My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3556 Stealing food

"Uh-huh, husband, it can't be done, it can't be done."

Huang Lingyi twisted her slender waist with great force, and quickly turned her snow-white jade neck away from her kissing delicate lips.

Immediately, the beauty immediately raised a pair of white and tender hands, gave a slight push, and immediately broke away from Young Master Liu's arms with a flexible movement.

Looking at Huang Lingyi who suddenly broke away from his arms, Mr. Liu's expression suddenly froze.

No, what is this situation?

Judging by the time, these few days are not the days for Lingyi to come to Tiankui.

Regarding this, I still remember it correctly.

Since it’s not the day to come to Tiankui, why can’t it be done?

Seeing her husband's sudden change of expression, Huang Lingyi raised a pair of slender arms that could bully the frost and snow and gently protected her proud chest.

Then, she looked at her husband with a confused expression, and gently blinked her watery eyes.

"Husband, it really can't be done.

We sisters have already made an agreement to give you up to sister Qingrui during this period of time.

Good husband, you can't let me do things that violate the agreement! "

As Huang Lingyi's soft and graceful words fell, Young Master Liu, who was already looking a little stunned, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

After Mr. Liu said "Okay" three times in a row, he looked at the charming person in front of him with a clear look on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"My husband, I was still a bit confused before. In the past few days, why all of you sisters seemed to be avoiding me, my husband, intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, I thought you sisters were a little acclimatized because you had just arrived in the royal city of Dashi Kingdom not long ago.

That's why you sisters have to leave early every time.

Husband, I foolishly thought that you sisters left earlier because you planned to rest earlier and adapt to the environment here as quickly as possible.

Co-authored! Co-authored! It took so long, why is it because of this? "

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Young Master Liu looked at the beautiful lady in front of him who was wet all over her body and whose graceful figure was covered with petals. He gently hooked his fingers a few times.

"Lingyi, come closer, my husband has something to tell you."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Huang Ling instinctively leaned forward with his willow waist.


Huang Lingyi seemed to realize something, and his movements of leaning on Liu Yao suddenly stopped, and his watery eyes instantly became alert.

Immediately, she hurriedly straightened her waist, and her round and slender legs hidden under the hot water took two steps back.

As the beauty retreats, the water ripples, and the petals on the water also rise and fall.

After Huang Lingyi held onto the edge of the tub with both hands to steady herself, she looked at Young Master Liu with vigilance in her pretty eyes.

"Husband, we are the only two of us here. If you want to say something to me, just say it out loud. Don't worry about the walls having ears.

Husband, just say it directly, I am all ears. "

Seeing the beauty who suddenly looked at him with vigilance, Young Master Liu had nothing to say and rushed towards Huang Lingyi again.

Now that he has been deceived, he has no choice but to use force.

Huang Lingyi couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw her husband rushing towards her at the slightest disagreement.

"Ah, stinky husband, what do you want to do?"

The beauty exclaimed in a sweet voice while quickly dodging around in the tub.

However, a bathtub only takes up so much space. No matter how flexible her figure is, where can she hide in the end?

Without any accident, the beauty finally fell into the hands of Young Master Liu.

"Oh, you stinky husband, you bad husband, you bully others."

Huang Lingyi shouted in a sweet voice with an angry tone, while twisting her delicate body vigorously and struggling.

Young Master Liu completely ignored Huang Lingyi's struggle, and held her arms tightly around her weak and boneless willow waist. Then he directly raised his arms and slapped the beauty's buttocks gently or hard. .

There was a crisp sound, and the beauty couldn't help but moan softly.


Immediately afterwards, the beauty pouted her red lips, her delicate body softened slightly, and she hurriedly sat down in the hot water sprinkled with flower petals.

Immediately, she slightly raised her snow-white jade neck, which was once again stained with a few petals, and glared at Young Master Liu with a sweet look in her eyes.

"Oh, you stinky husband, why are you beating me?"

Listening to Huang Lingyi's angry questioning words, Young Master Liu lowered his head and gave the beautiful lady an annoyed look.

"What's wrong with hitting you? What's wrong with me beating you because of my husband?"

You goblin, as a husband, I tell you, even if I hit you, it will be light.

Lingyi, Lingyi, you sisters have really worked so hard to help this girl Qingrui!

Is it agreed? Is it agreed?

Have you sisters made an agreement? This is clearly collusion.

Collusion! Collusion! It's collusion!

Fairies, you fairies are really cruel!

Do you know how miserable my husband’s life has been these past few days?

That girl Qingrui is always trying to tease my husband and me. Do you know how my husband and I have been here these past few days?

ah? ah? Do you know how I lived as a husband? "

Huang Lingyi saw the ferocious expression on her husband's face and subconsciously shrank her fair neck.

However, this was obviously a very serious topic. Instead of feeling nervous or scared, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Not knowing what Huang Lingyi was thinking, Young Master Liu directly pressed his hands on the edge of the tub and asked again in a deep voice through gritted teeth.

"Ah! Do you know?"

Seeing her husband questioning her seriously and loudly, Huang Lingyi subconsciously thought that she should feel nervous and scared at this moment.

But, somehow?

At this moment, not only did she not feel any fear or worry in her heart, but she even wanted to laugh more and more.

Huang Lingyi pressed her delicate lips hard and held it back for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"Pfft, cluck... uh huh..."

Liu Dashan saw the beauty's reaction, stared at her beautiful face with a beautiful smile, and clenched his hands tightly.

"Fairy, are you still laughing? You can still laugh?"

"Hey, husband, I'm really sorry.

What, I don’t want to laugh, but I really can’t help it.

Really, really, I really don’t want to laugh. "

"Don't you want to laugh?"

"Yeah, yeah, I really don't want to laugh."

As Huang Lingyi spoke softly, she raised her slender hands and gently held Liu Dashao's hands.

"Husband, don't blame me, I don't want to be like this!

It's not because of our selfishness in our hearts that we, sisters, are deliberately avoiding you.

A good husband, in one word. Isn't it that we sisters are doing this so that you and sister Qingrui can achieve righteousness as soon as possible? "

As soon as Huang Lingyi's soft words fell, she stood up from the tub like a hibiscus out of water, then raised her jade hand to caress Liu Mingzhi's cheek a few times.

"Sir, here we are the only two people present here.

I dared to say something unfair and presumptuous about Sister Qingrui. We sisters acted like this to make Sister Qingrui happy.

However, in the final analysis, we sisters still think about you, your husband. "

"Lingyi, as your husband, I..."

As soon as Young Master Liu opened his mouth, Huang Lingyi raised his jade hand and covered Young Master Liu's lips.

"Husband, I haven't finished talking about my concubine yet. Please listen to me first."

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Huang Lingyi smiled sweetly, looked at the person on the pillow in front of her with a pair of pretty eyes, and quietly removed her white jade hands.

"Husband, please listen to me first."


Liu Mingzhi took a long breath and nodded gently to the beauty in front of him with complex eyes.

"Okay, Lingyi, you say it, you say it, husband, I'm listening!"

Huang Lingyi nodded slightly, stepped out of the tub with her long, round legs, and then fell directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi took advantage of the situation and stopped the beautiful woman's delicate waist. He lowered his head and rested his chin on the beautiful woman's shoulders and sighed silently.


Huang Lingyi felt her husband's strong and secure chest, and opened a pair of slender jade arms to tightly hug her husband's waist.


"Hey, Lingyi, just say it, my husband is listening!"

"Husband, Sister Yun, Sister Ya, Sister Yan'er, Sister Wanyan...Sister Bizhu, among our sisters, I am the youngest.

But! Among us sisters, I, the youngest wife of your husband, am already thirty-eight years old this year.

Husband, I am thirty-eight years old, and I, concubine, am already thirty-eight years old this year.

I am the youngest woman in the concubine, who is already thirty-eight years old this year.

Husband, have you ever thought about how many years we sisters will be able to accompany you no matter how much we want to be with you? "

"Lingyi, I won't deny that you are your husband..."

"Oh, husband, listen to me."

"Okay, okay, keep talking, keep talking."

Huang Lingyi gently stood on her tiptoes, raised her jade neck and kissed Young Master Liu.

After a long time, the lips become separated.

"Husband, in fact, each of us sisters really don't want to admit that we sisters are already old and have become senile.

However, time is ruthless.

No matter how much we sisters don't want to admit it, we are old, but we have to admit this fact.

Facts are facts, and it doesn't change if you don't want to admit it. "

Young Master Liu listened to the beautiful lady's words full of bitterness, and after a moment of silence with complicated eyes and frowning, he put his arms around the beautiful lady Liu's waist a little harder again.

Huang Lingyi felt the strength of her husband's hold on her waist, raised her jade neck again and kissed Young Master Liu's lips gently.

"Husband, in the past few years, whenever your concubines and sisters mentioned the matter of helping you find a room or rooms for young and beautiful concubines, you deliberately avoided talking about it every time.

Our sisters have mentioned it to you time and time again. Every time you hear us mention this topic, you immediately drop it.

We sisters are not fools, we are all very clear in our hearts.

Husband, the reason why you deliberately change this topic every time, or deliberately avoid this topic, is because of us sisters.

In a word, the reason why you did this was because you were worried that our sisters would feel uncomfortable? "

As Huang Lingyi spoke, he gently released his hands around Liu Dashao's waist.

Immediately, she skillfully pulled open the coarse cloth belt around Master Liu's waist.

"Silly husband, you can understand the feelings of our sisters, the people next to you.

Likewise, we sisters can also understand your mood.

In these years, you have always intentionally or unintentionally avoided the thoughts of my concubines and sisters.

However, husband, you need to know one thing, that is, no matter how you avoid it, some things cannot be avoided after all.

Our sisters are getting older as the years go by.

Naturally, the time we sisters can spend with you is getting less and less.

Sister Qingrui, both her appearance and personality are extremely in line with what we sisters want.

At the same time, she is also a young beauty who has various unclear relationships with her husband.

Therefore, we sisters all hope in our hearts that we can promote the marriage between you two as soon as possible. "

Following Huang Lingyi's soft words, she had gradually taken off all the clothes on Young Master Liu.

"Husband, in the past few days, my sisters have wronged you.

Later, after you have taken a bath, I will make up for you.

However, please don’t tell your sisters about my compensation for you.

Otherwise, they should definitely blame me. "

As soon as Huang Lingyi finished speaking, she raised her slender jade arms and gently pushed Young Master Liu into the tub.

There was a soft splash, and Young Master Liu fell directly into the tub.


Young Master Liu directly picked up the beautiful lady and walked towards the bed not far away without any hurry.

"Husband, hey..."

"Good husband, love me."

"Uh huh, huh, slow down."

Just when everything was unsaid, an exclamation full of surprise suddenly came from the apse.

"Okay, sister Lingyi, how dare you eat secretly."

"Oh, husband!"

"Husband, you...嘤咛..." (End of Chapter)

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