Chapter 3430
"Hahaha, come on, come on, let's not talk about this topic anymore.

Uncle, you should continue to tell me what happened before. "

Zhang Kuang immediately fanned the smoke in front of him and watched Young Master Liu nodding happily.

“Yes, yes, I’m off topic, I’m off topic.

Your Majesty, let's move on to the question of building these palaces. "

"Uncle, tell me roughly what kind of methods these people from the Great Food Country used when building these tall palaces?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, in the past few years, the ministers have frequently asked questions about the royal family of the Great Food Kingdom, as well as the craftsmen of the Great Food Kingdom.

According to their answers, when they built these palaces, they used various methods such as the method of mounding soil, the method of levers, and the method of pulleys. "

After listening to the arrogant answer, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression.

Immediately, he stood up directly from the stone table, looked around the tall palace in front of him, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Phew! It seems that no matter where you are, there are always smart people!"

Zhang Kuang listened to Young Master Liu's sighing tone and remained silent for a moment with hesitation on his face. He stood up and walked to Young Master Liu's side and stopped.

"His Majesty."

"Well, what happened?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's puzzled expression, Zhang Kuang's expression became hesitant again.

He licked his lips a few times, as if he wanted to say something.

"Your Majesty, old minister... old minister..."

Young Master Liu frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Kuang's hesitant expression.

"Uncle, there is nothing to hide between us.

If you want to say something, just say it. "

Zhang Kuang took a deep breath and nodded gently.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say, do you know whether it is appropriate to say it or not?"

"Hehehe, but it's okay to say."

"Your Majesty, if what I said is not agreeable to your ears, I hope your Majesty will not blame you."

Liu Mingzhi lightly took a puff of dry smoke, smiled lightly and nodded as a gesture.

"Hehehe, no problem, I forgive you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, in the past we always regarded these Westerners in the Far West as uncivilized barbarians.

In the beginning, when I had just conquered the entire Dashi Kingdom and had not yet dealt with these Westerners, I always thought so.

They think that these Westerners are all the kind of barbarians who are not educated.

However, when I have been dealing with them for a long time, I gradually became aware of it.

In fact, these people from the food country and the Roman country are still very smart, not as ignorant as we first imagined.

Although their fighting power is not as good as our dragons, it does not mean that they are ignorant savages.

Their lack of combat effectiveness can only mean that their military equipment and tactics are not as good as ours, Dalong Celestial Dynasty, and it has nothing to do with themselves.

The veteran believes that we cannot think that they are all uncivilized barbarians just because their soldiers and horses are not good at fighting.

In the opinion of the veteran, we must face up to these Western talents in the far west.

We can no longer always claim to be the kingdom of heaven and look at them with that superior attitude.

If our thoughts and thoughts do not change, but continue like this.

The veteran has a premonition that sooner or later our Dalong Dynasty will suffer a big loss from these Westerners.

You may even pay a very heavy price. "

Liu Mingzhi casually untied the wine bag from his waist, took out the cork and took a sip of wine, then looked at Zhang Kuang and nodded silently.

"Uncle, continue talking."

Zhang Kuang chuckled and nodded, raised his hand to stroke his gray beard a few times, and narrowed his old eyes with a look of sadness.

"Your Majesty, to be honest, I don't know why I had such an idea.

Now, my Great Dragon Dynasty has nearly a million elite troops who have experienced many battles stationed in these western countries in the Far West.

Behind the nearly one million-strong army, there was the Anxi Protectorate, as well as soldiers and horses from more than thirty countries in the Western Regions as reinforcements.

In front of us, there is the Dalong treasure fleet led by Hou An Jianghe of Haining, with tens of thousands of elite officers and soldiers patrolling all the countries in the West.

In the future, if something unexpected happens, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers in Hai Ninghou's hands will be an army that can attack and defend.

At the rear is the Anxi Protectorate, with more than thirty countries from the Western Regions providing support.

In the middle are the Western Expedition Army on the left, the Western Expedition Army on the right, the Western Expedition Army on the second route, the Anxi Protectorate and the coalition forces of more than [-] countries in the Western Regions. Together they are nearly a million troops and are powerful in all directions.

There is a fleet of dragon treasure ships in front, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers can serve as a surprise force.

With such a strong military force, if the ministers and others are only fighting, they will not govern or defend the city.

I have the guts to say something immodest, and I will be able to sweep across the Far West without any rivals from the Western countries.

Whether it is a big country or a small country; whether it is a fortified city or an important town.

They can hold out for about ten days, or at most 20 days, under the attack of ministers and others, even if they have the ability.

According to common sense, under such a situation, what should I worry about, old minister?

As the veteran said just now, I don’t even know how I could have such an idea.

However, the veteran has been with these Westerners for a long time, and has dealt with them more often.

The veteran's thoughts became stronger and stronger. "

As he spoke arrogantly, he took a long puff of dry cigarette and looked at Young Master Liu solemnly.

“Your Majesty, people from the West are like tigers and wolves.

If we don’t pay attention to it today, given time, our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty will definitely suffer its backlash.

The old minister has finished speaking. If there is anything inappropriate, I hope your majesty will forgive me. "

After listening to Zhang Kuang's long speech, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and became silent.

After a moment.

Liu Mingzhi leaned forward slightly, chuckled and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot under his feet.

"Uncle, tell me, what is the reason for you to have such an idea?"

Hearing this, Zhang Kuang looked slightly stunned and did not react for a moment.

"Your Majesty, I just told you that I don't even know why I had such an idea."

"Uncle, what I want to ask is not this question, but I want to ask you, why did you gradually change your initial impression of these Westerners?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he turned to look at Zhang Kuang, held up the wine bag in his hand and took a sip of the drink.

"Your Majesty, I have spent a long time with these Westerners.

Gradually, I discovered that these Western countries in the far west have their own laws, their own writing, their own systems, and their own rules.

They have a complete system just like our Dalong Dynasty.

Just ask, a country with a complete set of laws, a complete set of texts, a series of rules, and a complete system.

How could he be the kind of uneducated barbarian that we had in our initial impression?
Of course, based on the current situation, our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty can still regard them as barbarians.However, this kind of barbarians are the kind of barbarians who do not obey the king and do not respect our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty.

They are not the kind of barbarians who are uneducated and look like savages in the mountains and forests.

Your Majesty, these people we think of as barbarians can learn.

Moreover, their learning ability is very strong, and they are completely different from our Dalong people.

Your Majesty, based on my observations of them over the years, I can tell you for sure.

As long as we truly teach them knowledge with our heart, they will grow up quickly.

As for what will happen after they truly grow up, Lao Chen cannot guarantee. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and drank several large sips of wine, then paced back and forth gently with a smile on his face.

Seeing the faint smile on Young Master Liu's face, Zhang Kuang frowned involuntarily.

What's going on? Why is Your Majesty still smiling?
Doesn't he know how serious the problems he just mentioned are?
Or, Your Majesty, does he think that the issues he just mentioned are just scaremongering?

Or in other words, His Majesty has been sitting in that position for too long, and he has already developed a heart of pride, and he doesn't take the people of the world seriously?
Zhang Kuang muttered to himself, then shook his head quietly.

No, no.

Based on my understanding of Liu Mingzhi, he is definitely not such a person.

Otherwise, he would not have the ability to suddenly raise troops to rebel and sit on that chair very powerfully when the world is still peaceful.

Just like what happened just now, he already knew what he wanted to say before he even finished speaking.

He also lamented that he still had to prepare for a rainy day in everything he did before.

How could such an emperor be unaware of the seriousness of the problems he just mentioned?

Could it be that he was thinking of some plans that even he couldn't think of?

While Zhang Kuang was thinking rapidly, Young Master Liu, who was wandering back and forth, suddenly stopped.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Kuang immediately came to his senses.

Liu Mingzhi rolled up his tobacco bag and pinned it to his waist, and looked at Zhang Kuang with a faint smile.

"Uncle, are you the only one who thinks about these issues you just mentioned?

Or is that what you all think? "

Hearing First Young Master Liu's question, Zhang Kuang's expression suddenly became happy, and the complicated mood in his heart disappeared in an instant.

As expected, His Majesty is still the same as before, and has not changed in any way.

Still as smart as ever, and as far-sighted as ever.

Zhang Kuang quickly collected his thoughts and immediately replied loudly: "Your Majesty, these questions are not just my thoughts.

The veteran brothers, as well as all the other brothers, all think so.

Regarding these matters, I have discussed these matters in detail more than once in the past two years.

After dozens of collegial discussions, the ministers and others finally came to the same answer. "

Young Master Liu frowned, and took a sip of his wine with a smile.

Then, he asked with interest: "Oh? What kind of answer."

"Your Majesty, the countries in the west are a serious thorn in my side, the Great Dragon Celestial Empire."

"A serious problem?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

"So serious?"


"Uncle, please tell me what you think about this young master. How should we, the Great Dragon Celestial Empire, deal with such a serious threat?

In other words, how should I, the current emperor of Dalong and the king of a country, deal with this? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's straightforward question, Zhang Kuang's body shook violently, and his expression suddenly became hesitant.

"Your Majesty, this... this... this..."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly when he saw the hesitant expression on Zhang Kuang's face.

"What? Haven't you guys discussed a result yet?"

"Your Majesty, no, I already have a rough idea."

"Now that you have a general idea, let's talk about it."

Hearing this, Zhang Kuang pursed his lips a few times and glanced hesitantly at Qi Yun, the Queen, Qinglian and the other sisters, Xiaocutie, Gumo Lanya, Song Qing, Liu Song and the others.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen, Huyan Yunyao and the other sisters were so far apart that they looked at each other wildly. They looked at each other and stood up from the stone table in unison.

immediately.All the beauties bowed to Liu Dashaofu.

"Husband, after we sisters arrived at the palace, we haven't had a good tour of our future residence.

Now we sisters have almost rested, so we plan to walk around the palace first and familiarize ourselves with the environment of the palace in advance.

Otherwise, nothing will be clear by then and another joke will be made. "

"Yes, yes, in order to make life easier in the future, it would be better for us to familiarize ourselves with the environment in the palace in advance."

"Husband, you and your uncle can continue chatting. My sisters will go to other places first."

Gumo Rongrong smiled brightly and turned to look at her sister Gumo Lanya.

"Lanya, you also go for a walk with your sister."

"Yeah, little sister knows."

Qi Ya tidied up her clothes, and glanced at the cutie with a smile.


The little cutie suddenly stood up after hearing her Aunt Ya's soft words.

"Hey, Yue'er is here, Aunt Ya, what's the matter?"

"Yue'er, come too.

If you see a palace you like, just tell your mothers directly.

As long as you like it, you can live wherever you want, and your mothers will never compete with you.

When the time comes, after the mothers have taken over all the good places to live, you stinky girl will continue to accuse us mothers of not caring for you.

This time, I'll let you pick first, and see what faults you can pick out in the future, a stinky girl. "

After listening to Qi Ya'e's words, the cutie turned her head to glance at First Young Master Liu, the two of them glanced at Zhang Kuang, and nodded with a smile.

"Hey, Yue'er got it, thank you all mothers."

"Husband, we sisters will take Yue'er to visit other places in the palace first.

We will come back soon after we become familiar with the environment in the palace. "

After Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, he looked at a group of ladies, cuties, and his sister-in-law, Melanya, and smiled lightly, waving his hand.

"Okay, then you sisters can go around first."

(End of this chapter)

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