My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3172 The last face

Chapter 3172 The Last Side

Ganoderma lucidum didn't say anything more, just stared at the figure on the long street in a daze, gradually blending into the crowd of people coming and going.

Gradually go away, gradually blurred.

Seeing the good sister's reaction, Qing Yu had no choice but to remain silent, and stopped persuading her.

She took a few steps back lightly, and walked towards Mother Han who also followed into the room with a worried and helpless expression.



Qingyu pouted her red lips at Lingzhi standing in front of the window, and asked in a low voice, "Mom, sister Lingzhi, is she okay?"

Mother Han glanced at the Ganoderma lucidum in front of her, and sighed helplessly in her heart.

Afterwards, Mother Han led Qingyu to the Caidie sisters.

"Girl Qingyu, and you stinky girls."



"You stinky girls, have you seen it now?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Mother Han sighed softly, and said softly: "Oh, what about people, especially our girls.

When you are young, don't meet some people who are too perfect and excellent.

Otherwise, for the rest of your life, I'm afraid you won't be able to accommodate other people anymore.

The smelly girl Lingzhi is the most vivid example. "

After listening to Mama Han's meaningful words, Qingyu was silent for a moment thoughtfully, and looked at Mama Han with sour eyes: "Mom, do you know?"

"Huh? Know what?"

Qingyu silently looked at the good sisters around her, and sighed with a confused expression.

"Mom, actually, why don't we sisters want to be the same as sister Lingzhi?

It's just that our sisters are not as brave as sister Ganoderma lucidum. "

Mother Han was stunned, she silently watched Sister Qingyu and the others were silent for a while, then shook her head gently.

"You... oh..."

"Mom, we sisters are just thinking about it in our hearts."

"Yes, yes, we are just thinking about it."

"Mom, as a daughter's family, who wouldn't want to find a better husband.

You also come from the age of our sisters, so you should be very clear about what our sisters are thinking. "

Mother Han looked at the bitter expressions of several people, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Okay, just live a good life in the future."

"Yeah, my daughter knows."

"Mom, what about sister Lingzhi?"

Mother Han glanced sideways at Ganoderma lucidum's lonely back, then turned and walked out of the room.

"For a while, my old lady couldn't think of a better way to do it.

Only after she gradually calms down, you sisters, the good sisters who grew up with her, can properly untie her knot.

The hour was gone, so my old lady went downstairs to entertain the guests. "

Sunny and rainy, the Caidie sisters looked at each other helplessly, and gave a blessing together.

"Mom, go slowly."

After Han's mother left, Caidie glanced at Ganoderma lucidum still standing stupidly in front of the window, motionless, and gently tugged Qingyu's sleeve.

"Sister, what should we do?"

"Hey, it's so windy at the window, why don't you go make a pot of hot tea and get ready."

"Yeah, little sister will go right away."

"Sister Ganoderma lucidum, it's cold in front of the window, why don't you go back to the stove and relax?"

Lingzhi paid no attention to Lingxian's words, as if she lost her soul, she just stared blankly at the long street outside the window.

On the long street, people come and go.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians on the street, and the cries of vendors on both sides of the street come and go.

Young Master Liu looked at the street corner in front of him, gradually stopped, and turned around to look behind him.

He looked at the Tianxiang Tower in the distance with complicated eyes, took out his hands from his cuffs and tightened the cloak around his body, and sighed with regret.


Old, after all, is old.

The suffering of the people is becoming less and less visible.

It's a pity that I am not the same as those beauties after all!

in case……

in case……

Hehehe, what if in this world!

Young Master Liu quietly stared at the wide-open window on the third floor of Tianxiang Building, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

For the rest of my life, if I didn't meet intentionally.

The difference between myself and the girl Ganoderma lucidum, and Qingyu and their sisters.

If nothing else.

This farewell is probably the last time we meet in this life.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, put his hands inside his cuffs again, and walked towards the street corner in front of him at a leisurely pace.

"Hey, life is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten!"

First Young Master Liu sighed softly, and quickened his pace intentionally or unintentionally.

No matter what.

He didn't know it, when his back disappeared at the corner of the street.

There is a beautiful woman who is looking at the corner of the street in a daze and weeping alone.

After a moment.

Young Master Liu was looking at the shops on both sides of the street with great interest, and at the same time hurried along the road at a leisurely pace.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound of surprise coming from outside the door of a shop in the front left.

"Ah! Smelly old man?"

Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the source of the voice.

He saw one of his precious daughters, the little cutie Liu Luoyue standing on the long street, looking at him with a pretty face in astonishment.

"Huh? Yue'er?"

Little Cutie carried the things in her hands, and immediately trotted towards Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu pulled out his hands from his cuffs, and walked towards the little cutie with a surprised expression.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they have special eyes...

Forehead!When father and daughter meet each other, they are deeply affectionate.

"Smelly old man, why are you here?"

"Smelly girl, what are you doing here?"

As soon as the father and daughter came together, they asked at the same time.

Cutie picked up two brocade boxes and a parcel in her hand, and smiled at First Young Master Liu.

"My girl's rouge and gouache are almost used up. Come out and buy rouge and gouache."

Liu Mingzhi coughed lightly, smiled and pointed to the streets on both sides.

"Stay at home for my father and have nothing to do, come to the street for a walk!"

Hearing the old man's answer, the little cutie put her hands behind her back with a smile, leaned her waist slightly, and looked behind First Young Master Liu with a strange expression.

"Come out to hang out? Really?"

Seeing the skeptical expression on the cute little face, Young Master Liu frowned calmly.

"Nonsense, of course it's true, otherwise, what can I do for my father in such a cold day?"

The cute and beautiful eyes turned around Young Master Liu a few times, and then pushed Young Master Liu's arm with his shoulder with a smile.

"Father, if I remember correctly, the street behind should lead directly to Tianxiang Tower, right?
You smell of alcohol, you just came out of Tianxiang Building, right? "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he turned around with a slight frown and glanced at the long street behind him, and looked at the little cutie with a puzzled expression: "Really? Can the street behind go to Tianxiang Tower?"

Looking at her father's pretendingly calm face, Xiaocuti walked up to Young Master Liu with a smile and stopped.

"Father, why don't I accompany you to have a look?"

Seeing the constriction in the little cutie's bright eyes, First Young Master Liu directly put his hands inside the cuffs, squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the little cutie up and down.

"Tsk tsk tsk, brat, that's really strange, why are you willing to put on women's clothing and go out today?"

"Father, what are you talking about?

Your daughter and I are big girls, isn't it normal to wear women's clothing? "

First Young Master Liu snorted a few times, turned sideways to avoid the cutie, and walked straight forward.

"Hmph, so you still remember that you are a girl!

When I was a father, I often saw you as a stinky girl who pretended to be a man when she had nothing to do. I thought you had already regarded yourself as a seven-foot man! "

The little cutie frowned immediately, and angrily chased after First Young Master Liu.

"Smelly old man, it's too much, you're going too far!"

First Young Master Liu casually glanced at the cutie, and said eccentrically, "Huh? It's too much, you're telling the truth for my father, why is it too much."

Hearing the stinky old man's yin and yang tone, the little cutie's breathing became more and more rapid.

When the little cutie was about to refute something, her bright eyes suddenly lit up, as if realizing something, she hurriedly chased after First Young Master Liu.

"Father, this girl almost fell into your trap.

You don't want to change the subject on purpose for this girl, but tell me honestly, you smell of alcohol, did you just come out of Tianxiang Tower? "

First Young Master Liu's face was embarrassed, and he glanced at the little cutie who was chasing after him twitchingly from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Stinky girl, I don't usually see you as smart?

How did you become so smart when you shouldn't be smart? "

The little cutie looked at the twitching appearance of the corners of the father's eyes, and stared directly at First Young Master Liu with sly eyes.

"Stinky old man, don't keep looking at this girl like this, you should explain to this girl!"

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath, paused slightly, and raised his foot to kick the little cutie's buttocks.

"Smelly girl, I will explain your mother's legs.

I am your father, I can go wherever I want.

Let me explain to you, how old are you, I can explain it to you? "

The cute face tightened, and instinctively dodged to the side.

"Smelly old man, you are unreasonable."

First Young Master Liu took out his right hand from his cuff and flicked his cloak, as if chasing after the cutie.

"Come on, come on, brat, stop, I will explain the truth to you as a father."

Seeing Young Master Liu about to chase after her, the little girl snorted softly, and hurriedly hid aside.

"You! Only a fool will stop."

Seeing the little cute staring at him cautiously, while dodging again and again, Young Master Liu laughed angrily.

"Smelly girl, it's really three days without a fight, and I went to the house to expose the tiles."

When Xiaocutie saw her father, she just used words to scare herself, and she didn't really intend to catch up with her and beat her up. Her cautious eyes gradually relaxed.



The little cutie came to Young Master Liu's side with a smile, and sniffed Young Master Liu vigorously with the tip of her nose a few times.

"My girl is sure, you must have gone to Tianxiang Tower."

First Young Master Liu glared at Little Cutie directly: "Oh? Why do you see that?
As the saying goes, catching thieves and taking stolen goods, catching traitors and taking doubles, did you see your father come out of Tianxiang Tower with your own eyes?

Damn girl, if there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense and jump to conclusions! "

The little cutie stared back at First Young Master Liu with an expression of dissatisfaction, grabbed the cloak on First Young Master Liu and sent it towards her Qiong nose.

"Hmph, of course this girl has evidence."

"Really? Where is the evidence?"

The little cutie gritted her silver teeth lightly, and said decisively: "The evidence is that you smell very strong of alcohol, old man, and you also smell of rouge and gouache on a woman's body.

Most importantly, there is more than one flavor of rouge gouache. "

"Hehehe, what kind of evidence is this.

As a father, you have your mother, and your aunts, there are so many women in their sisters.

Is it normal to smell some rouge gouache on my body? "

As Young Master Liu was talking, he tore off his cloak from his cute hands.

"So, it's normal for my father to smell a little bit of rouge and gouache, right?"

Hearing her father's sophistry, Xiao Kei's pretty face froze, and she was speechless immediately.

"This this……"

"What is this? Hurry up and go home, the cold wind is howling on the long street, you don't think it's cold, bitch!"

"Hmph, I'll go back when I go back, what's the rush!"

Young Master Liu looked at the gloomy expression on Little Cutie's face, and a faint smile couldn't help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

Oh, heaven has eyes!

It's really not easy to make this stinky girl so aggrieved that she has nothing to say.

"soy Mujer."

The cutie slowed down, and looked at Young Master Liu angrily: "What are you doing?"

First Young Master Liu glanced down at the brocade box in Little Cutie's right hand, and then at the bundle in her left hand.

"Yue'er, didn't you tell Weifu just now that you came out to buy rouge and gouache?"

"Really? Don't you believe it, old man?"

Young Master Liu waved his hand casually: "No, no, of course my father believes you."

"That's it."

"Yue'er, the brocade boxes in your right hand contain rouge and gouache, but what is in the bag in your left hand?"

The little cutie frowned, and directly handed the bulging bag in front of First Young Master Liu, and waved it a few times angrily.

"It's nothing, isn't this girl having too much spare money recently?

So, taking advantage of my good mood, this girl bought a new fox fur cloak for a bad guy who was very heartless and beat and scolded me all the time!

It's just that, that stinky guy makes me very, very unhappy, very unhappy.

Therefore, this girl does not plan to give him the fox fur cloak she just bought. "

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he smiled and quickly grabbed the bulging silk cloth bag in the little cutie's hand.

Cutie hastily hid the bundle in her hand behind her back, and stared at First Young Master Liu with wide eyes.

"Hey, old man, what do you want to do?"

Seeing the baby girl deliberately making an angry expression, First Young Master Liu gently rubbed his hands together, and approached the little cutie with a smile all over his face.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, Daddy was wrong, and Daddy knew he was wrong."

Seeing Dad's reaction, the little cutie immediately showed a smug smile on her pretty face.

"Hey, Dad, what are you talking about, how could you be wrong!"

First Young Master Liu looked at Xiaocuti's arrogant face, and didn't refute anything. He stretched out his hand to take the bundle in Xiaocutie's hand with a smile.

"Good girl, good month, daddy knows it's wrong, really knows it's wrong."

"Oh? Then tell me first, where did you go wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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