When Cree heard the little cutie's affirmative tone, her eyes widened with a look of surprise.

Then, she seemed to be in disbelief and raised her white jade hand, carefully pointing towards the middle finger of the palace.

"Mr. Liu, are you telling the truth?
Is it true that Yi can follow you into the palace? "

The little cutie looked at the complicated expression of surprise and disbelief on Kriike's pretty face, and nodded happily.

"Hehehe, Miss Yike, do I need to joke with you about such a small matter?
My dear, I still said what I said just now, I just said yes.

Now let me ask you again, Miss Yiko, are you willing to go to the palace and sit together? "

Listening to the last words of the little cutie, Kriike hardly hesitated at all, and immediately nodded vigorously at the cutie with a look of joy on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Liu, Yi Ke is willing, Yi Ke is willing to go."

You know, you can go to a place like the palace to walk around and sit for a while. This is something you have always wanted to do!

Now, I finally have a chance to see the palace scenery. If I don't want to go, then there is something wrong with my brain.

Seeing Kriiko's reaction, the little cutie smiled and nodded.

"Hahaha, just be willing, just be willing."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little cutie chuckled and turned sideways to look at Krimimon who was standing next to Kriiko.

"Master Mi Meng, do you plan to continue waiting outside the palace gate for the ox cart to come out? Or do you plan to follow me and your sister to sit inside the palace and have a cup of tea?"

After hearing the little cutie's question, Climmon couldn't help but have a tangled look in his eyes.

He didn't know if the cutie was sincerely inviting him, or if he was just giving him a casual courtesy.

If it's the former, then everything is easy to say.

But if it's the latter, it's hard to say.

Crimmon was unsure about the little cutie's thoughts, and for a moment, he didn't know how to answer this question.

"Mr. Liu, this... is here..."

The little cutie looked at Climmon who was hesitant to speak. After thinking about it for a moment, she vaguely guessed why he reacted like this.

However, she didn't say anything, she just smiled and waved the folding fan in her hand.

However, the little cutie didn't say anything, but Kriiko looked at his eldest brother anxiously, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to tug Krimimon's sleeve.

"Oh, brother, what are you thinking about? You should answer Mr. Liu's questions quickly!"

Hearing his little sister's slightly anxious urging, Climmon suddenly felt depressed in his heart.

My little sister is usually so smart, why is she suddenly confused now?
Is this kind of question so easy to answer?

However, his little sister had already urged him, and it was impossible for him not to answer immediately.

But, how should I answer?

agree? Or are you looking for excuses to refuse?

Climmon's mind was racing and he thought about the goods quickly, and immediately made up his mind.

To be on the safe side, I chose to find an excuse to refuse.

After turning his head to look at his little sister, Climmon chuckled and saluted the little cutie.

"Mr. Liu, what's that? I have to rush home as soon as possible to report to my father about the situation in the shop today.

Therefore, I have no choice but to boldly reject Mr. Liu’s invitation.

I hope Mr. Liu will forgive me for being disrespectful. "

Climmon's words can be said to be a sound and well-founded answer.

In just a few words, he not only used an excuse to reject the invitation from the cutie, but also gave the cutie enough face.

Hearing this, the little cutie glanced at Climmon with a strange look, chuckled and nodded.

"Master Mi Meng, since you have something to do, I won't force you anymore.

We have a long time to come, and we will meet again when we have the opportunity. "

Krimi nodded without hesitation with a smile on his face and saluted the little cutie again.

"Okay, see you again when you have the chance.

Mr. Liu, please do your work first. "

The little cutie nodded slightly, smiled softly and waved to Kriiko.

"Miss Yiko, let's go."

Kriike nodded his head a few times with excitement, then turned sideways and waved to his eldest brother.

"Brother, my little sister will accompany Mr. Liu into the palace first."

"Yike, when you get to the palace, you must pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't break the rules."

After listening to his eldest brother's instructions, Kriike followed the little cutie and waved his hand without looking back.

"Oh, I got it, I got it."

Krimimon watched the little cutie, and after Krimiko and Kryiko's backs gradually disappeared, he put away his eyes and took a secret look at Liang Youwei not far away.

As the guard general guarding the palace gate, he turned a blind eye to Mr. Liu's behavior of bringing his little sister directly into the palace.

What kind of identity is this Mr. Liu that can make these dragon soldiers react like this?
Little sister, little sister, it is indeed an opportunity for our family for you to get to know Mr. Liu.

However, you must pay attention to your words and deeds.

Otherwise, our family’s chances will most likely turn into bad news!
After Crimson sighed secretly in his heart, he raised his head again and looked at the retreating figures of the two little cuties.

When the backs of Xiaocutai and Kriike disappeared around a corner, he let out a silent breath, and the depths of his eyes were filled with regret.

No one knows what kind of thoughts you have in your heart better than you.

At the beginning, I wanted to be like my little sister and follow Mr. Liu around the palace to broaden his horizons.

However, the reason in my heart told me that this choice was wrong.

The most important thing he should do now is definitely not to go to the palace with Mr. Liu to broaden his horizons.

Instead, he should wait for the dragon soldiers to send his ox cart out of the palace.

Then, he immediately rushed home with a team of servants around him as quickly as possible and reported everything that happened in the palace to his father and mother.

Let the two elders know that their little sister has now met a big shot.

A big shot from his own Great Dragon Kingdom, who can come and go freely in the palace of the Great Food Kingdom
This kind of thing is what I should do most now.

In this way, the depression of the two elders due to the business in the shop may be relieved a little.

After Climmon thought about it carefully in his heart, the regret deep in his eyes was gradually replaced by joy.


He seemed to have thought of something again, the joy in his eyes disappeared instantly, and the look on his face suddenly became nervous again.

Iko! Iko!
If she leaves like this, what should she do?

She, an unmarried girl, was staying with Mr. Liu, a seven-foot-tall man. This lonely man and woman, just in case...just in case...

When Climmon thought of this, he suddenly panicked and subconsciously wanted to chase forward.

However, he had just taken two or three steps when he hurriedly stopped again.

He knew very well that General Dalong not far away would never let him chase him into the palace.

So, after he stopped talking, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at Liang Youwei.

Sure enough, it was just as I thought.

The great dragon general was staring at him with sharp eyes at this moment.

Klimimeng looked at Liang Youwei's sharp eyes and swallowed involuntarily.

"Gudu, Gudu."

Immediately, he immediately set off and walked towards Liang Youwei.

"General, I'm just a little worried..."

As for what happened here outside the palace gate, the little cutie who had already entered the palace, Krieike and the two naturally didn't know.

At this moment, the two of them, Little Cutie, were already talking and laughing deep into the palace.

After looking around at the majestic and majestic palaces in the palace with a curious look on his face, Kriike approached the little cutie with a somewhat tangled expression.

"Young Master Liu."

"Hehehe, Miss Yike, what's your problem?"

When the little cutie asked this question, it was obvious that Kriike had asked himself the question more than once.

Hearing this, Kriyike was about to answer something when a group of patrolling soldiers came directly towards him with neat steps.

Looking at the oncoming patrol officers, Kriike hurriedly swallowed the words that were on his lips, and walked lightly towards the right side of the little cutie.

When the patrolling soldiers saw the little cutie, they immediately turned around and came towards her.

Seeing this, the little cutie immediately waved her hand.

"Go on duty."

"Yes, we obey."

Kriike looked nervously at the patrol officers walking past him, and once again approached the little cutie.

"Mr. Liu, do you know what question Yi Ke wanted to ask you just now?"

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"Mr. Liu, I just wanted to ask you if we have reached the depths of the palace now.

Young Master, I’ve only seen a little about the world, but I’m not a fool who doesn’t understand anything.

I heard my father say before that there are rules in the palace.

People with ordinary status are not qualified to enter the depths of the palace.

However, young master, not only did you enter the depths of the palace casually, but you also took an outsider like me, Yi Ke, into the palace casually and stretched out your arms.

Also, the soldiers patrolling the depths of the palace will subconsciously rush over to greet you as soon as they see you.

This, this, this.

Mr. Liu, is what you said to me before really true? What is your identity? "

Listening to Kriike's hesitant tone, the little cutie shook the folding fan in her hand and chuckled happily.

"Hahaha, Miss Yi Ke, you are indeed a very smart person with a quick mind.

Since you have noticed everything, I have nothing to hide.

I can tell you truthfully that I am indeed not an ordinary person. "

Hearing the cutie's answer, Crey's heart trembled and her pretty eyes widened suddenly.

"Mr. Liu, then you...then who are you?"

Just when the little cutie was about to answer something, Young Master Liu's angry voice suddenly came from the front.

"Liu Luoyue, come here to me right away, father."

Hearing Young Master Liu's voice, the little cutie suddenly became nervous and subconsciously shrank her fair and tender neck a few times.

Immediately, after a few hurried responses, she immediately quickened her pace.

"Hey, hey, here it comes, here it comes."

"Iko, come up quickly."

Originally, Kriike was about to turn around and see who dared to talk to the little cutie in such a tone.

Unexpectedly, before she could turn around, she heard the little cutie's somewhat urgent greeting.

"Huh? What?"

"Iko, stop it, come up with me quickly."

Seeing the little cutie's hurried figure, Kriike nodded subconsciously and trotted to catch up.

"Okay, here we come."

The little cutie looked up and looked ahead as she hurried on her way.

In front of me, in addition to my stinking father, I saw many of my mothers, my Aunt Lanya, my uncle, uncle Song, and a large group of them all looking at me with strange expressions at this moment.

When the little cutie saw this situation, her heart suddenly tightened.

Um? what's the situation? How come there are so many people?

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie running straight towards him, and Krieiko who was following closely behind the cutie, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Is this little girl Krich’s daughter?
After the little cutie came to a sudden stop, he looked at Young Master Liu who was standing next to the bullock cart, wearing a coarse cloth shirt and carrying a big saw, and suddenly exclaimed with surprise on his face.

"Ah! Dad, what's going on with you?

Seeing the surprised expression on the little cutie's face, Mr. Liu rolled his eyes angrily.

"Ah, what? As a father, are you surprised by how I look now?"

The little cutie looked at the big saw in Young Master Liu's hand, then at the pile of wood at his feet, and nodded subconsciously.

"Well, I'm actually a little surprised."

As soon as the little cutie finished speaking, Kriike who was following her stopped and quickly bowed to Young Master Liu with a nervous expression.

"The little girl Kriyike has met Uncle Liu. Uncle Wan'an."

Liu Mingzhi put down the saw in his hand, patted his hands gently a few times, and looked at Creyko with a smile.

"Hehehe, girl, your name is Kriike?"

"Back to uncle, that's right." (End of Chapter)

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