My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3582 No trace to be found

"Master, what do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi saw Liu Song's expression as if he had some realization, squinted his eyes slightly, took a long breath with a deep look, and continued to pace back and forth while holding the dry pipe.

"Liu Song, I have 100% confidence in this young master.

Brothers Mingli and Mingjie, as well as Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Chengqian, Zhenghao and several other brothers and sisters.

These people will never do anything treacherous to this young master, my brother, and my father.

But! They do not have such thoughts in their own hearts, but it does not mean that some people around them will also not have certain aspects of thoughts like them.

People can not escape from doing wrong.

Life is full of life.

There is no one in the world, among all living beings, who can say with certainty that he will never make the slightest mistake in his life.

Liu Song, do you understand what I mean, Master? "

After hearing Young Master Liu's inquiry, Liu Song frowned slightly in silence for a while, then nodded with complicated eyes.

He has been with Young Master Liu since he was a child, and has been with him for decades. Naturally, he understands Young Master Liu's character very well.

My young master has already spoken it to this point, how could he not understand what it meant?


Liu Song breathed out silently, and after taking a hard puff of smoke, he immediately set off and wandered back and forth with Young Master Liu.

"Young Master, I am very aware of the character of the Second and Third Young Masters, and at the same time I am even more aware of the personal virtues of the young ladies, young masters and their brothers and sisters.

Therefore, Xiao DaDa believes that they will definitely not listen to the slanders of some people, let alone listen to the instigation of others, and thus do something they should not do. "

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry smoke silently, turned his head with a frown and glanced at Liu Song who was following him.


"That's right, it won't.

With the intelligence of the two young masters, the young ladies and the young master, they should not be confused.

Because they know much better than those with ulterior motives, doing so is absolutely harmful and useless. "

Listening to Liu Song's clear and well-founded answer, Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded.

"What you said makes sense. Ming Li, Yi Yi, Cheng Zhi, Cheng Qian and others should know clearly in their hearts that this is an act that will cause hundreds of harms without any benefit."

"Okay, okay, young master, I hope you can figure it out."

Liu Mingzhi paused for a moment, casually took off the wine bag from his waist, pulled out the stopper and drank several large sips of wine.

"Phew, good wine, good wine, really good wine!"

"Willow Pine."

"The young one is here, young master, please tell me."

"Liu Song, what you just said is indeed very reasonable.

However, you should know that there is a saying, it is called chasing the duck before it reaches the shelf.

Once the duck is put on the shelf, many things will become out of your control! "

As Young Master Liu finished speaking, the expression on Liu Song's face suddenly froze, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

Regarding the meaningful words his young master just said, for a moment, he didn't know how to respond appropriately.


Liu Song made several incoherent sounds, as if he wanted to say something.

However, he hesitated and hummed for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything.

In fact, it's not that he really doesn't know how to answer this topic, but that he really doesn't dare to continue chatting with Liu Dashao on this topic.

As soon as this topic started, I was already speechless.

If he continued to discuss it, he was very worried that his heart might not be able to withstand the pressure.

He was afraid that his young master would suddenly say something that would put him under pressure, so he had no choice but to deliberately avoid talking about it.

As if he had seen what Liu Song was thinking, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, then raised his hand and patted Liu Song's shoulder lightly a few times.

"Hehehe, Liu Song!

Young Master, I have no other meaning in talking to you about this. It is just a hasty conversation that has ended here.

So, there is no need to feel any pressure in your heart. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he nodded hurriedly and vigorously.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I understand."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded. He raised his head and took a sip of wine. He replied unhurriedly and sat down at the table again.

"Liu Song, let's get back to the point.

As I said just now, Master, the situation between my father Li Zheng and my eldest brother Li Baiyu made me understand one thing.

Under certain circumstances, even one's own biological children may not necessarily be trustworthy.

This is exactly why I told you, young master, that the words between you two will make me trust you more.

To put it bluntly, under certain special circumstances, their brothers, sisters and others may be forced to do something they shouldn't do.

However, I believe in you, young master. No matter what the situation is, you will never betray me, young master. "

Liu Song's face straightened up and he quickly saluted Young Master Liu.

"Master, what you mentioned is absolutely guaranteed.

No matter what happened, Liu Song would never do anything to back up the young master even if he had to sacrifice his own life. "

Young Master Liu chuckled and nodded, happily took a puff of dry smoke, leaned over and knocked out the unburnt shreds of tobacco from the pot.

Immediately, he put the dry tobacco bag in his hand directly on the table, and with a smile, he picked up the stack of rice paper that Liu Song had put down on the table and shook it gently a few times.

"So, about the contents on these rice papers.

If you have something you want to express in your heart, there is no need to hesitate, just express your true opinion directly.

No matter what words you say, Master, I will not be angry. "

Liu Song looked at the pieces of rice paper that Mr. Liu held in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, and began to ponder with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi casually put down a few pieces of rice paper in his hand, smiled lightly, took two sips of wine, and then raised his eyes to look at the scenery outside the hall.

After a long time.

Liu Song came to his senses from his deep thoughts and looked at Young Master Liu who was looking at the scenery outside the hall with a depressed expression, with a bitter smile on his lips.

"Master." Upon hearing this, Liu Mingzhi immediately withdrew his gaze and looked up at Liu Song, who was looking at him.

"How's it going? Do you have any ideas?"

Liu Song raised his hand and scratched his head, then shook his head angrily.

"Master, you know best what my personal abilities are like, Master.

To be honest, as a kid, I really can’t think of any special opinions about what you wrote on the rice paper, Master. "

After listening to Liu Song's answer, Young Master Liu tapped his fingers on the table, a look of disappointment in his eyes involuntarily.

"Is that so? If that's the case, then forget it."

Liu Song noticed the disappointment in Young Master Liu's eyes, and hurriedly raised his hands with a depressed expression.

"My incompetence has disappointed you, young master.

However, no matter what decision you make, young master, I will fully support your decision, young master. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, raised his wine bag with a faint look in his eyes, took a sip of fine wine, and then casually pointed at a few pieces of rice paper on the table.

"Okay, I understand.

You put these letters into envelopes and bake them with wax. "

"Yes, I will obey, little one."

Liu Song responded loudly, and quickly bent down and knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot under his feet.

Then, he straightened up and put down the tobacco bag in his hand, picked up a few letters on the desk and started working.

After he folded a few pieces of letter paper and put them into the envelope skillfully, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Mr. Liu, who was drinking wine silently.

"That's right, Master."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the sound, he immediately swallowed the drink in his mouth and looked at Liu Song with a raised brow.

"Huh? Liu Song, what's wrong?"

Liu Song rolled up his sleeves and while baking the envelope, he happily responded to Young Master Liu's inquiry.

"Master, what's that? When I have nothing to do these days, I have been staying with Brother Cheng, Brother Ning, Brother Feng, and Brother Chu to reminisce about old times.

When I was drinking and reminiscing with Brother Cheng Kai and Brother Ning Chao, I would hear them complaining from time to time.

Complaining about the bandits on the border of the Great Food Country is so tiresome and annoying.

According to Brother Cheng Kai and the others, those sand bandits who do not belong to any of the Western countries always sneak to the borders of the Great Food Kingdom from time to time without any rules and regulations and lie dormant.

Then, they will take advantage of the inattention of our Dalong garrison soldiers and the Dashi Kingdom garrison soldiers to suddenly loot the people at the border of the Dashi Kingdom, as well as the passing caravans.

Once they succeed, the bandits will immediately leave without stopping at all.

By the time we, the generals of the Great Dragon and the Generals of the Great Food Country, had mobilized their troops and prepared to encircle and suppress the bandits, they had already disappeared in the endless, yellow-sand desert with the loot they had looted. No trace left.

If you want to pursue or encircle and suppress, but you are worried that because you are not familiar with the terrain, you are afraid that you will get lost in the desert and lose the lives of the soldiers in vain.

In addition, there is also the worry of being ambushed by those bandits.

On the contrary, if we did not carry out pursuit and encirclement, we would be in the current situation, and we would have to endure irregular sneak attacks by the bandits from time to time.

Therefore, Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai, Brother Cheng Kai, Brother Ning Chao and other generals.

Even though he was already gnashing his teeth with hatred for the elusive bandits, he wished he could dispatch an army to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

However, due to various reasons, I had to give up such an idea.

In a word, it is all about considering the pros and cons in various aspects.

Even though they were very angry with those bandits, they could do nothing to them. "

As Liu Song spoke, he put down the baked letter in his hand with a look of pity on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he casually took off the wine bag from his waist, pulled out the stopper and put it directly into his mouth.

Young Master Liu raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Song, who was drinking heavily. He frowned slightly and turned his eyes rapidly.

After drinking half of the wine bag in one breath, Liu Song wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his fingers and burped happily.

"Hiccup! It feels so good, it feels so damn good."


Liu Song took a long breath of alcohol and happily cast his gaze on Young Master Liu.

"Master, because of these things, Brother Cheng Kai, Brother Ning Chao, Brother Fuji, and Brother Chu Jing complained a lot when we were drinking together.

Hehehe, hehehe, I guess so.

For those sand bandits who do not belong to any country at all, have no fixed place in life, and come and go without a trace.

Don't say it's Brother Cheng Kai, Father Chu Jing and other generals.

Anyone would get a headache from this.

Brother Cheng Kai, Brother Ning Chao, Brother Fuji and other generals also want to completely wipe out those hateful sand bandits as soon as possible.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

It’s not that their generals are incompetent, nor is it that our Dalong soldiers and those from the Great Food Country are incapable of fighting.

It's just that those bandits are too cunning and can't be traced at all!

Bandits, bandits, damn bandits!

Young Master, I dare to express my humble opinions.

If these hateful bandits are not wiped out as soon as possible, they will be a big disaster sooner or later.

If they are allowed to continue like this, they will continue to loot the people at the border of Dashi Country, as well as the large and small caravans coming and going.

In this way, when will the people at the border of the Great Food Country, as well as the large and small caravans coming and going, be able to live a truly peaceful life.

Therefore, if those bandits are not wiped out, they will continue to affect our Dalong soldiers in the Western Expedition, and they can safely manage the people's livelihood and government issues in the Dashi Kingdom.

We, the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty, have hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and generals stationed in the Great Food Country, but those bandits still dare to do whatever they want.

What's more, it's the kingdoms of the Western countries. "

As Liu Song spoke, he took a long sip of wine with a melancholy look on his face.

"Young Master, if these hateful bandits are not wiped out, it will not only affect the people's livelihood and governance issues in the Dashi Kingdom.

In fact, sooner or later, they will cause turmoil in all the kingdoms of the Western countries! "

As soon as Liu Song finished speaking indignantly, he immediately stood up from the chair.

He first closed the stopper on the wine bag, and then picked up the baked envelope on the table.

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