Chapter 3301

"Old man, what do you want to say?"

Cai Yuanchao cheerfully picked up his wine glass, turned around and gestured to First Young Master Liu,
"Your Majesty, the grass people offer you another toast."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, reached out to touch the wine glass with Cai Yuanchao.


After finishing his glass of wine, Liu Mingzhi looked at Cai Yuanchao's presence, pretended to inadvertently glance at the people with different expressions around him, and casually raised his legs.

"Old man, are you not nervous when Master Ben mentioned the past events between us?"

Cai Yuanchao raised his head slightly, and stretched out his hand to stop Liu Song from pouring wine for Young Master Liu and himself.

"Steward Liu, this old man is here, this old man is here to pour wine for His Majesty."

Liu Song raised his eyebrows lightly, nodded with a faint smile, let go and returned to the original place.

Cai Yuanchao gave Liu Song a grateful look, lifted the jug and filled two glasses of wine.

"Your Majesty, the past is like smoke!

The old man is just a grassroots person now, in front of your Majesty, does it make any difference whether the grassroots person is nervous or not?

If His Majesty really can't let go of that past, and still complains about Cao Min, Cao Min admits it.

On the contrary, if His Majesty is relieved, he will no longer care about the Caomin, and the Caomin will recognize it.

As for the former or the latter, it all depends on His Majesty's own thoughts.

But what! "

"But what?"

Cai Yuanchao reached out and stroked his gray beard a few times, and picked up his wine glass with a smile.

"Caomin thought, His Majesty should have let go of it.

Otherwise, Caomin, I would not have the honor to sit here and toast with Your Majesty. "

First Young Master Liu looked at Cai Yuanchao's smiling face, calm and composed, pointed at him, tapped him a few times, and sneered a few times helplessly.

"Hehehe, hehehe.

Old thing, you old fox.

Back then, my young master, I admired you as an old man. Although you were different from you and did not conspire with each other, I couldn't do anything to you.

Now, we are old friends reunited, and we have the face of Ningning girl, so we can't do anything to you either. "

Cai Yuanchao turned his head to look at his granddaughter, stood up silently, and raised the wine glass in his hand respectfully to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, Cao Min knows very well that this girl Ningning doesn't have that much face.

In the final analysis, it's because of your kind heart, Your Majesty, that you don't want to care about those old things that have passed many years with the grassroots. "

Hearing this, First Young Master Liu laughed heartily and raised his wine glass as a gesture.

"Hahaha, old man, you can see clearly."

"Hahaha, Cao Min just said that, at Cao Min's age, many things have already been taken care of."


Cai Yuanchao looked relieved, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He knew in his heart that he had passed the test.

"Your Majesty, the grassroots should do their best first."

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass in one breath, and put the glass on the table casually.

"Lao Cai, don't stand still, get into your seat."

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and looked at Huang Lingyi who was diagonally opposite, and picked up his chopsticks casually.


"Hey, the concubine is here, husband?"

Liu Mingzhi tugged his sleeves, pointed to the dishes on the dining table and asked: "Lingyi, it's been a long time since my husband has eaten the dishes you cooked yourself.

Tell me quickly, which dishes are your skills? "

Huang Lingyi heard her husband's question, and quickly pointed to several dishes on the table: "Back to husband, donkey meat braised in red, mutton fried with scallions, steamed fish, duck tongue in sauce, stir-fried...all belong to my concubine. craft.

Husband, please taste how it tastes. "

"Okay, okay, my husband knows."

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, picked up a chopstick of braised donkey meat and put it on his plate, then turned his head to look at Cai Yuanchao.

"Old man, you must know that even my husband, my young master, is rarely able to eat the special dishes cooked by Lingyi herself because of my busy government affairs.

Today, you old thing can be regarded as a good fortune, try it quickly. "

Cai Yuanchao looked at Huang Lingyi respectfully, and nodded hurriedly.

"It is the fortune of Caomin's life to be able to taste the specialty dishes made by the imperial concubine and empress.

In this way, the grass people are not welcome. "

Huang Lingyi smiled and waved her hand: "Cai Gong is polite, please."

"Thank you, my concubine."

After Young Master Liu finished eating the braised donkey meat on the plate, he picked up his wine glass and looked towards his future in-laws, Cai He'an.

"Brother Cai."

Cai He'an hurriedly stood up, and bowed to First Young Master Liu with an embarrassed expression.

"The minister is here."

Seeing Cai Hean's reaction, First Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and pressed down a few times to signal.

"Brother Cai, today is our family feast.

There is no outsider there, you don't need to be so cautious, sit down, sit down. "

"Yes, yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

"Brother Cai, although we brothers have been officials in the same dynasty for decades, we rarely have the opportunity to meet each other.

In the past few decades, the number of times this young master and Brother Cai have met can be said to be counted on the fingers of one's fingers.

They are not too familiar with each other.

You may not be very clear about the character of this young master and me.

However, your father is very understanding.

Therefore, in front of Lao Cai, my young master, I will not waste my tongue and say some outrageous words.

Today, the two of us brothers are able to gather together, this is due to fate.

Come, let's have a drink together. "

"Yes, yes, I respect Your Majesty for a cup, and do it first."


After Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, he directly lifted the flagon and filled a glass of fine wine again, and smiled slightly at Cai Ningning's mother and future mother-in-law Huang Linlin.

"Sister-in-law, it's the first time we meet, I'll toast you a toast."

Huang Linlin stood up hastily, holding a glass of wine and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"The concubine dare not, the concubine dare not, the concubine does it first and respects."

After showing the landlord's kindness to several people, Young Master Liu wiped the wine from the corners of his mouth a few times with his fingers, and looked at Qi Yun with a smile.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Birthday horoscope."

Qi Yun quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, got up and walked to Young Master Liu, took out a neatly folded rice paper from her cuff, and handed the rice paper in front of Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, here you are."

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper from Qi Yun's hand, unwrapped the rice paper and glanced lightly at the content on it, and with a smile on his face, he cast his eyes on Cai He'an.

"Brother Cai."

"Your Majesty, tell me."

First Young Master Liu scratched his brow with his fingers, thoughtfully silent for a moment, then turned to look at Cai Yuanchao who was sitting beside him.

"Old Cai, do you have anything else to say?"

Seeing Young Master Liu questioning himself, Cai Yuanchao glanced at his son and daughter-in-law, and shook his head gently at Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, all the big and small matters in Caomin's family have now been handed over to Gouzi to supervise.

He said what he said, and Cao Min, an old bone, had no objections. "

"Hahaha, old man, you are open-minded."

"Hahaha, His Majesty laughed at me, at this old age, there is nothing else I can't think about.

Steal half a day of leisure in Fusheng, steal half a day of leisure in Fusheng! "

Liu Mingzhi patted Cai Yuanchao's shoulder with a smile, and turned his gaze to Cai He'an again.

"Brother Cai, I think you have heard about the little brother's situation.

My young master, I am from the army, and I have always spoken quickly.

The reason why our two families are sitting together today is clear in my heart, and it is also clear in your heart.

Since the two of us brothers know each other well, I will stop wasting my words and repeat some words again. "

Young Master Liu turned his head towards Liu Chengzhi and Cai Ningning with a smile while speaking.

Liu Chengzhi looked up at his father, first at Li Jingyao, then at the beautiful woman next to him, touched his nose and grinned foolishly.

Cai Ningning noticed Young Master Liu's eyes, and his pretty face was instantly stained with a blush.

She took a quick peek at the sweetheart beside her, her beautiful eyes lowered her head shyly.

Seeing the expressions of his second son Liu Chengzhi and his future daughter-in-law, Liu Mingzhi cheerfully raised his hand and handed the rice paper in his hand to Liu Song who was standing behind him.

"Brother Cai, this is Gouzi's birth date, please take a look at it with your sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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