My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3311 The Mushroom Picking Lady

Chapter 3311 The Mushroom Picking Lady
"Hmph, hum."

"Husband, if, if we really have a next life, I will definitely give you my clean body."

Hearing the beauty's choked words, Young Master Liu directly raised his hand to hold the beauty's pretty face.

"Jie'er, look at her husband."

Chen Jie wiped the moist corners of her eyes with her fingers, and looked at First Young Master Liu with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, husband."

"Good Jie'er, do you love her husband?"

Hearing her husband's question, Chen Jie nodded without hesitation, and replied in an extremely decisive tone: "Yeah, love!"

Liu Mingzhi exerted his hands slightly, and hugged the beauty into his arms.

"Silly Jie'er, as long as your heart belongs to my husband, then in my husband's heart, you will always be a clean woman.

It's not just you, Shu'er is the same.

As for those old things that have already passed for many years, let it gradually disappear with the wind. "

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Liu directly raised his big hand.

Clap clap, clap clap.

A few muffled sounds came, and Young Master Liu slapped the beauty's buttocks several times.

"Oh, my husband, you are bad.

As soon as the concubine came back, you bullied the concubine. "

"Stupid woman, you know how to think about things that you have and things you don't have.

Don't use your brain to think about it, if I really mind these things as a husband, why should I spend so many years with Shu'er and you two sisters?
What's the matter?Do you think I can't find another woman for my husband? "

"Husband, no, no, concubine is not what it means.

I know that you don't care about these things, but when I think of my identity, I can't help but feel a little guilty. "

Young Master Liu shook his head lightly, raised his big hand high again, and dropped it straight towards the beautiful woman's buttocks.

Clap clap, clap clap.

There were a few more muffled sounds, accompanied by the beauty's uncontrollable moans.

"Ah... Husband..."

"Silly Jie'er, if I hear such words from you next time as my husband, it will be more than just a spanking, do you hear me?"

"Oh! I heard it."


"Return to my husband, I heard it!"

"That's about the same. Next time, my husband must give you a good lesson."

"Yeah, I promise, there will never be a next time."

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, picked up the carved jade fan at the side again and shook it gently.

"Jie'er, Ye'er has lived alone for so many years, has he gotten married in the past two years?"

Chen Jie frowned slightly, and sighed with a complex expression.

"Hey, don't talk about getting married, I don't even have a girl I like.

During the days when Qie Shen and Lian Niang stayed with this child in the East China Sea, I asked him about this in my spare time more than once.

However, whenever the concubine mentioned this topic, the child always avoided talking about it and just laughed it off.

After the concubine asked more than ten times, she didn't get a single answer.

In the end, the concubine had no choice but to give up and stopped asking him this question. "

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly as he shook the wrist of the carved jade fan, looked at the helpless beauty, and frowned slightly.

"My husband remembers that there are about twelve or three villages, large and small, around Ye'er's residence.

With so many villages added together, there should not be too few girls waiting in the boudoir.

With so many girls, is there no girl who can catch his eyes? "

"Oh, if so, why would I sigh in front of you as a concubine?"

"During the time you and Lianiang were by his side, did any girls appear by his side?"

Chen Jie turned over directly, put a pair of lotus root arms on Young Master Liu's chest, and tapped Zhen's head vigorously a few times.

"Yeah, there are, and there are more than one girl.

During the time when Qie was in Donghai, only the girls that Qie and Lianiang met, eight girls went to him from time to time.

It's a pity, it's a pity..."

"Huh? What a pity?"

"It's a pity, Ye'er is such a brat, his attitude towards those girls is really...really..."

Chen Jie didn't say the words behind, and looked down at First Young Master Liu and sighed softly.

"Oh, husband, you understand."

"This shows that Ye'er didn't like those girls."

"Oh, I think so too.

Husband, what do you say if this continues?He can't live like this all his life, alone. "

Young Master Liu sat up slowly, reached out and picked up two strawberries from the plate, threw one into his mouth, and stuffed the other into the beautiful woman's mouth.

Immediately, he lay down again eating sweet and sour strawberries.

"Looking at the situation, we can only let nature take its course."

Chen Jie pursed her red lips and swallowed the strawberries in her mouth, sighed and leaned over to lie half in Young Master Liu's arms: "Oh, this is the end of the matter, we can only take a step forward.

By the way, my husband. "

"Huh? Jie'er, what's the matter?"

"Before the concubine and Lianiang return to Beijing, Ye'er asked the concubine to bring you a word."

Young Master Liu frowned, looking at the beautiful woman in his arms with interest.

"Oh? What?"

"He asked my concubine to tell you that he liked the books you prepared for him very much.

He asked me to say for him, thank you. "

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded, his fingertips were slowly walking on the beauty's ups and downs.

"Hahaha, even this brat has a conscience."

Chen Jie sensed her husband's trickery, and suppressed her voice and groaned uncontrollably.

"Uh-huh, weeping."

Immediately, the beautiful woman looked at her sweetheart with dazed eyes, grabbed his right hand and gently untied the ribbon around her waist.

"Bad husband, do you want to do bad things again?"

Seeing the beauty's flushed complexion and blurred eyes, First Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment, and immediately pressed the beautiful woman's jade hand that was untying her belt.

"Jie'er, you've worked so hard all the way, and you've just returned home, so I won't bother you as a husband.

Take a good rest for two days first, and after your body recovers, you can serve your husband again. "

Chen Jie turned her head and looked around, grabbed Young Master Liu's palm and put it inside her skirt, then murmured with slightly disordered breathing: "Good husband, it doesn't matter, as long as you are gentle, my concubine I can handle it.

Husband, I don't want you to suffer, I can serve you. "

Young Master Liu directly restrained the beauty's jade hand, raised his head and lightly pecked on the beauty's jade cheek.

"Good Jie'er, you've been exhausted by boats and cars all this way, and you've been exhausted already, how can I be willing to make you even more tired as a husband?
Be obedient, take a good rest for two days first, and take care of your body before talking. "

Looking at her husband's gentle eyes, Chen Jie nodded her eyes tenderly a few times.

"Yeah, thank you, husband."

"Hahaha, silly woman, she is indeed very lustful for her husband, but I know how to pity her and cherish her.

It's just a delay of two days. As a husband, I'm still afraid that you will run away? "

Chen Jie directly kissed Young Master Liu on the lips: "Husband, I know that you love my body, but that's it."

"Huh? Jie'er, but what?"

"Husband, did it rain last night?"

Young Master Liu pointed out the gazebo with a folding fan, looked at the beauty and said with a smile, "Yes, it rained lightly last night.

Didn't you see that there is still a lot of water on the path outside and the flower garden? "

Chen Jie raised her eyes to look at the scenery outside the gazebo a few times, and after confirming that there were no maids coming and going, she slid from Young Master Liu's waist to under the recliner with a smile on her face.

"Good husband, do you know that the day after the spring rain is a good time to pick mushrooms."

While the beauty was speaking, she put her slender hands on the jade belt around Young Master Liu's waist and gently tugged it.

"Jie'er, you!"

"Bad guy, don't talk, I'm about to pick mushrooms."


After the beauty broke through many barriers, she finally found a mushroom she wanted.

The mushrooms have already matured and opened their umbrellas, and are quietly waiting for the beauties to pick them.

Chen Jie looked up at First Young Master Liu, and slowly lifted the mushroom by its roots.

It's a pity that the mushrooms that the beauty found were already a little old, and she tried to pick them up several times, but she failed to take them down.

As a last resort, Chen Jie half-kneeled on top of the mushroom, holding the root of the mushroom with both hands and slowly lifting it.

After Chen Jie had been busy for a while, she turned her head to observe the situation around the gazebo again, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile on her eyes.

"Husband, the mushrooms after the spring rain take root too deeply.

The concubine's body really couldn't be picked, so the concubine's body had to be eaten raw. "

About two quarters of an hour passed.

After the beauty ate up all the spring dew on the mushrooms, she took out her handkerchief from her cuff with a dazed look.

The beautiful lady wiped the corners of her mouth in a disorderly breath, and then snuggled into Young Master Liu's arms again with a flushed face, and let out a sigh of relief with her mouth slightly opened.

"Huh, no more, no more, too tired.

It's better to wait until the concubine has rested, and the concubine will pick mushrooms again in another day. "

Young Master Liu opened his slightly squinted eyes, exhaled a long breath with a relaxed expression, and hugged the soft willow waist of the beautiful woman with a wry smile.

"You, you're still not tired."

Hearing her husband's helpless tone, the beauty put the handkerchief into her arms with a smile, and leaned her head on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Hehehe, who made this concubine like to eat mushrooms the most?
As long as you can get your wish and eat fresh mushrooms, you will be a little tired if you are a little bit tired. "

Young Master Liu gently shook the carved jade fan in his hand, got up and picked up a strawberry, smiling and touching it on the beautiful woman's delicate red lips.

"Hehehe, greedy goblin."


Young Master Liu raised his brows slightly, looked at the beautiful woman in his arms and smiled and teased, "Huh? What's the matter, are you hungry again?"

Chen Jie gave Eldest Young Master Liu a supercilious look, and clenched her fists under the beam that was lightly beating on his chest.

"Fuck you, virtue, I am not so greedy."

"Hahaha, silly lady, I'm joking about my husband, I'm joking about my husband."

The beautiful woman hugged Liu Da Shaohu's waist tightly, and whispered with tired eyes: "Husband, I have been driving for a long time in a carriage, and I am a little tired.

I thought, I want to take a break. "

Hearing the beautiful lady's murmured words, Young Master Liu quickly sat up, and after changing into a comfortable position with her arms around the beautiful woman's willow waist, she lay down again.

"Good Jie'er, go to sleep, go to sleep, I will stay with you for my husband."

With a weary expression, Chen Jie tapped her head a few times, twisted her willow waist a few times, and lay on her side directly in Young Master Liu's arms.

Afterwards, she tightly clutched the skirt of Young Master Liu's chest, and silently closed her watery eyes.

"Husband, I'm asleep."

Young Master Liu nodded with a faint smile, and the right hand holding the carved jade fan suddenly surged with true energy.

Immediately, he held the jade fan in his hand and vigorously fanned it twice, and the rocking chair under him started to shake slightly in an instant.

"Good lady, go to sleep, go to sleep."

"Well, thank you husband."

Chen Jie muttered softly, with a faint smile on her lips.

Young Master Liu patted the beauty's back gently with one hand, and gently fanned the cool wind with the carved jade fan in his hand.

At the same time, he was still humming a song softly in his mouth.

Amid Young Master Liu's humming, Jiaren's breathing gradually became even.

The crescent eyebrows that were lightly furrowed gradually relaxed.

Liu Mingzhi held the sleeping beauty in his arms, quietly closed the folding fan in his hand, and turned his head to look towards the east with deep eyes.

He stared at the east and was silent for a long time, then sighed silently in his heart.

"Hey, who can tell this young master what the truth is?"

Young Master Liu sighed secretly, nodded cautiously and kissed the beauty's forehead lightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Forget it, just let time test all of this.


The wind is warm and the spring is bright.

Time flies and the sun sets.

Quietly, it was dusk again.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Wenren Yunshu, Huyan Yunyao and all the beauties came to the gazebo talking and laughing.

Qi Yun saw First Young Master Liu and Chen Jie who were sleeping soundly on the reclining chair, frowning slightly and looked at the setting sun in the sky.

"The sun is almost west, why are you still asleep? I'm not afraid of catching a cold anymore."

Qinglian also turned her head to look at the setting sun in the sky, then looked back at Qi Yun and said softly: "Sister Yun, it's getting late, husband and sister Jie'er may catch a cold if they sleep again, let's wake up quickly .”

Qi Yun nodded slightly, raised her hand and lightly pushed Young Master Liu's shoulder a few times.

"Husband, sister Jie'er."

"Husband, sister, wake up."

"Husband, Sister Jie'er, it's already getting late, if you sleep here again, you'll catch a cold."

"Well, what are you doing.

Go and go, stay while you go, don't disturb this young master's rest. "

Huang Lingyi held up the hem of her clothes, bent her waist, and approached Young Master Liu's ear.

"Husband, it's cold in spring, and it's snowing again.

If you don't get up again, it's time to freeze your ass. "

As soon as Huang Lingyi's words fell, Young Master Liu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up abruptly.

As soon as First Young Master Liu sat up, he hurriedly asked: "What? What? Which state capital has a cold spring and heavy snowfall?"

Young Master Liu's movement of getting up also woke up Chen Jie who was still asleep.

Chen Jie scratched her cheek sleepily, and asked with confused eyes: "Huh? What's the matter? Is it dawn?"

Qi Yun looked at her nervous husband, with a hint of worry in her pretty eyes.

She lightly patted Huang Lingyi's perky buttocks, and quickly squatted in front of First Young Master Liu, holding up her skirt.

"Husband, it's not snowing, it's not snowing, it's my concubine sisters joking with you."

Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths, looked at the person in front of Qi Yun and rubbed the corners of his eyes vigorously.

"Huh, Yun'er, it's not snowing, isn't it snowing?"

(End of this chapter)

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