My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3454 Add fuel to the fire

Chapter 3454 Add fuel to the fire
"Huh? Your Majesty, just what?"

"His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, I dare to ask, what do you have to say?"

Hearing Young Master Liu say these three words, Zhang Kuang, Wanyan Chiezha and others all asked with doubts on their faces.

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of dry smoke, turned his eyes and glanced at the few people who looked confused, and silently walked to the table covered with maps and stopped.

Then, he directly picked up the small bamboo pole on the map and directly drew a circle at the three locations of Rome, Frankia, and Prussia.

"But, don't you think that the current situation among the three countries is very similar to the situation of the three countries standing at the same time?
In other words, it is very similar to the situation of the three kingdoms of our Dalong, the Jin Kingdom, and the Turks in the past. "

Nangong Ye lit a pot of dry smoke, lowered his head and scanned the locations of the Three Kingdoms on the map.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation of the three countries on the map, the three countries are indeed now in a tripartite situation.

However, there seems to be nothing wrong with this situation. "

Yeruha glanced at the map casually, smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Brother Nangong is right. It's just a three-legged situation. There's nothing special about it, right?"

"Your Majesty, if you think of something, you might as well tell me directly."

Liu Mingzhi took away the bamboo pole that was lit on the map, and leaned sideways on the chair beside him while holding the dry tobacco bag.

“There is really nothing surprising about the three pillars.

However, with the three countries standing at the same level, when two of them fall into a war, how can the other country stay silent and stay out of the war?
In other words, how could the kings of the Frankish and Prussian countries be so confident that the Roman country would stay out of the matter?
Think about it from your own perspective, if you were the king of two of them, what would you be most worried about when a war broke out between your two countries? "

A group of old foxes heard Master Liu's seemingly pointed hint, and after just thinking about it for a moment, their eyes suddenly widened.

Judging from their reactions, they seemed to have thought of something.

Liu Mingzhi saw the changes in the expressions of several people, chuckled and fanned the smoke rising in front of him.

"Hehehe, tell me what you think."

"Your Majesty, if I am one of them, my biggest concern is not what methods the enemy will use to deal with me.

Rather, they were worried that Rome, which had always stayed out of the matter, might suddenly launch a sneak attack on their back when the war between the two sides was at its most critical moment. "

"Your Majesty, I think so too.

Under such circumstances, the biggest threat is not necessarily the enemy in a head-on confrontation, but the Roman state, which has been silent next to it. "

"Your Majesty, please replace me with an old minister. The old minister is worried that the Roman Congress will sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

If Rome had waited until the war was in progress and suddenly launched a sneak attack, it would have been a disaster for any country. "

"Your Majesty, what I think this old minister is thinking is that when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman will benefit.

The Franks and Prussia were like snipes and clams, and Rome was the fisherman most likely to profit. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the opinions of several people and took a puff of dry cigarette with a smile.

"Hehehe, what you said makes sense.

I think back then, the world among the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turks was not yet unified.

Whenever there is a war between the three countries, whether it is the Turks or the Jin Kingdom, they all know that they are no match for Dalong on their own.

Therefore, every time there is a war, the two sides will inevitably become allies.

Between the Jin Kingdom and the Turks, even if one side wanted to stay out of the conflict, the other side would find every way to force it into the war. "

As Young Master Liu spoke, he chuckled and turned to look at Wanyan Chiezha and Hu Yanyu.

"Uncle, Brother Huyan, you should know this best."

Wanyan Chiezha and Hu Yanyu looked at each other and nodded with a wry smile.

"Clear, clear."

"I understand clearly."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, looked at the group of people and raised his eyebrows with a chuckle.

"The current situation of the three Frankish countries is just like the situation of our Dalong side back then.

So, do you think that the Frankish King and the Prussian King would not have thought of these situations?
Here in the west, there may not be a saying that the fishermen benefit when the snipe and the clam compete.

However, this does not mean that the two of them do not understand this truth.

The principles in the world lead to the same destination through different paths.

There may be different sayings, but the ultimate meaning is the same.

Few people who can become kings are fools, and they would not think of such a thing.

Of course, if there are any special circumstances, just pretend that I didn’t say anything about it. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he straightened up and walked to the table a few steps away, picked up some tea and moistened his throat.

Then, with a faint smile, he turned his attention to a group of generals.

"Then, under what circumstances can the two kings of Frankia and Prussia let Rome stay out of the matter like this?"

"Hiss, this."

"This, this."

"Your Majesty, Zhang Shuai just said that perhaps the Frankish King Naroman and the Roman King Alexander Peter had reached some secret agreement in private to carve up the territory of Prussia.

Only under such circumstances could the Roman state stay aloof. "

Liu Mingzhi swallowed the tea leaves in his mouth, chuckled and turned his attention to Yun Chong.

"Uncle, as you have come to the second conclusion.

Such a situation could only occur if Roman and Alexander Peter reached some kind of secret agreement in private.

However, do you want what kind of agreement this is?

Only in this way could Naroman agree to divide the general territory of Prussia with Alexander Peter under the condition that the Roman state did not use a single soldier.

If you can get half of the territory without spending a single soldier, the king of Rome will definitely agree to such an agreement without hesitation. .

But what about Roman, the king of the Franks?Would he agree to such an agreement?
If you were the king of the Franks, would you agree to such an agreement? "

Upon hearing the question raised by Young Master Liu, all the generals frowned.

"Hiss, this, this."

"Only a fool would agree to such conditions."

"No one with a sound mind would agree to such an agreement."

"According to normal people's thinking, even if they exert half of their efforts, they still want to take advantage of it.

Without exerting any effort, I just want to share half of the fruits of victory.

No one would agree to this situation. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded and took a sip of tea, then looked at the generals and nodded with smiles.

"Hahaha, you are right, only a fool would agree to such an agreement."

"Your Majesty, after what you said, the current situation between the three countries is really full of doubts."

"Your Majesty, according to the latest situation reported by the elite scouts and soldiers, the Golden Eagle.

Until five days ago, the borders of Rome were still very peaceful and peaceful.

Rome made no move to interfere in the war between the other two countries, and the other two countries also made no move to drag Rome into trouble. Liu Mingzhi put down the tea cup in his hand, turned around and looked at the sand table a few steps away.

"Is there no sign at all?"

"According to the situation reported by the scouts and soldiers, there are no specific signs."

“Your Majesty, Brother Nangong is talking about the situation five days ago.

As for whether any changes have occurred there in the past few days, we will have to wait for the notices from the scouts to arrive. "

Liu Mingzhi silently took a puff of dry cigarette, raised his hand and stroked the stubble on his chin a few times.

"Uncle, since the latest transmission has not been sent yet, let's analyze the situation based on the situation a few days ago.

Everyone, based on what we just said, a new question has arisen.

Perhaps the Frankish King Naroman and the Roman King really reached an unfair agreement in private.

But what about the King of Prussia?
Faced with such a situation, he can't really just sit idly by and let the other two countries plot against him, right?

As we just said, with the three countries standing at the same level, once the two countries go to war, the other country can never really stay out of the conflict.

In this way, the King of Prussia would drag Rome into the battlefield even if he tried to force it.

When facing an enemy head-on, you can come up with countermeasures as quickly as possible according to changes in the situation.

No matter how powerful such an enemy is, it is not very scary.

On the contrary, the most terrifying thing is the enemy behind you who chooses and devours people at any time.

No one wants to have a tiger staring at their back.

In addition to these two points, let’s talk about another kind of problem.

How could the Roman King Alexander Peter guarantee that the Frankish King would abide by the agreement reached privately between the two of them afterwards?

According to your thinking, the Franks themselves could destroy Prussia with the force they had without the need for Rome to send a single soldier.

In this way, may I think that since the Frankish state can destroy Prussia by itself, can it also destroy the Roman state that has been standing by on the sidelines? "

"Hiss, according to common sense, it should be destroyed."

"Your Majesty, if I were Naroman, I would still have an absolute advantage after completely conquering all the territory of Prussia.

I will fight against the Roman Empire while at the same time dividing my troops into two groups and quietly marching into the Roman Empire's border cities.

Afterwards, all the soldiers and horses pretended to attack, and all the soldiers and horses drove straight into the hinterland of the Roman Kingdom and took the royal city of the Roman Kingdom. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot on the edge of the table.

"Uncle, this young master has never met Alexander Peter, the King of Rome.

So I don't know the specifics of this person's situation.

You have been dealing with him for so long. Based on your understanding of him, would he consider such a thing? "

Nangong Ye took a puff of smoke and poured a glass of wine from the pot with a slight frown on his face.

“Your Majesty, despite his young age, this boy has a very deep mind.

Based on the old minister's understanding of this boy, he will most likely consider this situation. "

"My old minister agrees. This guy, the King of Rome, looks honest on the surface, but he's actually full of tricks.

Otherwise, I would not have said before that this boy is very ambitious. "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, put down the tobacco bag in his hand, and happily grabbed a few nuts from the plate on the table.

"Hehehe, if that's the case, then we have to have a serious discussion.

First of all, it is impossible for the Frankish and Prussian countries to see a situation in which snipe and clams fight and the fishermen benefit.

Secondly, the Frankish King and the Roman King would most likely not reach such an extremely unfair agreement in private.

Thirdly, the King of Prussia would not let Rome sit on the sidelines at all.

Everyone, when these three situations are superimposed, do you think the second conclusion you discussed earlier can still be established? "

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Hu Yanyu, Cheng Kai, Tang Ru and others who can serve as the main generals of the three armies are all quick-thinking people.

They only needed to think for a moment to understand the profound meaning contained in Liu Dashao's words.

"Your Majesty, if we go by your analysis, it is simply impossible for the Franks and the Romans to form an alliance."

"Your Majesty, if you follow your line of thinking, the second conclusion reached by the ministers and others cannot be established.

But, then again.

Since it is impossible for the two countries to form an alliance, then after the Franks occupied several important cities on the borders of Prussia, why did they not let go of such a big piece of fat on the borders of Rome? "

"Your Majesty, is this related to the first conclusion that I came to?

The reason why the Franks have not used troops against the Romans may be because they do not want to antagonize our Dragon Kingdom.

After all, we now have tens of thousands of elite soldiers stationed in Rome.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were stationed in Rome, forming an invisible deterrent force.

From the perspective of people who don’t know the details, they would think that the relationship between our dragon and the Roman state is very close.

In fact, only we here know best that the reason why we station troops and horses in Rome is mainly to control the situation in Rome. "

After Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time with his brows furrowed, he turned around casually and sat down on the chair next to him.

“Based on my current personal thoughts, this young master’s feasibility is slim to none.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion. "

"Your Majesty, can't you even guess what kind of problems exist in the current situation between the three countries?"

Liu Mingzhi straightened his clothes, looked up at Yun Chong, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Uncle, if I can figure everything out, why should I bother you with your long-winded analysis here?

As you know, I just arrived at Dashi King City yesterday.

Regarding the main situation here, I can only get a general idea from the few words you said. I don't know what the specific situation is at all.

I don’t even know the specific situation, how could I possibly analyze everything clearly?

This young master, I am new here, it only lasts for one day.

Under such circumstances, if I knew everything clearly, then there would be something wrong. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's angry words, Yun Chong smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Hehehe, that's true."

Liu Mingzhi casually took off the wine bag from his waist, pulled out the stopper on the wine bag, tilted his head slightly and drank several large gulps of wine.


Liu Mingzhi took a breath of alcohol and looked up at the generals in front of him.

"Everyone, since we can't guess the situation between these three countries, we just won't guess at all.

Now, aren't they at war?

So, we might as well add another fire to them.

No, it should be directly adding fuel to their fire. "

(End of this chapter)

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