My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3535 How much is it worth?

After hearing Krich's answer, Krich's eyes suddenly widened, and the look on his face instantly became more and more excited.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly stretched out his right hand with an excited expression, and suddenly grabbed Kriiko's green and tender wrist.

"Good daughter, really? Are you telling the truth?"

His wrist suddenly hurt, and Cree could not help but frown and let out a cry of pain.

"Oh, daddy, please be gentle, your fingernails are scratching me."

After hearing this, Krich saw Krich's suddenly frowning, and after reacting, he quickly let go of his good daughter's wrist.

"My dear daughter, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

I was so excited about becoming a father that I couldn't control the strength in my hands.

My good daughter, come on, come on, let me give you a blow, just blow on it. "

Krich apologized with an apologetic smile on his face, while reaching out his hand to gently support the back of Krich's hand, while bending down to blow cool air on his daughter's wrist, which had been scratched red.


Seeing his father's nervous look, Kriike casually glanced at his wrist.

I saw five bright red fingerprints on my green and tender wrist, as well as five slightly deep nail marks.

The few red fingerprints were not a problem, but the main reason was that two of the five nail marks were already somewhat broken.

Kriike retracted his arm, and after stroking the nail marks on his wrist a few times, he looked at Krich with an angry look.

"Daddy, it's time for you to get your nails done again."

Krich naturally saw the condition of Krich's wrist just now. After hearing what he said, he suddenly nodded with an embarrassed expression.

"Okay, okay, as a father, I will fix it as soon as I have time.

My good daughter, please hurry up and tell dad again, what did the noble dragon say? "

Seeing his father's sudden look of eagerness and anticipation, Keri Iko breathed a sigh of relief and sat upright in a serious manner.

"Reply to Dad, Miss Liu's father told the child that after finishing some trivial matters of his own, he will send someone to find you and meet you in the palace."

After Cree repeated the words with a serious expression, Creecy was finally sure that he had heard correctly.

Immediately, he took a few deep breaths with his mouth open, and clapped his hands vigorously with an excited expression.

“Great, really great.

Sure enough, as long as you persist, you will definitely be rewarded.

Madam, did you see it? Did you see that? I made the right choice as my husband. "

Seeing her master's excited expression, Amina smiled and nodded.

"I saw it, I saw it."

It took about half a cup of tea.

After Keric's excited mind gradually calmed down, he picked up the teacup and looked at his good daughter.


"Hey, daddy?"

Krich took a sip of tea and sat on the stool next to Krich with a curious expression.

"My good daughter, that Mr. Liu and his group came to the royal city of Dashi Kingdom. Since he can live in a place like the palace, it means that his status is definitely extraordinary.

You have met Miss Liu twice and spent a little while together.

I wonder if Miss Liu told you her identity or the identity of her father when you two were together? "

"Replying to Dad, she didn't tell the child about Miss Liu's specific identity.

But, but. "

"Huh? But what?"

Seeing his father's confused expression, Kriike frowned hesitantly.

At this time, her heart was full of tangles, and she didn't know whether she should tell her what she had seen when passing by the bonfire.

Handsome, handsome.

If there was nothing wrong with his ears, that's what those Dalong soldiers should have called Miss Liu's father, right?

"Iko, are you okay?"

"Ah? Tell dad, it's okay, I'm okay.

So what, just, just..."

Seeing Kriike's hesitant expression and hesitating to speak, Krich's mind quickly pondered to himself, and then he vaguely understood.

The reason why my daughter reacted this way must have some unspeakable secret.

Moreover, the root cause of this unspeakable secret is most likely related to Miss Liu and her father, Mr. Liu.

After Krich figured this out, he quickly waved his hand to Krich happily.

"My dear daughter, as a father, I am not the kind of person who is particularly curious.

There are some things that if it is inconvenient for you to tell your father, your mother, your eldest brother, your sister-in-law, and the rest of us, then it goes without saying. "

"Daddy, me!"

Krich smiled lightly, and the cheerful Queen Mother patted Krich's arm.

"My dear daughter, you don't need to explain anything. As a father, I understand everything.

Since some things are inconvenient to say, it is better not to say them. If you say them, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

As a father, I understand. As a father, I understand everything.

My good daughter, regarding this question, just think that as a father, I have never asked you at all.

You don’t need to explain, and I’m not curious as a father. We understand each other tacitly. "

Cree could see that his father had helped him resolve the problem in just a few words and found a good reason for him, so he smiled and nodded a few times.

"Yeah, yeah, kid, I understand, thank you daddy."

"Silly daughter, your father and I are not the kind of fool who has no discernment at all."

"Hehehe, daddy is wise."

Krich nodded slightly and immediately turned to look at his eldest son.


"The child is here."

“In the past two days, you and your second brother will temporarily leave the business in the store to others.

Then, you two brothers immediately go to the city together to look for those large and small caravans from the Dalong Celestial Dynasty, and try your best to find out the news from them. "

"Dad, what kind of information are you looking for?"

"Children, you should ask those caravans to find out what kind of things we have here are more popular with Dalong Celestial Dynasty in the past one or two years.

After you two brothers found out the results, you immediately sent someone to buy a batch of the things they mentioned.

When Mr. Liu asks me to meet him as my father, I will take these things with me as a meeting gift. "

As soon as Krich finished speaking, Krimimon nodded in sudden realization. "Okay, I understand, kid. I will go to Shop No. 6 to find my second brother as soon as dawn tomorrow."

"By the way, the things this time are different from the fruits I asked you to deliver this morning. You two brothers must choose the ones with the highest quality.

No matter what it is, it must be of the highest quality. "

"Yes, I understand. When the time comes, I and my second brother will strictly control it."

Creech let out a sigh of relief and happily put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Mimeng, go find Al right now and ask him to send someone to bring you some food and wine. As a father, I want to have a good drink."

"Ah? Bringing wine and food?

Dad, didn’t we already have dinner when the sun just went down?

How long has it been? Are you hungry again? "

Seeing Climmon's surprised reaction, Crichton rolled his eyes angrily.

"You bastard, your father and I are in a happy mood right now. Wouldn't you like to have a few more drinks?"

Climmon's face froze, he stood up from the stool and hurriedly ran out of the room.

"I understand, kid. Dad, please wait a moment. I'll be back as soon as I go."

Tinia looked at her husband's figure running away, smiled slightly, and turned her attention to Krich.

"Dad, if you want to drink a few more drinks, you need someone to accompany you. Do you need your daughter-in-law? I will send someone to find my second brother and sister-in-law right away?"

After hearing this, Krich turned his head to look at the sky outside the room and shook his head gently.

"No need, it's already dark at night. I think Ladd and Lilia, the couple and their children, should have rested by now.

In this case, let's forget it for today and talk about it later when we have a chance. "

"Hey, my daughter-in-law knows."

"By the way, Tinia, are the three children asleep?"

"Reply to daddy, he has already fallen asleep, otherwise my daughter-in-law will go and wake the three of them up immediately."

"Forget it, since they are already asleep, let them have a good rest."


While Krich and Tinia's father-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, Amina held Krich's hand with curiosity and stood up from the chair.

"My dear daughter, come on, let me take a look at the clothes you are wearing."

"Oh, oh, mother, you have to be careful. These clothes are Miss Liu's gift to me!"

"Smelly girl, are you like this? Your mother just touched the fabric, how can I touch it for you?"

"Oh, dear mother, that's not what I meant."

After listening to the conversation between Amina and her daughter, Tinia immediately stood up and walked towards Kriiko with a curious look on her face.

"Little sister, come on, let me take a look at your clothes."

"Sister-in-law, you can look at it and touch it.

However, you have to be gentle with your movements, and don't tear my little sister's clothes to pieces. "

Seeing Kriiko's nervous expression, Tinia nodded with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, little sister, don't worry. Sister-in-law, I must be careful."

Amina stared at the Lingluo Yunyan Clothes on Kriike's body and looked at it carefully, then reached out and pulled the hem of her clothes and stroked them gently.


Amina frowned slightly and looked sideways at Tinia, who was also caressing Kriiko's clothes with a surprised expression.

"Daughter-in-law, have you seen the fabric of Yi Ke's clothes?"

Hearing this, Tinia shook her head subconsciously, and then nodded gently.

Amina was slightly startled when she saw her daughter-in-law's reaction.

"Daughter-in-law, you are shaking your head and nodding. I am so confused. Have you seen it before? Or have you never seen it before?"

When Krich heard the conversation between his wife and his daughter-in-law, he stood up and walked towards Krich with the same curious expression.

"Madam, daughter-in-law, what's wrong? Is the fabric of Yi Ke's clothes very strange?"

Cree could see that even his father was involved in the incident, and he immediately stamped his lotus feet a few times with a coquettish look on his face.

"Oh, daddy, mommy, and sister-in-law, don't you just wear the same clothes? Are you like this?"

Amidst Kriike's coquettish words, Tinia took out a handkerchief from her sleeve with a strange expression and handed it to Amina.

"Mother, look at the fabric of my little sister's clothes. Does it look like the fabric of this handkerchief?"

Upon seeing this, Amina immediately took the handkerchief handed by her daughter-in-law and directly compared it with the clothes on her daughter.

"Oh, mother, are you like this?"

In just a few breaths, Amina suddenly turned around and looked at her master.

"Husband, you three had a hard time giving me the handkerchiefs that Tinia, Lilia, our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law each bought. What kind of brocade is it from Dalong?"

"Yunjin, Yunjin handkerchief."

When Amina heard this, she nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, yes, Yunjin, it's Yunjin. Master, come and take a look."

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

"Look at the clothes, look at the clothes on our daughter.

Master, if there is nothing wrong with my eyes, it seems that all the fabrics on her clothes are made of Yun brocade from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty. "

As soon as Amina said this, Krich's expression suddenly changed.

Immediately, he quickly raised his hand and took the handkerchief she handed him, and directly pulled up Kriiko's sleeves to compare them carefully.

When Creech took the brocade handkerchief in his hand and carefully compared it with the clothes his daughter was wearing, he suddenly turned to look at Amina with an expression that was both excited and nervous.

"Madam, you are right, Yun Jin is indeed Dalong's Yun Jin.

The fabrics on Yi Ke's clothes are all made of valuable brocade.

According to my husband’s many years of experience in dealing with the Dalong caravan, clothes made of Yunjin fabrics are rare not to mention in our place, even in the Dalong Celestial Dynasty. ah. "

"Husband, if you say that, does it mean that the clothes Ike is wearing are very expensive?"

Creech looked at the brocade handkerchief in his hand and let out a sigh of relief.

"Madam, this is Yunjin, Yunjin from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty!"

Husband, the brocade handkerchief I bought for you before is just such a small piece of handkerchief, and it’s worth three gold coins!

For this price, I relied on my relationship with Dalong, my friend, to get it. "

"What, it's so expensive? Didn't you tell me that it cost three silver coins?"

"Good madam, I am telling you this because of my husband. Aren't you afraid that you will feel distressed?"

"A small brocade handkerchief is worth three gold coins, so how much is the clothes on her body worth?"

"How much is it worth?"

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