My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3532: Live up to expectations

"Yue'er, Yue'er, why are you running?"

When the little cutie heard Ren Qingrui's tender shouts coming from behind, not only did she have no intention of stopping, but her steps became faster and faster.

Then, she responded in a sweet voice without looking back: "Aunt Qingrui, my good aunt, what about that, you should chat with Yue'er's stinky father first.

Yue'er had drank so much wine and tea before, and now she was extremely anxious. She could hardly hold it in any longer. She urgently needed to rush to the hut for convenience.

Good aunt, it’s convenient for Yue’er to go to the latrine first. You don’t need to send her away. There’s no need to send her away. "

After listening to the little cutie's answer, Ren Qingrui looked slightly startled, and then continued to chase the cutie with her lotus feet.

"Yue'er, Yue'er."

"Good aunt, there's really no need to send her away. Please stay."

"Hey, hey, Yue'er, Yue'er, wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

However, the little cutie ignored Ren Qingrui's words and ran out of the back hall door like flying.

Seeing this situation, Ren Qingrui had no choice but to speed up his pace again.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xiaocutai and Ren Qingrui's figures one after another, raised his eyebrows strangely, got up from his chair and walked towards the back hall.

After Ren Qingrui trotted out of the palace gate, she looked at the hurried figure of the little cutie in front of her and called out softly again.


"Good aunt, Yue'er is very anxious right now and can't hold it in any longer. You really don't need to send her away."

"Oh, Yue'er, my aunt didn't want to give it to you, I just wanted to tell you that there is a spittoon for convenience in the newly built cabin on the left side of the palace gate.

Yue'er, if you are really in a hurry right now, you can just go inside for convenience. You don't have to endure the urgency and run to the hut far away. "

The little cutie heard the reminder from Ren Qingrui. Although she didn't stop, she instinctively asked in a sweet voice with a surprised look on her face.

"Ah? Cabin? When did it happen? Why didn't I know there was a cabin outside?"

"Yue'er, your father and his people just built this in the afternoon. You were out wandering around at that time, so of course you didn't know about it.

Therefore, if Yue'er is in a hurry now, it would be convenient to just go inside. "

"Uh, what, good aunt, the cabin for convenience was just built in the afternoon.

I've never been in Yue'er, and I don't know much about the situation inside. It would be bad if I encountered this messy situation again.

So, it would be better for me to hurry up and rush to the familiar hut in the distance to solve my internal crisis.

Anyway, it’s not that far away. I can still live within such a short distance from Yue’er.

Good aunt, please stay, Yue'er leaves first. We'll meet again tomorrow. "

As soon as the little cutie's crisp and melodious words fell, just when Ren Qingrui was about to respond, the hearty voice of Young Master Liu suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Stinky girl, stop here!"

At this moment, the little cutie, who had already rushed into the palace gate and was only three or two steps away from running into the palace, heard the sudden voice of her smelly father and stopped suddenly out of instinct.

When the little cutie realized what she was doing, she raised her hand with a look of remorse and lightly slapped her pretty face.

"Liu Luoyue, Liu Luoyue, you really don't live up to expectations. You just stop when I ask you to stop?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled and waved the folding fan in his hand, and walked straight towards the little cutie standing at the door of the palace.

Seeing this, Ren Qingrui hurriedly lifted up her skirt and followed.

"Da Guoguo, Yue'er is in a hurry right now. If there's anything you need to do, wouldn't it be too late to wait until she's done with it?"

"Si Rui'er, what do you believe in what this stinky girl says?

If this girl is really anxious now, do you think she will choose to stay far away instead of being close?

If it were you, would you do this? "

When Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's question, she shook her head subconsciously and suddenly looked towards the cutie in realization.

When Liu Mingzhi walked to the little cutie, he raised his hand and flicked her forehead, and then continued walking towards the door of the palace without stopping.

"You stinky girl, you can go to the hut far away when you leave the palace gate, but you insist on rushing to the hut far away.

If you were really anxious right now, would you do something like this? Do you think this situation is reasonable? "

When the little cutie saw her father expose her lies without mercy, she immediately followed Young Master Liu with her lips pressed down in despair.

Ren Qingrui glanced at her sweetheart who had walked out of the palace and stepped into the bright moonlight, and walked towards the little cutie with a lot of steps.

"Well, you smelly Yue'er, our relationship is so good, and you actually lied to me."

"Oh, good aunt, Yue'er, I have my own difficulties, and I didn't mean to lie to you on purpose, but I really don't want to talk about that topic with the smelly daddy.

Auntie, that is a topic about the successor. Can I not run away immediately, Yue'er? "

Ren Qingrui felt the helpless tone in the little cutie's words. She glanced sideways at her sweetheart who had stopped in front of him, and finally understood the little cutie's difficulty.

Yes, who dares to get involved in that topic easily?

Apart from deliberately finding an excuse to escape, Yue'er probably didn't have any other better way to deal with it.

Ren Qingrui thought of this, and her beautiful face was instantly filled with guilt.

"Yue'er, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

My aunt really didn't react just now. If I had reacted earlier, I definitely wouldn't have chased her all the way out. "

Listening to Ren Qingrui's apologetic words, the little cutie waved her hand indifferently.

"Aunt Qingrui, you don't have to feel guilty, this has nothing to do with you.

If the smelly dad doesn’t want to let Yue’er go, it won’t make much difference whether you chase Auntie out or not! "

"Uh! This! Okay!"

While the two little cuties were talking, they came to Young Master Liu's side hand in hand.

"Smelly daddy."

"Big fruit fruit."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the sound, he immediately withdrew his eyes from staring at the bright moon in the night sky. He chuckled and looked sideways at Ren Qingrui and the cute two who were standing together.

"Stinky girl, go back and rest early. Slow down on the road and pay attention to your steps."

As soon as Mr. Liu said these words, the little cutie's face instantly lit up with joy, and he instinctively raised his lotus feet and hurried forward.

"Yeah, yeah, thank you dad, I'll go back and rest first then."

However, after the little cutie had just taken a few steps, she suddenly seemed to realize something. She quickly stopped and looked back at Young Master Liu with a look of astonishment.

"Dad, what did you say? You asked me to go back and rest?"

Seeing the shocked reaction on the little cutie's face, Liu Mingzhi chuckled and shook the Wanli Jiangshan carved jade fan in his hand.

"Hehehe, yes, my father asked you to go back early and rest.

Silly girl, your father and I are not stupid. Of course I know that you act like this just because you don’t want to discuss that topic with me.

Since you really don't want to discuss that topic with me as your father, why should I force you? "

After hearing her father's answer, the little cutie's face suddenly stiffened, and the corners of her lips twitched involuntarily.

"You! You! Stinky daddy, since you know everything, you have no intention of forcing Yue'er to continue discussing the issue of the successor with you.                                                                                                                loglog|=                                                  contracts的 Salesson since 1996?) "

Young Master Liu saw the puzzled expression on the little cutie's face. He quickly came to the little cutie's side, raised his hand and slapped her on the head gently but not hard.

Her head hurt, and Xiao Keai couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh, stinky daddy, why did you hit me?"

"You stinky girl, you can't see clearly in the dark lights in the front hall.

As a father, if I hadn't been worried that you, a stinky girl, was walking too hastily and accidentally fell down, do you think I would have followed you out? "


"Stinky girl, what? You big-headed devil.

Gungungun, go back to your place and rest early.

It's getting late, and it's time for my father to take a shower and rest. "

The little cutie looked at Young Master Liu with conviction and doubt, raised her lotus feet and took two small steps forward.

"Good daddy, will I really go back to rest in Yue'er?"

"Go, go, go, disappear right away from my father's eyes."

The little cutie breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her father really didn't mean to stop her from leaving.

After confirming that Young Master Liu really would not force herself to discuss that topic again, she left in no hurry.

"Hey hey hey, hoo!"

The little cutie took out a long breath with a smile, turned around on the spot and walked to Ren Qingrui's side.

"Aunt Qingrui."

Ren Qingrui looked at the cute little girl with a flowery smile, smiled and nodded.

"Yue'er, what's wrong?"

The little cutie put her arm around Ren Qingrui's arm with a smile on her face, raised her other slender jade arm and pointed at the bright moon in the night sky that was shining brightly.

"Good aunt, this is such a long night, I guess Yue'er and I are not the only ones who have no intention of sleeping, right?

If you, Aunt Qingrui, can't sleep, why don't we move two deck chairs out of the hall.

Then, the two of us chatted while admiring the moon.

My dear aunt, what do you think? "

After hearing the cutie's suggestion, Ren Qingrui suddenly became interested.

However, she did not immediately answer the little cutie's suggestion. Instead, she gently turned sideways and looked at Young Master Liu.

The little cutie's suggestion really made me very excited.

She did not deny that she very much wanted to agree to the cutie's proposal.

However, rather than lying on the rocking chair with her little cutie, admiring the moon, and chatting together, she would rather spend time with her sweetheart.

As long as you can stay with your sweetheart, admiring the moonlight is actually not a particularly important thing.

Of course, it would be great if Liu Mingzhi could accompany him and his little cutie to enjoy the moon.

Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly, thinking this in her heart.

Liu Mingzhi felt the beauty's eyes, gently closed the Wanli Jiangshan jade fan in his hand, and looked at the little cutie with a smile.

"Yue'er, as a father, why don't I accompany you to enjoy the moon?"

When the little cutie heard this, she immediately looked at Young Master Liu with a smile as he nodded his head a few times.

"Yeah, yeah, yes, of course!

Dear daddy, can you accompany Aunt Qingrui and the two of us to enjoy the moon together? Yue'er is really looking forward to it! "

“Oh, that’s really great.

As you just said, this long night is long and I have no intention of sleeping.

This long night, my father, I thought that in our spare time while admiring the moon, we could just take the time to talk about the topic of the successor.

Yue'er, what do you think? "

As soon as Young Master Liu said these words, the smile on the cute face suddenly froze.

Immediately, she hurriedly released her jade hand from Ren Qingrui's slender arm, and made a gesture with her fist.

"Good aunt, you have to work hard and try to make Yue'er return the word aunt to the word aunt as soon as possible. Yue'er takes good care of you."

As soon as the cute words came out, Ren Qingrui's pretty face turned red.

She is not the kind of little girl who doesn't know anything about the love between children, so she naturally knows what the little cutie's words mean.

The little cutie looked at Ren Qingrui, whose pretty face suddenly turned red. Without waiting for her to speak, she directly picked up the hem of her skirt and ran away.

"Good aunt, you must work hard and try to give me, Yue'er, a little brother or sister as soon as possible."

After Ren Qingrui came to her senses, she hurriedly looked at Qianying who was running towards the little cutie.


"Good night, good aunt. We'll see you tomorrow."

After the little cute figure completely disappeared against the moonlight, Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes shyly turned to look at her sweetheart next to her.

"Big...big fruit."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi also withdrew his eyes and watched the little cute figure go away, and sighed melancholy.


“Obviously one is more capable than the other, and one is more competitive than the other.

However, each of them insists on pretending to be more disappointing than the other.

When will these bastards be able to truly share my worries with this young master?

Could it be that I really have to wait until the time when I, the young master, am exhausted physically and mentally, and have to bear all my energy until the last day of my life?

Can these little bastards really shoulder the heavy responsibility of Dalong's 100,000-mile country? "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished his sigh-filled words, he hurriedly grabbed his belt and ran towards the cabin not far away.

"Oh, I'll go, oh, oh, but I'm suffocating this young master to death."

"Hey, Daguoguo?"

"Hehehe, Rui'er, as a brother, I really can't hold it in anymore!

Haorui'er, for my brother's sake, I'll go first for convenience.

It's getting late, go and get hot water for washing right away! "

As Young Master Liu spoke, he opened his clothes and got directly into the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, a pattering sound suddenly came from the wooden house.

Ren Qingrui listened to the rattling noise coming from the wooden house, and withdrew her gaze with a blushing face.

"Hey, my sister knows. I will give you instructions right away."

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