Chapter 3292 Too Heavy

"Good guy, I heard Wanyan what you mean, am I wrong for co-authoring or being a husband?"

The queen snorted coquettishly, lightly flicked the light white gauze ribbon on her jade arm, and rushed straight to the lake in front right.

"Hmph! What do you think? Whose fault is it not your fault? Could it be my fault?

If I were to go to my mother, I would definitely beat her until she couldn't get out of bed for three days. "

Hearing the Queen's completely unreasonable tone, Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, and chased after him with a dry pipe in his hand.

"To put it bluntly, we have to be reasonable.

When we were having breakfast in the main hall earlier, if you hadn't deliberately fanned the flames, would I have taught Yue'er a lesson for my husband?
I went to teach her a lesson for my husband, and you are worried about her body, lest I make a serious move.

For my husband, let me tell you that I just taught her lightly, but you feel that my husband was too lenient, and I didn't give her a hard lesson.

This, this, this, this.

Co-authoring, co-authoring, no matter what I do as my husband, it is your reason? "

The empress glanced back at First Young Master Liu, pouted at the little cutie's residence proudly, and sneered arrogantly: "Hehehe, that's right, that's what it looks like.

Mom, I'm just being unreasonable with you, what's the matter?

If you are not convinced, at worst, you can go back and beat up that stinky girl.

Go, go, I will never stop you. "

Young Master Liu's face froze, he turned his head and looked at the courtyard where the cutie lived, and nodded with a wry smile.

"Hehehe, well, you're right, to put it bluntly, I was wrong because of my husband, it's okay because I was wrong because of my husband, right?"

The queen casually picked up the earthen pot hanging on the bridge head, walked lightly onto the covered bridge on the lake, and said softly without looking back: "Come on, my old lady, I know you from the tone of your voice." It’s duplicity, it’s insincere.”

As the queen spoke, she grabbed a handful of fish food from the crock with smiling eyes, raised her hand and gently sprinkled it towards the lake under the wooden bridge.

The fish entered the water, and the lake surface immediately rippled layer by layer.

In an instant, groups of koi rushed towards the center of the water wave.

Young Master Liu leaned over the guardrail, took a puff of dry smoke lightly, and stared at the koi carp scrambling to eat on the water surface.

"Be polite."

After the queen grabbed a handful of fish food and sprinkled it into the lake again, she turned to look at Young Master Liu who was lying on the guardrail with a puzzled expression.

"Heartless, what's wrong?"

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the puzzled look on the empress's delicate face, and he remained silent for a long time with a slightly hesitant expression, before sighing softly.

"Oh, I... I..."

Seeing Young Master Liu's hesitation to speak, the empress couldn't help but frowned.

"Huh? What are you? Just say what you want to say.

We have been old husband and wife for so many years, do you have anything to say to my old lady? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, leaned forward and grabbed a handful of fish food from the earthen pot in the Queen's hand, and gently sprinkled it into the lake under the wooden bridge.

Immediately, Young Master Liu shifted his gaze to the queen's delicate face.

"To put it bluntly, after Yiyi and Chengzhi are done with their work, and they have completed their life-long affairs for the three of them, my husband plans to make this kid Chengzhi the crown prince."

After listening to First Young Master Liu's words, the Queen's pupils shrank suddenly, and her graceful body trembled involuntarily.

"Think about it, think about it?"

The Queen's reaction naturally did not hide from Young Master Liu's eyes.

Seeing the empress's indifferent expression, pretending to be calm, First Young Master Liu nodded lightly, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

First Young Master Liu rubbed his forehead with his fingers, and let out a long breath.

"Yeah, my husband has already thought about it.

Now that our husband and wife are already at such an age, there should be a result regarding the appointment of the crown prince.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if there are no accidents, this child Chengzhi will be the future prince and prince of our Dalong Dynasty. "

The empress looked up at the cloudless sky. After pondering for a long time with complicated eyes, she turned her head to look at Young Master Liu and nodded her head a few times.

"Very good, since you have no conscience, you have already thought about it, then just act according to your idea."

First Young Master Liu knocked the ashes in the smoke pot on the guardrail, leaned forward and untied the jade gourd from Queen Liu's waist.

"Be polite."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Young Master Liu put the dry pipe on the guardrail, and unplugged the jade gourd casually.

"Honestly, don't you have anything to say?"

The empress lightly pursed her cherry lips, holding the crock in her hand, and walked forward lightly with her lotus feet.

"Without conscience, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Young Master Liu picked up the tobacco pipe on the guardrail, and hurriedly chased after the queen.

"Put it down, how about the truth? What about the lie?"

The queen gently turned the earthen pot in her hand, and glanced at her husband who was walking side by side with complicated eyes.

Noticing the complicated look in the Queen's eyes, Liu Mingzhi held up the jade gourd and took a sip of fine wine, waiting quietly for the Queen's answer.

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu quietly, raised her hand and patted the guardrail beside her, and said softly: "To tell the truth, it's my old lady, I have nothing to say.

No matter what unconscionable decision you make, my mother, I will support you unconditionally. "

Hearing the Queen's words, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and fell silent.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu looked at the Empress indifferently, and asked with a light smile, "What about the truth?"

The queen directly took the wine gourd from First Young Master Liu's hand, and sent it directly to Sakura's lips.

She swallowed several gulps of fine wine, wiped the wine from the corner of her lips with her fingers, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile.

"The truth?"

"Yes, how about the truth?"

The empress frowned, and said with a hesitant look: "If you have no conscience, you must first promise my mother that you will not be angry after I tell the truth."

Without even thinking about it, First Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully and said, "Hahaha, no problem, I promise I won't be angry for my husband."

"you sure?"

Young Master Liu looked at the empress' suspicious expression, and shook his head angrily.

"What's the matter, my husband, I will swear to you now?"

"Forget it, it's not like that."

"That's it, tell me quickly, I'm all ears for my husband."

The queen nodded slightly, casually grabbed a handful of fish food from the crock and sprinkled it into the lake: "To tell the truth, that is the very regret in Wanyan's heart.

Heartless, you know?
In Wanyan's heart, I thought from the beginning to the end that Yue'er, that stinky girl, would inherit that position even more. "

Hearing the Queen's answer, Young Master Liu didn't show the slightest surprise on his face.

It seemed that he already knew that the Queen would say that.

Liu Mingzhi pinned the pipe on his waist, took the wine gourd from the Queen's hand sideways, and took a few swigs of wine with a light smile.

"Oh? Can you tell me the reason?"

The queen tapped Zhenshou a few times, and said softly: "In terms of personal abilities, Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Chengqian, Zhenghao and their brothers and sisters are all good. There are dragons and phoenixes among people.

Besides their own virtues, their brothers and sisters are also almost the same.

However, if we talk about the overall situation of the Foresight Agency.

Compared with Yue'er, a stinky girl, Yiyi, Chengfeng, and Chengzhi's brothers and sisters are a little inferior.

To put it bluntly, it's not because I'm Yue'er's mother that I deliberately favor Yue'er, a stinky girl.

But because, it is.

This point, I believe your husband is also clear in your heart. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to caress the stubble on his chin, and nodded with a light smile: "Yes, it's true, I don't deny this as a husband."

"Hmm, it's fine if you don't deny it.

It is precisely because of this that I feel very regretful bluntly.

It's a pity, no matter how regretful I am in my heart, what can I do?
The only blame is Wanyan's unfulfilling stomach, the blame is only Yue'er, a stinky girl who was cast in the wrong mother's womb.

Failed to be born a seven-foot boy.

Otherwise, to put it bluntly, why should I sigh here? "

Hearing the empress' disappointed tone, Young Master Liu's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he stretched out his hand to grab the empress's jade hand.

"Be polite."

The queen stopped in her tracks, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a surprised expression.

"what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi directly opened his hands, pulled his arms slightly, and pulled the queen into his arms.

Immediately, First Young Master Liu rested his chin on the empress' fragrant shoulders and gently rubbed it.

"Be polite."

The queen clenched her fist and lightly beat First Young Master Liu on the shoulder, and rolled her eyes pretending to be annoyed.

"De Xing, what's the matter?"

"To put it bluntly, do you blame me for the decision I made for my husband?"

The queen looked up at First Young Master Liu, her eyes were silent for a while, and she shook her head gently.

"No wonder."


"Well, of course it's true?"

"What's on your mind?"

"Well, from the bottom of my heart.

Unconscionable, whether you believe it or not, I will tell you politely.

For your decision, Wanyan only has some regrets in her heart, but she doesn't have any dissatisfaction.

Because, if it were you to put me bluntly, I would make the same decision as you.

After all, no matter how good Yue'er is, no matter how good she is, no matter how suitable she is to inherit the position, this smelly girl is always a daughter.

In terms of Dalong's current situation, it is not a good thing for a daughter's family to inherit the throne.

Among them, there must be many uncertain factors. "

Liu Mingzhi held the empress's slender waist with one hand, raised his hand and took a sip of the fine wine, and looked quietly at the lake under the wooden bridge.

"Yes, as far as Dalong's current situation is concerned, as a husband, if I let Yue'er, a stinky girl, inherit the throne.

Whether it is above the temple or in the countryside, there must be a disturbance. "

"Be polite!"

The queen hugged Young Master Liu's tiger waist tightly, and leaned sideways on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Well, just listen politely, you can tell."

"To put it bluntly, as a husband, I don't know why, among Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Cheng Qian and their brothers and sisters, Yue'er, a stinky girl, is the most suitable to sit on that chair man.

However, no matter how clear I am about being a husband, there is nothing I can do about it.

In the past, I bluntly said that you were once the king of a country.

You should be clear about my difficulties as a husband.

Some things are not as simple as we think. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's words full of emotion, the Empress nodded vigorously, and then exerted a little more force on the pair of jade arms holding Young Master Liu's waist.

I can't wait to integrate Young Master Liu's body into my own.

"Be polite and understand, be polite and understand.

It is precisely because Wanyan understands your difficulties that Wanyan won't blame you.

If you want to blame, blame the impermanence of the world, let's make fun of people. "

"Be polite."

"Hey, say it, you say it if you have no conscience."

"Wanyan, do you know what I regret the most in my life as a husband?"

The queen's beautiful eyes turned slightly and she muttered to herself for a while: "Raise troops to rebel."

Liu Mingzhi didn't expect the queen to guess his thoughts all of a sudden, he frowned slightly and pondered for a long time, then nodded with a wry smile.

"My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and those who know me politely, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, politely, Lian'er, Yan'er too."

The queen immediately broke free from Young Master Liu's embrace, raised her lotus feet and stomped vigorously on Young Master Liu's instep.

"Dexing, if you say old lady, you can say old lady. Why do you have to pull out so many sisters?"

Young Master Liu stretched his arms high, and took the drink from the Queen's hand with a big laugh.

"Hahaha, politely, are you jealous?"

The queen looked at Young Master Liu who was laughing loudly, and snorted angrily.

"Hmph! That's right, my mother, I just ate wrongly."

Liu Mingzhi hooked the empress' pretty straight nose with his fingers, and let out a cheerful breath.

"Hehehe, it's so polite, I made a mistake for my husband, I made a mistake for my husband."

The queen slapped First Young Master Liu's palm, and said angrily: "Virtue, don't coax me to make me happy, I won't follow your tricks anymore."

Young Master Liu hugged the Queen in his arms, looked into the Queen's eyes with a smile, and then quietly looked at her.

"Oh? I'm very curious about my husband.

Since you bluntly say that you don't take this set, which one do you take? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's humble appearance, the empress shook her head angrily, and directly performed the magical two-finger Zen skill, twisting Young Young Master Liu's waist lightly.

Young Master Liu didn't expect the empress to do such a trick to him, and immediately grinned and gasped.

"Hiss, tap, tap.

To put it bluntly, this is meat, take it easy. "

The queen loosened the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist, twisted her waist slightly, grabbed a handful of fish food and sprinkled it into the lake.

"Virtue, don't give my old lady such sweet talk.

Ma'am, my heart is at peace now, let's continue the topic just now. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen who was spreading fish food, and leaned sideways on the side railing, sighing with deep eyes.

"Well, just as you said politely, the thing I regret the most in my life as a husband is raising an army to rebel.


Young Master Liu hesitated to speak for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu with a strange expression, picked up a pinch of fish food from the earthen jar and threw it at him.

"What if? Why don't you keep talking?"

Liu Mingzhi flicked the fish food on the skirt with his fingers, silently took a sip of wine, looked at the queen and shook his head with a light smile.

"Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world."


"Yeah, I'm tired. The word Tianxia is too heavy."

(End of this chapter)

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