My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3502 Stunning beauty

"Ike, don't be too anxious, just pay attention to your steps."

Amina looked at her good daughter's hurried figure and couldn't help but remind her.

Kriike heard his mother's words of concern, raised his right hand without looking back, and gently waved his white and tender hand a few times.

"I know, I know, the kids will pay attention."

After Krich's back gradually faded away, Amina withdrew her gaze with a somewhat embarrassed expression and turned to look at Krich.

"Master, I hope your dedication and persistence will receive the rewards you deserve."

Hearing this, Krich chuckled and turned to look at his wife, then stretched out his hands to hold the account book on the stone table again.

“Amina, as a husband, I always believe that God will not let down those who work hard.

Even if I might really lose the bet on my husband this time, I still firmly believe in this.

God will never let down those who work hard. "

As soon as Creech finished speaking, he went back to looking at the account book in his hand.

When he saw the eye-catching numbers on the account book again, the expression on his face instantly turned painful.

All losses added up to nearly [-] gold coins.

Forty thousand gold coins, this is nearly forty thousand gold coins.

Even though I had been mentally prepared for such a large loss, when I saw the eye-catching figures, I couldn't help but feel distressed.

You know, so many gold coins are the combined income of several shops in the royal city of Dashi Kingdom for more than half a year!

In just half a month, this amount of money was paid out in one fell swoop.

To say that I don’t feel distressed when I nod is definitely a lie.

Let alone myself, I'm afraid it would be like this for anyone.

Amina looked at the reaction on her husband's face and let out a silent sigh.

Immediately, she began to pray secretly in her heart.

God bless me, I hope my hard work will be duly rewarded.

After Amina prayed secretly in her heart, she glanced at Krich, who was still looking at the account book, and took a few steps forward lightly.

"Master, will you continue to drink tea?

If you still want to continue drinking, I will make a new pot of hot tea for you and bring it over. "

Hearing Amina's question, Krich looked up at her and waved his hand gently.

"Forget it, forget it, looking at the numbers on the account book, I really don't have any thoughts about drinking tea now!
Amina, just do whatever you should be busy with. "

When Amina heard this, she nodded lightly at first, then responded softly.

"Okay, I understand.

Master, please continue to sit while I go to do some other trivial matters. "

Creech continued to look at the accounts in his hand and waved his hand with a forced smile.

"Okay, okay, go, go."

Amina nodded slightly, said nothing more, turned around and walked straight to the room not far away.

After Amina's footsteps completely disappeared, Krich turned his head and looked around a few times.

When he was sure that there was no one else in the yard except himself, he immediately jumped up and down with a crazy look on his face, holding the account book in his hand.

“Forty thousand gold coins, forty thousand gold coins.

My money, my money! "

At this time, he no longer looked calm and composed as before when his wife and daughter were present. With a face full of grief, he jumped up and down on the spot with his teeth and claws open.

Just as Krich was gnashing his teeth and stamping his feet with a look of grief on his face, a slightly anxious voice suddenly came from the courtyard.

"Master, master."

Creech heard Orr's very familiar voice and quickly stopped his arrogant behavior.

Immediately, he let out a long silent breath, pretending to be calm, and turned around to look at Al, who was heading towards him.

"Al, what's wrong?"

"Master, master, that fox Jimur also came to our house to ask for damages."

Hearing Orr's words, Krich's brows immediately frowned.

"What? That old guy Jimur is here too."

"Reply to the master, here comes, here comes.

Now, he is in front of you constantly shouting to see you, the master! "

Creech took a deep breath and threw the account book in his hand on the stone table next to him with an angry look on his face.

“It’s too much to bully others, it’s too much to bully others.

These old guys are simply too deceptive.

On weekdays, I help their business a lot!
Now, even this old guy like him has come to look for me, which just adds insult to injury.

Hahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous!
I'm going to meet this old guy in person. Al, let's go. "

"Yes, please, Master."


Krich snorted coldly, shook his sleeves vigorously, and walked forward with high strides.

Upon seeing this, Al quickly trotted to follow.

After Kriike left his shop with six servants, he hurried towards his other shop in the west of the city.

Just as she was walking on the wide street, in a hurry.

I saw the person in front of me waving the folding fan in his hand, looking around with curiosity on his face. The young man looking over there was the handsome young man from the dragon man, who was looking towards her without hiding. come over.

Keliike saw the young man in front of him who only turned his head and looked around without paying attention to the situation in front of him. He lightly frowned his delicate eyebrows and instinctively dodged to one side.

However, what a coincidence.

When she instinctively turned sideways to avoid, the young man with a dragon-like appearance also turned around with a smile on his face and walked straight towards the stall next to her.

Seeing that he was about to collide with the oncoming young man, Kriike subconsciously stopped in his tracks.

However, when she stopped in a hurry, the young man who was coming towards her didn't seem to see her presence. He still looked happily at the stall next to her and walked straight away without any intention of dodging. Come over.

Seeing this situation, the expression on Kriike's pretty face was slightly startled, and he subconsciously dodged to the side again.

What's going on? Is this person walking without looking at the road?
One person couldn't help but be stunned and habitually moved to the side to avoid, while the other person didn't notice the surrounding situation at all and walked straight forward.

So, without any accident, the two people bumped into each other on the spot.

The two of them each raised a foot and stepped on the other's instep in unison.

"Hey, oh, my feet, don't you look at the road?"

"Oh, damn, my feet. Who is it? Who is it? Don't you look at the road when you walk?"

When the two people bumped into each other, they immediately complained in unison.

Keliiketan opened his mouth slightly, hissed and lifted up his lotus foot that had been stepped on the instep. After vigorously stomping on the ground a few times, he suddenly looked angrily towards the young man opposite who was also stomping his feet. Stared over.

"Hiss, you still have the nerve to say that?
I've intentionally avoided you twice, girl, but you still came right up to me.

It’s my girl, why don’t I look at the road when I’m walking?Or are you walking without looking at the road? "

When the young man was jumping on his feet and leaning over to rub the painful instep of his feet, he couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard Kriike's angry retort.

"Huh? Did you avoid it?"

Seeing the surprised expression on the young man's face, Kriike rolled his eyes angrily.

"What do you think? I've avoided you twice just now, okay?"

Girl, I'm going to the left, and you're going to the left, and I'm going to the right, and you're going to the right.

Whichever way I go, you go.

Under such circumstances, who among us is the one who doesn’t watch the road? "

The young man looked at the beautiful woman's unhappy expression, turned his head and looked around for a few times, and then suddenly laughed bitterly.

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

I was only focusing on observing the situation on the street, but I forgot to pay attention to the situation in front of me. "

As the young man spoke, he saluted Cree with a smile on his face.

"Girl, I'm really sorry.

I hope the girl won't mind what I did that was rude just now.

I am Xia Liu Luoyue, who comes from Dalong Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away from Dashi Kingdom. May I ask the girl’s name? "

That's right, the young man in front of Kriike is none other than the cute Liu Luoyue who is disguised as a man.

Kriike's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the little cutie's answer of announcing his home, and the expression on his pretty face immediately became curious.

"You...are you from Dalong?"

Seeing Kriike's surprised reaction, the little cutie smiled and bowed again.

"Yes, I am from Dalong!"

After hearing the little cutie's answer, Krieke gently pursed her red lips a few times, and a flash of excitement flashed deep in her eyes.

"Sir, the big dragon you are talking about is the big dragon from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty that is thousands of miles away from the Great Food Kingdom?"

The little cutie smiled and shook the folding fan in his hand, looking at Cree and waving his hand disapprovingly,
"Hey! It's not like the Celestial Empire, it's just an ordinary place."

Hearing what the little cutie said, Kriike immediately understood that the young man in front of him actually came from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty that his father often mentioned.

After confirming that the little cutie was indeed from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty, Kriike's pretty face instantly showed undisguised excitement.

Dalong Celestial Dynasty, Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

The young gentleman in front of him actually came from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty.

The little cutie looked at the excited expression on Kriike's pretty face and saluted again with a smile.

"Girl, I'm Dalongliu Luoyue, may I ask your girl's name?"

After hearing the little cutie's question, Kriike immediately responded with a salute.

"To tell you the truth, young master, the little girl Kriiko is from Rome."


"To tell you the truth, sir, that's right."

Although the little cutie didn't know the meaning of the name Kriike, she couldn't stop her from thinking that the name sounded very nice.

So, she praised Kriiko's name without hesitation.

“Kriiko, ico, ico.

What a great name. What a great name.

This name is not only very nice, but also extremely poetic.

My aunt... huh huh.

I haven't had such a nice name for this young master for a long time. "

Kriike heard the little cutie's words of praise for his name, and the smile on his pretty face instantly became stronger.

She let out a silent breath and instinctively stared at the little cutie up and down.

When she carefully looked at the little cutie's appearance and her clothes, her pretty face blushed slightly.

A hint of embarrassment quickly flashed through the depths of a pair of pretty eyes.

At the same time, her heart trembled involuntarily.

This, this is such a handsome and handsome husband with extraordinary temperament!
I have been traveling around with my father and mother for many years.

Whether it is his hometown of Rome, or the country of Dashi, Tianzhu, Frank, Persia, or the country where the sun never sets that occasionally comes into contact with his family.

After so many years, I have never seen a young man as handsome and charming as the man in front of me!
That is, I just don’t know if he is married and has a wife of his own now.

When Keli was looking at the little cutie up and down, why wasn't the little cutie looking at her appearance?

After the little cutie carefully looked at Kriike's outfit and appearance, she felt the same sigh in her heart.

The girl in front of him had fair skin as warm as moonlight.

Her red lips are as beautiful as blooming rose petals.

The bridge of her nose is curved, straight but natural, and her eyebrows are as picturesque as the figures in the painting.

A pair of beautiful eyes are clear and bright, as bright as the sunset when the sun sets, but they are not dazzling.

Although the appearance of the girl in front of him is full of exotic charm, her appearance is completely based on her own aesthetic sense.

This girl is stunning!
The little cutie gently smacked her lips a few times and started thinking rapidly.

Judging from this girl's appearance, she should not be too old.

He might be a year or two younger than you, or he might be a year or two older than him.

With her current age and her appearance, if he wanted her to be his little mother-in-law, it wasn't impossible.

But, then again.

My good aunt Qing Rui has been waiting for so many years for her stinky father.

At this time, if I had ignored Aunt Qingrui and suddenly introduced a little aunt to my stinking father.

No matter which aspect you consider, it seems a little inappropriate!
In this case, in this case, it would be wise for me to think about it carefully.

Since it’s not particularly appropriate to let her be your little aunt, how about thinking about it from another angle?

For example, his sister-in-law, or his younger siblings. (End of chapter)

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