My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3538 I borrow, I borrow

"Hey, hey, Yike, you stinky girl, why are you running away?"

"Little sister, don't run away, let's discuss it again!"

"That's right, what your sister-in-law said is right, let's discuss it carefully."

After hearing the words of his mother-in-law and sister-in-law behind him, Kriike immediately looked back behind him.

When she saw her mother and sister-in-law rushing towards her, her expression suddenly changed and she quickly quickened her pace.

As she ran, she responded angrily to the words of her mother and sister-in-law.

"Mom, sister-in-law, what are you discussing? We have nothing to discuss.

If it's other matters, we can talk about it no matter what. Mother, you want to discuss it, Yi Ke, I will accompany you to discuss it.

However, if you, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, want to borrow the clothes I am wearing, I will give you a hand.

Yi Ke, I can only give you two words, no need to talk!

Yi Ke, let me tell you again, you heard it correctly, it’s just two words, no need to talk! "

After hearing Kriiko's firm reply, Amina rolled her eyes angrily.

"Kriike, you heartless stinky girl, I have worked so hard to raise you to this age, and this is how you repay me?

You stinky girl, have you forgotten what you told me in the past?

You will definitely do your best to honor your mother in the future, and you will not hesitate to risk your life in order to repay your mother for my kindness in raising you.

In the end, this is how you, a heartless little girl, repay your mother for your kindness in raising her?

The so-called repayments you mentioned at the beginning, even if you risk your life, are you now the repayments that you are not even willing to lend me a piece of clothing to wear?

You stinky girl, I raised you up like this in vain. "

"Hey, mother, what you said is a bit too much.

Would you bring up such a topic because of a piece of clothing? "

"As for, of course it's the case, why not?

Good daughter, good Yi Ke, don’t you always say that you should honor your mother well?

Now, the opportunity has come.

For mother's sake, I won't let you put in too much effort and hardship, and secondly, I won't let you risk your life.

You only need to lend your clothes to me for a few days, which is the best way to repay my mother.

So, my good daughter, are you going to repay me as your mother? Or don't you repay me as your mother? "

"I, mother, you are here, you are here."

"Little sister, little sister, what our mother just said was her own meaning and has nothing to do with my sister-in-law.

Don't run away, let's discuss it carefully.

Sister-in-law, I don’t wear these clothes of yours in vain, I can give you some compensation.

My dear little sister, as long as the compensation you and my sister-in-law say is not excessive or outrageous, I will try my best to meet all your requests.

Good little girl, stop running and stop quickly. Everything can be discussed carefully! "

"Smelly girl, as my mother, I can give you some compensation just like you and your sister-in-law.

Don't run away, let's stop and discuss it carefully. "

Listening to the answers from his mother and sister-in-law, Kriike turned around and glanced at the two men who were chasing after him, and shook his head without hesitation.

“No need to discuss, there is nothing to discuss.

Mother, sister-in-law, regarding the matter of borrowing clothes, I still give the same answer as before.

No need to talk! No need to talk! No need to talk! "

After Kriiko answered "No talk" three times in a row, he looked back at his sister-in-law Tinia, who was about to catch up with him, and hurriedly quickened his pace.

"Mom, sister-in-law, can you stop chasing me?

Well, can Yi Ke lend you those other beautiful clothes to wear?

No, no, no, Yi Ke gave it to you directly. I gave the clothes you often borrowed from me to your head office directly, right? "

"Of course not. Those beautiful clothes you used to have, I can grit my teeth and spend a little more money to make a new set of clothes.

And the clothes you are wearing now, just as your father said before, this is a good thing that you can't buy even if you want to spend money.

One is something that can be obtained by spending a few more silver coins or gold coins, and the other is something that even money cannot buy. Can these two be the same? "

"Yes, our mother is absolutely right. Can this be the same?"

"Okay, okay, then keep chasing.

Anyway, no matter what, I will never agree to this matter.

Even if you talk about extravagant things, I will not lend you clothes. "

"Okay! Okay! You're a stinky girl and you don't want to take soft and hard advice, Tinia."

When Tinia heard this, her steps suddenly stopped, and she immediately turned towards Amina with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, my daughter-in-law is here, mother?"

"Good daughter-in-law, for my mother's sake, I will go to the right and you to the left. We will surround this stinky girl from both sides.

Our yard is only so big, I want to see where this stinky girl can run. "

Hearing what her mother-in-law said, Tiniya nodded with excitement.

"Yes, yes, yes, my daughter-in-law understands."

Compared to Tinia's excited reaction, Kriiko looked back in disbelief at Amina, who was chasing after her.

"Mother, are you going too far?"

"You heartless, stinky girl, you're the one who forced me to do this. Please stop, mother."

"Only a fool would really stop!"

Of course, it was impossible for Keli to accept her fate obediently. After she withdrew her gaze with an indignant look, she tightly grasped the hem of her clothes with her jade hands and ran around the courtyard quickly.

At this moment, in order to resist her mother and sister-in-law's 'robbery', she tried her best.

It's a pity, just like Amina said before.

The yard was only so big in total, but no matter how much she ran away, where would she end up running away to?

In the small courtyard, the three of them got entangled with each other while chasing each other and blocking each other.

It takes about half a stick of incense.

In the end, Cree was surrounded by his mother and sister-in-law in the southeast corner of the courtyard.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Kriike gasped for air, holding his knees with both hands. Panting, he looked at the two Aminas in front of him who were staring at him from left to right, who were also panting.

"Huh! Mother, sister-in-law, it's just a piece of clothing. Do you two treat me like this?"

"Hangchi, huh, stinky girl, I can't cure you anymore.

Run, you keep running! "

"Hmph, hoo! Stinky Ike, my mother is right, you should keep running!"

Kriike raised his right hand to support the wall next to him, watching his mother and sister-in-law quickly wave their left hand a few times.

“No more running, no more running, I really can’t run anymore.

If I, girl, continue running, I will die of exhaustion here. "

"Hahaha, stinky girl, you can't run away anymore.

Tinia, my wonderful daughter-in-law. "

"Hey, my daughter-in-law is here."

"Good daughter-in-law, you can help me, let's scratch the itch of this stinky girl Yi Ke.

For my mother's sake, I have to take a look to see if this stinky girl will let her go. "

As soon as Amina finished speaking, she immediately rushed towards Kriike. "Yeah, yeah, daughter-in-law, I obey."

After Tiniya nodded vigorously, she rolled up her sleeves and rushed towards Kriike.

"Little sister, little sister, don't blame my sister-in-law for being too cruel. If you want to blame you, blame yourself for being too ignorant."

"Mother, sister-in-law, you can't do this... cluck...


Uh-huh, ah, ah, ah.

Mom, you two are so cute, hahaha..."

Climmon listened to the loud laughter of his little sister in the courtyard. After drinking the wine in the glass with a strange expression, he turned to look at Krich who was eating the dishes with a smile on his face and coughed. Several times.

"Uh-huh, cough, cough, cough, dad, what about that? Are you really not going to help my little sister?"

Creech raised his eyes and glanced at the eldest son with a strange expression, and happily put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"You brat, will your mother really do anything to you?"

Hearing this, Climmon shook his head without hesitation.

"Dad, this is definitely not possible.

Among us brothers and sisters, my mother’s favorite is my little sister. She will definitely not do anything to her! "

“Hehehe, it’s good that you know.

As a father, I ask you again, will your wife really do anything to this girl Yi Ke? "

Climmon had just refilled a glass of wine when he heard his father's question and shook his head without thinking again.

"Dad, I can't do anything.

The relationship between Yi Ke and Tinia, their sister-in-law, is not to mention how close they are.

Baby, let me say something rather embarrassing. According to the relationship between the two of them, sister-in-law, whatever Tina did to my husband, baby, she probably wouldn’t do anything to Yi Ke. "

Hearing the helpless look in his eldest son's words, Krich couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, hahaha, brat, it's good that you know this.

In this case, as a father, why should I help this stinky girl Yi Ke? "

"Huh? This, this?"


After a moment of silence with a strange look on his face, Climmon suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Hiss! The kid understands."

"Hahaha, just understand, that's fine.

Come on, come on, drink, let us continue drinking. "

"Hahaha, okay, my dear, please do it first."

While the father and son were toasting and drinking, the courtyard outside the room was still echoing with the sound of Kreiko's life full of 'pain'.

"Keke, hahahaha..."

Dad; Brother, come and save me. You two ladies are uniting to bully Yi Kele.

Uh-huh, hahahaha. "

"Smelly girl, just scream, just scream as much as you want.

If your father and your eldest brother come out to help you, I will take your last name. "

"Hahaha, bangchi, bangchi, hahaha."

"Smelly girl, let me ask you again, do you want to borrow these clothes or not?"

"Cluck, plop, I won't borrow it, I just won't borrow it, I won't borrow it at all."

"Hey, you stinky girl, you are really tough. My eyes have been opened today.

Good daughter-in-law, keep scratching, keep scratching.

For my mother, I will scratch her neck and creaks, and you will scratch her waist and legs. For my mother, I want to see how long this stinky girl can last. "

"Hehehe, my daughter-in-law obeys my orders."

As soon as Tinia finished speaking, a pair of hands immediately began to scratch Kriiko's waist.

In an instant, Kriike couldn't help but struggled hard and laughed softly.

"Cluck, hahaha..."

After a long time.

Cree was ridiculously out of breath and hugged her mother's arm that was scratching her creaking tightly. Her face turned red and she took a deep breath.

"Good mother, stop scratching, hum! hum.

I borrow, I borrow, I borrow, okay? "

When Amina heard this, she suddenly paused while tickling Kriike's creaking nest.

"Stinky girl, are you sure?"

"OK, sure, stop scratching, stop scratching.

If you continue to scratch, the child will die laughing. "

"Smelly girl, you know what's going on, Tinia, please stop."

"Hey, the kid knows."

After Tinia responded sweetly, she immediately removed her slender hands from her sister-in-law's slender waist.

"Oh, mother, sister-in-law, my stomach is weak from laughing so much. Let's go sit on the stool next to you first."

"Little sister, you can go and sit for a while.

However, you are not allowed to run away again. "

"Okay, okay, I won't run away, I definitely won't run away, I won't run away at all."

"That's pretty much it."

The three of them sat on the stone benches behind them, and started bargaining with each other again.

In the end, Kriike promised his mother and sister-in-law that he would lend them the Yunyan Shang that the little cutie had given him to wear for three days before the matter was fully confessed. a paragraph.


Day and night fly like a shuttle, time flies like an arrow.

It seemed like two days had passed in the blink of an eye.

Two days later.

The Krich family's shop was still bustling with people and bustling with people.

It's a pity that among the roar of people's shouts, there are a few unharmonious sounds.

"Brother Kerry, just think of it as helping me, and give me the money for this batch of goods."

"Yes, yes, brother Kerry, just think of it as pitiful poor brother and us old guys who can't live up to expectations, and give us the money to settle the matter."

Creech looked at the two people who were looking at him with pleading expressions. Just when he was about to speak, a thick voice suddenly sounded in the shop.

"Amul, Barus, you two bastards are really capable!

Brother Kerry, brother, I'm late.

Brother, how much money do you still lack now?

As long as the amount is not particularly large, brother, I will make up for it directly for you. "

Krich looked stunned, and instinctively looked at the middle-aged man who walked into his shop carelessly.

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