My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3217 is your world

Chapter 3217 is your world
First Young Master Liu was slightly stunned, with a slight look of doubt in his eyes.

"Distressed as a father?"

The little cutie hastily tapped Zhenshou a few times, and said with a pretty face seriously: "Yeah, that's right, Yue'er just loves you, Daddy."

Seeing Little Cute's serious expression, Young Master Liu shook his head with a light smile, raised the wine jar and sent it to his mouth.

"Hehehe, girl, why do you love me as a father?"

The little cutie held her fragrant cheek with one hand, propped her elbow on the bridge pillar, and sighed softly.

"Oh, do you need to say that? Of course I feel sorry for you, Dad, and you are under a lot of pressure."

Liu Mingzhi squeezed the cute red face with his fingers and pulled it a few times, and walked forward again carrying the wine jar.

"Smelly girl, what are you thinking about, when did I get stressed as a father?"

Seeing this, the cutie immediately raised her hand to pat the snow on her black hair in fear, and chased after First Young Master Liu with the wine jar in her hand.

"Oh, stinky old man, don't hold on.

When you passed by us just now, Yue'er had already seen it.

If you really have nothing on your mind, when you came out of the Snow Appreciation Pavilion just now, why did you frown and look absent-minded?


As the little cutie was talking, she suddenly became hesitant to speak and then stopped.

Young Master Liu frowned, and looked back at the little padded jacket who had already followed.

"Huh? And what?"

"Furthermore, what Old Xia Ge said was so exaggerated, Yue'er didn't believe that in your heart, Dad, you really didn't feel any pressure at all."

Hearing the cute answer, Young Master Liu stopped suddenly, and asked with a look full of surprise: "Yue'er, what did you just say?"

"Huh? What's the matter? What Yue'er said just now was a very common sentence."

"Talk to Father Wei again."

"Well, Yue'er said that Mrs. Xia's words are so exaggerated, Yue'er doesn't believe that you really don't have any pressure at all.

Dad, what's the matter?What's wrong with this sentence? "

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the direction of the Snow Appreciation Pavilion, looked away, and nodded strangely at the little cutie.

"Yue'er, if it's daddy, I remember correctly, the place where you, Cheng Zhi, Chengfeng and you guys drank together is about twenty or thirty steps away from the Snow Appreciation Pavilion?

Such a long distance, and the voice was not very loud when the father talked with the old man, plus the heavy snow was flying, and the cold wind was howling.

Under such circumstances, you can actually hear the words of the boss? "

The little cutie shrugged her fragrant shoulders and nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I heard it, but I didn't hear it very clearly, I just vaguely heard the general content."

First Young Master Liu nodded lightly, rubbed his chin with his fingers, and circled the little cutie in amazement.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a good ear!"

Seeing her father circling around her non-stop, Xiaocuti hurriedly moved to the side to hide, and rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"Oh, stinky old man, can you stop spinning, Yue'er is almost fainted by you."

Liu Mingzhi suddenly stopped in front of the little cutie, raised his right hand abruptly, and quickly patted the little cutie's shoulder.

Little Cutie never thought that First Young Master Liu would suddenly attack her.

Caught off guard, she had no time to dodge First Young Master Liu's attack, and subconsciously activated the internal force in her body, condensing a body-protecting energy around her.

Liu Mingzhi seemed to be intentionally waiting for the little cutie's defense, his true energy was wanton, and the big hands that left behind afterimages seemed to be swift, but they didn't come down for a long time.

At the moment when the body-protecting qi condensed by the little cutie's internal force surged around her body, First Young Master Liu left behind afterimages of big hands, which happened to pat her fragrant shoulders.

A muffled sound.

The strong wind blew away the snowflakes flying around the father and daughter, and also rolled up the thick snow on the bridge corridor.

In an instant.

The strong wind blows, sweeping everything around.

Young Master Liu, the little cute father and daughter's sides instantly became empty, and there was no longer a piece of snow falling.

The little cutie took a few steps back, and quickly reached out to caress her aching shoulder.

She kneaded her shoulders, looked at First Young Master Liu with a gloomy expression, and let out a soft snort.

"Hmph! Oh, old man, what are you doing?"

Liu Mingzhi lifted the wine jar and drank a few swigs of wine, looked at the cutie cheerfully and nodded.

"Hehehe, stinky girl, no wonder you are so sharp-sighted, it turns out that you have already entered the realm of the eighth rank!

But at the age of only 20 years old, he has already entered the realm of the eighth rank.

This kind of talent is really a martial arts prodigy.

As expected of Liu Mingzhi's daughter, it's amazing, really amazing! "

Hearing her father's words of praise, the little cutie moved her shoulders lightly, and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Huh, stinky old man, you just want to know how my current martial arts state is, my girl?
If you want to know what state Yue'er I am in now, just ask me directly, it's not that I won't tell you.

As for the sudden attack on me without warning? "

Liu Mingzhi shook his head cheerfully, waved at the cutie, and started to walk towards the exit on the other side of the covered bridge.

"Girl, I'm going to attack you for my father. I don't just want to know how your current state is, but also want to test how vigilant you are."

The little cutie followed First Young Master Liu, raised her lotus feet and kicked the snow under her feet with a depressed expression.

"So, what kind of conclusions have you come to, old man?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the cutie, and said with a sigh: "It's very good, much better than your father and I when we were young."

When the little cutie heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words, the depressed look on her pretty face instantly disappeared, and her bright eyes looked at Eldest Young Master Liu excitedly.

It seems that being able to surpass one's father in a certain way is a very exciting thing.

Cutie suppressed the excitement in her heart forcibly, and coughed a few times pretending to be calm: "Ahem, cough, good daddy, is what you said true?"

Seeing the excited look on the little cutie's face, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hands to pinch the little cutie's pretty face, and nodded cheerfully.

"Yeah, of course it's true.

Back then when I was your age as a father, I was far behind Yue'er now. "

Hearing the father's affirmative answer, the little cutie drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine triumphantly, then turned to look at Young Master Liu and chuckled softly.

"Hee hee hee, tsk tsk tsk.

Yue'er thought you were so powerful when you were young, and you can't even compare with me.

Dad, you can't do this either!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head cheerfully at the little cutie's words that were full of ridicule, and sighed with embarrassment.

"Well, since ancient times, the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past, and the new generation is better than the old."

"That's true."


Seeing Eldest Young Master Liu's indifferent and serious expression, Little Cutie slightly pursed her red lips, and immediately put away the smile on her face.

"Huh? Daddy?"

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly, stopped at the exit of the corridor bridge, lifted the wine jar in his hand and sent it to his mouth.

Under Little Cutie's worried eyes, First Young Master Liu held up the wine jar in his hand, tilted his head up and began to drink freely.

"Oh, daddy, drink slowly, drink slowly, don't choke."

Young Master Liu didn't seem to hear the worried tone of the little cutie, and drank the rest of the drink in one go.

"Hic! Hiccup..."

First Young Master Liu burped a few times, reached out and patted the little cutie on the shoulder, and walked directly towards the path by the lake.


"Hey, Dad?"

"Girl, the future world will be the world of you young people.

Daddy, I am already old, and I cannot accompany you brothers and sisters for many years.

In the future, after my father and I are gone, you brothers and sisters must help and support each other. "

When the little cutie heard her father's lonely tone, her lotus feet paused slightly, and her bright eyes looked melancholy at Young Master Liu's back.


As soon as the words fell, the cutie pursed her lips vigorously, and silently followed Liu Mingzhi again.

First Young Master Liu then put the bottomless wine jar in his hand on the snow, and calmly took out a torch and lit a pot of shredded tobacco.

The little cutie leaned over slightly, and lifted the wine jar that the old man put on the snow into his hand.

"Especially you, you must help your brothers and sisters solve their problems.

Yue'er, among your large group of brothers and sisters, you are not the oldest.

However, in terms of personal intelligence and ability, your eldest sister, second sister, eldest brother, second brother, and second sister are far behind you.

One day in the future, Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, their brothers and sisters, in case anyone does something wrong.

Yue'er, you must take care of them a little more, and don't care about them like them. "

The cutie blinked her sore eyes a few times, and stared at First Young Master Liu with reddish eye sockets.

"Oh, stinky old man, are you annoying?

Today is the Spring Festival, so why are you saying these words?

Stop talking, Yue'er doesn't want to hear, Yue'er doesn't want to hear. "

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and nodded with a self-deprecating expression.

"Hehehe, Yue'er, I think back then when I was a father, I seldom talked about these things.

After all, I am old, and I can't help but become long-winded. "

The little cutie frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment, then lifted the wine jug in her hand and divided half of the wine into another wine jug.

"Hey, stinky old man, I will give you half of my drink, drink some more."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, and casually took the wine jar handed over by the cutie.

"Alright, then I'll drink a little more with you as a father."

The little cutie danced around First Young Master Liu a few times flexibly, and raised the wine jar with a smile on her face as a gesture to her father.

"Hee hee hee, father, Yue'er respects you."
"Hehehe, let's drink together."

The little cutie raised her jade neck and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, then wiped the wine from the corner of her mouth and said softly: "Father, Yue'er doesn't think you're long-winded, Yue'er just doesn't want to see your old-fashioned look like this." appearance.

Good daddy, you told Yue'er yourself when we were walking on the covered bridge over the lake just now.

At best, you are only past the age of [-], and you have not yet reached the age of old and confused!
That being the case, why do you have to look like this now? "

"Girl, it's because you are still young, and you don't understand how I feel as a father.

future.When you reach the age of being my father, many things will naturally be understandable. "

The little cutie turned around directly and walked backwards.

"Ah, stinky old man.

I'm not stupid, girl, so I can probably guess what's going on in your heart.

After all, you are still stressed. "

"Well, maybe it is."

"Good father, don't worry about it, you can tell this girl boldly and confidently, that's all."

“How come you see?”

"Daddy, this is so obvious.

If you had no pressure in your heart, you wouldn't be what you are now. "

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways slightly, grabbed the little cutie's earlobe with his knuckles and twisted it a few times, speeding up his pace in the face of the flying snow all over the sky.

"Ghost spirit, you are the only one who is smart."

The cutie giggled, and chased after First Young Master Liu with a proud face.

"That's right, this girl is your daughter. If I'm not smart, who is smart?"

After about half a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu, the little cute father and daughter stopped a hundred steps away from the Snow Pavilion.

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at Song Qing, Zhou Baoyu, Xia Gongming and others who were pushing and changing cups in the Snow Pavilion, and then turned his gaze to the white flower garden in the distance.

When he saw Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Zhenghao and his brothers were exchanging cups with Song Yang and the others, having a happy conversation, he nodded imperceptibly.

"Smelly old man, what are you looking at?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the little cutie who looked puzzled, shook his head lightly, and happily walked towards the exit of the garden.

"It's nothing, let's see if they are enjoying themselves."

The little cutie nodded with a complicated expression, and silently followed Young Master Liu.

"Oh fine."

After the father and daughter walked away from the snow-appreciating pavilion, the little cutie threw herself on Young Master Liu's back.


First Young Master Liu let out a soft cry, bowed his body slightly, and looked back helplessly at the cutie who had rushed to his back, holding the wine jar in one hand, and wrapping his arms around his neck in the other.

"Smelly girl, what are you doing?"

The cutie giggled, and took a few sips of wine with a proud expression.


"It's only been how long we've been walking, and you're already tired.

Come down quickly, you want to exhaust your father and me, right? "

"Hey, hey, hey, old man, you hurt my girl's heart by saying this.

Seeing that you are in a bad mood, this girl is here to make you happy, to accompany you to drink to relieve boredom, and to help you relieve your mood.

In order to make you happy, this girl has spent so much energy back and forth.

I spent so much energy and didn't say anything, what happened to you behind my back for a while, old man. "


"Oh, good daddy, good daddy, just carry me behind your back for a while.

At worst, after you get out of the garden, you can put me down again. "

"Hey, I really got you."

Young Master Liu pretended to be annoyed and shook his head, and silently blended into the snow with the cutie on his back.

Cutie reached out to catch a few flakes of flying snow, turned slightly sideways, and rested her chin on Young Master Liu's shoulder.


"What are you doing?"

"If you... if..."

"If so what's the matter?"

"Forget it, it's nothing, drive!"

(End of this chapter)

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