First Young Master Liu looked at Xiao Chengzi who was bowing to him in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Xiao Chengzi, why are you?"

"Return to Your Majesty, it is the old slave."

Young Master Liu glanced at Xiao Chengzi in surprise, then turned to face Qi Yun, and the three princesses and sisters waved.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"My concubine is here."

"My concubine is here."

"You sisters first arrange for the old man, mother, and father-in-law to take their seats."

Qi Yun, the three princesses and sisters immediately saluted and replied in unison.

"Yes, my concubine obeys."

"Father, mother, sisters, let's sit down in the hall and rest for a while."

"Children, go and prepare tea for your grandparents and grandparents."

"Hey, I see."

Xiao Chengzi flicked the whisk in his hand, and saluted Qi Yun respectfully.

"Report to Empress Madam, the old slave has already sent someone to prepare the tea, Madam, you can send someone directly to the apse to inform you."

Qi Yun raised her crescent eyebrow lightly, smiled and nodded as a gesture.

"It's so good, it's so good, I'll thank you."

"Don't dare to dare, this is the job of the old slave."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand at Qi Yun, and glanced at Xiao Chengzi with a faint smile.

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"I gave you a four-month rest period to go back to your hometown to visit your relatives. Why did you go back to the palace so soon?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, before the old slave left Beijing, he knew that the lifelong events of His Highness the Eldest Princess, His Highness the Second Prince, and the Third Prince had been decided.
The old slave is worried that the little eunuchs below will not handle the big and small matters of the three highnesses' wedding day, which will make your majesty unhappy.

So, the old slave rushed back early.

When the old slave returned to the palace yesterday, it was already evening.

Seeing that it was getting late, the old servant did not bother His Majesty. "

After listening to Xiao Chengzi's answer, Young Master Liu nodded with a clear expression.

"Hey, you, what's the point.

After finally going back to my hometown, can't I spend more time with my family? "

"Your Majesty, compared to the trivial matters in the old slave's house, the great joy of the three Highnesses is the real big event."

"Hehehe, you have a heart."

"This is the job of the old slave, the job of the job."

"Since you have already returned to the palace, I will not say anything more.

Immediately take people to the palace gate and prepare to welcome the guests into the palace. "

"Yes, the old slave complies, and the old slave will leave first."

Young Master Liu gently flapped the jade fan in his hand, and walked towards the third princess with a faint smile.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

Liu Mingzhi reached out and patted the arm of the third princess, turned around and pouted in the direction of the harem.

"The queen mother, I will trouble you to go there."

The third princess smiled sweetly, looked at her husband and tapped his head a few times with smiling eyes.

"Yeah, Chen Qie understands, Chen Qie will rush to the queen mother's bedroom."

"Yan'er, after seeing the queen mother, don't forget to tell her the old man.

As a husband, I have a lot of things to do here, and I don't have time to pay her respects to the old man in person, and I hope that the old man doesn't mind. "

The third princess lightly covered her cherry lips and said in a small Yingying way: "Hehehe, husband, I know what to say."

"Qingshi, Yunshu, Xiaoxi, Wei' sisters go there together."

"Yes, the concubine sisters obey."

"Husband, then our sisters will go there first."

"Hahaha, let's go."

"The concubines and sisters will leave first."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and waved his hands, then turned to look at the three brothers Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, and Liu Chenggan.

"Ride the wind, inherit the will, and succeed."

Liu Chengfeng and Liu Chengzhi stood up quickly, and saluted Young Master Liu respectfully.

"The three of you, each led a hundred imperial guards to rush outside the palace gate, and set up a hundred tables on the main street outside the palace gate.

Every table is filled with snacks such as pastries, candied fruit, candies, and nuts, for sharing by the common people who come and go outside the palace gate.

Today is the day of great joy for our eldest sister to leave the cabinet and get married.

Whether it is the people of the inner and outer cities, or the merchants who live temporarily in the capital, or tourists from other places who come to the capital for fun.

Everyone, no matter how high or low they are, can congratulate you sister Yiyi.

Today, as a father, I want to celebrate with the whole world. "

"Yes, my child obeys."

"Well, let's get ready."

"Boy, leave first."

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Wanyan, Yunyao...Your sisters will come with your husband's palace."


"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Lingyun, you sisters also come together."

"Hey, my son obeys."

After Liu Mingzhi moistened his throat with the teacup on the side, he walked straight towards the apse of Qinzheng Hall.

Qi Yun, the Empress, and Murong Shan sisters waited for you to look at each other, and followed them with lotus steps.

Liu Yiyi, the little cute sisters also followed closely behind.

Liu Zhi'an gently chewed the tea leaves between his teeth, and looked cheerfully at Mrs. Liu who was sitting aside.

"Husband, this kid will feel uncomfortable later, you should follow up and have a look."

"Hey, this concubine will pass here."

Mrs. Liu put down the teacup in her hand, and after beckoning to Mrs. Qi with a smile, she walked straight to the apse with light steps.

Mrs. Qi put down her teacup, looked at Qi Run and nodded her head.

"My lord, my concubine has also passed away."

"Well, let's go."

The apse of Qinzheng Hall.

Young Master Liu stopped silently, turned around and looked at Liu Yiyi.


"Hey, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi put his hand on Liu Yiyi's pretty face and stroked it twice.

"My dear girl, preparations have been made for the Guangming Palace.

It's time for you to dress up and change your wedding dress. "


Young Master Liu took a deep breath, raised his hand and gently patted Liu Yiyi's fragrant shoulder.

"My dear girl, let's go."

Liu Yiyi blinked her sour pretty eyes a few times, then nodded silently.

"Daddy, that child is over."

"go Go."

"Baby...Baby leave first."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, then turned to look at Qi Yun, sister Qi Ya and others.

"Yun'er, sister Ya, be polite."


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"You sisters, go and help Yiyi freshen up and change her wedding dress."



"Hehehe, go, go, I'm fine for my husband."

"Okay, the concubine will go first."

"Feifei, Yue'er, Lingyun, what are you silly girls doing standing there, why don't you go over and help."

"Yes, yes, let's go, let's go."

"Daddy, we're over."

"go Go."

"Sister Hai'er will leave."

Liu Mingzhi watched Qi Yun, the queen and the other sisters, as well as Liu Yiyi, Liu Yaoyao, the little cutie and the other sisters gradually go away, and let out a silent breath.

Then, he took out a handkerchief from his cuff and wiped the corners of his eyes lightly a few times.



Young Master Liu was shocked, and quickly put the handkerchief into his cuff.

"Mother, mother-in-law, why are you here?"

Mrs. Liu raised her eyes to look at the distant backs of the daughters-in-law and granddaughters, took out a handkerchief from her cuff and handed it to Young Master Liu.

"Silly boy, are you feeling very sad?"

"Mother, no, no.

Today is Yiyi's day of great joy, baby, it's too late for me to be happy, how could I feel uncomfortable! "

Mrs. Liu shook her head with a wry smile, and directly put the handkerchief in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Silly boy, you are the meat that fell from your mother.

As a mother, I know better than anyone how you are feeling now.

Silly child, it is not shameful to be sad in front of his own mother. "

After Liu Mingzhi stared at the handkerchief in his hand and was silent for a moment, he looked up at Mrs. Liu with sore eyes.

"Mother, this is the heart and soul that I have held in my arms since I was a child, carried it on my shoulders, and held it in my hand.

In a blink of an eye, you will become someone else's family member.

Baby, baby, how can I not be uncomfortable. "

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