My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3238 How Real, How Fake

Chapter 3238 How Real, How Fake


Young Master Liu, master and servant Liu Song walked out of the harem talking and laughing.

First Young Master Liu spread out his arms and stretched his body, then walked straight towards the Ten Kings Hall.

"Master, shall we leave the palace?"

"Before leaving the palace, let's go to the Hall of Ten Kings to see if Yiyi, Feifei, Chengzhi, Yue'er and their brothers and sisters are slacking off."

"Got it."

Young Master Liu came all the way outside the Hall of Ten Kings, hid his body behind the door of the hall, poked his head and looked into the hall.

Seeing Liu Feifei, Liu Chengfeng, Xiao Kei, Li Tao and their brothers and sisters in the hall, chatting and laughing while holding a cup of steaming tea, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head.

"These little bastards live quite comfortably."

"Hehehe, it should be that the documents from the cabinet have not been delivered yet."

"Nine times out of ten it is true."

"Master, shall we go in then?"

"No need, just leave the palace.

Young master, I still have a few trivial matters that I haven't dealt with today, I'm afraid I'm too busy. "

"Yes, little one understands."

Liu Mingzhi tightened the cloak on his body, and waved to Liu Song.

"Let's go."


Outside the palace gate.

A group of soldiers of the Imperial Guard saw First Young Master Liu coming out of the palace, and immediately made a big salute.

"We see Your Majesty."

"All officers and men are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Continue to be on duty, I will go back first."

"We send you off to Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands with a faint smile, and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

After Liu Song put the bundle and paperwork in the carriage, he took the reins and went straight to First Young Master Liu and walked over.

"Master, shall we go back to the residence directly, or go to another place?"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his hands vigorously, and exhaled into his palms with a light smile.

"If you don't go home, go to the prince's old mansion first."

Hearing this, Liu Song nodded lightly, and stretched out his hand to lift the curtain on the carriage.

"Yes, I understand, young master, please get in the car."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, put his hands inside his cuffs, and walked towards the long street first.

"I won't take the car anymore. The weather is so cold. Master, I will walk by myself to exercise my body."

Liu Song looked at the back of his young master gradually going away, and immediately took the rein of the horse to follow.

"Alright, little one knows."

Although it has only just dawned, the streets in the city are already full of people coming and going.

Rushing to the long street of the Prince's Old Mansion, Young Master Liu walked unhurriedly among the crowd, scanning the shops on both sides of the street from time to time.

Suddenly, Young Master Liu stopped in his tracks and fixed his gaze on a shop on the left side of the long street.

"Sifang Study Room."

First Young Master Liu muttered softly the four big characters on the shop's plaque, then set off and walked towards the shop.

Seeing this situation, Liu Song immediately led the carriage to the hitching post outside the shop.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi stepped into the study, an old man about 50 years old, full of refined temperament, was sitting on a chair and flipping through a book.

Seemingly hearing First Young Master Liu's footsteps, the old man subconsciously looked up.

When the old man saw First Young Master Liu walking into the store, he immediately put down the book in his hand, got up cheerfully and saluted.

"The old man has met Mr., it is polite."
Although the old man could tell at a glance that Young Master Liu was not as old as him, he still politely addressed him as Mr.

Young Master Liu nodded with a light smile, and returned a salute directly.

"Brother is polite, younger brother is polite."

"I don't know what books you want to find, sir?"

"Brother, little brother is going to take a turn around at will."

"The old man understands, then the old man will not bother Mr., please."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, raised his head and casually looked at the antique layout around him, and walked slowly towards the bookshelves on the left.

Seeing this, the owner of the study returned to his seat with a faint smile and sat down, picked up his book again and silently flipped through it.

Liu Mingzhi walks lightly in front of the bookshelves, picking up a book from time to time and flipping through it for a few times.

As long as he saw a book he was interested in, Young Master Liu would put it in the list.

It took about two sticks of incense to work.

First Young Master Liu carried a large stack of books and walked towards the shopkeeper with a faint smile.

"Brother, do the math for my younger brother."

The shopkeeper of the study immediately raised his head and looked towards First Young Master Liu.

However, when he saw the large stack of thick books in Young Master Liu's hand, he couldn't help being stunned.

According to his eyesight, the large stack of books in this guest's hand is at least fifty or sixty.

The owner of the study put down the books in his hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a hesitant expression.

"Sir, I would like to take the liberty to say, you bought so many books at once, maybe you won't be able to read them in a short time?
From the old man's point of view, sir, you might as well buy less today, and come to the old Sifang study after you finish reading it. "

Upon hearing the suggestion from the owner of the study, First Young Master Liu put the stack of books on the table with a smile.

"Brother, you don't know that there are many children in my younger brother's family. After these books are brought home, the children will not be able to share a few copies."

Hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, the owner of the study nodded his head in a hurry.

"So that's the case, I'm taking the liberty."

"It's just human nature, so Brother Lao will count the silver taels for the younger brother."

"No problem, wait a moment, sir."

The owner of the study picked up the books and walked to the table, picked up the books selected by Young Master Liu and counted them.

"Sir, there are 62 books in total, and all the books add up to 15 taels of silver.

You are the first guest of the old man today, just give 15 taels of silver. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and immediately took out a piece of silver from his cuff, and put two broken pieces of silver on the table.

"Okay, then thank you, brother."

"Sir, walk slowly, I won't send you far away."

Liu Mingzhi returned a salute with a faint smile, and reached out to lift up a large stack of books on the table.

"Brother, you are welcome, see you again."
Liu Song saw First Young Master Liu coming out of the study carrying a large stack of thick books, and trotted up to meet him.

"Master, why did you buy so many books?"

"Of course it's useful."

"Yes, give the book to the little one."

Watching Liu Song put a stack of books into the carriage, Young Master Liu clapped his hands casually, and wandered on the long street again.

After half a day.

Young Master Liu slowly walked outside the gate of the prince's old mansion, raised his hand and knocked on the heavy mansion gate.

As soon as the knock on the door fell, Lao Gao's inquiry came from behind the mansion door.


"Liu Mingzhi."

The door of the mansion opened in response, Lao Gao immediately walked out and gave a big gift to Young Master Liu.

"Old slave, see Your Majesty."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Old Gao, is Jie'er at home?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, the empress is at home."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, turned around and waved to Liu Song.

"Xiao Song, take down the book I just bought, Master."

"Yes, my little one obeys."

Liu Song took out a stack of books from the carriage, walked quickly to Young Master Liu and stopped.


First Young Master Liu took the book directly into his hand, and walked into the gate of the mansion with a calm expression.

"Xiaosong, you should catch up with Lao Gao first, the young master is going to the inner courtyard first."

"Hey, little one knows."

Lao Gao watched Young Master Liu's back gradually go away, closed the door of the mansion casually, and gestured to Liu Song with a smile.

"Brother, brother, I just warmed up a pot of vintage wine on the stove, shall we have a drink together?"

"Hehehe, my brother would be more respectful than obedient."

"Please sit down."

"See you outside, see you outside, let's sit together."

Young Master Liu rushed all the way to the courtyard where Chen Jie lived, saw the beautiful woman's door wide open, and started yelling from afar.

"Jie'er, Jie'er, my husband is here, are you in the room?"
As soon as Liu Mingzhi's questioning voice fell, Chen Jie's response was instantly remembered in the boudoir.

"Husband, my concubine is here!

Husband, why did you come here this early in the morning? "

Chen Jie asked softly, and walked out of the room with lotus steps.

When she saw First Young Master Liu walking towards her room with a large stack of books in her hands, Jiaoyan was slightly startled, and after she realized it, she raised her skirt to meet her.

"Oh my husband, why did you bring so many books?"

Young Master Liu saw the beautiful woman coming out to welcome her, and said cheerfully: "Jie'er, don't come here, quickly clean up the tables in the main hall and put some books for your husband."

Chen Jie paused, hurriedly tapped Zhen's head a few times, then hurriedly turned and walked towards her room.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'm going to clean up now."

Liu Mingzhi followed Chen Jie into the room, put a stack of books on the table, felt the warm temperature in the room, took off his cloak and handed it to the beautiful woman.



Chen Jie took the cloak with smiling eyes, walked lightly to the hanger with lotus steps, and hung the cloak on the hanger.

Young Master Liu shook his hands, stretched his neck and walked towards Chen Jie.

"Jie'er, have you had breakfast yet?"

"Husband, after I had breakfast, almost two quarters of an hour have passed.
No, the maids have just cleaned up the dishes, and you came over, my husband. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and walked behind the beauty with a smile.

"So, the maids have already left?"

"That's right, they just went to the backyard to deliver the bowls and chopsticks.

What's the matter, husband, do you have something to do with the maids? "

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and shook his head, grabbed the beauty's willow waist, and hugged her into his arms slightly.

"Hehehe, I don't look for them for my husband, I look for you for my husband."

As Young Master Liu spoke, he directly lowered his head and kissed the beauty's delicate cherry lips.


For a long time, the lips are divided.

Chen Jie panted lightly, and rolled her eyes at First Young Master Liu with a wink like silk.

"Stupid, it's early in the morning, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey hey, I miss you."

"Virtue, it's strange that I believe you."
Young Master Liu frowned, and walked towards the bed behind the screen, pulling the beauty's bright wrist.

"Hey, beauty, my husband has to convince you today."

Chen Jie blushed, and quickly reached out to pat Young Master Liu's arm.

"Husband, husband."

"Speak, my husband is listening."

"Silly husband, it's inconvenient for me to serve you these few days."

Young Master Liu stopped abruptly, and looked at Chen Jie with a puzzled expression.

"Ah? Why is it inconvenient? Husband remembers you, haven't you been these days?"

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu with a resentful expression, and gave him a white look with a rosy face.

"I don't know myself, maybe it's because I haven't rested these days."

Hearing Jiaren's shy tone, Young Master Liu nodded with a wry smile, then lowered his head again and kissed Jiaren's red lips lightly.

"Okay, then do you believe that my husband misses you?"

Chen Jie stretched out her hand to hold First Young Master Liu's hands, and nodded with a smile on her face.

"Believe it, I believe it myself."

"It's almost there."

"Stupid, a person in his decades is still like a child."

Chen Jie replied to Young Master Liu with a tender voice, and took his hand and walked towards the tables and chairs not far away.

"Sit down and have a rest, I will pour you a cup of tea."


After Chen Jie poured a cup of warm tea for First Young Master Liu, she pulled the chair beside her and sat down dignifiedly.

"Husband, today seems to be the day of the Great Court Meeting, why are you here as a concubine?"
"Hehehe, let's go."

Chen Jie's pretty face was stunned, and she subconsciously said, "Huh? They're gone so soon?"

"Good Jie'er, isn't it okay to leave so soon?
Why, Jieer, you still want to be busy with my husband? "

When Chen Jie heard the words, she immediately spit softly: "Bah, fuck you, this concubine has never thought about it that way, I'm just a little surprised."

"That's about the same. I thought you didn't want me to spend more time with you sisters!"

"Stupid, you know how to tell this concubine."

Chen Jie lifted the pot and poured a cup of tea for herself, and gestured to the stack of books on the table with her red lips.

"Husband, what are these books you brought?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Chen Jie's puzzled expression, took a sip of the tea, and sighed softly.

"Oh, Jie'er."

Hearing her husband's sigh, Chen Jie already looked puzzled, but she became even more puzzled.

"Hey, husband, what's the matter?"

"Jie'er, it's been quite a while since I last saw Ye'er.

It's been so long, Jie'er, you should miss Ye'er too. "

When Chen Jie heard her husband's question, her charming and delicate body trembled suddenly.

"Husband, I...I..."

Seeing the beauty's nervous expression, hesitant to speak, Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth with a complicated expression.

"Jie'er, is there anything we can't say between husband and wife?"

Chen Jie hurriedly stood up, reached out and put the teacup on the table, and grabbed Young Master Liu's hands.

"Husband, I'm just a concubine, I just don't want you to misunderstand me.

I can frankly say that I haven't seen Ye'er for so long, and I really miss him very much.

However, I don't want you, my husband, to think that Ye'er is more important than you, my husband, in my heart.

Husband, you and Ye'er, you and your father, one is the love of my life, and the other is my child.

In this way, what should I say if you let me be a concubine?

On the one hand, I really miss Ye'er, on the other hand, I don't want you to misunderstand me.

Husband, being a concubine is really a dilemma. "

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, got up quickly and hugged Chen Jie into his arms.

"Silly lady, you really think too much. If my husband is really so narrow-minded, I won't mention this matter to you."

Chen Jie clung tightly to Young Master Liu's arms, her eyes were red, she was sobbing and sobbing, she raised her right hand and beat him vigorously on the back.

"Liu Mingzhi, if the world can go on if you dig out your heart, I really want to dig out my own heart right away to show you.

Let me let you see how true and how false my concubine's heart is for you.

However, there is really no if in this world.

Liu Mingzhi, I really love you, I love you very much!
However, I really miss my son!

In the face of this dilemma, I really don't know what to say.

Ohh Ohh ohh……

What the concubine said is really from the heart!

Liu Mingzhi, this concubine really speaks from her heart!

I really, really want to take my heart out and show you. "

Liu Mingzhi hugged Chen Jie, who was crying bitterly, into his arms, and gently patted her back with his arms.

"Silly Jie'er, I understand for my husband, I understand for my husband."

(End of this chapter)

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