Listening to her stinky father's compliments to her, the little cutie immediately smiled and nodded a few times.

"Hehehe, dad, just drink and be satisfied."

Liu Mingzhi took another sip of tea from the cup, narrowed his eyes and carefully savored the aftertaste of the tea, then waved to the little cutie with a faint smile.

"Yue'er, stop standing and sit down quickly."

Hearing this, the little cutie glanced down at the dozen cups of steaming tea on the table, looked up at Young Master Liu and shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Dad, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, Yue'er hasn't sent the tea to the mothers and two aunts yet.

Dad, you continue to drink tea, Yue'er will go to deliver the tea first. "

Seeing what the little cutie said, Mr. Liu glanced at the tea on the table with a raised brow, and nodded with a slight smile.

"Hehehe, okay, just do whatever you want."


The little cutie smiled and nodded in response, then immediately picked up the teacup on the table and placed it on the tray on one side.

After she placed all the tea on the tray, she directly picked up the tray and walked towards Qi Yun and the other sisters with a smile.

"Mother Yun, drink tea."

"Hey, good daughter, thank you for your hard work."

"Aunt Yan'er, drink tea."

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Aunt Lian'er..."

Just as the cutie was serving tea to all the beauties, Amina quietly sipped the tea from the corner of her lips.

Then, she turned her head with a strange expression and looked at Krich, who was sitting next to her and staring at the tea in the cup with doubtful eyes.


"Ah? Madam, what's wrong?"

Krich immediately turned to look at his wife and asked subconsciously.

"Sir, does the tea made by Miss Liu taste good?"

Hearing his wife's question, Creech nodded without hesitation.

"Delicious, very delicious."

"Sir, why does the tea made by Miss Liu taste so good?

When you first taste the tea that Miss Liu made, although it has a slightly bitter taste like the tea you made, when you taste it carefully, it is inexplicably delicious and has a unique taste.

That taste is

Well! I don't know what words to use to describe this taste. In short, it is very delicious.

It's all about making tea, so why can't the tea you make taste like this?

Hahaha, sir, could it be that your posture when making tea is not right? "

After Amina finished speaking, Young Master Liu, Song Qing and others all turned their gazes to Krich's face with teasing eyes.

Even Kriike immediately stopped drinking tea and looked up at his father with narrow eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to see what kind of reaction his father would have.

Amid the different looks from several people, after hearing the question that his wife asked that struck a chord in his heart, Kerridge's face suddenly stiffened, and the corners of his eyes twitched as he groaned.

"Uh! This, that, that something."

If Mr. Liu, Song Qing and others were not present, he would have told Amina right away, "Husband, I am more curious and puzzled than you are."

They are both making tea, but how come there is such a big difference in the feeling and taste of drinking it?

Just as Krich was feeling depressed and secretly talking to himself, Amina suddenly said something that directly stimulated his heart.

"Master, you have been learning tea art from so many people, and you have been studying for several years.

But, what have you learned?

I am very doubtful now, sir, can you really make tea? "

After Amina's question came out, Krich only felt that his mood had been hit hard again.

At the same time, Liu Mingzhi frowned subconsciously and looked slightly sideways at Song Qing.

Song Qing noticed the gaze of his third brother, and looked towards Young Master Liu with the same frown, pretending to be casual.

When the two brothers' eyes came into contact, they couldn't help but reveal a look of doubt.

After silently swallowing the tea leaves between his teeth, Kriike frowned slightly, and secretly glanced at his mother full of doubts.

His mother's first question was not a big one, and he knew immediately that she was joking with his father.

However, his mother's second question seemed a bit too much.

Her problem was simply not to save any face for her father!

No, what's going on? How could her mother ask such a question in front of Uncle Liu and others?

Compared to his good daughter Kriiko, whose heart was full of confusion, Krich's mood at the moment was not much better than that of his good daughter.

Creech clenched his hands hard and looked at the curiosity and suspicion mixed in his wife's pretty eyes, and his lips trembled involuntarily.

"Me! Me! Me!"

After Krich hummed three times in succession with trembling lips, he gave Amina a gloomy look.

Madam, madam, I remember that you didn’t drink before we went out together. Are you stupid by drinking tea?

Now we are not in our own homes, but as guests in the palace!

In front of Mr. Liu and the others, can you save some face for me, my husband?

If you ask such a question, what good will it do to me as a husband?

Krich's mood can be described as as depressing as he wants right now.

He really couldn't figure it out, let alone understand why his wife, who had always been his virtuous wife, suddenly became so stupid today.

In front of Mr. Liu and the others, how should I, my husband, answer such a question?

While Krich was thinking rapidly about how he should answer this question in front of Young Master Liu and the others, Amina looked at the little cutie who had come back with the tray and put it down with a smile. Tea cup in hand.

"Miss Liu."

The little cutie was about to put the tray in her hand on the table when she heard the sound and looked directly towards Amina.

"Hey, aunt, what's wrong?"

"Miss Liu, what's that? I have an unkind request. I don't know if I should tell it or not?"

Seeing Amina say this, an imperceptible look of doubt quickly flashed through the depths of the little cutie's eyes.

Immediately, she gently put down the tray in her white jade hands, and sat down on the chair behind her with a toothless smile. "Aunt, please tell me first."

Amina listened to the little cutie calling her, and after hesitating for a moment, she smiled softly and said softly: "Miss Liu, your status is noble.

You call me aunt, from my side..."

The little cutie smiled brightly and directly planned Amina's words.

"Hehehe, aunt, although sister Yike and I have only met twice, we feel like old friends at first sight.

I treat her as my own sister. Aunt, you are sister Yike’s mother. Of course, Yue’er, I will call you aunt.

Besides, my father and Uncle Creech had some friendship.

So, whether you look at it from Sister Yike’s side or from my dad’s side.

In both public and private matters, and in matters of love and reason, I will call you aunt. "

"This! This, this, this, then okay.

Miss Liu, then I will accept it boldly. "

After the little cutie took a sip of tea, she waved to Amina with a smile.

"Giggle, oh, it should be, it should be.

Therefore, if you have any questions, aunt, there is no need to hesitate, just say it directly. "

Looking at the cute little girl with a smile on her face, Amina let out a silent sigh.

"Miss Liu, it's like this. Your uncle is very yearning for all kinds of culture and knowledge from your Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

Especially regarding the Dalong Celestial Dynasty’s tea art, he has become obsessed with it.

But! If you use the words of your Dalong Celestial Dynasty, it means that no matter how hard he studies, he always fails.

Because of this, my aunt and I, as a wife, really see it and feel pain in my heart.

No matter what, my aunt and I are a womanly person. In addition to helping him take care of the business at home, the most I can do is walk around the city and appreciate the customs and customs of the Dashi King City. "

As Amina spoke, she picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then sighed softly with a melancholy look on her face.


"Miss Liu, if you say this royal city is small, it's not too small, but if you say how big it is, it's not too big.

Regardless of whether it is from east to west or south to north, if you calculate it carefully, it is actually only such a big place.

Therefore, aunt and I, even if I wander around the streets every day, what kind of world can I see?

It is precisely because of this reason that my understanding of your Dalong culture is not as good as your uncle, an old and confused old man!

After all, your uncle is traveling all year round and has the opportunity to meet some important people from various countries and places.

Compared to my aunt and I, a woman who can only live in the city of the King of Food, your uncle has seen a much broader world.

The results of it? Your uncle, an old fool who travels around all year round and has met so many important people, cannot learn the true tea art from your country.

Not to mention my aunt and I, a woman who stays in the city all year round.

In this case, Auntie, I am so anxious, what's the use?

Today, Aunt, I had the pleasure to see Miss Liu's exquisite tea art.

So, aunt, I suddenly came up with an idea, and this idea is exactly the merciless invitation I want to tell you. "

After a long discussion, Amina finally turned the topic back to the topic.

However, no one who was listening quietly felt that her long speech just now seemed a bit long-winded.

The words she said before were so well prepared that they seemed like she was telling a story.

Especially her way of speaking that pretends to be very smart, but deliberately exposes others to flaws, completely makes people feel disgusted.

In this world, people who are truly smart but deliberately pretend to be ignorant will not be liked by others.

The kind of person who is obviously a fool but thinks he is smart will also not be liked.

Only those who know how to measure are truly lovable.

The situation Amina is showing now is exactly this kind of person.

Know how to advance and retreat, know the general picture.

Give it the right measure of proportion.

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, and glanced at Amina who was looking at the cute little girl with a smile on her face.

In his heart, he had roughly guessed what Amina wanted to say next.

The little cutie's pupils shrank slightly, and she was vaguely aware of what was going on.

She quietly toyed with the nails on her slender fingers, and after thinking secretly for a moment, she looked towards Amina with a smile on her face and a puzzled look on her face.

"Aunt, it's okay as long as you say."

"Miss Liu, your uncle is very yearning for the culture of Dalong Celestial Dynasty, and is very obsessed with Dalong tea art, but he has never been able to learn it.

Auntie, I am a womanly person, and I want to help him a little bit, but because of my status, I can't do much to help him.

Today, Auntie, I first had the honor to see the tea art demonstrated by you, Miss Liu, and then personally tasted the tea brewed by Miss Liu. Only then did I know what the real Dalong tea art is.

At the same time, I suddenly understood.

Maybe Miss Liu, the tea art that you demonstrated earlier is the tea art of Dalong Celestial Dynasty that your uncle is really pursuing.

So, aunt, my first thought after drinking the tea you brewed was to make your uncle worship you as his teacher.

But, then again, let’s not talk about such a trivial matter as your uncle is now at this age.

The main thing is that he is a man, an old fool, and an old man is also a man.

As a man, if he worships you as his teacher and gets along with you day and night, Miss Liu, it will definitely have a certain impact on your reputation, Miss Liu.

How can this be done in this situation?

Even if your uncle never learns the art of tea, he will not be able to have any impact on your reputation, Miss Liu.

So, my aunt thought of an unkind invitation.

That is, I hope Miss Liu can teach my little girl Yi Ke the art of tea.

Let her learn some real skills from you, and then she can slowly teach them to your uncle.

I wonder, Miss Liu, what do you think? "

After listening to Amina's words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but raise a faint smile.

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