My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3235 Discipleship

After Liu Song walked to the bead curtain and observed the situation in the hall again, he immediately turned his head and nodded to Young Master Liu as a gesture.

"Back to the young master, all the elders have already entered the palace."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, straightened his collar, and immediately walked towards the front hall with fast pace.

After Young Master Liu walked into the front hall and climbed onto the dragon platform without haste, Liu Song who was following behind immediately yelled at the top of his voice.

"Your Majesty is here."

As soon as Liu Song's voice came out, the chatter and laughter in the hall stopped abruptly, and the hall instantly became quiet.

All civil and military officials corrected their postures, held the imperial wat in their hands, and bowed in unison to salute.

"My ministers and others, see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the civil and military officials on the left and right under the dragon platform through the crown in front of him, smiled lightly and put his hands up.

"All ministers and gentlemen, all dear ministers, please be seated without courtesy."

Liu Chengzhi nodded, and quickly took the document into his hands.


"My son obeys."

Seeing this, Du Chenghao's expression instantly became awkward.

"Officials, in a blink of an eye, it has been three years since the last time Enke was recruited by the imperial court?"

Liu Mingzhi closed the documents, placed them on the dragon case, and looked down at Song Yu who was standing in the center of the hall.

"I already know about this matter, let me tell you about another book of yours."

Did a colleague commit something that His Majesty found out about.


"This year's Enke will proceed as usual."

All matters, big or small, are entrusted to the second prince Liu Chengzhi to supervise.

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, all the civil and military officials in the palace were stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

Only when all the people in the world are safe, can I, the current emperor, be safe.


Some officials secretly looked at the two elders, the head of the civil servants, Xia Gongming, the head of the cabinet, and the head of the military officer, Rongweihou Cai Jun.

"My dear friends, today is the first court meeting of this year, why are you so silent?

When the civil and military officials heard the words, they straightened their expressions immediately, and sat up straight in the blink of an eye.

Hearing First Young Master Liu's inquiry, all civil and military officials saluted in unison, raising the wat in their hands.

Du Chenghao walked directly in front of First Young Master Liu, and raised the document in his hand respectfully.

"My son is here."

Xia Gongming's expression tightened, and he immediately saluted respectfully.

"Is the money and food in the national treasury still sufficient after paying the salaries to the soldiers of the various ministries?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is here."

"In the past few years, the six guards of the northern border, the six guards of the new army, the twelve guards of the northern mansion, and the twelve armies of the new mansion have not engaged in any battles.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


"Well, it's good to understand, are there any other documents that need to be played?"

Seeing this, Du Chenghao put down the chao wat in his hand, nodded and lowered his eyebrows and waited.

"Thanks to Your Majesty's blessings, the ministers and other families are happy, happy reunion, and everything is well."

"My dear gentlemen."

Hearing Song Yu's question, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment, then took another sip of the tea on the table.

"The old minister is here."

Liu Chengzhi immediately stood up, and holding the Chaohu in his hand, he walked to Young Master Liu and stopped.

"Sir wait."

The Department of Examination of the Ministry of Officials, the Office of the Ministry of Officials of the first state capital, and the supervisory censors of various state capitals have already evaluated the achievements of the officials of various state capitals in the past three years.

For specific matters, you just need to discuss with the Ministry of Household Affairs. "

Veteran, may I ask Your Majesty, will this year's imperial examination be carried out as usual? "

"Your Majesty, after the new year, the generals of the guards successively wrote letters to the veterans, asking for the payment of the soldiers of the various ministries in the first half of this year.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, turned his hands gently on the stove, and muttered to himself with deep eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister dared to ask Your Majesty, whether the military equipment of the soldiers of each department will be replaced this year?
If it is to be replaced, the veteran will immediately draw up a document and hand it over to the prisoner after the Sanchao calls. "

"Return to Your Majesty, it has been three years."

"Rongweihou, Wuyi Wang Songqing, Qingtonghou Zhou Baoyu."

Veteran, I would like to ask Your Majesty, will the Ministry of Industry start work on the construction of the imperial mausoleum for His Majesty? "

Within half a month, I want to see the results of your joint discussion. "

As soon as Du Chenghao finished speaking, he saluted Young Master Liu again.

"This year's Enke event, about Enke's charter, and the candidates for the examiners of various state capitals.

"The old minister understands."

"The old minister dares to ask His Majesty, is it your Majesty who will choose the candidates for Enke chief examiners in various state capitals this year? Or will the old minister and his cabinet colleagues draw up the candidates and then submit them to His Majesty for approval?"

Liu Mingzhi gently rubbed his already warm hands, smiled lightly and shifted his gaze to his second son Liu Chengzhi.

First Young Master Liu glanced at Liu Chengzhi lightly, then looked at Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, with a faint smile.


"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister still has a book to play."

Before he knew it, it had been three years since the last time Enke obtained a scholar. "

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is worthless."


Liu Song immediately trotted down the dragon platform, took the document from Song Yu's hand, returned to the dragon platform and handed it over.

Seeing Du Chenghao's suddenly tense expression, Liu Mingzhi smiled and waved his hands.

"My dear friends, how are you doing this New Year?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister is worthless."

"Yes, my son obeys."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and turned his head to look at Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department.

"House Department."

"As for the promotion and relegation of officials in various states and cities based on their political achievements, I have also given full authority to the second prince Liu Chengzhi to handle."

"The old minister obeyed."


"As for the payment of the officers and soldiers of the various ministries, your Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War will discuss together after the dynasty is over, and draw up a regulation as soon as possible.

After the civil and military officials thanked them, they all went to their futons and knelt down.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry, the old minister, has a book to play."

On the contrary, everything is fine for me, and all the ministers present here, dear friends, only then can everything be safe for you.

Naturally, none of the civil and military officials who can be ranked in the second class is a fool, so how could they fail to understand the profound meaning contained in what Young Master Liu said.

"The old minister obeyed."

Through the crown in front of him, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the mixed expressions of Chinese, military and military officials in the palace, and took a sip of the tea on the dragon table with a light smile.

I hope I can figure out something from the expressions of these two elders.

"Are there any other instruments to be played?"

Du Aiqing, I should remember correctly. "

"I thought about it carefully, the last time of Enke, the time of the final imperial examination, seems to be on March [-]th in the fourth year of Taiping.

"Return to Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you remember correctly, it is indeed March [-]th."

Liu Mingzhi took the document and started flipping through it.

Liu Mingzhi then put the teacup on the dragon case, and turned his head to look at Liu Song.

His Majesty, he first handed over the matter of Enke's selection of scholars this year to the second prince's full authority to supervise it.

"Go back to your seat."

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes slightly and was silent for a long time, then nodded with a light smile.

"Go out and answer."

"Ministry of Officials."

All the civil and military officials under the dragon platform listened to Young Master Liu's words that seemed to be twisted, but in fact they were full of deep meaning, and their eyes became strange.

Young Master Liu walked to the stove in the center of the hall and stopped in a leisurely manner while speaking.


Your Majesty, he is beating himself and others!
After hearing the deep meaning in Young Master Liu's words, Baiguan had a faint smile on his face, but his heart was very bitter.

"Master Xia."

The military equipment they are currently equipped with has not been worn out except for daily drills.

After the civil and military officials came to their senses, they all sneaked a few surprised glances at Young Master Liu, and immediately looked towards Liu Chengzhi in astonishment.

"Ministry, let's start working again.

"The old minister is here."

That's why His Majesty gave such meaningful words to himself and others as soon as he came to court.

"The old minister obeyed."

"Du Aiqing, you don't need to be nervous, my hands are just a little cold, and I plan to go to the stove to warm them."

After you have drawn up the articles of association, immediately hand them over to me for review. "

In their hearts, many old foxes have even observed their colleagues around them with vague eyes, and secretly speculated in their hearts.

"Reporting to His Majesty, it is still full."

After a long time.

"Phew—the fourth year of Tailong Taiping, the seventh year of Taiping, it seems that it has been nearly three years in the blink of an eye, time flies so fast."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry walked to the center of the hall, took out a document from his cuff and held it in his hand.

Then, they shouldn't blame the weapons in my hands for being ruthless. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hands and put them on top of the steaming stove, and turned his head to look at Du Chenghao.

Today's big court meeting, this is the first big court meeting after the new year!
The first big court meeting in the new year, His Majesty beat himself and others as soon as he came up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"The old minister is here."

After the imperial court distributed the salaries to the officers and soldiers of various ministries, if they had withheld their salaries and drank the blood of soldiers.


Upon hearing Jiang Yuanming's answer from the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, First Young Master Liu heaved a sigh of relief, smiled lightly and nodded to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways slightly, turned to look at Du Chenghao with a light smile and nodded as a gesture.

"Military Department."

This is the list of promotion and relegation drawn up by the veterans and colleagues of the Ministry of Officials after reviewing the three-year achievements of the officials of all states. Please have a look at it. "

"My son is here."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old officials and officials have a book to play."

"His Majesty?"

Liu Chengzhi quickly sat up straight, and looked at his father respectfully.


"Is there any lover who has a book to play?"

"The minister has been taught, Your Majesty is wise."


Then the days to come, I'm afraid it will not be easy.

When Du Chenghao saw that First Young Master Liu was just walking to the stove to keep warm, his somewhat cramped expression instantly relaxed, and the tension in his heart was instantly swept away.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, it's spring now, and in about one month, the snow and ice in Gyeonggi should have melted away.

"House Department."

"I will obey your orders."

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, got up and walked to the center of the hall, and immediately took out two documents from his cuffs.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ladies and gentlemen, do you think this is the truth? "

Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, looked around at the many colleagues who had not made any movements for the time being, and directly raised the Chaohu in his hand.

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Which other love has a book to play?"

The specific details have been clearly stated in the document by the old minister, please read it through Your Majesty. "

Song Yu immediately got up and walked to the center of the hall, and took out two documents from his cuffs.

"Sir wait."

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed.

Xia Gongming and Cai Jun's expressions at this time may not be much stronger than theirs. They also have strange faces and a look of thought in their eyes.

Dear dear friends, everything is well, and the people of the world rely on your blessings, and everything will be well in the same way.

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and slowly sat down on the dragon chair covered with cotton pads.


According to the imperial court's custom, it is time for the imperial court to recruit scholars from Enke again this year.

Therefore, there is no replacement for the time being. "

Your cabinet and officials, together with the second prince Liu Chengzhi, will draw up a charter as soon as possible.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his hands together, and let out a sigh of relief.


"Yes, the old minister understands."

"Your Majesty, it's time for the triennial performance appraisal.

"After the dynasty was over, the three of you discussed together and drafted an oral order together, and the golden carving passed it on to the generals and generals of all the troops and horses.

"It's good for the whole family to be happy, it's good for a happy reunion, and it's better for everything to be safe.

"The old minister is here."

Why, don't any of you have a book to play? "

Young Master Liu took the document from Du Chenghao's hand, looked at the contents of the document calmly, and handed the document to Liu Chengzhi.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and took a sip of tea with a slightly hesitant expression.

"Besides these two things, do you have any other papers to play?"

"The old minister is here."

At that time, the matter of His Majesty's imperial mausoleum can be resumed.

"Your Majesty, three years have passed since the last imperial examination.

"Well, return to your seat."

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the tea in his mouth, and turned his gaze to Song Yu again.

The civil and military officials looked at each other a few times in a dark way, then raised their court wats and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, whether this year's Enke will proceed."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Veteran's Ministry of War has a book to play."


"Hehehe, yes, time flies so fast.

Young Master Liu frowned, stood up while holding the dragon chair with his backhand, and walked down the dragon platform with steady and powerful steps.

"Master Xia, official department."

Then he handed over the promotion and relegation of officials in various states this year to His Royal Highness the Second Prince.

If so, doesn't that mean.

In the future, all the big and small officials in the court will be promoted by the Second Prince's Highness?
In other words, nine out of ten officials of all sizes in the temple will be disciples of His Royal Highness the Second Prince.

What is His Majesty's intention for this move?
Just a few short breaths.

The hearts of civil and military officials have become a mess.

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