"Yeah, Iko."

"Daddy, kid, I know, daddy, you must have your own reasons and ideas for doing this.

Therefore, no matter what decision you make, Dad, Yi Ke will firmly support your decision.

I believe that what you are doing now, dad, must be to develop our family better and become stronger.

Instead of developing our family in a bad place, as it seems on the surface.

So, dad, go ahead and do it boldly, Yi Ke supports you. "

Hearing these words of encouragement from his good daughter, Crich burst into laughter with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, hahaha.

Yi Ke, you are worthy of being my father’s good daughter!
With these words from you, my dear daughter, I can feel a little less nervous about being a father. "

As Krich spoke, he looked at Amina happily.

"Amina, on this point, you can't compare to our good daughter."

"Master, everyone has his or her own opinion, and I just expressed my own opinion based on the situation in front of me.

As for you and Yi Ke, what your father and daughter think is your own business.

Anyway, I know now, master, if you continue to backlog those goods, then all the money our family has in the several shops in the royal city will be compensated.

Once we pay out all the gold coins in several shops, sir, you will have only two ways to go.

When the time comes, you can either send someone to rush back to our shop in Rome immediately and raise a sum of money as soon as possible to maintain the shop here.

Or just give up all the shops here in the Dashi King City, and our family will rush back to our hometown in despair.

However, neither the former nor the latter seems to be a good outcome for our family.

After all, no matter which outcome between the two, it means that our family will lose a lot of money in a short period of time.

Moreover, I wonder if you have ever thought about it, sir?Even if you choose the former, sir, you can mobilize a sum of money from Rome in time to maintain the operation of the shops in the royal city.

However, who can guarantee that we will be able to earn back the money we are losing now?

If the compensated gold coins could be earned back, that would be a great thing.

But, what if it pays once and again?

Therefore, this path is not without any risks.

On the contrary, if you choose the latter, you will directly give up the business here.

This also means that the family fortune you have built after years of hard work in Dashi King City will all be wasted in one day.

Now, I am seeing these two situations happening, do you think I can not be anxious?

In a few days, if this situation really happens, even if I can't die of heartache, I guess it will be almost the same. "

After listening to his wife's long speech, Creech showed no dissatisfaction on his face.

He is not a fool, and he naturally knows that the reason why his wife said such words to him is also for his own sake.

If you feel dissatisfied because of this, then you are too ignorant.

Krich turned his head and spit out the tea leaves on the tip of his tongue, frowned slightly and lifted the teapot to refill himself with a cup of tea.

"Madam, are there only two ways?"

Amina heard this and nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I have roughly analyzed the current situation, and the results I can draw are that there are only two options.

Master, I think what Al just said to you is very reasonable.

If it doesn’t work, stop the loss in time!
My concubine and daughter obey your instructions, master, and have been working hard to learn the culture of Dalong Celestial Dynasty over the years.

The predicament our store is facing now, as long as the losses can be stopped in time, in the words of Dalong, it is like a dead sheep... a sheep... what is a sheep?

Well!Well!It means that after there is no sheep in the sheepfold, as long as the sheepfold is repaired as soon as possible, it is not too late. "

When Krich heard his wife's words, he couldn't help but laugh a few times.

"Hahaha, Amina, it's not too late to make up for the situation before it's too late."

After hearing Krich's answer, Amina immediately nodded in enlightenment.

“Yes, yes, it’s not too late to make amends.

Master, now you just need to send people immediately to sell the backlog of goods earlier. It is not too late to make up for the situation. "

After taking a sip of the tea in the cup, Krich gently stroked the tea lid in his hand and raised his eyes to look at Amina, who was sitting opposite him.

"Amina, in fact, in addition to the two paths you mentioned before, there is a third path to choose from."

When Amina heard Krich's words, the expression on her face was slightly stunned.

"What? The third way? Where did the third way come from?"

Seeing his wife's stunned expression, Kerridge silently swallowed the tea leaves in his mouth and exhaled a long and hard breath.

"Huh! Amina, the third path I mentioned for my husband is the nobleman from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty.

As long as he can keep his promise, then we have a third way to go.

By then, we will not only have a third road to take, but it will also be a road to the sky. "

After listening to Krich's answer, Amina's face suddenly became helpless.

She originally thought that her husband would come up with a solution that would dazzle her.

Who could have imagined that after wasting a long time talking, the problem finally turned back to the big dragon man.

"Master, after all is said and done, you have to choose to continue gambling in the end and insist on waiting for the dragon man with whom you have only met once to come to your appointment, right?"

Crich looked at the helpless expression on his wife's face, smiled and nodded gently in response.

"That's right, for the sake of my husband, I choose to continue waiting for that noble man from the dragon to come to the appointment."

"Master, master, what do you want me to say to you?
You are now several decades old, can you stop being as naive as a child of a few years old?

You only have a one-time relationship with that big dragon man, and then you believe in him just because of some words he said to you.

Master, don’t you think your decision is too irrational? "

As Amina spoke, she immediately turned to look at her good daughter.

However, when she saw her daughter Kriike taking a sip of the tea in her cup with her eyebrows furrowed, she immediately rolled her eyes angrily.

"Yike, do you still have the heart to drink tea? Why don't you hurry up and help your mother and I'll persuade your father!"

Listening to his mother's angry words, Kriike smiled lightly and sipped the tea on her red lips.

"Mother, what do you want me to persuade you to do?

My daughter, I just said it, I believe dad must have his own reasons for doing this.

Therefore, my daughter, I support my father’s choice. "

After hearing this, Krich immediately looked towards Amina happily. "Amina, you have never seen with your own eyes the big dragon man I talked about as your husband, so you cannot understand my choice as your husband.

However, if you see that big dragon man with your own eyes, you will immediately understand why my husband made the decision I did now.

You know my character as a husband. You have to believe me. I will not make fun of our family's property. "

Listening to Krich's explanation, Amina rolled her eyes helplessly.

Immediately, she turned around slightly, reached out and grabbed another account book in front of her daughter Kriike, and placed it firmly on the stone table in front of her.

Her actions caused the expressions on the faces of the father and daughter to be stunned for a moment on the spot.

After Amina quickly looked through the contents of the account, she immediately raised her head and looked at Krich, who had already reacted and had a puzzled look on his face.

"Master, as you just said, I have indeed never seen the big dragon man you mentioned with my own eyes.

I don't know what kind of personality charm he has that makes you trust him so much just after meeting him once.

I don’t know all of this.

However, one thing is very clear to me.

That is, from half a month ago until today.

So far, our several shops together have compensated others about [-] gold coins.

No, no, it should be said that before you came here, sir, we had already paid out more than 1000 gold coins in compensation.

Now, add to that the [-] gold coins of that old fox Salah that Orr reported to you when he came here just now.

Including these gold coins, it is almost [-] gold coins.

Sir, forty thousand gold coins, forty thousand gold coins.

This is not four hundred, nor four thousand, but forty thousand gold coins.

Master, you don’t need me to tell you what it means to compensate so many gold coins at once, you should be able to understand it, right? "

After hearing the figure of forty thousand gold coins from his wife, Creech's eyes instantly showed a look of pain.

"Four...forty thousand gold coins? Is that much?"

"Yes, it's almost [-] gold coins. Otherwise, why do you think I would be so anxious now?

Master, I am not afraid of being verbose about my concubine, nor am I afraid that you will be bored.

I still said what I said before, if you immediately send people to other countries to sell our backlog of goods as soon as possible.

Then, there is still a chance for everything to turn around.

On the other hand, if we continue to delay, we may really lose everything this time.

After all, not all goods can be delayed for a long time.

Some goods may be delayed for a while, but it is not a big problem.However, if some goods are delayed for one day, our store will have to bear one more day of losses. "

As Amina spoke, she directly picked up the account in front of her and gently placed it in front of Krich.

"Master, I have said everything that needs to be said.

As for what you choose next, it all depends on your own thoughts. "

After looking down at the numbers on the account, Creech took a hesitant look and took a sip of tea from the tea cup.

What Amina said just now made his mood, which had finally calmed down because of his daughter's support, suddenly become hesitant again.

Forty thousand gold coins.

Forty thousand gold coins.

On the one hand, it is the dilemma that reality has brought to me, and on the other hand, it is my own feelings.

It's really hard to choose between the two.

I believe in my feelings, but the fact is that it is my feelings, which cannot help me solve the predicament in front of me.

However, if I let myself give up like this, I would really be unwilling to do so!

"Hey, Master?"

Krich pursed his lips a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

In the past two years, I have been trying my best to please the generals who came to Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

The results of it?The result is that no matter how hard you try and how much you try to please, you will never truly be able to enter their circle.

I racked my brains and worked hard for a year or two, but I still couldn't get the help I expected from them.

Those of them are completely impeccable when they stick to their own bottom line.

It can be said that their bottom line has been adhered to to the point where they can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

When they see the gold, silver and jewelry they gave, their eyes will light up, but they will not accept it.

Similarly, when they see the rare treasures and beautiful women they have given away, their eyes will light up, but in the end they still refuse to accept it.

Faced with such a situation, in addition to feeling powerless, I still feel powerless.

Creech thought of this, holding his teacup, and took a sip of tea with a wry smile.

"Amina, let me think about it as my husband."

When Amina heard this, she hesitated for a moment and nodded gently.

"Okay, master, just think about it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

Krich pursed the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth and sighed with a troubled expression.


In fact, there were times when I wanted to give up the idea of ​​continuing to please those dragon generals more than once.

However, I can't do this myself.

Because I know very well in my heart that the current Dashi Country is no longer the king and queen of the Dashi Country, but the princes and ministers are in power.

Now in the Great Food Country, the real people in power have been replaced by the generals of the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty.

No, no.

It should be said that not only the country of Dashi, but also the distant country of Tianzhu, has long been replaced by the generals of the Great Dragon.

In addition, including their hometown of Rome, as well as the kingdoms of Persia, Prussia, and Frankia, they also have some say.

It is precisely because of this that I am very clear in my heart.

Only after you truly integrate into their circle can you truly develop your business into a stronger one.

It's a pity that they never give themselves this chance.

Now, I finally saw the hope of entering the circle of Dalong Tianchao.

How could I be willing to let myself give up like this?
Thinking of this, Krich suddenly had a complicated look on his face, his eyes flashing in thought. (End of chapter)

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