My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3493 Good Acting

By the time the three of them arrived at the main hall, the hall was already full of people.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi walking into the hall at the lead, everyone stood up one after another and saluted in unison.

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand with a faint smile and walked directly towards the main seat in the palace.

Seeing this, the Queen walked straight to the third princess and walked over to the table where the Qi Ya sisters were sitting.

Qi Yun looked at her husband who had walked up to her and pulled up the chair next to her with a slight smile.

"Husband, please sit down quickly."

"Let's go together, let's sit down too."


After Liu Mingzhi sat down, he turned to look at Qi Yun who was already sitting next to him, and then pressed his hands to everyone who was still standing in the hall.

"Everybody sit down, everybody sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi casually held up his sleeves, picked up a steaming and fragrant steamed bun, opened his mouth and took a bite.

Then, he looked towards Zhang Kuang with a faint smile.


Hearing the sound, arrogant and Nangong Ye instinctively turned around and focused their attention on Young Master Liu.

Nangong Ye saw that Young Master Liu was looking at Zhang Kuang, and immediately looked away with a smile.

Zhang Kuang also realized that Young Master Liu was calling him and quickly swallowed the bun in his mouth.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Uncle, from now on, you can just send someone to deliver three meals a day for Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Yue'er and our family to my residence.

Our family comes to the main hall to eat every day. Not only is it inconvenient for us, it will also waste your time.

If you wait for us to have dinner together early in the morning, it will take some time, and if you perform a line of etiquette for us, it will take some time.

If you come down here and there, not only will your meal be almost cold, but it will also delay you from doing your own business.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, each of you has a heavy burden. You must not waste your time on such meaningless things.

Therefore, when it is time to eat in the future, Yun'er, Yan'er and our family will eat alone. "

After listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, he nodded respectfully.

"Old minister, I obey, I understand."

"That's it, let's continue eating."


After Liu Mingzhi devoured several buns, he turned to look at Qi Yun who was chewing slowly next to him.


"The concubine is here, my husband?"

"Husband, I have changed out of two clothes in the past two days. Please take the time to help me clean them."

"Hey, I know it. After breakfast, I will rush to your place to get some clothes."

"Good good."

"Husband, I have something to tell you."

Young Master Liu had just picked up a bun and was about to put it into his mouth. When he heard the beauty's words, he immediately turned to look at Qi Yun curiously.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's suddenly curious expression, Qi Yun smiled lightly.

"Husband, it's like this.

The concubines and sisters have been staying in the palace and leading a leisurely life.

So, we sisters discussed it in private. In two days, after we sisters have completely recovered our energy and spirit, we plan to go out.

Walk around the royal city, appreciate the mountains and rivers around the royal city, and visit the scenery around the royal city.

My sister’s idea is that if you, husband, have free time, we will travel together.

On the contrary, we sisters will travel together with Yue'er. "

After listening to the beauty's words, Liu Mingzhi pondered with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Qi Yun looked at her husband who was thinking, gently pursed her red lips, picked up her porridge bowl and drank the porridge water in small sips.

After a moment.

Liu Mingzhi came back from his thoughts, looked at Qi Yun who was sipping porridge and water, smiled and nodded.

"Yun'er, you sisters have a good idea. It's really not a problem if you sisters are allowed to sit idle in the palace all the time.

It is indeed a good thing for you sisters to go out for a walk and relax. "

When Qi Yun heard her husband's answer, her face suddenly showed a smile that was as charming as a flower.

"Husband, do you agree?"

"Hehehe, you sisters just want to relax and see the scenery of the royal city. As your husband, of course I will not object."

"Yeah, thank you, husband."

"Yun'er, I agree to be my husband, I agree, but that's it!"

Hearing the reversal from Young Master Liu, the smile on Qi Yun's pretty face dropped and she couldn't help but frown her delicate brows.

"Husband, what is it?"

"Yun'er, we came to the royal city of Dashi Kingdom this time. After all, it's our first time here.

As someone who is unfamiliar with this place, there are some situations where you should be more careful, and you still need to be careful.

Therefore, as husband, I agree that you sisters can go out and play together, but someone must follow you to protect your safety. "

Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Young Master Liu with a slight smile and nodded his head a few times.

"Hey, concubine, I thought you were going to say something important, husband.

This doesn't matter at all. Husband, just make arrangements. "

While Qi Yun was speaking, Mr. Liu had already delivered another fragrant bun to his belly.


Liu Mingzhi burped lightly, picked up his bowl of porridge, looked at the queen and nodded with a slight smile.

"Okay, as long as you agree to my husband's arrangements, there will be no problem.

Whenever you sisters want to go out for fun, please say hello to me in advance and I will tell Liu Song to make arrangements. "

"Hey, I already know."

Liu Mingzhi quickly drank his porridge water, put down the porridge bowl and leaned towards Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, for my husband, I'm full. You sisters, eat slowly. For my husband, I'll go back first."

When Qi Yun heard this, the expression on her pretty face couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ah? Are you already full?"

"Hehehe, yes, I'm full."

"Husband, can you eat well after such a short time?
There are still several buns in the plate now. How about you eat two more? "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, shook his head, and stood up directly.

"Yun'er, I'm full, my husband is full. I'm really full. I'm going back first."

Seeing that her husband had stood up smoothly, Qi Yun had no choice but to smile and nod.

"This, that's fine."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, raised his feet and left his position directly.

"Everyone, I have eaten enough.

You guys eat slowly, I'll go back first. "

Hearing this, everyone in the hall raised their heads and looked at Young Master Liu who had walked to the center of the hall.

"Ah? Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty?" "Husband?"


Liu Mingzhi heard everyone's surprised tone, waved his hands casually with a smile, and walked straight out of the palace door without stopping.

"That's all, get on with your breakfast."

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to respond in unison.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

After Liu Mingzhi walked out of the main hall, he went straight to his residence.

It took about a while to make a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu had already returned to his residence. He stretched lazily outside the palace door and walked into his residence happily.

After half a day.

in the palace.

Every time Liu Mingzhi finished reading a document sent by Zhang Guangzhi, he would immediately put his feet up and walk around on the sand table placed in front of him.

While he was circling the sand table, he would suddenly stop from time to time and look over the contents of the document in his hand again.

The sun outside the hall gradually rose higher.

Time passed quietly, I don’t know how long it took.

The sound of light footsteps first sounded in the hall, and then Qi Yun's soft voice sounded again.

"Husband, I'm here to get some clothes."

Mr. Liu, who was concentrating on flipping through the documents in his hand, instinctively heard the sound and saw Qi Yun and Ren Qingrui, sisters, walking towards him with smiles on their faces.

Looking at the two sisters coming together, Liu Mingzhi happily opened his arms and stretched his body.

"Hehehe, Yun'er, Rui'er, why are you two sisters back together?"

When Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's question, she immediately quickened her pace and came to Mr. Liu's side, pouting her delicate lips angrily.

"Daguoguo, what are you talking about?
Sister, I have been living here with you. Can’t you just hand over those dirty clothes you changed to your sister and let me clean them for you?

Why do you need to bother Sister Yun with the things I can do for you?

What's going on?Are you afraid, sister, that I will ruin your clothes by washing them?Are you still afraid that I can't clean it for you? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui, who had an angry look on his face, and shook his head happily.

"Oh, Qingrui, as a brother, I definitely don't mean this.

As a brother, since I married your sister Yun and entered the house, all the matters behind me, big and small, have been left to her, a good wife, to handle everything.

It’s been 20 years, brother, haven’t I already gotten used to it? "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he immediately pretended to be unhappy and turned to look at Qi Yun who had already walked to his side.

"Yun'er, if you tell Qingrui such a simple little thing, it's obvious that you don't want your husband to live in peace for me?"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's pretending to be unhappy, Qi Yun glanced sideways at Ren Qingrui, and gently spread her hands with a smile on her face.

"Husband, you have wronged me, and you really don't blame me for that.

After we had breakfast, when Sister Qingrui saw me, I did not go back to my own residence, but followed her to your residence.

So, she was very curious and asked me if something was wrong.

I just came here to pick up some clothes and clean them for you. This is not an important matter, so I naturally have nothing to hide.

Just, just.

Pfft, cluck. "

Qi Yun couldn't help laughing a few times as she spoke.

"It's just that I didn't expect it, I just told sister Qingrui casually about my purpose of coming, and she was so jealous!
Concubine, I just listened to you and came to pick up two dirty clothes from you, but in the end I was made so jealous by sister Qingrui.

This concubine is like me, how unjust I am! "

When Ren Qingrui heard what Qi Yun said, her pretty face was immediately embarrassed, and her beautiful eyes shyly turned to look at Qi Yun and gently stamped her lotus feet wearing embroidered shoes.

"Oh, Sister Yun, what are you talking about?

Girl, I'm...I'm not jealous! "

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Ren Qingrui with eyes full of teasing.

"Oh? Sister Qingrui, aren't you jealous?"

Upon hearing this, Ren Qingrui nodded without hesitation.

"That's right, that's right. Of course I'm not jealous, sister."

Qi Yun nodded with a smile on her face, and suddenly turned her attention to Young Master Liu.

"Husband, do you believe it?"

Hearing Qi Yun's question, Mr. Liu's expression was stunned for a moment.

"Huh? What?"

He never expected that the topic between the two sisters would suddenly turn to him without any warning.

"Ah what? I ask you, do you believe that sister Qingrui is not jealous?"

Following Qi Yun's words, Ren Qingrui hurriedly turned around and looked at Young Master Liu, her watery autumn eyes blinking gently a few times.

"Big fruit?"


"Big fruit?"

When Liu Mingzhi saw this situation, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

No, what's going on?

It's just a matter of cleaning two dirty clothes. Is it so complicated between you sisters?

Looking at Young Master Liu whose eyes were twitching and silent, the two sisters spoke again.


"Big fruit?"

Liu Mingzhi suddenly came back to his senses from the delicate voices of sisters Qi Yun and Ren Qingrui, and then he quickly waved his hands to signal.

"Stop, stop, stop, Yun'er, Qingrui.

You two sisters, don't say anything. Just tell me who will wash the clothes? "

"Husband, I can do anything as a concubine."

"Da Guoguo, my sister agrees. I can do it too."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he took a deep breath angrily and calmed down his helpless emotions.

"It doesn't matter to you, there must be someone who can help me clean the clothes I changed out of, right?"

"Husband, I am free to take this concubine.

If you want me to clean it for you, I will clean it for you. "

"Da Guoguo, sister, feel free to do whatever you want, sister, I will listen to you in everything."

Hearing the similar answers from the two sisters Qi Yun, Young Master Liu suddenly had a headache.

Good guys, are you sisters deliberately trying to embarrass this young master and me?

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his temples with his fingers, and after a moment of weird silence, he smiled bitterly and pursed his lips at Ren Qingrui.

"Yes, Rui'er, you have been living here with my brother, so it will be much easier to do anything.

Therefore, the clothes I changed for my brother will be left to you to deal with. "

After hearing that her sweetheart asked her to clean his clothes, Ren Qingrui nodded her head a few times with excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, sister, I understand. I'll go and take out the clothes from the hanger right away."

As soon as Ren Qingrui finished speaking, Qi Yun and his wife did not wait for Young Master Liu to speak, and trotted toward the back hall with cheerful faces.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's running back, turned to look at Qi Yun and shook his head angrily.

"Yun'er, you two sisters did a good job in this scene!" (End of Chapter)

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