As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, everyone stopped drinking and looked at him with different expressions.

"What? Taishan, Taishan Fengchan?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen this year?"

Xia Gongming directly put down the wine bowl in his hand, looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes and fell silent.

Seeing Xia Gongming's silent appearance, Liu Mingzhi picked up his wine bowl with a slight brow, then turned his head and glanced at Song Qing and the others who were looking at him in astonishment.

"Brother, Baoyu, you all watch what this young master is doing, drink when you want to drink."

"Ok, drink, drink."

"Yes, Commander, we know."

Liu Mingzhi exhaled a puff of light smoke slowly, and his slightly condensed brows gradually relaxed. After he lowered his head and took a sip of his drink, he looked at Xia Gongming calmly.

"My lord, why are you silent?

how?Could it be that your lord thinks that with my current achievements, I am not qualified to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai? "

Xia Gongming shook his head, quickly got up and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister absolutely dare not think so."

Seeing Xia Gongming's embarrassed expression, Liu Mingzhi waved his hand casually.

"My lord, don't be nervous, just sit down."

"Yes, old minister, thank you Your Majesty."

Xia Gongming thanked him and sat down on the stone bench again.
Young Master Liu took another sip of the fine wine, put the wine bowl on the table, got up with the pipe, walked to the edge of the gazebo and stopped.

"Boss, since you don't dare to think so, then you can tell me what you think."

Xia Gongming looked at Song Qing helplessly when he heard Young Master Liu's words, and Zhou Baoyu looked over.

In Song Qing, Zhou Baoyu shook his head when he saw Xia Gongming looking at the two of them.

Seeing the reaction of Song and Qing, Xia Gongming nodded with a wry smile.

Seeing that Xia Gongming didn't reply for a long time, Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his mouth and lightly took a mouthful of dry smoke.

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"Why are you still silent?"

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu who was standing on the edge of the gazebo, and sighed with a complicated expression.

Under the sighing gazes of Song Qing, Liu Mingjie and the others, Xia Gongming picked up the wine jar at hand and poured himself a bowl of wine.

After Xia Gongming drank three bowls of fine wine in a row, he wiped the wine off his gray beard with his fingers, got up and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu heard footsteps behind him, and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him.

Seeing Xia Gongming walking towards him, First Young Master Liu just frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

Xia Gongming walked to Young Master Liu and stopped, then bowed and saluted.

"His Majesty."

"My lord?"

Xia Gongming straightened his somewhat hunched body, raised his hands and punched the sky where the snow was falling all over the sky.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to say a word, and I hope His Majesty will not be offended."

"Okay, sir, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, the past is like the past.

Therefore, some veterans of the past will not show up.

Since your majesty proclaimed himself emperor, you, your majesty, have personally collected gold and conquered the two countries.

After several months, the world was finally unified and Kyushu was established.

My Dalong, the former Jin Kingdom, and the former Turkic Three Kingdoms have been fighting for a hundred years.

Finally, in the hands of His Majesty, it came to a successful conclusion.

It is just to unify the world and establish the achievements of Kyushu.

Your Majesty's achievements are enough to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai.

After the unification of the world, the Dalong River and the mountains are waiting to be rejuvenated, and the people feel at ease.

During His Majesty's reign, he worked diligently and cared for the people, and rectified the administration of officials.

Responded to the desire of all people in the world to live and work in peace and contentment.

Reform the imperial examinations and promote business.Open the canal, promulgate new laws, and give heaven's grace to the common people in the world.

After a few years, my Dalong is finally Haiyan and Heqing, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

The prosperity of the dragon is worthy of the name.

Externally, His Majesty traveled to the West, opened up borders and territories, spread his might all over the world, and dominated the world.

All nations in the world should surrender.

All the people in the world admire him.

His majesty's great achievements can be described as unprecedented.

If His Majesty has such great achievements, he is not qualified to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai.

Looking at the emperors of the past dynasties, apart from Qin Huang, Han Wu, and the founding father of the current dynasty, how many other emperors are qualified to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai?

It is the luck of Mount Tai that Your Majesty wishes to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai.


After Xia Gongming spoke, his expression became struggling.

"But... Your Majesty is... after all... is..."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Xia Gongming indifferently, turned around and walked to the stone table, reached out to pick up a jar of wine and turned back.

Under Xia Gongming's complicated eyes, First Young Master Liu lifted the wine bag and sent it to his mouth.

Young Master Liu drank half of the jug of fine wine in one go, turned his head to look at Xia Gongming, and sneered a few times with a self-deprecating expression on his face.

"Hehehe, hehehe.

Mrs. Xia, you want to say that after all, I am wrong, right? "

As soon as Xia Gongming mentioned the hem of his clothes, he directly knelt down to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, the old minister deserves death. Please forgive me."
When Xia Gongming knelt down, Song Qing and Zhou Baoyu hurriedly put down the wine bowls in their hands, and stood up with embarrassing expressions.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Xia Gongming who was kneeling beside him with a complicated expression, raised the wine jar in his hand and drank it headlong.

The wine spilled from the corner of his mouth wet a large area of ​​his clothes, but Young Master Liu ignored it and continued to gulp down the wine.

Seeing his elder brother's appearance like this, Liu Mingjie had a look of worry in his eyes, and subconsciously walked towards First Young Master Liu.

Song Qing seemed to have guessed what Liu Mingjie was thinking, and quickly raised his hand to stop him.

Liu Mingjie was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Song Qing suspiciously.

Seeing Liu Mingjie's puzzled look, Song Qing just shook his head slightly at him.

Liu Mingjie hesitated for a moment, then silently put down his raised right foot, and returned to the original position.

When the last drop of wine in the wine jar fell into his mouth, First Young Master Liu put down the wine jar in his hand, and laughed out loud with a gloomy gaze.

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Song Qing, Zhou Baoyu and the others listened to Young Master Liu's hearty laughter, and looked worriedly at Xia Gongming who was kneeling beside Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu looked down at Xia Gongming, and said in an extremely flat tone, "Xia Gongming."

This time, Young Master Liu didn't call Xia Gongming the boss, but called him by his full name.

From being addressed as an elder, to calling him by his full name.

Everyone present already knew how First Young Master Liu was feeling.

Zhou Baoyu, Song Qing, and Liu Mingjie looked at each other, looked at Young Master Liu standing on the edge of the Snow Pavilion, and couldn't help swallowing.

They all knew in their hearts that Young Master Liu was really angry this time.

Even though, he hasn't really exploded yet.

Xia Gongming took a deep breath, and his kneeling body sank again.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is here."

"Xia Gongming, Xia Gongming, your temper is really worthy of your name.

It's really fair and clear! "

"Your Majesty, the old minister is guilty."


"Yes, the old minister is guilty."

"Xia Gongming, you are really not afraid that I will take your head now!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to say, Your Majesty, don't say that Taishan enshrined Zen once, it counts as ten times.

The same is true for the history books of veteran officials.

Great achievements are great achievements, mistakes are mistakes, and merits and demerits can never be offset. "

Young Master Liu opened his eyes, and looked at Xia Gongming with a gloomy expression.

"Zhen, I have no intention of asking you to change the history books, let alone the idea of ​​asking you to tamper with the history books.

I just want to know if I am qualified to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai. "

To Young Master Liu's question, Xia Gongming nodded without hesitation, and replied decisively without thinking: "Return to Your Majesty, you are qualified!"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the children who were drinking and having fun in the distance, and nodded with relief.

"It's good to be qualified, good to be qualified."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words to himself, Xia Gongming's mind suddenly relaxed, and he gasped heavily.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, and glanced at Xia Gongming lightly.

"Stop kneeling, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Xia Gongming, today you have opened my eyes. It turns out that you really are not afraid of death!"

After Xia Gongming got up, he sighed with a complicated expression.

"Oh, back to Your Majesty, the old minister is afraid of death."

"fear death?"

"Yes, the old minister is afraid of death."

"Since you are afraid of death, then you still deal with my problems like this."

Xia Gongming remained silent for a moment with a hesitant expression, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, as the chief minister of the current cabinet and concurrently serving as the official censor, the old minister should be fair in the writing of history.

As a historian, the old minister should have a noble spirit.

For the justice of history, not afraid of death. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded sighingly, looked at Xia Gongming and asked softly: "What if I use your nine clans as a threat?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister would rather write history with blood than change it."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly, carried the empty wine jar to the stone table, and casually threw the wine jar towards Liu Mingjie.

Liu Mingjie immediately reached out to remember the wine jar, bent down and put the wine jar under the stone table.

Liu Mingzhi brought up a wine jar again, and walked silently towards the outside of the Snow Pavilion.

"My lord."

As for Xia Gongming's address, Young Master Liu once again changed from calling him by his name directly to the old man.

Hearing this, Xia Gongming immediately bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"The old minister is here."

"I, am I a good emperor?"

Xia Gongming nodded solemnly: "Return to Your Majesty, yes!"

"What about the history books?"

"On the history books, what His Majesty said doesn't count, and what the old minister said doesn't count.

Qing history is the most fair, and future generations will have their own conclusions. "

"Then, will my sons and daughters still bear the infamy?"
"No, the historian of the dynasty only writes about the affairs of the dynasty."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and looked at his children lovingly.

"Okay! With the words of the boss, I am relieved."

"The old minister is guilty, and the old minister is ashamed of His Majesty's grace."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly, reached out and patted Xia Gongming's shoulder.

"My lord, there are upright officials like you in the imperial court.

It is a blessing for me, a blessing for the court, and a blessing for the world! "

"The old minister dare not, the old minister dare not."

First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards the outside of the Snow Appreciation Pavilion in a leisurely manner.

"Brother, Baoyu, I'm leaving first, and you can just drink by yourself."

"Hey, I see."

"Master, we know."


"Big brother?"

"I'm a bit tired of being a brother, so I'll let you accompany my elder brother, Baoyu, my lord, Jiuniu and the others have been drinking."

"Yes, my brother understands."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, raised the wine jug in his hand and drank a few mouthfuls of wine, and walked straight to the outside of the Snow Pavilion.


Young Master Liu's lonely figure gradually blended into the snowy curtain of snowflakes flying all over the sky.

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's lonely back, flicked the hem of his clothes, and knelt down directly to Young Master Liu who was walking away.

"Veteran Xia Gongming, thank Your Majesty for the grace of heaven, my emperor is holy, long live long live long live long live."

When Young Master Liu's lonely back completely melted into the flying snow and disappeared, Song Qing immediately went to Xia Gongming's side, and leaned over to help him up.

"My lord, Your Majesty has gone far away, get up quickly."

"Hey, thank you King Wuyi for being a thousand years old."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, let's sit here."

Zhou Baoyu sighed with regret, walked slowly to Xia Gongming's side, picked up the flagon on the stove and poured him a bowl of warm wine.

"My lord."

"Master Hou?"

After Zhou Baoyu poured himself another bowl of wine, he swung his heavy bear fur cloak and sat down on the stone bench next to Xia Gongming with a melancholy expression.

"My lord, this Marquis respects you with a bowl of wine."

Xia Gongming immediately picked up the wine bowl and touched Zhou Baoyu lightly, and said with a light smile: "Thank you, Lord Hou, I will drink with Lord Hou."

Zhou Baoyu put down the wine bowl in his hand, took out the pipe from his waist, pulled it open and gestured to Xia Gongming.

"Boss, do you want a pot?"

"Okay, okay, the old man will not be polite."
After Zhou Baoyu lit a pot of dry smoke, he turned his head to look at the direction in which Young Master Liu was leaving, and sighed with a melancholy expression.

"My lord."

Xia Gongming immediately covered the fire folder in his hand, and looked at Zhou Baoyu with a puzzled expression.

"Master Hou?"

"My lord, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, this Marquis respects you very much, my lord.

It's just...just..."

Xia Gongming looked at Zhou Baoyu's hesitant to speak, and sighed softly with a complex expression.

"Oh, Lord Hou, I understand what you mean.

If you have anything to say, Lord Hou, you might as well just say it. "

Zhou Baoyu nodded slightly, then turned to look at Song Qing.

Sensing Zhou Baoyu's gaze, Song Qing picked up the wine bowl and drank a big mouthful of wine, then nodded to Zhou Baoyu intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhou Baoyu received Song Qing's signal, and once again raised his wine bowl to signal to Xia Gongming.

"My lord, let's have another bowl."

"Your Majesty, you are being polite, let's do it."

Xia Gongming put the wine bowl on the stone table, and smiled bitterly with a complex expression.

"Hehehe, King Wuyi, Lord Hou, I am not a fool, so I naturally understand what you mean.

If you want to scold the old man, just scold me, the old man will never complain a word. "

Song Qing put down the wine bowl in his hand, and lightly took a puff of dry tobacco.

"Boss, raising troops to rebel, murdering the king and usurping the throne is a thorn in His Majesty's heart.

His Majesty could not let go of this thorn for a long time.

Today is the Spring Festival, a happy day for the whole family.

You just, can't you make His Majesty happy? "

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