My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3200 Another year of spring and autumn

Chapter 3200 Another Spring and Autumn Year ([-])
Liu Mingzhi looked at a large group of little guys clustered in front of him, smiled and took a puff of dry smoke, and waved his hand directly.

"Hehehe, children, daddy won't go there, just let your mother take you there."

"Ah? Dad, don't, you just accompany us to set off fireworks."

"Yes, yes, Keke wants Daddy to take me to set off fireworks together."

"Daddy, Daddy."

Young Master Liu looked down at a group of little padded jackets who were pulling the hem of his clothes and acting coquettishly, so he nodded helplessly.

"Okay, daddy is with you, isn't it okay for daddy to accompany you to set off fireworks?"

"Yeah, Daddy is too fat."

"Hee hee hee, I just know that Daddy is the best of you."

"All right, all right, stop flattering, and let go of daddy's clothes."


A group of little guys yelled in unison, and retreated to the sides in unison, making way for their father.

After refilling the pot of shredded tobacco, Young Master Liu waved to Qi Yun, Qinglian, Huang Lingyi and the other sisters with a smile.

"Ladies, what are you still doing standing there? Why don't you hurry up and accompany your husband to set off fireworks?"

Qi Ya, Yun Qingshi, Ling Wei'er, Xue Bizhu... all the sisters looked at each other, then turned to look at a large group of little guys in front of them, rolling their eyes in a pretentious manner.

Huang Lingyi twirled the torch in her hand flexibly with jade fingers, and said in a strange and charming voice: "Oh, what are we sisters doing with the past!

Husband, you should take their brothers and sisters to set off fireworks by yourself, how good of a father you are! "

Huyan Yunyao flicked the snowflakes on the front of her clothes with her fingers, pretending to be careless, and softly echoed: "Sister Lingyi is right, and I think so too.

Husband, how good you are as a father, we mothers, what are we doing as aunts? "

"That's right, that's right, with your husband and your good father around, it doesn't matter whether we mothers go or not!

That being the case, we simply do not go no good. "

Wenren Yunshu fiddled with his fingernails a few times, and made a nonchalant look and chirped in agreement.

Yun Xiaoxi ignited the fire pocket, then covered it again, then blew on the fire pocket again, and then closed it again.

"Husband, my concubine seconded me."

When Young Master Liu saw the angry eyes of all the beauties staring at the little guys, and heard the angry words behind them, he realized it instantly.

At this moment, she still didn't understand that all the sisters were jealous!

As for who is jealous, does it need to be said?This is not obvious, of course he is jealous of his husband.

First Young Master Liu scratched his brows a few times, looked at the beauties around him and shook his head with strange expressions.

"Hey, Yao'er, Xiaoxi, Wei'er, Bizhu...what can I say about you sisters as husbands?
The children are young, but your sisters are still young?

Everyone is so grown up, and they still care about children, especially the children's own children, what about you sisters? "

When all the beauties heard their husband's words full of ridicule, they all frowned, and shifted their eyes from the little guys to Young Master Liu in unison.

"Hey, stinky husband, what are you talking about? How come it doesn't happen?"

"Yes, yes, why not, these little bastards are really heartless."

"That's right, all of them are too heartless. On weekdays, sisters who are concubines are so busy to feed them and dress them well?
Sometimes, even the voice is almost hoarse.

Our sisters love their brothers and sisters so much that we almost give them our heart and soul.

The results of it?These little bastards don't even kiss mothers like us at all.

Seeing such a situation, we sisters are not allowed to be angry? "

"That's right, we sisters who are mothers love them so much, but they only know you as a father. Of course our sisters will be jealous."

First Young Master Liu laughed bitterly when he saw the beauties attacking their sons and daughters.

"Hehehe, no, no!"

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, Liu Yirou, the little girl from the third princess, quietly hid behind her father, poked her head and looked up at the third princess.

"Mother, you didn't tell the truth. When we got up just now, you spanked my butt, and you spanked my ass more than a dozen times in a row. It hurt so much?"

When First Young Master Liu heard Liu Yirou's rebuttal to the third princess, he immediately raised his brows, and looked at the third princess narrowly.

"Oh, you spanked your daughter more than a dozen times in the morning, Yan'er, you really love your child."

The third princess first heard her daughter's rebuttal, and then felt her husband's narrow eyes, her pretty face stiffened instantly.

The third princess glanced at her husband in embarrassment, and then glared at her daughter Liu Yirou who was hiding behind First Young Master Liu.

"Smelly girl, you still have the face to say it, who made you go back to sleep after playing crazy yesterday until midnight, if you didn't stay in bed when you woke up, would my mother spank your ass?
If you stayed up all night like your sisters Yaoyao, Yunxin, and Lianiang, would you be beaten for staying in bed? "

The little girl had an embarrassing face, and she didn't know what to say when she was directly refuted by the third princess's words.


"What are you, you keep talking, and then complain to your good father!"

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the little girl's pitiful appearance, stroked the little girl's temples a few times, and looked at the beauties with a smile.

"Oh, it's okay, it's all my husband's fault, it's all my husband's fault."

"Husband, you just get used to them."

"Hehehe, Yan'er, Yao'er... You sisters are almost done, you have to make the children cry to be happy?"



"Hey, Daddy?"

"Come, come, come and apologize to your mothers, and say that I was wrong."

The old man had already spoken, so a group of little guys naturally didn't dare not listen.

The boys walked up to the three princesses, Yun Xiaoxi, Xue Bizhu and the other sisters, and bowed in unison.

"Mother, the child knows it's wrong."

Seeing this, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and looked at the beauties.

"Okay, the children have already apologized to your sisters, so don't carry them."

The three princesses, Huyan Yunyao, Huang Lingyi and their sisters were not really angry with their children. Seeing that their husband gave their sisters and others such a big step, they naturally wouldn't say anything.

The beauties looked at each other with smiles, and seeing the large group of sons and daughters saluting their sisters in front of them, they quickly put their hands up with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, okay, no gift."

"Free of courtesy, free of courtesy."

"Thank you, mother."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of tobacco vigorously, and walked straight towards the fireworks on the snow.

"Ladies, hurry up and set off the fireworks. If you delay for a while, you will have to refill the pot of shredded tobacco for your husband."

"I'm coming."


"Daddy, Daddy, just wait for me."

Amidst bursts of laughter, First Young Master Liu and his family re-ignited a wave of fireworks, and immediately retreated to their original positions.

"Daddy, run, run."

"Sister Yaoyao, wait for me, wait for me."

Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, and the Empress returned to their original place together, and immediately looked up at the sky and waited.

At this time, they didn't know that Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and his wife, Qi Run, Mrs. Qi and his wife, the four elders had quietly come behind them.

Mrs. Liu was about to remind her, but was stopped by Liu Zhi'an.

Liu Zhi'an patted his wife's arm with a smile, and pointed to the gloomy sky above his head that was being illuminated by the fireworks in other places around Liu's mansion.

"Husband, watch the fireworks first, watch the fireworks first."

"Okay, I know."

"In-laws, in-laws, mother-in-law, the fireworks made by the bastards are much more beautiful than the fireworks we bought from the street, and those made by Liu Song and his servants.

You two, you have to watch it carefully. "

"Ma'am, what my father-in-law said is right, the fireworks made by this child Zhi'er are extraordinarily pleasing to the eye!
Back then, since my husband witnessed it several times in the palace, the memory is still fresh! "

"Hey, father-in-law, it's rare for you to praise Zhi'er. Now that you've said that, I have to open my eyes wide."

As soon as Mrs. Qi's words fell, there was an endless roar on the snow in the distance.

Brilliant, colorful fireworks exploded in the snowy night sky, once again illuminating the entire Liu Mansion sky like daytime.

The moment the fireworks exploded, a group of little guys gathered together, holding hands and cheering loudly again.

"Wow! So beautiful."

"Daddy, you are amazing. The fireworks you make are the most beautiful fireworks in the world."

Young Master Liu heard the praise from a group of sons and daughters, and the smile on his face never faded.

Amidst bursts of laughter, Liu Yunxin's loud exclamation suddenly sounded.

"Ah! Grandparents, grandparents, when did you come here?"
Everyone was startled when they heard Liu Yunxin's surprised words, and looked behind them subconsciously.

Sure enough, Young Master Liu, Qi Yun and the others just turned around and saw Liu Zhian and his four elders standing behind him and the others.

Feeling the gazes of all the sons and daughters, daughters-in-law, grandsons, granddaughters, and two granddaughters-in-law, Liu Zhian lightly took a puff of tobacco and waved his hands cheerfully.

"Hehehe, watch the fireworks first, watch the fireworks first.

It would be a pity to miss such a beautiful fireworks. "

"Yes, my daughter-in-law and sisters know."

"Okay, okay, let's listen to grandpa and watch the fireworks first."

The cutie hugged Liu Zhian's arm, and with a smile on her face, she pulled Liu Zhian forward a few steps.

"Grandpa, grandpa, come with me this way, you can see more clearly from this side."

"Grandpa, grandpa, come to my side, I can see more clearly from my side."

"Grandpa, come to my side, come to my side, I can see more clearly than my brother and sister."

Among the sons and daughters under Young Master Liu's knees, if you want to say who is closest to them.

The person who can be ranked first is naturally Young Master Liu, his own father.

If you want to say who is the second person, it is naturally grandpa Liu Zhi'an.

There is no way, who made grandpa so nice!
After all, as long as my grandfather was by my side, my brothers and sisters never broke the silver flower.

Whenever my brothers and sisters are short of money, I just need to go around in front of my grandfather Liu Zhi'an, happily call Grandpa, and then the white money will be in my hands.

If the mouth is sweet, and if you act like a baby again, you will get the shining gold again.

Such a good grandfather, looking at the whole world, who can not be close to him?

Liu Zhi'an looked at a large group of grandsons and granddaughters clustered in front of him, and waved his hands with a smile on his face.

"Oh, oh, ok, ok, if you continue to drag it on, you will break me up, Grandpa.

Grandpa won't go anywhere, let's just stand here and watch the fireworks together, okay? "

"Okay, let's listen to grandpa."

"Yeah, whatever grandpa said, so be it."

Seeing such a situation, Liu Mingzhi walked to Liu Zhian's side in a leisurely manner, and coughed softly.



"Dad, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi silently smoked a mouthful of dry tobacco, smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"They all stood aside and watched the fireworks obediently. Grandpa is so old, so don't pester him anymore."

"Oh, Lian Niang knows."

"Okay, Yunrui understands."

A group of little guys nodded obediently, immediately let go of Liu Zhian's sleeves, and silently retreated to the side.

The cutie smiled and glanced at the younger brothers and sisters who had retreated to the side obediently, then turned her eyes and gave Eldest Young Master Liu a proud look, and still held Liu Zhian's arm self-servingly, without letting go at all. the meaning of.

Young Master Liu looked at the cute and arrogant look, shook his head with a light smile, and then turned his gaze to the bright and colorful fireworks in the sky.


When the fireworks in the sky gradually disappeared, a group of people turned their heads to look at First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu sensed everyone's gaze, and cheerfully pointed to the neatly arranged fireworks on the snowy ground in the distance.

"It's all about what the husband is doing, where there are more fireworks, if you want to go, hurry up."

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengqian, of course, you too, if you want to go, just go."
"Yes, thank you Daddy."

(End of this chapter)

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