"Mother, what did you tell me to say?"

Mrs. Liu rolled her eyes angrily, turned around, walked to her seat and sat down again.

"What do you like to say, what do you say, I will listen to my mother."
Young Master Liu bowed his body and moved his legs a few times, looking up at Madam Liu with a gloomy expression.

When Mrs. Liu saw the movement of the eldest son moving his legs, a look of distress flashed in her eyes.

"Stinky boy, stop squatting, get up first."

Hearing his mother's pretentiously calm tone, First Young Master Liu was overjoyed, stood up quickly, and walked behind Mrs. Liu with an apologetic smile and stopped.

"Hey, thank you mother, thank you mother."

As Young Master Liu spoke, he raised his hand and lightly beat Mrs. Liu's shoulder.

"Mother, my child will know that mother loves me the most."

Mrs. Liu looked up at her son who was beating her shoulders, and smiled helplessly.

"Huh? Old man, what are you muttering about?"

Liu Zhi'an looked at First Young Master Liu, then at all the daughters-in-law in the hall, he took out the pipe from his waist, walked to the door of the hall with a sighing expression, sat on the threshold and lit a pot of tobacco.

"Hey hey, that's a must, baby, I'm the most knowledgeable about current affairs."

"Stinky boy, don't give my old lady a laughing face here. These stupid things you did will not end so easily."


In fact, their sisters and others all knew the reason why her husband did this.

The reason why the husband acts like this is because he loves his sisters, isn't he worried about the safety of his sisters?

If you don't believe me, you unfilial son, you might as well ask girls Yun'er, girl Yan'er, girl Yunshu, girl Bizhu and the others on the spot.

"Old man, you have been wronged by my mother for decades, and my mother has never seen you as a real wrong.

Upon hearing this, Madam Liu frowned slightly, and looked nervously at First Young Master Liu.

When Liu Mingzhi saw Qi Yun, the empress and her sisters nodded and lowered their eyebrows, with complex expressions, they put the teacup in their hands on the table vigorously.

Young Master Liu scratched his brows a few times, then turned to look at the third princess beside him, and nodded with a smile.

Seeing the reactions of the beauties, Young Master Liu smiled wryly and nodded.

"Hiss-hoot, ma'am?"

"Daughters-in-law, what you said for your mother is right?"


Hearing Mrs. Liu's playful tone, Young Master Liu didn't have to think about it at all.

Young Master Liu nodded, took a sip of tea, and nodded with a smile.

Yun'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya, Wanyan... Lingyi, their sisters and the others have all grown up over the years since they married Hai'er.

The son and the son are not up to date, and the father and the father are not a fun thing.

"Um! How's it going?"

Do you think that what happened today will still happen?
Will their sisters and others still look at you with such eyes?

Brat, brat, you really want to be mad at your mother. "

The three princesses responded tenderly, and immediately got up and picked up a cup of warm tea. The lotus feet moved lightly and heard the front of Young Master Liu.

But, before you do something, can't you tell Yun'er, Yan'er and the sisters first?

Back then, the fact that Ying'er gave birth to this girl, Yunxin, had a difficult delivery was always a thorn in Young Master Liu's heart.

Brat, in that case, how about I tell you an interesting thing? "

Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth, and remained silent for a moment while frowning slightly.

As soon as Wei Niang heard about what you did from Yun'er, Yao'er and the other sisters, Wei Niang was somewhat unhappy. "

"Madam, I am wronged, old man, I am wronged, old man!"

"Mother, regarding this issue, when I first woke up in the morning, I already told Yao'er the reason.

Mrs. Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an with a frown, and suddenly raised her foot and stepped on his instep.

"Mother, today in front of Yun'er, Yan'er, Wanyan, Sister Ya and the others, I have a question I want to ask you, old man."

"Hehehe, brat, you!"

"Old stuff, not serious, okay, go back."

"Son, listen to what Wei Niang has to say first."

"Speak, old lady, listen!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Having more sons, daughters or not, is not so important.

Yun'er, Ya'er and her sisters are your wives, you and your wife have been sharing the same bed for so many years, is there anything you can't talk about?
Just like today's incident, if you had told Yun'er earlier, would Qing Shi and the other sisters have expressed your thoughts?

As soon as Mrs. Liu finished speaking, she looked directly at the large group of daughters-in-law beside her.

"Yeah, girl Yun'er, girl Yan'er and their sisters are already here, so what can you do if you are talking about hype?

First Young Master Liu took the teacup from the third princess's hand and drank more than half of it in one go, only then did he feel his throat feel better.

"Zhi'er, you are able to love Yun'er, Lian'er, Yan'er, Xiaoxi, Wei'er and other sisters so much, I am very happy and gratified as a mother.

Wei Niang told you these things today, and I didn't mean to blame you.

"Bastard, since you understand everything, I won't say anything more for my mother.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya and the other sisters would feel somewhat uncomfortable when they thought that they would not be able to have more children for their husband.

"Cough, cough, cough, ha... ha..."

"Hey hey, mother."

It's just that, in terms of the physical safety of my sisters and others, and the matter of having more children.

"Old man."


Instead of saying anything, the sisters would be moved and weep bitterly one by one. "

Young Master Liu's face froze, he stretched out his hand to pull a chair with a gloomy expression, lifted the hem of his clothes and sat down.

"Madam, you take a step first, the old man has something to say to this bastard."


Subconsciously, he thought that it was his sisters and others who failed to do a good job as a lady.

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the three princesses and the other sisters all looked at First Young Master Liu, and tapped Zhenshou a few times without hesitation.

Mother, what happened in the past is finally in the past. "

Young Master Liu deeply realized that compared to a group of beauties around him, he could always be by his side.

First Young Master Liu immediately turned his body sideways, and begged for mercy endlessly: "Oh, I don't dare, I don't dare, mother, please be gentle."

"No hurry, my mother is waiting for you."

"Husband, you drink tea."

Mrs. Liu directly let go of Young Master Liu's ears, and looked at Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen, Huang Lingyi and the other sisters with a smile.

Young Master Liu really thought so in his heart.

"Hey, I already know."

"Zhi'er, you are right, the most important thing in life is contentment and happiness.

Before you open your mouth, baby, you already know what kind of question I want to ask. "

Madam, I was really blind back then, to marry such an old man like you. "

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he coughed uncontrollably.

You heartless old thing, are you going to leave a few years earlier than my old lady?

"You bastard, mother, mother, go away and wait."

Madam Liu casually put the teacup on the table, got up and walked towards Liu Zhian who was squatting on the threshold and puffing.

"Stinky boy, my old lady and I also said the same thing just now, you can say whatever you like."

"Mother, baby, I still say what I said just now, what do you want me to say?"

"Okay, okay, girl Yao'er has already told Wei Niang the reason, so you don't need to explain it again."

"Yes, yes, my baby obeys, my baby obeys."

Whether it is a son or a daughter, they are all my own flesh and blood.

You are obviously in front of Yun'er, Yan'er, Shan'er, Wei'er, Yun Shu...Rongrong and the others, you want to join my army! "

Mrs. Liu saw Liu Zhi'an sitting on the threshold, holding a pipe with one hand, silently swallowing clouds and fog, and sighed with emotion.

Boy, I'm just talking about hype with a brilliant tongue, can I change anything in the end?

Perhaps, the husband wants to have more children.

Seeing Mrs. Liu walking towards him, Liu Zhian happily stood up.

"Stinky boy, my old lady, I can tell you clearly that it is a waste of effort if you want to use this sentence to serve as my mother's army.

"Yan'er, refill my husband's tea."

Mrs. Liu frowned, and rushed to Liu Zhi'an in one stride.

Husband, he had no choice but to choose the former because he cared about his sister's safety.

Seeing this situation, Liu Zhian suddenly became helpless.

"Mother, the most important thing in life is contentment and happiness.

Of course, I don't blame you if my mother doesn't blame you. There are some things that my mother still wants to tell you clearly.

"Yan'er, my husband's throat is a bit dry, bring me a cup of tea to moisten my throat."

"Hehehe, hehehe, he was directly beaten to death by his father."

"Hahaha, yes!

"No, no, the old man said that what you said, madam, is right, and everything you say, madam, is right."

"Oh, mother, I really don't know what to say about Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er, Xiaoxi and the others who haven't been pregnant again for so long.

It’s been read for decades, can’t you change the term for the old thing? "

"Stinky boy, why do you want to ask my old lady a question?

Compared with having a few more children, Liu Mingzhi cared more about the physical safety of the ladies.


"Huh? You say?"

In a mother's heart, after all, she still loves her son the most!
Young Master Liu felt his mother's doting and helpless eyes, and hurriedly set out to meet her.

Mrs. Liu raised her brows slightly, turned her head and looked around a large group of daughters-in-law with a faint smile.

"Fucking, you know about it all day long, why don't you kill you all at once?

Thinking that mother knows the characters of their sisters, if you, a brat, confessed the reason of the matter to them from the beginning.

It can be seen just from the change of Mrs. Liu's expression, whether it is beating or scolding.

In fact, what the sisters considered was not wrong at all.

Young Master Liu hurriedly nodded, smiled wryly and took two steps back.

First Young Master Liu snorted directly and said, "Hehehe, nonsense, old man, do you think I am happy, Master?"

Even though many years had passed, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't let go.

To tell you the truth, I'm quite content, baby. "

"Since this is the case, then you are an unfilial son, why don't you hurry up and talk to my old lady."

In addition, Tao Ying, a silly woman, happened later.

Just now Yun'er, Sister Ya, bluntly said that their sisters and others looked at him with resentful eyes, but he saw it with his own eyes.

Therefore, you don't have to think about this question to know how to answer it.

"Mother, I..."

Seeing that Mrs. Liu had guessed what he was thinking all of a sudden, Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately came to his senses.

With a soft sound, everyone in the hall came back to their senses.

However, clarity is clarity, and understanding is understanding.

When Qi Yun, the third princess, Huyan Yunyao, Yun Xiaoxi and the others thought of this, they couldn't help but blame themselves.

Hearing the eldest son's candid words, Mrs. Liu sighed softly.

Liu Zhi'an twisted his right foot a few times, and said with a moaning voice: "The moves are not old, as long as they work."

Ask their sisters if they are on the side of your unfilial son, or on the side of the mother-in-law. "

"Once upon a time, there was a person who cheated at every turn. Do you know what happened to him in the end?"

In the final analysis, the reason why the husband acted like this was entirely for the sake of the health of his sisters and others.

Seeing this situation, Qi Yun, the third princess, the empress, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters also let out a sigh of relief with complicated expressions.

"Hey, baby understands, baby understands."

Qi Yun, the third princess, Murong Shan and the other sisters looked at each other, and each of them looked at Liu Mingzhi with moved eyes.

"Hey, here we come."

As for the rest, you and your wife can just wait for others to explain themselves. "

"Bastard, are you not in a happy mood now?"

Liu Zhi'an leaned over and knocked out the ashes from the pipe, and happily pinned the pipe to his waist.

"Stinky boy, do you want to ask my mother, in my mother's heart, is the daughter-in-law more important? Or the grandson, the granddaughter is more important?"

Mrs. Liu put down the teacup in her hand, looked at the smiling eldest son angrily, raised her hand and grabbed his ear and twisted it vigorously.

Things have come to this, baby, even if I say more, what's the point?

"Hey, mother, tell me."

"Hehe, so you still have some self-knowledge!"

If it were not for Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and the old couple present, it is estimated that the sisters could not wait to trot and fly towards Young Master Liu.

It's just, baby, I never thought of it... I didn't think of it..."

Young Master Liu gradually put away the smile on his face, and calmly handed the teacup in his hand to the beauty standing beside him.

"Mother, do you need to talk about it? You don't need to ask to know, the sisters must be on your side."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Mrs. Liu fell silent.

"Hey, mother, Shengming, or how can I say she is the mother who knows the child.

Hai'er originally thought that as women, Yun'er, Yan'er, and Sister Ya should know more about this issue than a big man like me, Hai'er.

Mrs. Liu flicked her sleeves with her fingers, and stepped back a few steps with smiling eyes.

"Damn things."

"Old man, what do you mean? Do you think I am afraid of being a widow?"

Liu Zhi'an's face turned bitter, and when he was about to say something, Xiao Wu hurried into the main hall.

"Master, Master."

"Don't worry, what's the matter?"

"Go back to the young master, the Xie family has come to give the betrothal gift."

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