Chapter 3226 beat him

Seeing the profound smile on Liu Zhi'an's face, First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and meditated inwardly.


Young Master Liu's expression relaxed, and he nodded with a faint smile, his heart suddenly brightened.

He already understood the deep meaning contained in his old man's words.

Seeing the change in Young Master Liu's expression, a smile flashed in Liu Zhi'an's eyes, he nodded his head imperceptibly, and continued to serve a pot of dry smoke with a smile on his face.

"Bastard, do you understand?"

Although he already understood the meaning of Liu Zhian's words, Young Master Liu still pretended to be confused and shook his head pretending to understand.

"Hehehe, I don't know much about it."

Young Master Liu turned around and looked in the direction of the capital while speaking, holding the dry pipe in his hand with a sighing expression, and began to puff.

Seeing Young Master Liu's curious expression, Liu Zhi'an picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, then waved his hands helplessly.

First Young Master Liu nodded silently, and sighed with a low expression.

Liu Zhi'an slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, lifted the wine jug on the low table to his mouth, raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine happily.

Liu Zhi'an took a puff of dry cigarette forcefully, smiled wryly and sighed.

At that time, if my young master and I insist on getting to the bottom of it, are you sure this young master's mother and her elders can keep their mouths shut? "

If I know everything about this young master, why would I ask you? "

Liu Zhian's face was slightly startled, and then he reacted.

"Liu Zhi'an frowned slightly, turned to look at First Young Master Liu and asked: "Oh?why? "

The young master is very curious, what is going on between you and your father, the old man? "

There are only binoculars, but no million-mile mirrors, one hundred thousand-mile mirrors. "

At the end of seven years in Ryan, as far as today and evening.

The new king, Li Baiyu, has only been in charge of Dalong Jiangshan for three years, because the kings secretly united and rebelled.

"I have worked hard in government affairs all my life, and I haven't taken a good look at the mountains and rivers of the world. I can only do the act of peeping through this small mirror."

"Alas - it's just some old things, don't mention it, don't mention it."


"Your father-in-law, Li Zheng, passed away in the winter at the end of the seventh year of Rui'an.

"Old man, there are no fish to take the bait now, we just sit and sit, so you can tell this young master about the things between you and your father, the old man."

However, the world is impermanent, and good fortune tricks people.

"Old man, then I am all ears, Master."

As a result, his old man's last words entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

"At that time, father and his father took a binoculars from a young eunuch, silently admiring the scenery around the palace.

After listening to First Young Master Liu's words, Liu Zhian raised his brows slightly and took a sip of the wine, then sighed softly with a sigh.

"Oh, green plum cooking wine, is it true that Li Zheng wants to talk about heroes with your boy green plum cooking wine?"

"The country is still there, but the hardships of people are still there."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, he revealed a smile that he thought was very sincere, and he lifted the jug with a smile and gestured to Liu Zhi'an.

The more my old man is like this, the more curious I am in my heart, what kind of past between my old man and Li Zheng.

After Young Master Liu read aloud the poem written by Li Zhengda on the eve of his death, like Liu Zhi'an, he reached out to pick up another flagon, raised his head and began to drink happily.

"You bastard, are you so full of food and have nothing to do, why do you keep asking about old things that have nothing to do with you?"

Do you know what the father and the old man said to this young master on the eve of his death? "

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze looking towards the direction of the city, glanced sideways at Liu Zhian, and sighed softly.

"Okay, the old man would like to hear the details."

"Build a peaceful world, build a peaceful world!"

It's called, speak the truth after drinking!

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance like this, Liu Zhi'an took a few deep breaths, picked up his wine glass and laughed a few times with a resentful expression.

Back then, the old man led someone to beat up your father-in-law, Li Zheng. "

Young Master Liu's body trembled slightly, he put away his eyes that were staring at the warm sun in the sky, and looked at Liu Zhi'an who was gulping and drinking in surprise.

During this period, the first year of Tai'an and the second year of Tai'an.

One is the king of a country, the current emperor, and the other is a businessman, a gentry from the south of the Yangtze River.

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter what the young master said. I'd better repeat the poem he wrote to you, the old man."

Back then, the old man led someone to beat up your father-in-law, Emperor Ruizong Li Zheng. "

As if, as if it just happened yesterday. "

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi also sat down on his small bamboo chair.

After a few years, a series of subsequent loves took place.

"As for his old man's last words, my young master, let alone forget, is very impressed.

Liu Zhi'an carried the pot to refill a glass of wine for First Young Master Liu, and said with a light smile, "Tell me, what kind of words did your father-in-law talk to you before he died."

The two of them may deliberately hide it from this young master because of the brotherhood between you.

"Oh, old man, my young master, I am such a kind and honest person, what bad thoughts can I have?

"Hi! In all honesty, your father-in-law Li Zheng is indeed a hero.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the wine that the old man had refilled for him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a strong memory in his eyes.

"Old man, just like what you said just now, the father and the emperor are not only monarchs and ministers, but also son-in-law.

"Oh, indeed.

"Oh, old man, it's because it's some old things that I don't know about, so I'm curious about it!

"Eighteen years, and become a hero again."

When First Young Master Liu heard Liu Zhian's answer, his body shook immediately, and he let out a stunned exclamation.

"Sure enough, this old man's disposition is still exactly the same as when he was young.

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, Liu Zhi'an shook his head angrily.

Before I knew it, 12 years had passed.

“At the beginning, I thought so too.

Master Ben, I lack everything now, except fine wine.

"Old man, I would like to toast you again."

Then, he said a word to Master Ben. "

Seeing Liu Zhi'an's reaction, Young Master Liu took a sip of his drink with a half-smile, and touched the tip of his nose with a smile.

Liu Zhi'an wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, glanced at Young Master Liu indifferently, and let out a long sigh full of emotion.

As Liu Mingzhi talked, he bent down and picked up his wine glass from the low table, and drank the wine in the glass with a gloomy expression.

In order to protect your face, she may not tell this young master certain things.

"Drinking all the world with a glass of wine is full of sorrow and sorrow."

"Old man, back then, my father, the old man, died in front of my young master and me.

"Rebuild the mountains and rivers and create a peaceful world."

You kid can still remember what Li Zheng said 11 years ago? "

"Old man, listening to what you said, why does this young master think that when you were young, you seemed to be very familiar with the father and the old man.

and after?What else did he tell you? "

The first year of Taiping, as of this evening, the seventh year of Taiping.

After drinking fine wine, Liu Zhi'an hiccupped lightly, and cheerfully turned around to look in the direction of the imperial mausoleum in the suburbs of Beijing.

"Is there anything to say, didn't the old man already said it just now? It's just some old things, there is nothing to say."

Liu Zhi'an frowned, took a puff of dry smoke lightly, and also turned around to look towards the direction of the city.

"Gudu, Gudu, what? What? Say it again, old man."

The identities of the two people can be described as very different.
According to the normal situation, it is almost impossible for the two of them to have any communication!

"Don't you just want to know what happened between the old man and your father-in-law, Li Zheng?

Seeing Liu Zhi'an's appearance like this, First Young Master Liu couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

Don't you forget, old man, apart from being your good wife, this young master's mother is also my young master's mother!

"But who is a hero in this world, but me."

After his death, the crown prince Li Baiyu inherited the Great Dragon and ascended the throne as emperor.

Even after decades, nothing has changed. "

No, it should be said that it is looking towards the direction of the palace.

Liu Zhi'an rolled his eyes, and asked with a faint smile, "I don't know what you said, and what words did your father-in-law Li Zheng recite?"

"In this case, the old man is willing to hear the details."

Liu Zhian frowned, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a surprised expression.

"Asshole, even if the old man says it ten times, it's still the same.

Immediately afterwards, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

My old man and my father-in-law, what kind of past events existed between the two of them.

It has been 12 years since your father-in-law Li Zheng passed away.

"Sorrow and joy, right and wrong, success or failure, become empty in a blink of an eye."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to fan the smoke rising in front of him, and looked up at the warm sun hanging in the air.

A generation of Mingjun, died young.

Liu Zhian's body shook violently, his pupils constricted slightly, and he fell silent.

Having said that, in the end, Li Zheng didn't talk about heroes with your green plum cooking wine. "

"Oh, your father-in-law, Li Zheng, has indeed been scheming all his life."

He first raised his wine glass and said a word about heroes cooked with green plums.

After a moment.

Okay, old man, let me tell you.

"Old man, you shouldn't be the only one who knows about your past, right?
If you don't want to talk about it, then I will go to my mother, uncle and third uncle to inquire about the young master?
This young master's mother is your wife.

Seeing his old man's reaction like this, First Young Master Liu, who was originally more curious, became even more curious at this moment.

If my young master and I want to know some past events of the year, are you sure that the two brothers, uncle and third uncle, can really be foolproof?

"Later, my young master said something, and my father, the old man, recited a poem."

"Bastard, what the hell are you trying to do?"

The first year of Yongping, the second year of Yongping, and the third year of Yongping.

"Oh, the old man really convinced you."

Listen up, boy.

Besides the two of them, let's talk about my young master's mother.

Later, with your full support, the eldest son of the emperor, Li Ye, inherited the great treasure, and formally proclaimed himself emperor in the Palace of Qinzheng.

"After drinking, start over again, and talk about the setting sun in one word."

"Oh, to be honest, I don't want to remember this young master so clearly, but I can't forget it no matter what."

Liu Zhi'an nodded silently, turned around, walked to his seat and sat down.

The relationship between the monarch and his ministers is a rare story.

Of course, the uncle and the third uncle are your sworn brothers, old man.

First Young Master Liu wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth, turned his head and glanced at his buoy that was motionless, poured another glass of wine for Liu Zhi'an with a smile on his face.

My young master, I am just a little curious about what kind of past events existed between you and my father-in-law. "

"Hehehe, hehehe, cheers!"

But don't forget a word, old man.

At a young age, he was persecuted and had to seclude himself in the Palace of Qinzheng.

"Huh? What... what?"


So many years have passed, my young master, I still vividly remember the words he told me before the old man passed away.

"Later, Father asked Lao Zhou, is the green plum wine ready?"

Then, he said to me, Mingzhi, your skills are still not good enough.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Hearing Liu Zhi'an's affirmative tone, Young Master Liu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"The old man said, back then I led someone to beat up this old bastard Li Zheng."

Liu Zhi'an's face was stiff, and he stared at Young Master Liu with trembling lips and remained silent for a long time, panting heavily, and forcefully placed the flagon in his hand on the low table.

After Liu Zhi'an remained silent for a long time with a complicated expression, he laughed loudly and raised the jug to his mouth.

After Liu Zhi'an raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls of fine wine, he rolled his eyes at First Young Master Liu angrily.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "At the beginning, I also thought so in my heart, young master."

Young Master Liu drank a few sips of wine with a smile, then picked up Liu Zhian's wine jug on the table, and cheerfully refilled him with a glass of fine wine.

Young Master Liu drank the wine in the glass in one breath, and breathed out silently.

When the old man was still alive, you knew how the old man treated this young master.

But, are you sure that your good elder brother and third brother, this young master's uncle and third uncle, the two brothers will not tell this young master some past events?

"Hahaha, hahaha, good words, really good words."

My young master, I don't mean that if I forget it, I can forget it. "

"Really? Are you kidding me, old man?"

Liu Zhi'an rolled his eyes at First Young Master Liu angrily, bent over and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot under his feet.

"Asshole, do you think the old man is joking with you?"

"Ah! Not like!"

(End of this chapter)

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