My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3520 Can you still go to chapter ?

"Commander, I...I..."

Liu Mingzhi saw the middle-aged soldier's nervous expression and incoherent reaction. He smiled gently and waved his hand with a gentle look.

"Good brother, you don't have to be so nervous. If you want to say anything, just tell me."

Listening to Young Master Liu's gentle words of relief, the middle-aged soldier fidgeted with his hands at a loss. Instead of relaxing, the expression on his face became more and more nervous.

"What about that, Marshal, I..."

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi chuckled and shook his head: "Hehehe, good brother, I am handsome and I am not that man-eating tiger, you really don't have to be so nervous.

Good brother, tell me first, what is your name? "

Seeing Young Master Liu asking for his name, the middle-aged soldier did not hesitate at all this time and quickly raised his hands to make a fist.

"Coming back to the commander-in-chief, my humble job surname is Fang, my given name is Erzhu, and my full name is Fang Erzhu."

"Fang Erzhu?"

"Come back to Commander, that's right."

"Two square pillars, two square pillars."

Liu Mingzhi repeated Fang Erzhu's name twice softly, looked at Fang Erzhu with a faint smile and asked loudly: "Erzhu, according to the customs and habits of our Dalong people.

Your name is Fang Erzhu, so there should be an elder brother above you, right? "

As soon as Young Master Liu said this, Fang Erzhu nodded eagerly.

"The handsome man is wise. There is indeed an eldest brother above me and two sisters. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters below me.

In our family, according to the ranking of brothers, I am the second eldest son. According to all the brothers and sisters in the family, I am the fourth eldest son. "

After listening to Fang Erzhu's answer, Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded with a clear expression.

"Oh, there are seven brothers and sisters. It's really hard for Erzhu, your father and mother to take care of them.

Similarly, the two elders are also very powerful. "

"Thank you so much for the compliment, Marshal. I would like to express my gratitude to Marshal on behalf of my father and my mother."

"Hey, we are all good brothers who have been through life and death. If brothers say this to each other, it will be foreign.

Erzhu, tell me, who is your soldier now? "

"Coming back to the commander-in-chief, my humble position is the general of the trapped army. I am a soldier under General Cheng Kai. I am currently the supervisor of the military equipment camp of the Weiwei camp."

After seeing Fang Erzhu report his detailed subordinates, Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully and turned directly to look at Cheng Kai, who was sitting two or three steps away.

"Cheng Kai, Erzhu is a soldier under your command!"

Seeing Young Master Liu looking towards him, Cheng Kai cheerfully saluted Young Master Liu.

"Come back to the commander, that's exactly what happened. The general wanted to report this situation to you, commander, but he never got in the conversation."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and gestured to Cheng Kai with a smile, holding up the wine bowl in his hand.

"Come on, have a drink."

"Yes, Commander, I will do it first as a courtesy to the last general."

"Drink together, drink together."

After drinking a large bowl of wine, Liu Mingzhi spat out a large mouthful of wine. Then he leaned forward and lifted the wine jar next to the cutie's legs, and directly refilled himself with a large bowl of wine.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up slowly with a slight effort in his waist. He held the wine jar in one hand and the wine bowl in the other and walked straight towards Fang Erzhu.

Seeing Young Master Liu walking towards Fang Erzhu, everyone sitting around the bonfire stopped drinking and all turned their attention to the two of them.

Seeing Young Master Liu walking straight towards him, Fang Erzhu's face, which had just been a little relaxed, suddenly became a little more nervous.

Young Master Liu slowly walked to Fang Erzhu and stopped with a smile on his face.

"Two pillars."

"Hey, big, handsome."

Looking at Fang Erzhu who looked embarrassed, Liu Mingzhi smiled and gestured at the wine bowl in front of him with his mouth open.

"Er Zhu, pick up your wine bowl."


Fang Erzhu responded in a habitual loud voice, and hurriedly bent down to pick up his wine bowl.

After he straightened up with the wine bowl, the expression on his face couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Commander, why do you ask me to carry the wine bowl?"

"Hahaha, good brother, I asked you to pick up the wine bowl. Of course I will pour you wine!"

"Ah? What, Marshal, are you pouring me a drink?

No, no, this is not possible. How can you, the commander-in-chief, of your humble position, ask you to pour me a drink yourself? "

After Fang Erzhu reacted, he hurriedly hid the wine bowl behind his back.

"Commander, it won't work. This won't work."

When Liu Mingzhi saw Fang Erzhu's behavior and reaction, he immediately shook his head in confusion.

"Hehehe, good brother, take out the wine bowl quickly."

Hearing this, Fang Erzhu shook his head subconsciously.

"Commander, how dare I ask you to pour me wine in such a humble position?"

"Take it out, take it out quickly."

"Big guy!"

"I say this one last time, handsome, take out the wine bowl.

If you don't fucking take it out, I'll get angry! "

Hearing Young Master Liu's pretending to be angry, Fang Erzhu looked panicked, straightened his body suddenly, and hurriedly took out the wine bowl hidden behind his back.

"Yes, Marshal."

Upon seeing this, Liu Mingzhi immediately showed a cheerful smile again on his face.

"Hey, isn't this right? Hurry up and bring the wine bowl to me."


Liu Mingzhi took a small step forward and poured a large bowl of wine directly for Fang Erzhu with the wine jar in his hand.

"Drink it, drink it all in one go."

"Yes, thank you, Marshal."

Fang Erzhu thanked him and immediately took the wine bowl to his mouth and started drinking heavily.

After downing a large bowl of wine in one gulp, Fang Erzhu couldn't help but burp.


When the wine bowl in his hand had just fallen, Master Liu lifted the wine jar again with a smile.

"Keep serving it."

"Ah? Are you still going to fall?"

"Well, that's right, it's stable."

"Yes, I humbly obey my orders."

Liu Mingzhi moved the wine jar, looked at Fang Erzhu with a faint smile and said three words loudly.

"Keep drinking."


Afterwards, Young Master Liu poured a bowl of wine for Fang Erzhu again.

"This time, we brothers will drink together!"

"Yes, I am respectful of my humble position." Fang Erzhu took a deep breath with excitement, quickly raised his wine bowl to his mouth, and drank another large bowl of wine.

After drinking three large bowls of wine in a row, his face gradually turned rosy.

Liu Mingzhi put down the wine bowl beside his mouth, and after taking a deep breath of wine with his mouth open, he looked at Fang Erzhu, whose face was already a little red, and laughed happily a few times.

"Hahaha, good brother, did you enjoy your drink?"

"Come back to me, Marshal. I had a great time. Thank you Marshal for the wine."

"Hahaha, just drink and enjoy yourself. Are you still nervous?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Fang Erzhu was slightly startled, and then he immediately reacted.

He reached out and grabbed his neck, and replied with a somewhat hesitant look: "I'm still a little nervous when I answer what the handsome man said, but I'm not as nervous as before."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, raised his hand to wipe the drink from the corner of his mouth casually, then stretched out his hand with a gentle expression and patted Fang Erzhu's shoulder gently a few times.

"Good brother, just stop being so nervous.

Now you can tell me what you wanted to say to me just now. "

"Commander, it's me!"

“Good brother, speak slowly and say whatever you want.

I am still saying what I said just now. You don’t need to be nervous at all. If you want to say something to me in your heart, just say it openly and openly. "

Fang Erzhu gritted his teeth silently and watched as Liu Dashao suddenly clenched his hands.

"Commander, humble position, humble position is afraid that after I say what I want to say, you will be angry, Marshal."

Liu Mingzhi smiled indifferently, turned around with a smile and looked around at everyone sitting around the bonfire.

"Good brother, I promise you this in front of all the brothers present, as long as you don't deliberately say something treacherous.

No matter what words you say, I will never be angry.

Not only all the brothers can vouch for what I just said, but my rebellious girl who doesn't live up to expectations can also vouch for it. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he turned back to look at the little cutie who was eating roast mutton and glaring at him angrily.

"Yue'er, right."

The little cutie let out a silent sigh when she saw Young Master Liu calling her Yue'er instead of the word "rebellious girl".


Immediately, she turned her gaze directly to Fang Erzhu with a smile on her face.

"Uncle Erzhu, just say what you want to say boldly.

As the saying goes, you have no joke.

Since Yue'er's stinky dad said what he said in front of all of us, he will definitely not be angry.

You, just feel free to speak freely! "

Seeing what the little cutie said, Fang Erzhu turned his head and looked around at the people who were looking at Young Master Liu and himself, and took a few deep breaths.

"Hiss! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

"Commander, are you talking about your humble position?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded without hesitation: "Hahaha, good brother, you tell me.

I'm listening to you. Just say it. "

After Fang Erzhu turned his head again and looked around at everyone around him, he held the wine bowl in both hands and sent it directly to Young Master Liu.

"Commander, can you pour another bowl of wine for me?"

"it is good!"

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, then poured another large bowl of wine for Fang Erzhu.

After Fang Erzhu drank all the wine in the bowl, he turned around and looked towards the eastern night sky with confused eyes.

His eyes were confused and hesitantly stared at the stars in the east for a while, then slowly turned his gaze to Young Master Liu.

"Commander, I just want to ask you, brothers, will you be able to return to our Dalong Dynasty alive in your own lifetime?

Can he still return home alive and reunite with his wife, children, and children? "

As soon as Fang Erzhu said these words, the expressions of everyone present changed.

After Liu Mingzhi heard his question, his heart was suddenly shocked, and the arm holding the wine bowl trembled slightly uncontrollably.

In just a few breaths, the originally lively commotion around the bonfire gradually quieted down.

The eyes of everyone present looking at Fang Erzhu gradually became complicated.

After Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, he looked at Fang Erzhu who looked uneasy in front of him, and slowly breathed out the breath of alcohol.

"Good brother, are you homesick?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's inquiry, Fang Erzhu nodded slightly with a hesitant expression.

"Yeah! I'm back home, Marshal. I miss home."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Fang Erzhu with complicated eyes. After a moment of silence, he held the wine bowl toward his mouth with trembling arms.

Then, he opened his mouth and took a big gulp of wine.

Immediately, he turned his head with a frown and looked around the campfire. The soldiers, who had all become silent in a short period of time, held the wine bowl with a sad expression and took another big gulp of it. of drinks.


Liu Mingzhi took a long breath silently, slowly turned his gaze to Fang Erzhu, and nodded with a low expression.

"It started in the third year of Taiping, four years, five years, six years, and now it is the seventh year of Taiping.

In a blink of an eye, more than four years, nearly five years have passed.

It has been nearly five years. It is only natural for you to feel homesick! "

Seeing Young Master Liu's melancholy expression, Fang Erzhu murmured with his lips.

"Go back...back to the commander-in-chief."

"Hey, good brother, what's wrong?"

Fang Erzhu cupped his fists and knelt down on one knee to Young Master Liu.

"Commander, if it had only been four or five years, I would never have asked Commander-in-Chief this question today.

But! But!

Commander, please be humble to me. In just over a month’s time, I have not been back home for eight years. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the time mentioned by Fang Erzhu, his eyes widened with astonishment.

"What? Eight years? What took you so long?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's stunned expression, Fang Erzhu's eyes gradually turned red.

"Replying to the commander-in-chief's words, it's like this.

Before we followed your command, Commander-in-Chief, and went on a thousand-mile expedition against the barbarians in Dashi and Tianzhu, we had already been stationed in Yunzhou for about three years without returning home.

In fact, during those three years, I had three opportunities to go home and visit my relatives during the rest period.

However, because I have several brothers under my humble command, their hometowns are either in various state capitals on the other side of the East China Sea, or in various state capitals in Shu, or in various state capitals in the south of the Yangtze River.

I knew it was not easy for them to go home. I saw that they missed their wives, children and children very much, so I gave these three opportunities to the three brothers respectively.

Originally, before we were ordered to go on the expedition, in about two months, we would be able to take another break to go home and visit relatives.

Later, when Beizhi had already begun to prepare for going home to visit relatives.

As a result, the two imperial courts of Dashi and Tianzhu suddenly committed the shameless act of massacring the people of our Dalong Celestial Caravan for the sake of gold and silver treasures and their own selfish interests.

Therefore, under the command of you, the commander-in-chief, I followed the two commander-in-chief and was ordered to expedition thousands of miles away from the barbarians in the two countries of Dashi and Tianzhu.

It is precisely because of this situation that I have not returned home for nearly eight years. "

After Liu Mingzhi listened to Fang Erzhu's account of all the causes and consequences, he frowned slightly and nodded with emotion.

"That's it, that's it." (End of chapter)

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