoke it.

To be honest with Mr. Liu, when the slave family has something to do, he will occasionally smoke a pot? "

First Young Master Liu raised his brows, and looked at Mama Han curiously: "Oh, Mama Han, you like this too? Is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true. The slave family didn't say that on purpose to cater to Mr. Liu."

Mother Han got up and walked to the dressing table, reached out to pick up a small and exquisite cigarette rod and walked back.

"Master Liu, in life, who hasn't encountered some troublesome times!

You are right. "

First Young Master Liu glanced at the delicate tobacco rod in Mother Han's hand, smiled and nodded.

"Yes, yes, indeed."

Mother Han gracefully sat beside Young Master Liu, and pointed to the cigarette bag in Young Master Liu's hand with smiling eyes.

"Master Liu, my family dares to taste the shredded tobacco of your great nobleman. I wonder if you would be willing to do so, Master Liu?"

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, tore open the cigarette pouch and handed it to Mother Han.

"It's just a little bit of shredded tobacco. I have nothing to be reluctant to part with, my young master. Mother Han, just come here."

Mother Han nodded with joy, pinched out a pinch of shredded tobacco from First Young Master Liu's cigarette pouch, and skillfully put it in her own smoke pot.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, that slave will be rude."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand indifferently, and after lighting the shredded tobacco, Huo Huo Zhezi handed the Huo Huo Zhezi to Mother Han.

"Mother Han, now."

Mother Han waved her hand immediately, and took the Huozhangzi backhand.

"Hey, Master Liu from my slave family, how dare I let you come.

The slaves come by themselves, and the slaves come by themselves. "

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, "You, there's really no need to be so cautious."

"Master Liu, etiquette cannot be discarded!"

Mama Han exhaled a puff of light smoke with a rosy face, covered the fire cover and put it aside.

"Master Liu."

"Well, what happened?"

"Do you want to drink some more? If necessary, I will send someone to warm up two pots of old wine immediately."

Hearing Mama Han's question, First Young Master Liu immediately waved his hands: "No more, no more, I've had enough to drink when I was upstairs just now.

If I drink any more, I'm afraid I'm really going to get drunk. "

Mother Han smiled and refilled a cup of warm tea for First Young Master Liu: "Master Liu, it's good to be drunk, it's good to be drunk.

As the saying goes, a drunk can relieve a thousand worries! "

First Young Master Liu looked up at Mother Han who was silently puffing, and took a sip from the teacup.

"Mother Han, what you said is wrong."

Mother Han was stunned: "Huh? Master Liu, what's wrong with what I said?"

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways slightly, smiled lightly and pouted in the direction of the hall outside the room.

"Mother Han, if all the guests come to your Tianxianglou not to drink and have fun, but to get drunk and relieve their worries, how will your Tianxianglou do business?

How can the girls in Tianxiang Building survive?

You know, your Tianxianglou is not a restaurant! "

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Mother Han immediately understood what Young Master Liu wanted to express.

She gently pushed Young Master Liu's arm, and said with a coquettish look: "Oh, it's actually Master Liu who misunderstood the meaning of the slave family.

What the slave family said just now was only for you, Mr. Liu, and it has nothing to do with the other guests. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, got up and walked towards the window sill a few steps away.

Seeing this, Mother Han immediately got up and followed.

"Mother Han, we have known each other for more than 20 years, and you know very well the character of this young master.

Therefore, I will be blunt about some things, my young master. "

"Yes, yes, I understand, Mr. Liu, if you have anything to say, just speak up, and I will listen attentively."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette lightly, looked at the scenery outside the window with complicated eyes, and meditated silently for a long time.

"Mother Han, Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu, Xiyue and the other sisters, do you have the contract of prostitution?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Mother Han's expression didn't change a bit, as if she had already guessed that Young Master Liu would ask herself this question.

Mother Han stretched out her hand to fan the light smoke in front of her a few times, walked to Young Master Liu's side with a smile and asked softly, "Master Liu, can I ask a presumptuous question?"

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"Lord Liu, have you really thought it through now about the sale of the six sisters Lingzhi, Qingyu Zilan and the others?

If you have really thought it through, the slave family will immediately go and get the deeds of prostitution of the sisters.

On the contrary, the slave family hopes that you, Mr. Liu, can think twice. "

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Mama Han, and said with a light smile, "Mama Han, we are also old acquaintances who have known each other for more than 20 years.

Based on your understanding of this young master, if I haven't thought it through carefully, do you think I will tell you? "

"Master Liu, I certainly understand your character.

I don't have any other intentions, I just hope that Mr. Liu, you can think about it more carefully. After all, redemption is not a simple matter. "

"What? Mother Han, are you reluctant?"

Mother Han took a puff of cigarette with her red lips slightly parted, then turned her head to look at Young Master Liu and shook her head vigorously.

"No, no, of course not.

Master Liu, as you said just now, we are old acquaintances who have known each other for more than 20 years.

The slave family understands your character, Master Liu, so why don't you understand the character of the slave family, Master Liu?
The reason why the servants asked this question was because they were a little worried. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded, took a sip of tea, and asked directly: "Well, I wonder what you are worried about, Mother Han?"

Mother Han looked at First Young Master Liu with a complicated expression and was silent for a while, then Liu Mei took a deep breath slightly: "Master Liu, you are also a regular guest of our Tianxiang Tower.

Therefore, you, Young Master Liu, are naturally aware of the unwritten rules for guests to redeem girls.

According to the rules, Master Liu, after you redeemed yourself for Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and the others.

They are sisters, but they will always be yours, Mr. Liu. "

As Mother Han spoke, she touched Master Liu's arm with her elbow helplessly.

"But, Master Liu, you yourself know your identity...identity...

Ganoderma lucidum, what kind of identities are Qingyu and their sisters?

The slave family is not only worried that Master Liu will embarrass you in the future, but also worried that Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and their sisters will be wronged. "

Mother Han exhaled a puff of smoke, and sighed with emotion on her face: "Oh, Mr. Liu, you should understand what I mean, so I won't say more."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, and said with a sigh: "Mother Han, no wonder Lingzhi, Lingxian and the others are so close to you!
It is a blessing for their sisters to have such a good mother like you. "

Mother Han pursed her red lips a few times, and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Oh, Master Liu.

In the eyes of others, I'm just a lowly status old bustard who uses girls' bodies to make money.

But, Master Liu, people's hearts are made of flesh.

Most of the girls, big and small, in the Tianxiang Tower of Nu's house were grown up day by day by Nu's family.

Although none of these stinky girls are the biological daughters of the slave family, and none of them have the slightest blood relationship with the slave family.

But the slave family has been with these silly girls day and night for so many years, how could it be possible that they have no feelings at all?
Not to mention being a human being, you just raised a kitten and a puppy, and after so many years of getting along at once, you still have an interesting relationship! "

Hearing Mama Han's sour tone, Liu Mingzhi silently let out a long breath.

"People are not plants, how can they be ruthless!"

"Master Liu, don't look at the servants pointing at them, cursing and preaching non-stop.

However, there is no way for the slave family.

The slave family is stricter with them, isn't it because they are afraid that because they are young and ignorant, they will inadvertently provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked, and thus lead to death?

Master Liu, my slave speaks from his heart.The slave family hopes more than anyone else that these silly girls can find a good family and spend the rest of their lives in a down-to-earth manner.

Hey, stop talking, stop talking. "

Mother Han silently blinked her eyes a few times, then turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Master Liu, I dare to ask you again, have you really considered the matter of redeeming the lives of Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and their sisters?"

Hearing that Mother Han asked this question again, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes in silence for a moment.

"Mother Han."

"My slave is here, Mr. Liu, tell me."

"Mother Han, the thing is like this, I can redeem Lingzhi, Qingyu, and their sisters, and I can order the officials of the household department to restore their identities as soon as possible.

But it's just... just..."

Seeing Young Master Liu's hesitation to speak, Mother Han frowned in confusion.

"Well, Master Liu, what is it?"

Young Master Liu raised his head and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and took a deep breath.

"Mother Han, this is the end of the matter, there is nothing wrong with my young master.

Therefore, my young master, I will tell you my own thoughts. "

Han's mother nodded hurriedly: "Mmm, Mr. Liu, please tell me, I will listen with all my ears."

"Mother Han, what this young master means is that I can redeem Ganoderma lucidum, Xiyue and the others..."

Under Mother Han's curious gaze, First Young Master Liu roughly repeated to Mother Han what he had said to Ganoderma lucidum.

After listening to Young Master Liu's explanation, Mother Han's expression suddenly became tangled.

"Master Liu, you redeemed their sisters, but you don't want her sisters.

This!This!To be honest, the slave family didn't know what to do for a while. "

"Huh? Isn't that okay?"

"Master Liu, it's not impossible."

"Since it is possible, what else is there to say?"

Mother Han glanced up at the direction of the hall, and asked softly with a tangled expression, "Master Liu, have you ever thought about where the sisters will go after you leave?"

"Mother Han, this young master has naturally considered this matter.

Don't worry, after the two sisters return to their thrones, the issue of residence and household registration will be arranged by this young master for the sisters. "

Mother Han was silent for a long time with a strange expression, and silently nodded her head as a signal.

"In this way, the slave family will have nothing to say."

"That's good, you go and get the deeds of selling their sisters."

"Okay, my family knows, Mr. Liu, wait a moment, my family will take the deed of sale."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Mother Han's back as she walked towards the closet, and walked towards the desk beside her at a leisurely pace.

"Mother Han, I will borrow the Four Treasures of the Study from you here."

"Okay, Master Liu, you can use it anyway."


Mother Han was holding a sandalwood box, and walked towards Young Master Liu who was writing something with a pot behind the desk.

"Master Liu, here comes the contract of sale."

"it is good."

First Young Master Liu put the fine hair in his hand into the brush washer, picked up the rice paper on the desk, held it in front of his eyes, and blew it gently a few times.

Mother Han put the sandalwood box on the desk, then opened the sandalwood box, took out six deeds of prostitution, and handed them to First Young Master Liu.

"Lord Liu, this is the contract of prostitution for the six stinky girls, Lingzhi, Qingyu, Xiyue, Lingxian, Zilan, and Caidie. You take care of it."

Liu Mingzhi folded the rice paper in his hands together, took a few contracts of prostitution from Mother Han with a light smile, and put them directly into his cuffs.

"Mother Han, please tell me the amount of redemption for Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and the other sisters."

Mother Han covered the sandalwood box casually, looked at Young Master Liu with a smile and shook her head.

"Master Liu, I have known you for so many years, and I have always been indebted to you for your care, which is why I am able to make Tianxiang Building flourish.

So, don't talk about money or money between us.

Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and the other sisters' deeds of prostitution are just a little bit of care from the slave family. "

First Young Master Liu looked startled, and after he realized it, he waved his hands generously: "No, no, this can't work."

"Master Liu, my servant..."

Young Master Liu directly interrupted Mother Han's words: "Mother Han, listen to Master Ben."

"Hey, Master Liu, tell me."

"Mother Han, I appreciate your kindness.

However, one code counts for one code, and friendship is friendship, which cannot be confused with other things. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Mother Han looked anxious, and quickly explained: "Master Liu, I understand what you mean.

The slave family has no other intentions, this is really just a little care of the slave family.

Master Liu, in the 20 years since we met, you have taken care of Tianxianglou, my slave's house.

You just let the servants do their best for you. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Mama Han with a complicated expression, and frowning in silence for a moment, picked up a piece of rice paper again and spread it on the desk.

Mother Han looked at Young Master Liu in astonishment, not understanding what Young Master Liu meant by this move.

"Master Liu, what are you?"

After Liu Mingzhi wrote a line of content on the rice paper with a pen, he picked up the rice paper and handed it to Mother Han with a light smile.

"Mother Han, is it okay to ask Zhu Run to pay for this young master?"

Mother Han looked hesitantly at Young Master Liu's light smile, and took the rice paper into her hand with a wry smile.

"Hey, I would like to thank Master Liu."

Young Master Liu leaned over the brazier next to the desk to knock out the ashes from the smoke pot, and with a chuckle, he handed another piece of rice paper to Mama Han.

"Mother Han, after this young master leaves, you can just give this piece of rice paper to Liu Song.

After reading the above content, he naturally knew what to do. "

Mother Han took the rice paper and nodded silently: "Yeah, I understand."

Young Master Liu hugged Mama Han with a smile, and walked towards the door with high strides.

"Mother Han, let's meet again later."

Mother Han stuffed the rice paper into her bosom, trotted and chased after First Young Master Liu.

"Master Liu."


"Master Liu, Ganoderma lucidum, Qingyu and the sisters are receiving guests for the first time, and the first guest they receive is you, Master Liu.

Since then, the slave family has never allowed the sisters to receive other guests.

Therefore, the stinky girls of their sisters are still clean girls. "

"Oh, Mother Han."

"Sir Liu, tell me."

"Once in ten years, I dream of Yangzhou, and I won the honor of being a brothel!"

(End of this chapter)

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