My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3522 It’s not easy to lie


After Song Qing sighed secretly in his heart, he looked at the soldiers around him whose voices gradually lowered their voices, and stood up directly with the wine bowl in hand.

"Third brother."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the sound, he immediately came to his senses and turned to look at Song Qing, who was standing beside him at some point.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Song Qing turned his head and glanced around at the more than 100 soldiers who had completely quieted down.

"Third brother, humans are not grass and trees, how can we be ruthless?

Several years have passed since the day when the brothers were ordered to go on a thousand-mile expedition to Dashi and the two countries of Tianzhu.

They have been in a foreign country far away from their homeland for several years, and it is natural for them to miss their hometown and their wives, children, and children at home.

Moreover, you have also seen that the brothers just expressed how they missed their hometown and their relatives at home.

Apart from this, they did not have any complaints or even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction regarding this thousands-mile westward expedition.

So, don’t feel any pressure in your heart! "

After Liu Mingzhi listened to Song Qing's words of persuasion, his mind moved slightly. Without thinking at all, he immediately understood the profound meaning of his words.

He looked at Song Qing and was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly to indicate.

"Brother, I understand, I understand what you mean."

Listening to Young Master Liu's answer, Song Qing breathed a sigh of relief and watched Young Master Liu nodding his head happily.

"So good, so good."

"Brother, you don't have to worry about me.

To be honest, I didn't feel much pressure in my heart, I just felt a little emotional all of a sudden. "

"Oh? Feelings?"

"Yes, there is some emotion."

"What are you feeling about?"

Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Song Qing and smiled and waved his hand.

"Hehehe, it's just a bit of emotion, don't mention it, don't mention it."

Seeing that Young Master Liu seemed unwilling to say anything, Song Qing thought for a moment and then nodded happily.

He knew his third brother's character very well.

Since he didn't want to say more, there was no need for him to continue asking questions.

"Okay, Brother Wei knows."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and with a smile, he first glanced at Fang Erzhu, who had already stood up, and then slowly glanced around at the soldiers around him.

Then, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.


The soldiers beside the campfire heard this and immediately responded in unison.

"I'm waiting."


"Hey, Daddy?"

Liu Mingzhi looked back at the little cutie who had been standing for a long time, and strode towards the bonfire in the middle.

"Girl, come up with a wine jar."

"Yes, Yue'er knows."

The little cutie nodded vigorously, leaned over Liu's waist and picked up a wine jar from the ground, then ran straight towards Young Master Liu and chased after him.

Liu Mingzhi stopped next to the bonfire and breathed in silently.

"Brothers, if any of you are in a similar situation to Erzhu, and you haven't been back for many years, please raise your hands and let me take a look.

Of course, I'm afraid that what I said is almost the same. I don't necessarily have to be like Erzhu, who also gave up the opportunity to go home to visit relatives to his brothers.

This is almost the same and can be caused by various factors and various reasons.

As long as it meets this point, you can raise your hands. "

After hearing Young Master Liu's words, more than a hundred soldiers suddenly turned their heads and looked around in unison.

After about a dozen breaths.

In the end, there were a total of five middle-aged men beside the three bonfires, and they raised their thick right hands one after another.

Immediately, the five men looked at each other and then all looked at Young Master Liu who was standing next to the bonfire.


Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced at the five middle-aged soldiers with their hands raised. He looked complicated and nodded sadly.

It's just that among more than a hundred soldiers, five people have been found.

Plus the two pillars above, there are six people.

In this Western Expedition, the troops on the left and right sides of the Western Expedition do not count the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Protectorate and the soldiers and horses of the countries in the Western Regions.

Counting only the six guards of the Northern Xinjiang, the six guards of the New Army, the twelve guards of the Beifu, the twelve troops of the Xinfu, and tens of thousands of auxiliary troops, the total number of soldiers and horses of these various guards is more than 400,000. The troops are strong.

Now, among the more than a hundred soldiers, there are six people who are in a similar situation to Fang Erzhu.

Then if there were an army of more than 400,000, how many soldiers would be in the same situation as Fang Erzhu and others?

Three thousand? Five thousand? Thousands?

Or, could it be more?

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and after a moment of melancholy silence, he directly took the wine bowl in his hand and moved it towards his mouth.

Then, under the gaze of everyone present, he drank a large bowl of wine in one go.

"Huh! Yue'er."

"Yue'er is here, daddy?"

Liu Mingzhi sipped the wine from the corner of his mouth and directly handed the wine bowl in his hand to the little cutie.

"Yue'er, pour some wine."

"Hey, Yue'er will pour the wine right away."

The little cutie nodded hurriedly in response, and quickly lifted the wine jar to refill a bowl of wine for Dad.

"Daddy, it's all right."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, held the wine bowl in front of him casually, and looked around at the soldiers with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, hahaha, brothers!"

"I'm waiting."

"Brothers, I, Liu Mingzhi, am here to promise you, and all the brothers on the left and right of the Western Expedition Army.

One day, I will definitely let all of you return to our hometown of Dalong.

Brother, if I say something unpleasant to you, even if your brothers unfortunately die on the battlefield, as long as you want to go back.

Even if I take your ashes, your armors and weapons, I will definitely bring all of you back home. "

After hearing Young Master Liu's powerful words, all the soldiers looked at Young Master Liu who looked serious, and all of them suddenly raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, laughed loudly, and gestured around with the wine bowl in his hands.

"Brothers, let's all have a drink together."

"Regards, Commander-in-Chief, we will do the first thing out of respect."

"Let's drink together." Young Master Liu drank another large bowl of wine, took a deep breath of wine, and raised the back of his hand to wipe the wine from the corner of his mouth.


"Brothers, I have some business to do over there that I haven't finished yet!

Therefore, I can no longer accompany you to continue drinking.

After I leave, your Vice Admiral Song, General Cheng, and General Ning will have a drink with you.

Brothers, eat well and drink well! "

"We would like to send you off to the commander-in-chief."

Liu Mingzhi nodded happily, waved to the soldiers around him, turned around and headed straight for Song Qing, Feng Buer, Ning Chao and the others walked over.

Seeing this, the little cutie quickly followed him holding the wine jar in his hand.

"Brother, Fuji, Ning Chao."

"Hey, third brother."


After Liu Mingzhi silently took a breath of alcohol, he directly stuffed the wine bowl into Song Qing's empty left hand.

Immediately, he took out the dry tobacco bag from his waist, skillfully opened the tobacco bag and filled a pot of tobacco.

Seeing his young master's actions, Liu Song quickly put down the wine bowl in his hand, took out the matchbox from his arms and lit the tobacco in the smoke pot for Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of dry cigarette, stretched out his right hand and made four gestures.

"Brother, Fuji, I will go back first, and I will leave the rest to you.

By the way, the brothers have been busy all day, so just drink and be happy with them, don't delay them and go back to rest. "

"Okay, as a brother, I will take care of myself."

"Yes, we understand."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, then strode straight towards the road not far away with the tobacco bag in his hand.

The little cutie looked at Mr. Liu who was about to leave, and hurriedly put down the wine jar in his hand, and waved to Song Qing, Liu Song and others.

"Uncle, uncles, you drink slowly, Yue'er will go back first with dad."

"Okay, uncle understands.

Yue'er, your dad drank a lot, so you gave him a little support on the way. "

"Yeah, yeah, Yue'er knows."

"We would like to send you my best wishes, Miss Yue'er."

The little cutie listened to the voices behind her and immediately waved her slender arms a few times.

"Okay, okay, uncles, drink slowly."

Immediately, she quickly chased after Mr. Liu, who was already twenty or thirty steps away.

Song Qing watched the little cutie trotting away with a lot of emotions, and then glanced at Mr. Liu who was leading the way, and sighed quietly with his eyes.


"Deputy Commander, are you okay? Why are you sighing like this?"

"Hahaha, it's okay, let's continue drinking."

"Okay, come on, come on, sit down, sit down."

Looking at the old man walking in front of him with great strides, the little cutie pouted her lips angrily and quickened her pace again.

"Oh, stinky daddy, daddy, don't walk so fast, wait for me."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the angry words of the little cutie behind him, silently blew out a puff of smoke, and looked back at the cutie chasing him.

"Hey, why don't you stay and continue drinking?"

"Oh, you stinky daddy, you've already left.

Yue'er, a girl like me, stays alone with my uncle and uncles to drink. Do you think this is appropriate? "

Listening to the little cutie's answer, Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked at the cutie who had caught up with him and sneered a few times with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, hey, you, a stinky girl, would be embarrassed, right?"

The little cutie heard her smelly father's sinister tone, and immediately stared with a pair of bright eyes and snorted.

"Hmph! Stinky daddy, what do you mean by this?"

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of dry smoke and looked at the little cutie casually shaking his shoulders with a half-smile.

"Hahaha, what does it mean to be a father? It's just a casual talk."

"You! Humph!"

"Hahaha, hahaha."

Seeing Mr. Liu who was laughing loudly, the little cutie slowly slowed down his pace.

After she was two or three steps away from her stinky father, the little cutie lifted up the hem of her skirt and rushed towards Young Master Liu's back in one swift step.

"Smelly daddy, take the move."

In an instant, the little cutie flew onto Young Master Liu's back.

"Smelly daddy, look at this girl, I'm the top of the mountain."

After Young Master Liu was thrown onto his back by the little cutie, he immediately bent down out of habit and quickly wrapped his free left hand around the cutie's leg out of instinct.

All the movements before and after were done in one go, lest this stinky girl fall off her back.

When he was sure that the little cutie was firmly on his back, he immediately let out a sigh of helplessness.

"Oh, oh, oh, you stinky girl, you are not afraid of breaking my father's waist.

Stinky girl, do you know that you are so dead now? Why don't you get off your father's body quickly? "

Listening to her father's angry words, the little cutie hugged Young Master Liu's neck tightly with both hands and laughed triumphantly.

“Hey hey hey, if you don’t come down, you won’t come down.

Daddy, you have to know that it is your honor to be able to carry this girl on your back.

How many people want to take the initiative to carry Yue'er, but I won't give them this opportunity!

You, just seize this opportunity. "

As the little cutie spoke, she smiled, released her right hand, and patted Mr. Liu's shoulder gently.

"Hehehe, ride a big horse, drive! Drive!"

"Drive, drive, hurry up, hurry up."

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of the dry cigarette, looked sideways at the little cutie and shook his head angrily.

"Stinky girl, you just dare to show off to me, my father.

If you are really capable and capable, go to your mother and your aunts to show off!

If you dare to treat your mothers like this, as a father, I will absolutely admire you. "

Hearing this, the little cutie turned her beautiful eyes and silently placed her chin on her father's shoulder. Then, he grabbed a strand of her hair that was falling down and gently placed it on the tip of Young Master Liu's nose with a smile. Fiddled with the ground.

"Hehehe, stinky daddy, Yue'er, I just admit that I don't have that ability.

Stinky daddy, stinky daddy, you still treat Yue'er and me like a three or five-year-old child?

Do you think Yue'er and I will be fooled by such a simple provocation?

Yes, I am very proud of myself, but this does not mean that I am a fool. "

Seeing that the little cutie not only refused to accept the move, but also analyzed his little plan clearly, Mr. Liu couldn't help but have a look of helplessness in his eyes.


Old, old, really old.

The stinky girl from back then has grown up.

The stinky girl back then grew up, became smarter and smarter, and became harder and harder to deceive.

"Yes, yes, you are great, you are smart, right?"

"Hehehe, it's necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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