My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3552 From small to big

"Hehehe, Brother Krich, you can do whatever you want. You can call me whatever you are used to."

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Krich looked at Young Master Liu with a smile on his face, nodded his head hurriedly and echoed loudly.

"Okay, okay, emperor... no, no, no.

Mr. Liu, from now on I will continue to call you Mr. Liu boldly as before. "

"Hahaha, just get used to it."

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Liu."

After Crich thanked him loudly, he immediately raised his wine glass to signal.

"Mr. Liu, I would like to propose a toast to you."

"Drink together."

"I'll do it first out of respect."

As soon as Young Master Liu put down the wine glass in his hand, Krich had already picked up the wine glass that had been refilled with wine, and turned to look at Qi Yun with a smile on his face.

However, when he saw the dignified Qi Yun just raising the wine glass in his hand, the smile on his face suddenly became embarrassed involuntarily.

So what, how should I properly address the stunning woman in front of me?

Queen? Or Mrs. Liu?

Seeing Krich's suddenly embarrassed expression, Qi Yun pondered for a moment and soon guessed the reason for his embarrassment.

Qi Yun smiled sweetly, put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, and picked up the wine glass in front of her.

"Brother Crich, Mrs. Liu, or Mrs. Sister-in-law are all fine."

Keri Qi looked at Qi Yun who opened her mouth to relieve herself, and quickly raised the wine glass in her hand.

"Mrs. Liu, I would like to propose a toast to you."

Seeing this, Qi Yun responded with a slight smile and raised her glass.

"You're welcome, let's drink together."

When the little cutie saw that Creech had refilled a glass of wine, he seemed to be planning to offer himself a glass of wine as well, so he quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks and waved his hand.

Then, before Creech could speak, she spoke first.

"Uncle Creech, I am a junior, so I'd better forget it.

It's really not appropriate for an elder like you to toast a junior like me. Forget it, forget it. "

As soon as the little cutie said this, Krich quickly swallowed the words that were on his lips and quickly adjusted his thoughts.

"Okay, then uncle won't toast you.

Miss Liu, when you have some free time, you can come to our home as a guest.

At that time, uncle, I, your aunt, and this girl Yi Ke, we will give you a toast. "

"Keke, it's easy to say, easy to say.

When I have some free time, Yue'er will definitely come to visit me. Uncle, please don't dislike me for disturbing her. "

"No, no, it's my uncle's honor."

"Uncle Creech, it's up to you."

Krich chuckled and nodded, holding the wine glass and looking at Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye.

"Zhang Shuai."

Crazy, when the two brothers Nangong Ye saw this situation, they both turned their heads and glanced at Young Master Liu who was sitting in the main seat, and then looked at each other again.

In the end, the two brothers picked up the wine glasses in front of them tacitly.

After Zhang Kuang raised the wine glass in his hand, he smiled slightly and looked up at Krich who was looking at him.

"Brother Crich, Your Majesty seldom pays attention to some false etiquette.

The relationship between me and Your Majesty is the relationship between us, and the friendship between the two of you is the friendship between you.

We don't interfere with each other, just call each other what we want in private.

My brothers and I have been dealing with you for several years, and we are considered old acquaintances.

So, you don’t have to toast one by one.

The three of us have a drink together, a drink together. "

As soon as the arrogant words came to an end, Nangong Ye also raised his wine glass cheerfully and echoed loudly.

"Yes, yes, it's not convenient to toast one by one. Let's just drink together."

When Krich heard what the two crazy brothers said, he nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, okay, Commander Zhang, Commander Nangong, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

"Hahaha, together, together."

"Drink together, drink together."

While the three of them were drinking with each other, Du Yu walked into the hall slowly and slowly carrying a tray.

"Commander Qi, here are the hot dishes and soup."

"Put it down."


Liu Mingzhi casually glanced at the delicious dishes on the table, and waved to Liu Song, Du Yu, and Sun Mingfeng with a smile.

"I don't need your service here, young master. It's getting late, so you should go have lunch early."

When Du Yu and others heard this, they immediately bowed in unison.

"I will obey your order, and I will take my leave first."

Liu Song glanced at the group of people who had turned around and walked straight out of the palace door, and looked at Young Master Liu hesitantly.

"Young master, you can't do without people here like pouring wine and spreading messages. If you're young, I'd better stay here!

As a kid, I'm not hungry yet, so it doesn't matter if I go to have dinner later. "

After being silent for a while, Young Master Liu chuckled and nodded.

"Come on, maybe it won't take too long, and I really need you to send messages and drinks!

If that's the case, then you can stay. "

"Yes, I will obey, little one."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, picked up his chopsticks and pointed at the three delicious dishes on the table at the Creech family.

"Brother Krich, my sister-in-law, and Ike, this hot dish must be eaten while it's still hot to be delicious.

Come on, let's taste it together. "

"Mr. Liu, please come too."

"Thank you Uncle Liu, please, please."

"Hahaha, there are no outsiders, no need to be polite, let's go together, let's go together." After taking a bite of the spicy chicken, Mr. Liu smiled and looked at Kriike who was chewing slowly across the way.

"Ike girl."

Kriike swallowed the food in his mouth and raised his eyes to look at Mr. Liu opposite him.

"Hey, Uncle Liu?"

"Girl Yi Ke, there is a saying in our Dalong area, which is that everything is different in a hundred miles.

What this sentence means is that when two places are about a hundred miles apart, they will have different customs and habits.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the distance between our dragon and your hometown, Rome, is thousands of miles away.

Dalong has the customs and culture of Dalong, and your Roman country also has the customs and culture of your Roman country.

This means that the culture, food, and some living habits of our two places are all very different.

At the beginning, uncle, I planned to instruct the kitchen to prepare a few dishes that you are used to eating from the big food countries, or from your Roman country.

But, girl Yi Ke, you should also know that my uncle and our family have just arrived in the royal city of Dashi Kingdom and only have a few days to spare.

Our family is new here, so we really don’t know much about the customs and habits of the Dashi Country and your Roman Country.

Uncle, I don’t understand the customs of the Dashi Country and your Roman Country at all.

Well, even if I wanted to instruct the kitchen to prepare a few dishes for you that you are used to eating, I am powerless!

Girl Yi Ke, uncle, I am really powerless and have no other choice, so I can only order the kitchen to prepare some dishes that we Dalong often eat.

How about the taste of these dishes, girl, are you still used to eating them? "

After Young Master Liu's foreshadowing question came out, Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye became nervous and stopped in unison while they were drinking and eating.

Immediately, the two brothers glanced at Krijko who was sitting diagonally opposite.

My two brothers have been dealing with Mr. Liu for more than 20 years, how can they still not know what kind of character he is?

As soon as the question that Young Master Liu just said came out of his mouth, the two brothers immediately realized that His Majesty was asking whether the little girl Kriyike was used to the taste of Dalong cuisine.

He was clearly using this question as an excuse to find out from the mouth of this little girl Kryiko whether the people of Rome and Rome were accustomed to the taste of Dalong cuisine.

In other words, the so-called taste of a dish is still just a name.

What your Majesty really wants to ask is whether the people of the Western countries have adapted to the living habits of the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty.

There is a saying that goes well: From small things to big things.

Just from this small question, it is enough to see whether the people of the Western countries have truly surrendered to the Great Dragon King.

Crazy and Nangong Ye guessed Young Master Liu's true purpose, and a hint of undetectable nervousness quickly flashed in their eyes as they glanced at Kriike.

Especially Zhang Kuang, who was much more nervous than Nangong Ye.

After all, the Dashi Kingdom and the Roman Kingdom are mainly responsible for themselves.

The little girl's answer would, to a certain extent, affect her achievements as Marshal Ma from Zuoluxi.

Of course, he knew very well that Liu Mingzhi would not immediately deny his side's achievements in the Western Expedition just because of this little girl's words.

But then again, no one wants to see any shortcomings in their own achievements.

Not only Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye and Krich, who are also smart people, were also vaguely aware of Liu Dashao's question. It seemed that it was not just as simple as asking Krich about the taste of the dishes.

After realizing this, he deliberately wanted to remind his good daughter something.

However, for a moment, he couldn't think of how to remind his good daughter.

While a group of people were thinking with different thoughts, Keli put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands with tears in his eyes, and raised his eyes to look at Young Master Liu.

"Uncle Liu, of course Yi Ke is used to eating.

Uncle Liu, you don’t know how popular the delicacies from your Great Dragon Kingdom are in the royal city of the Great Food Kingdom. "

When Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, and Krich saw Krich saying this, their tense minds instantly relaxed.

Especially Zhang Kuang. At this moment, he felt that the little girl Keli was becoming more and more pleasing to his eyes.

Creech saw that his daughter's answer was quite satisfactory, and he nodded and lowered his eyebrows and silently enjoyed the dishes in front of him again.

Young Master Liu swallowed the food in his mouth and looked towards Crey with a smile.

"Oh? Girl Yike, what do you say?"

Kriike looked at Young Master Liu's somewhat surprised look, smiled brightly, picked up his wine glass and signaled.

"Uncle Liu, I'll give you a toast first."

Liu Da, who had never seen this situation before, immediately picked up his wine glass and responded cheerfully.

"Hehehe, together, together."

"Uncle Liu, it's respectful for my daughter to do it first."

After the glass of wine went down his throat, Kriike put down his wine glass and directly picked up the wine bottle to refill himself with a glass of wine.

"Uncle Liu."

"Well, girl, tell me."

"Uncle Liu, Yi Ke, let me tell you this.

In the royal city of the Dashi Kingdom, we, the common people of the Western countries, are proud to be able to go to the restaurant run by Dalong Merchant Restaurant to have a banquet from time to time!

Whenever my daughter’s father entertains our relatives and friends, the first place he thinks of is to go to Dalong’s restaurant to entertain them.

As far as I know, it is not just my father who is like this, but also the people of the Great Food Country and the merchants from the caravans from all over the world. "

As soon as Kriyko finished speaking, he paused slightly while drinking crazily, and glanced at Kriyko quietly with admiration in his eyes.

Okay, okay, what this girl said is really good.

Whether the girl meant it or not, the words she just said were all invisibly praising her own achievements.

Nangong Ye looked at Zhang Kuang's slightly excited expression and secretly glanced at the old brother sitting next to him, with a faint smile flashing in his eyes.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will be no problem with the achievements of my old brother.

When Nangong Ye was thinking about this, he instinctively glanced at Mr. Liu who was sipping the wine in small sips.

But, come back.

Based on my understanding of Liu Mingzhi's character, he is definitely not the kind of person who will easily characterize something because of one person's one-sided words.

In fact, it was not at all what Nangong Ye expected.

In response to Kriike's reply, Young Master Liu just nodded happily and didn't say much.

After Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment thoughtfully, he picked up his wine glass again and gestured to Kriike with a smile on his face.

"Girl, come on, let's have a drink."

Kriike's delicate body trembled, and she hurriedly stood up. She picked up the wine glass and responded to Young Master Liu.

"Uncle Liu, I'd like to give you a drink, my dear."

"Hahaha, drink together, drink together."

"Girl, uncle, I have a more curious question."

"Uncle Liu, please tell me, my little girl, I must know everything and tell you everything."

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