Chapter 3340 Must Do
Xia Gongming paused while serving the wine, looked at First Young Master Liu with a tangled expression, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes twitched involuntarily.

as expected!as expected!
I knew that this meal of wine was not so good.

Facts have proved that there is nothing I guessed.

Young Master Liu looked at Xia Gongming, who had a tangled expression and hadn't raised his glass for a long time, and cheerfully drank the wine in the glass.

Then, he refilled himself with a cup of tea.

"My lord, why are you staring at me? Keep drinking!"

Xia Gongming nodded helplessly, and after drinking a glass of wine with a wry smile, he also added another glass of wine.

"Your Majesty, what did you just say?"

Young Master Liu ate a peanut, cheerfully picked up a chess piece from the chess box and dropped it on the board.

"Hehehe, my lord.

I just said that the world is so big, I want to go and have a look. "

Xia Gongming looked at First Young Master Liu with his old eyes and was silent for a moment, then turned his eyes lightly, took out a chess piece with a light smile and followed him.

"Your Majesty, the mountains and rivers of our Dalong are magnificent and beautiful.

Picturesque and beautiful.

Don't say it's just that His Majesty wants to take a look, even the old minister and I are yearning for it.

Over the years, His Majesty has worked hard in the temple for a long time.

Today, the world is peaceful and stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. It is reasonable to want to visit the beautiful mountains and rivers of our Dalong.

Very good, very good.

For His Majesty's idea, the veteran is very supportive. "

Young Master Liu's right hand holding the chess piece suddenly stopped above the chessboard, and he glanced at Xia Gongming with a slight frown.

"Boss, the world I'm talking about is not just our dragon's world!"

Xia Gongming didn't seem to notice the change in Young Master Liu's expression. With a smile on his face, he picked up the flagon and poured himself a glass.

"Your Majesty, you have confused the old minister.

Your Majesty, you are our Dalong's present day, the Lord of the world.

As the master of our great dragon's world, Your Majesty, the world you want to see is not our great dragon's world, where else can it be? "

Young Master Liu glanced at Xia Gongming quietly, and the chess piece in his hand landed lightly on the board.

"My lord, it's almost enough.

What I said just now, I know what it means in my heart, and you also know what it means in your heart.

Both of us are smart people, so I don't need to say more about some things, right? "

As soon as Young Master Liu said this, Xia Gongming's heart tightened suddenly.

He understood that First Young Master Liu had guessed what was in his heart.

Xia Gongming glanced at the chess pieces on the chessboard, hesitantly remained silent for a while, and then dropped the chess pieces in his hand.

"Your Majesty, you know that, old minister, I am very old now.

Sometimes, it is inevitable to be a little old and confused.

Therefore, I really don't understand what His Majesty means. "

Seeing that Xia Gongming continued to pretend to be confused with himself, Young Master Liu directly slapped the chess piece he picked up just now on the stone table.

He could see that if he didn't speak out, Xia Gongming, an old man, was going to pretend to be confused with him to the end.

That being the case, he simply spoke out.

Young Master Liu picked up his wine glass and drank it down, staring straight at Xia Gongming and said clearly: "Old man, let me tell you again, the world is so big, I also want to take a look.

I tell you clearly that I just want to leave the capital and go outside for a while. "

Seeing Young Master Liu speak so bluntly, Xia Gongming's face became stiff instantly.

He originally thought that he could continue to make jokes for a while.

Then think of some ways to dispel the thoughts in Young Master Liu's mind.

Now, Young Master Liu said so bluntly, which means that he has no chance.

"Your Majesty, I would like to offer you a toast."

"Drink together, drink together."

Xia Gongming put down the wine glass in his hand, lifted the pot to serve a glass of fine wine for Young Master Liu and himself, and looked at Young Master Liu with a distressed expression.

"Your Majesty, the mountains and rivers are so heavy, you can't go anywhere."

After Master Liu lit a pot of dry tobacco skillfully, he tore open the pouch and gestured to Xia Gongming.

"Come on?"

Xia Gongming looked at the shredded tobacco that Young Master Liu handed over, and nodded cheerfully.

"Your Majesty, the old minister will not be polite."

After finishing speaking, Xia Gongming squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco and stuffed it into his own tobacco pot, and skillfully lit a pot of dry tobacco.

Young Master Liu exhaled a puff of smoke, picked up the chess piece he had slapped on the stone table just now, and landed it on the chessboard.

"Boss, this can be done."

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu with a complicated expression and was silent for a long time. After following a chess piece, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Your Majesty, this really won't work."

"My lord, our big dragon's country is picturesque, I have seen enough.

However, I want to take a look at the picture scroll outside Jiangshan. "

"Your Majesty, Dalong's [-]-mile mountains and rivers cannot be separated from His Majesty!"

Young Master Liu took a deep breath, lightly shook the jade fan in his hand, and turned his head to watch the infinite scenery in the imperial garden.

"My lord, what if I have to go?"

Xia Gongming's rickety body shook slightly, and he looked at First Young Master Liu helplessly.

"Your Majesty, this! This! This!"


"Your Majesty, can you give the old minister a reason why you must go?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and exhaled a puff of smoke, then turned his head to look at Xia Gongming and nodded slightly.

"My lord, you should know the identity of Concubine Rong, right?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister knows.

Concubine Rong, she is the king of Gumo Kingdom, one of the 36 countries in the Western Regions. "

Young Master Liu frowned, and glanced at Xia Gongming with a half-smile.

"Boss, you are not confused!"

Xia Gongming's face turned awkward, and he scratched his brow in embarrassment.

"Ah! Old minister...Old minister..."

Seeing Xia Gongming's embarrassed face, First Young Master Liu leaned over to pick up the wine glass on the stone table, and gestured cheerfully to Xia Gongming.

"My lord, have a drink."

"The old minister respects His Majesty, and the first thing to do is to respect."

Young Master Liu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, grabbed a handful of fish food and sprinkled it into the lake.

"Boss, do you know how many years Rongrong has been here in Dalong?"

"Return to Your Majesty, it has been about ten years."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly at the jade fan in his hand, looked at Xia Gongming and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, my lord, you remember well, Rongrong has been here for ten years in Dalong,

Ten years, ten years!

My lord, if it's you.

After ten years of spring and autumn, don't you miss your hometown and your relatives? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Xia Gongming nodded without hesitation.

"Returning to Your Majesty, don't say it's been ten years.

Even in the spring and autumn of one or two years, veterans can't help but miss their hometown and their loved ones. "

In fact, Xia Gongming knew very well in his heart that Young Master Liu's question was clearly a way of defeating his own army.

However, even though he knew what First Young Master Liu intended, he could only answer this question truthfully.

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, raised his wine glass and gestured to Xia Gongming.

"My lord, let's have a drink together."

"The old minister should do first and respect."

"Lord Xia, my beloved concubine misses her hometown and wants to go back to visit her relatives.

As Rong Rong's husband, I will follow her back to the hometown to visit relatives, pay respects to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, there shouldn't be any problem, right? "

Looking at the smile on Young Master Liu's face, Xia Gongming nodded slightly.

"Reasonable, reasonable."

Young Master Liu frowned, and with a smile picked up a chess piece from the chess box and dropped it on the board.

"In this way, do you have any questions, my lord?"

Xia Gongming remained silent for a long time with a hesitant expression on his face, and then nodded vigorously.

"Return to Your Majesty, yes!"

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu frowned slightly.


"Your Majesty, the old minister has the courage to ask, after your Majesty leaves Beijing, what will happen to the government affairs above the court?"

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, raised his feet and walked out of the gazebo.

Seeing this, Xia Gongming immediately put down the wine glass in his hand, got up and followed.

Young Master Liu held the jade fan in his hand and gently fanned the cool wind, and walked towards the depths of the imperial garden at a leisurely pace.

"After I leave Beijing, all matters concerning the affairs of the court, big or small, will be handed over to the Hall of Ten Kings to supervise."

"Let the full power be handed over to the Ten Kings Palace to supervise?"


"His Majesty."

"Well, my lord?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister has the courage to ask again.

Your Majesty, why don't you choose a Highness to supervise the country on your behalf? "

Young Master Liu slowed down in an instant, and turned his head to look at Xia Gongming who was half a step behind him.

"My lord, are you saying, should I appoint a crown prince?"

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

Immediately, he shook his head generously.

"The old minister dare not, the old minister dare not."

Seeing Xia Gongming's reaction, Young Master Liu blinked lightly, and turned his eyes to the bamboo forest in front of him with a slightly raised brow.

"My lord, after I leave the capital with all my concubines, will the kings in the Palace of Ten Kings supervise the country together?"


"That's right, the kings of the Hall of Ten Kings jointly oversee the country."

"The old minister understands."

First Young Master Liu leaned over and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot on the soles of his feet, then took out a document from his cuff and handed it to Xia Gongming.


"Your Majesty, is this?"

"My lord, you will know when you see it."

When Xia Gongming heard the words, he immediately took the document into his hands.

"Yes, yes, the old minister will see it, the old minister will see it."

During Xia Gongming's words, he directly opened the document in his hand and carefully looked at the contents of the document.


Xia Gongming closed the document in his hand with a solemn expression, and handed the document directly to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the document Xia Gongming handed over, and waved his hand casually.

"My lord, please put away this document first.

After I leave the palace, you take it to the cabinet and pass it on to each other. "

"The old minister understands, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the dry pipe and pinned it on his waist, leaned over and tore a flower from the flowerbed beside the path, held it under his nose, and took a deep breath.

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"Master, time flies, time is ruthless, not only you are old, but I am also old.

There are many things that I must do.

Maybe, my decision is wrong.

Maybe, my decision is right.

However, whether my decision is right or wrong, I will do it.

Regardless of the road ahead, I don't want to leave any regrets for myself.

Similarly, I don't want to leave any regrets for my children because of myself.

Boss, do you understand what I mean? "

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's sighing expression, and nodded silently.

"The old minister understands, the old minister understands."

Young Master Liu smiled softly, and walked towards the bamboo forest in front of him with a smile.

"Since that's the case, Mr. Lao will have to worry about it."

"His Majesty."

"Huh? My lord?"

"The old minister has the guts to ask, when does His Majesty plan to leave?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better, no more than two months at the latest.

Once more than two months have passed, I will break my promise. "

"The old minister understands, the old minister understands."

"My lord, regarding the matter of Zhen leaving Beijing to go to the Western Regions, there are many things that need to be dealt with by you, my lord."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the old minister will definitely not delay your Majesty's trip."

Young Master Liu nodded cheerfully, looking in the direction of the viewing platform of the Imperial Garden, slowed down his pace intentionally or unintentionally.

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"If there is nothing else, I will return home first."

"Your Majesty, the food and drink in the gazebo?"

"My lord, if you don't dislike it, you can pack the food and drink and take it home."

Xia Gongming was overjoyed, and saluted First Young Master Liu respectfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the old minister, thank you, Your Majesty."

Seeing Xia Gongming's happy reaction, Young Master Liu couldn't help but frowned.

"Boss, is the salary I gave you not enough for your family's expenses?"

"No! No! Your Majesty, a cup of tea and a meal is hard-won.

Just because veterans don't lack food, doesn't mean that people all over the world don't lack food either.

If the old minister saves a meal here, some people can have an extra steamed bun in their bowls. "

"Here, my lord."

"Your Majesty, this old minister's words are not meant to show His Majesty any fairness and honesty, nor are they flattering His Majesty.

At the age of the old minister, the old minister has already taken a lot of things away. "

"My lord, you..."

"Old minister, send off Your Majesty, long live long live."

"Okay, see you later."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, shook the folding fan in his hand, and went straight to the outside of the imperial garden.

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's receding figure, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"As the saying goes, eat the king's salary and share the king's worries.

Your Majesty, there are some things that the old minister can only do so far.

As for the way to go in the future, it all depends on His Majesty himself.

Long live my emperor, long live. "

(End of this chapter)

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