"Hey, sister Yiko, what's wrong?"

"Miss Liu, I...actually...I..."

Kriike raised his eyes slightly, looked at the little cutie with complicated eyes and hesitated for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

As soon as Krich and Amina saw their daughter's hesitant appearance, the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

When Amina saw her good daughter looking at the little cutie, her pretty eyes were full of complicated meanings, her heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Suddenly, she subconsciously pondered in her heart, was what she did before really the right thing?

Yes, what I did before did help my husband, but at the same time, I also ignored my daughter's feelings.

Several years have passed in the blink of an eye since my husband and his family moved from Rome to the royal city of Dashi Kingdom.

In the past few years, Yi Ke herself has never made a good friend since she came to the Royal City!

Now, my daughter has finally met someone she wants to truly make friends with.

As a result, the pure friendship that should have existed between them was destroyed by a request from her mother.

Looking at Yi Ke's current appearance, her daughter must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, right?

Amina thought of this and felt uncomfortable again.

Maybe, I really did something wrong!

what is this? Do bad things happen with good intentions?

While Amina was complaining secretly, full of guilt, the little cutie put the teacup in her hand on the table with a smile.

Immediately, she smiled and took out a handful of freshly baked melon seeds from the small cloth bag at her waist, and gently placed them on the table in front of Kriike.

"Sister Yi Ke, you don't have anything to worry about at all.

Don't forget, we two sisters know each other before.

Have you forgotten that sister and I told you a few nights ago when we were together in the palace? When sister and I are free, you can come to the palace to play with me at any time.

Therefore, even without aunt's request just now, sister Yike, you can come to me at any time.

Sister Yi Ke, maybe we two sisters are just simple friends now.

However, as long as we can truly communicate with each other and treat each other sincerely, sooner or later we will become true good friends. "

Listening to the sincere tone of the little cutie's words, the complex meaning in Kriike's watery and pretty eyes was gradually replaced by a look of joy.

"Miss Liu, is everything you said true?"

"Giggle, of course it's true.

Come on, come on, it's so boring to just sit and drink tea. How about a taste of melon seeds? "

"Yeah, I know, Ike will have a taste now."

The little cutie looked at Kriike who had put down the tea cup and grabbed a handful of melon seeds with a slight smile. He seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his exquisite eyes widened, and the expression on his pretty face changed instantly. Became curious.

"By the way, Yike, do you know how to eat melon seeds?

In my impression, it seems that people here are not very good at eating melon seeds. "

Seeing the little cutie's curious expression, Kriike smiled and nodded a few times.

"Miss Liu, Yi Ke really didn't know how to eat melon seeds before.

Later, I followed my father and he often dealt with the caravan owners from your Dalong. I saw that they always liked to eat some melon seeds when they were chatting.

So, I was a little curious and followed them to try eating melon seeds.

At first, I was not used to it. When I ate melon seeds, I would peel them off one by one with my fingernails before eating them.

As time went by, I learned along with them. "

Listening to Kriiko's answer, the little cutie smiled and nodded.

"Keke, as long as you know how to eat, it's okay. Just try it."

As the little cutie spoke, she once again grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the small bag between her slender waist, and placed them directly in the middle of the table with a smile.

"Dad, uncle, uncle, aunt, there is no point in just sitting and drinking tea, you all should have a taste.

The fresh melon seeds that were just baked yesterday afternoon tasted great. "

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, casually glanced at the melon seeds that the little cutie had put down, and leaned over directly to knock out the unburnt shreds of tobacco from the pot.

Immediately afterwards, he put down the dry pipe in his hand with a smile and grabbed a handful of melon seeds.

"Hehehe, as a father, I will give it a taste.

If anything happens, let’s talk while eating. "

Krich looked at Mr. Liu who had already begun to eat melon seeds as he spoke, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

No, what is going on?

In my own impression, whether it is the two dragon coaches in the palace or the generals, they would never do such a thing when talking to me about business!

Not to mention the dignitaries and dignitaries like them from the Dalong Celestial Dynasty, even the heads of the Dalong caravans that I know.

When they talk to themselves about serious business-related topics, they always look serious and serious!

how? Why did things suddenly change when you arrived at Mr. Liu's place?

Talking about business once and then eating melon seeds casually, is this really appropriate?

By the way, is Mr. Liu always so informal?

While Krich was muttering to himself for no apparent reason, Young Master Liu happily glanced at the cutie sitting opposite him.

"Yue'er, this little melon seed is enough for anyone, you should give me a few more!"

"Oh, Yue'er knows."

After the little cutie responded in a sweet voice, she immediately took out several handfuls of melon seeds from the small bag around her waist and placed them on the table.

“Dad, no more, that’s all.

If it's not enough, you'll have to send someone to bring some more. "

"Hahaha, that's enough, that's enough."

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"Hey, I'm here."

"I am here, husband?"

"Sisters, don't just sit around. If you feel bored, then come and have some."

"Yeah, I obey."

"Okay, okay, here it comes, here it comes."

Looking at Qi Yun, the third princess, Qing Lian and the other sisters who were holding melon seeds from the table in an orderly manner, Krich suddenly glanced at Young Master Liu who was cracking melon seeds with a strange expression.

Oh my god, Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, what is your identity?

Do you really not care at all about the rules from your Great Dragon Kingdom?

For a little guy like me, Crich, you really don’t have to care about those so-called rules. After all, no matter what kind of behavior you do, I dare not say anything more.

However, when one day you face those dignitaries from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty, can you still be like this?

In the words of your great dragon, habits become natural.

Aren't you worried at all that once you form a habit, you won't be able to change it?

Or is it that, with your status, you can completely ignore those so-called rules?

Krich was muttering secretly in his heart, looking at Young Master Liu with a tangled look in his eyes.

He wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

The reason why Krich has such an idea is, in a word, because he currently does not know the true identity of Young Master Liu.

At this moment, even if he was thinking hard, he would not have thought about the identity of the person sitting on the main seat who was happily eating melon seeds.

No matter how noble the status of Dalong officials and dignitaries such as Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, and Yun Chong are, they are not as noble as this person's status.

As for the so-called rules from Dalong, let alone them.

For Dalong Celestial Dynasty, Liu Mingzhi is Dalong's rule.

Kerridge probably never imagined that the so-called rules of the Great Dragon Kingdom that he had always cared about were made by the person he saw happily eating melon seeds.

Let me ask, for a person who can specify rules, who else knows the rules better than him?

People can already make rules, so will his words and deeds conform to the rules?

Is this really important?

After Qi Yun, the third princess, Xue Bizhu and the other sisters returned to their seats, they all happily ate the melon seeds in their hands with smiles on their faces.

After Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and spit out the melon seed shells from the corner of his mouth, he chuckled and looked at Krich.

"Mr. Creech, why don't you come and have some?"

What's going on? Not used to eating? "

Krich came back to his senses, first hurriedly shook his head at Young Master Liu, and then immediately reached out and grabbed a small handful of melon seeds from the table.

"No, no, eating habits, eating habits."

Seeing this, Amina quickly raised her hand and grabbed a small handful of melon seeds.

Then, she turned her head and secretly looked around to observe the situation around her.

When she saw not only the cutie opposite her, but also Qi Yun, the third princess, Yun Xiaoxi and her sisters sitting next to her, who were also smiling and nibbling the melon seeds in their hands, she pinched a handful of melon seeds. A melon seed was sent towards the mouth.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Krich who was eating melon seeds with a strange expression, and casually picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea.

"Mr. Creech."

Hearing Young Master Liu greeting him, Krich hurriedly swallowed the melon seeds in his mouth and turned sideways to look at Young Master Liu.

"Mr. Liu, it always sounds a little awkward for us to call each other sir.

What, what, you'd better just call me by my name. "

Young Master Liu looked at Krich, who looked a little tangled, and thought for a moment as he read the words with a slightly raised brow.

"how old are you?"

Seeing Young Master Liu suddenly smelling his own age, Crich looked stunned for a moment and immediately replied loudly: "Mr. Liu, I am already forty-one this year."

"Forty-one years old?"

"Mr. Hui Liu, I am already forty and one this year."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Krich and nodded slightly, smiling lightly and stroking the tea lid in his hand.

"Hehehe, I am already forty-one years old. I am a little bit older than you, young master.

In this case, I will just call you Brother Crich. "

After hearing this, Krich nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, brother, okay, brother!

Mr. Liu, as long as you don't mind and don't mind my humble status, you can just call me brother. "

"Hahaha, brother Krich, this is how I will call you from now on."

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Liu, that's fine, that's fine."

Seeing the change in Krich's expression, Mr. Liu gently chewed the tea leaves between his teeth and adjusted his sitting posture at will.

"Brother Krich, I am still very interested in the cooperation plan you mentioned to me when we first met.

I have to say that the cooperation method you proposed is still very good.

However, after careful consideration, I feel that the cooperation plan you mentioned to me at the beginning still has some shortcomings.

Master, I sent someone to invite you here today for a total of two purposes.

I've told you about this before.

Firstly, I want to have a good chat with you about old times, and secondly, I want to discuss cooperation issues with you in detail. "

Seeing Young Master Liu suddenly turning the topic to Krich, he immediately corrected his mentality without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, he put down the melon seeds in his hand and looked at Young Master Liu seriously.

"Mr. Liu, if there are any shortcomings in the cooperation method I mentioned to you, please feel free to give me some advice.

My brother, I am here to listen. "

Liu Mingzhi saw Krich's reaction, chuckled and waved his hand.

"Brother Krich, you don't have to be like this. I just want to express my thoughts to you unilaterally.

Brother, I have to admit that the cooperation method you mentioned to me at the beginning is indeed very clever.

However, after careful consideration, my young master, your cooperation method..."

When Young Master Liu was halfway through his words, Liu Song's voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Master Qi, Duke Protector and Duke Yong'an have arrived. Do you want to invite them in?"

Along with Liu Song's sudden voice, the words in Young Master Liu's mouth stopped abruptly.

Everyone in the hall subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

After Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, he looked at Liu Song, who was standing in the palace door, with a slight smile and a raised brow.

"Liu Song, are my two uncles outside the palace gate now?"

"In reply to the young master, the two gentlemen are waiting outside the palace gate."

"Then what are you waiting for? Please invite them two in quickly."

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