My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3335 car to the front of the mountain

Chapter 3335 car to the front of the mountain
"What? Kaifu?"

"That's right, Kaifu.

Now Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan are all grown up, and they have already married.

In this way, if we continue to live with our husband and wife, it will be somewhat inappropriate.

So, as a husband, I think it's time to open a house for the three of them. "

Qi Yun sat up directly, frowning slightly with the moonlight coming in through the window.

"Here! Husband, don't you want to keep the children by your side?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes to look at Qi Yun, and gently touched the beauty's catkin.

"Yun'er, how is that possible, their brothers are our sons, and my husband naturally hopes that they can stay in front of us all the time.

If the three brothers are willing to stay at home all the time, they will be most happy to be their husbands.

As long as the brothers don't want to leave, they can live as long as they want, even for a lifetime.

But, then again, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan are all married now.

Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan are willing to live with us at home, but it doesn't mean that our daughters-in-law are also willing to live with us.

We can't just think about the thoughts of the sons, but also have to consider the thoughts of the daughters-in-law. "

"Uh! Uh!""

After Qi Yun hummed twice, she frowned and fell silent involuntarily.

She knew in her heart that what her husband said was the truth.

Just because the sons are willing to live at home together does not mean that the daughters-in-law also think so.

My husband and wife can't just think about the thoughts of the sons, but ignore the thoughts of the daughters-in-law.

Qi Yun rubbed her forehead with her fingers, and sighed softly with her mouth slightly open.

"Hehehe, that's true!"

Liu Mingzhi gently kneaded the beautiful woman's bright wrist with his right hand, put his left hand behind his head, and turned his head to look out the window where the breeze was blowing and the moon was hazy.

"Yun'er, our husband and wife have also come here step by step since we were young, and naturally we all know some thoughts in the hearts of young people.

Young people, who doesn't want to have a small world that only belongs to the two of them with their sweetheart.

If some of our daughter-in-laws don't want to live with us, we elders can't force them to live with us, right?
Therefore, after thinking about it for my husband, I feel that it is more appropriate to open a mansion for each of the three brothers and let them move out to live by themselves.

It's just that, as a husband, I couldn't make up my mind for a while, and I didn't know whether my idea was appropriate.

So, I just want to ask Yuner what you think.

Lady, what do you think of me as a husband?What are you thinking in your heart? "

Qi Yun squatted beside First Young Master Liu, her elbows resting on her knees, her fair cheeks were supported by her white hands, and she also looked out the window.

"Husband, if the daughters-in-law don't mind living at home with us?"

First Young Master Liu slightly raised his eyebrows, and said softly with a smile: "If the sisters don't mind, then it would be great.

In this way, our husband and wife will save trouble!
Not only does our husband and wife save trouble here, but we can also save millions of taels of silver in the treasury.


Young Master Liu did not say the following words, he knew that Qi Yun would definitely be able to guess what he wanted to say.

as predicted.

Qi Yun lowered her eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, and let out a long breath with a slightly helpless expression.

"Phew—it's a pity, these are just the wishful thinking of our husband and wife.

Who knows what the sisters are thinking in their hearts! "

Young Master Liu let go of the beauty's wrist, and snapped his fingers lightly.

"Of course!"

"Yun'er, what do you think?"

Qi Yun pursed her red lips, frowned and remained silent for a long time, then lowered her head and shook her head gently at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, to be honest, I don't know what to do."

Regarding Qi Yun's answer, Liu Mingzhi was not surprised at all.

This kind of thing is really difficult to do.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and lay down again.

"Up to now, we can only take one step at a time."

"Husband, what do you mean?"

"Tomorrow morning, when Serena, girl Jingyao, girl Ningning, and girl Tong'er serve us tea, it's enough for my husband to ask them directly what they think."

"This! This! This! Husband, is this appropriate?"

"Yun'er, besides asking directly, do you have a better way?"

Qi Yun's pretty face froze for a moment, and after she realized it, she shook her head with a wry smile.

"Husband, I really can't think of a better way. If that's the case, then act according to your wishes."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted the beauty's waist, pulling the brocade quilt into a comfortable position.

"Lady, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, don't think about it so much, let's rest early."

Qi Yun nodded slightly, lay sideways in the bed, and snuggled into Young Master Liu's arms again.

"My husband, good night."

"Good night."

The bright moon shifts, and the night gets darker.

After about half a stick of incense.

Young Master Liu and Qi Yun had already fallen asleep with even breathing.


passed quietly.

The sun rises in the east, and the belly of the fish in the east gradually turns white.

Because I rested earlier last night.

As soon as the sky was bright, Young Master Liu and Qi Yun had already started to get up and take a shower.

After Qi Yun washed up, she walked lightly to the front of the dressing table and sat down.


Young Master Liu spat out the salt water in his mouth, and turned his head to look at the beauty.

"Yun'er, what's wrong?"

Qi Yun picked up the wooden comb on her forehead, combed her somewhat messy hair gently, and turned to look at her husband who was washing up.

"Husband, just now when I was washing up, I thought about it a little bit.

If we directly ask Jingyao, Tong'er and the other sisters' thoughts, won't it be too abrupt? "

First Young Master Liu picked up clear water and washed his face, then tore off the towel from the washing rack.

"What do you mean by that rhyme?"

"Husband, this concubine thinks we can ask this matter a little more tactfully.

For example, we can ask Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan about their thoughts in private first.

Then, let the three brothers ask their wives what they think.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate in this way? "

Liu Mingzhi wiped off the water stains on his face, casually put the towel on the washing rack, and glanced at the beautiful woman who was dressing up with a strange expression.


"Hey, husband?"

First Young Master Liu stretched his arms high, walked to the closet and stopped.

"Yun'er, have you ever thought about it, if we were replaced by our old man and mother.

Then, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chengqian were replaced with the original couple.

I'm going to ask you for my husband, Yun'er, do you want us to live together by ourselves?Or do you want to live with our old man and his wife?

Under such circumstances, how would you answer Yun'er as a husband? "

Hearing her husband's pointed words, Qi Yun paused slightly in combing her hair.

She turned her head to look at her husband who was wearing clothes standing in front of the closet, she was silent for a moment with a strange expression, and then tapped her head a few times with a clear expression.

"Hehehe, well, I already understand."

Liu Mingzhi put on a lavender robe, skillfully tied the jade belt around his waist, turned around and walked towards Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, no matter the result is suitable, just do what you want.

If you want to live together, then everyone is happy.

If you don't want to live together, then open a house for them directly.

As long as they're happy, let them go. "

Listening to her husband's open-minded tone, Qi Yun pursed her red lips and remained silent for a long time, watching Young Master Liu nodded silently.

"Okay, that's all I have to do."

"Come on and do your makeup."


Qi Yun smiled and nodded her head as a gesture, then turned directly to look at the vanity mirror, picked up a jade hairpin and inserted it between her coiled hair.


Qi Yun put the rouge powder in her hand on the dressing table, looked at her makeup in the mirror, and stood up with a smile on her face.

"Husband, sit down, I will dress you up."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and sat on the stool casually.


Qi Yun first straightened the front of Young Master Liu's clothes, then picked up the wooden comb and began to comb her messy hair.

It took about half a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu, Qi Yun and his wife walked out of the room and went straight to the main hall.

When Young Master Liu, Qi Yun and his wife came to the main hall, the three princesses, Qinglian, the queen and the other sisters had already arrived.

Seeing her husband walk into the hall, all the beauties immediately gave blessings together.

"Concubine sisters, see husband."

"Free of courtesy, free of courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

After Huang Lingyi got up, she directly picked up a cup of tea and came to Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, you drink tea."

Young Master Liu took the teacup, and cheerfully scratched the tip of the beauty's nose.

"As a husband, I thought I got up early enough today, but I didn't expect your sisters to get up earlier."

"Hehehe, my husband, we sisters also want to sleep a little longer.

But, who made two daughter-in-laws offer tea to us today?

Even if we sisters don't want to get up, we have to get up early. "

"Yes, yes, sister Yan'er is right.

It's not that we sisters don't want to stay in bed, but we have no way to stay in bed. "

Wenren Yunshu stretched lazily, and said with a smile, "Husband, the two daughter-in-laws are coming to offer tea, so we have to get up no matter how sleepy we are."

Young Master Liu took a sip of the tea, then turned his head to look around the situation in the hall.

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Yan'er, Lian'er, old man, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law, are they still here?"

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Ya replied softly: "Back to your husband, I have sent a servant girl to notify you, and it probably won't be long before she arrives."

"Girl Qingrui, where are Mingli, Mingjie, Jiuniu, Xuan'er and the children?"

The third princess smiled and said: "Husband, I have already gone to urge you."

"How about breakfast?"

"Back to husband, the maids have already gone to the kitchen to urge them, and it will probably be delivered in a short time."

Hearing the replies from the beauties, Young Master Liu walked to the table with a smile on his face, and sat down on the chair cheerfully.

"Very good, very good, very good.

As a husband, I can have good housemates like you sisters, which can be said to be a blessing that I have cultivated in ten lifetimes. "

"If you are virtuous, you will know what to say."

"That's right, you, you know how to make our sisters happy."

"Hahaha, what my husband said was from the bottom of my heart.

Ladies, stop standing and take your seats. "

"Hey, thank you husband."

After half a day.

Everyone in the Liu family finally gathered together.

A group of maids have already placed the food on the table.

Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Chengzhi and Cai Ningning. Liu Chengqian and Zhou Tong'er, the two young couples, gave Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian and the other beauties a look with a smile, and walked to the main seat with a smile. down.

Qi Yun, Chen Jie, Qi Ya, Murong Shan, Ling Wei'er, Yun Qingshi and all the beauties all smiled back at Young Master Liu.

Immediately, all the beauties walked to their seats and sat down.

Mrs. Liu froze for a moment at her sleeve, glanced at the two couples benevolently, and gently tugged Liu Zhian's sleeve.

"Sir, let's take our seats too."

"Okay, take a seat, take a seat."

Liu Zhi'an responded to Mrs. Liu with a smile on his face, and cheerfully waved to Qi Run and his wife.

"My father-in-law, my mother-in-law, please."

"Please, please."

"Together, together."

When Xiaocutie saw her stinking father, aunts, grandparents, grandparents, a large group of elders had already sat down, she walked to Liu Song's side lightly with lotus steps.

"Uncle Song?"

Liu Song glanced at the cutie, cheerfully waved to the maids behind him.


The little cutie raised her delicate brows lightly, and immediately yelled with a smile on her face.

"The newlyweds offer tea."

A group of maids, holding trays in their hands, stopped beside Liu Chengzhi, Cai Ningning, Liu Chengqian, and Zhou Tong'er with smiles on their faces.

The two couples raised their teacups and knelt down to Young Master Liu, Qi Yun, the third princess, sister Yun Qingshi and others in unison.

"Father, mother, all aunts, please drink tea."

"Father, mother, all aunts, please drink tea."

"Okay, okay, drink tea, drink tea."

"Okay, okay."

"I have a heart, I have a heart."

"Thank you, father, and thank you, mothers."

After the two couples put teacups on the ground one by one for Young Master Liu and his wife, they got up and walked to Liu Zhi'an, Qi Run and his wife, and knelt down again.

"Grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, please drink tea."

"Okay, okay, free of charge."

"Excuse me, excuse me, get up quickly."

"Don't be too polite, let's all get up."

"Thank you grandpa and grandma, thank you grandpa and grandma."

In the end, Cai Ningning picked up a cup of tea that he had prepared separately, walked up to Li Jingyao with a smile and bowed.

"Sister, please have some tea."

Li Jingyao took the teacup directly, and supported Cai Ningning's wrist with a smile.

"My dear sister, please forgive me, please forgive me quickly.

"Thank you sister."

(End of this chapter)

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