My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3601: We have been friends for a long time

Chapter 3601: We have been friends for a long time

"Hahaha, third brother, this is what I say from the bottom of my heart as a brother!"

Compared to Song Qing, whose face was full of joy, Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye were still frowning at this moment, silently minding their own business and puffing away smoke.

Song Qing saw the reaction and behavior of the two of them, and shook his head slightly with a slightly helpless expression.

"Uncles, what's wrong?

It's such a simple little thing, haven't you two figured it out yet? "

Arrogant and Nangong Ye listened to Song Qing's slightly helpless tone, turned to look at the helpless expression on his face, and finally turned to look at Young Master Liu.

The two of them looked at Mr. Liu, who was leaning on the carriage and silently sipping tea with calm eyes and a smile on his face. A complex look flashed through his eyes that looked old but were actually full of brilliance.

The two of us are not the kind of stubborn old fools who don't know how to adapt.

How could the two of us not understand such a simple truth?

Suddenly, Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye had similar thoughts in their minds.

Just as Song Qing said just now.

Looking at the whole world, who cares most about Dalong's country and country, and who cares about Dalong's vested interests the most.

Then he is Liu Mingzhi, the king of Dalong's country, Dalong's current emperor.

In this world, anyone could make fun of Dalong's one hundred thousand miles of mountains and rivers, but Liu Mingzhi would not.

This is what is said, and the same is true.

However, the two of them are still a little worried in their hearts. They are worried that after Crich takes the position of president of the United Chamber of Commerce, he will do something detrimental to the Great Dragon Celestial Empire.

In this world, it is not uncommon for people to commit acts that go against their conscience for the sake of their own selfish interests!

In the final analysis, the main reason is because Krich is not one of Dalong's own people.

Since I am not one of my own, I feel somewhat uneasy when using it.

Song Qing saw Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye, their brows furrowed and silent, and they took a puff of smoke with their brows slightly furrowed.

"Uncles, no matter what you think in your hearts, you two should at least express your opinions first!

It’s not an option for you two to continue to remain silent like this! "

Amidst Song Qing's somewhat helpless words, Zhang Kuang and Zhang Kuang suddenly came to their senses one after another from their silence.

After Nangong Ye reacted first, he quickly raised his hand and vigorously fanned the light smoke lingering in front of him.

"Zhi'er, uncle, Brother Zhang and I have said everything we need to say, and we have also advised you.

Since you insist on doing this, uncle, I have nothing to say.

As for letting Creech serve as the president of the Joint Chamber of Commerce, you can just proceed according to the plan you have already thought about in your heart.

No matter how your plan goes forward, my old uncle, I, will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength. "

When Zhang Kuang saw that his old brothers had already expressed their opinions, he puffed out a puff of smoke outside the window with a sad look on his face and looked at Young Master Liu with a wry smile and nodded.

"Zhi'er, what about that? Since Brother Nangong doesn't plan to say anything more, uncle and I will naturally stop saying anything disappointing.

Moreover, I agree with what Brother Nangong said just now.

No matter what kind of plans you have later, just do whatever you want.

Uncle, I am an old man, and I also try my best to cooperate. "

As the words from Zhang Kuang's mouth fell, Song Qing suddenly patted the low table in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Oh, that's right."

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to pick up his tea cup and gestured cheerfully to Young Master Liu and the others.

"Third brother, two uncles, come on, let's go and have tea instead of wine."

Seeing this, Liu Dashan smiled and raised the tea cup in his hand to respond to Song Qing.

Crazy, Nangong Ye saw that Young Master Liu had already responded, and immediately reached out to pick up the teacups in front of them.

"Hahaha, third brother, two uncles, let's drink."



"Haha, hahaha, let's drink together."

As the tea cups in the hands of several people were placed back on the low table one after another, Song Qing quickly picked up the teapot on the low table and poured four cups of cold tea in succession.

Liu Mingzhi moved his legs back and forth, then happily reached out and picked up a piece of pastry from the plate and took a small bite.

"Two uncles."

"Well, Zhi'er?"


After Liu Dashao quickly finished the piece of pastry in his hand, he raised his arms and stretched out the car window. He gently rubbed the pastry with his fingers against the drizzle falling in the air.

"Uncles, I want to ask you a question.

You two think that Wanyan Chizha, Yeruha, Huyanyu, and Bahan are all good at what they are capable of? "

"Huh? What?"


"Hehehe, let me tell you, young master, what do you two think of the abilities of Wanyan Chiezha, Huyanyu, Yeleha, and Bahan?

The two uncles, Brother Huyan and the four of them are no longer with us now.

Therefore, you two must not deliberately say complimentary words just because of the deep friendship you have accumulated over the years.

The answer I want to hear from this young master is the truest evaluation of these two people in your hearts. "

Seeing Young Master Liu say this, Zhang Kuang smiled lightly and raised his hand to stroke his gray beard a few times.

"Zhi'er, you can rest assured on this.

We, uncle and nephew, have been dealing with each other for decades. Can you still not understand what kind of arrogant personality I have?

Not to mention Brother Wanyan, Brother Huyan and the others are no longer with us. Even if they are sitting next to us now, what can we do?

My evaluation of them is still to say what they have to say. "

After hearing these arrogant words, Liu Mingzhi immediately nodded with a smile.

"Hehehe, uncle, so what?"

Zhang Kuang took the tobacco bag in his hand and took a puff of it, then turned his head with deep eyes to look out the car window where the drizzle was falling.

"Zhi'er, there is a saying that is very good. The people who know you best are not your friends, but your opponents.

I think back then, the world was not yet unified.

I am Dalong, the former Jin Kingdom and the former Turks. There are constant wars between our three countries, and there are wars every year.

To be more specific, the late Emperor Ruizhong was still on the throne, and before Daxing passed away, my husband and I had been dealing with Brother Wanyan for nearly twenty years.

Haha, hahaha.

No, no, no, no, to be precise, he should have been his opponent for twenty years.

At that time, Zhi'er, you hadn't entered the temple yet.

Those of us who are old now were still young at that time.

At that time, either you sent troops to fight me, or I sent troops to fight you.

During this time, we, the main generals guarding the border, have heard the names of the main generals who dispatched troops and generals to each other for a long time. Although they are not truly masked, they have been friends for a long time. "

As Zhang Kuang spoke, he suddenly withdrew his eyes from looking at Qiu Yu outside the window, and looked at Young Master Liu with a look of deep nostalgia in his eyes.

It seems that he is nostalgic for his high-spirited past.

"Zhi'er, uncle, I'm already this age now, and I'm not afraid of anything embarrassing.

I can tell you very frankly now, regarding the ability to lead troops and the ability to use troops.

My ability is compared to that of Brother Wanyan.

I am arrogant, slightly inferior to Brother Wanyan by three points.

The six generals of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang are our old brothers.

If we have to put it more seriously, among the six of us brothers, none of us can rival Wanyan in terms of ability to command troops.

Of course, what I said to my uncle was when the six of us brothers were still relatively young.

Later, as our brothers grew older, we gradually caught up with Brother Wanyan.

But, then again.

If it is really a one-on-one match, if any one of us six brothers comes forward, even now, it is still unlikely that Brother Wanyan will be his opponent.


My child, don’t wait until you see Brother Yan. He is already old.

However, his heart is not old yet!

The saying "Lian Po is old, but he can still make a living" is extremely appropriate when applied to Brother Wanyan. "

As soon as the words fell from Zhang Kuang's mouth, he immediately picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea to moisten his dry throat.

Immediately, he held the dry tobacco bag in his hand and turned to look at Nangong Ye, who was puffing away smoke, and let out a long sigh.


"Brother Nangong, you are old!"

Seeing the reaction on Zhang Kuang's face, Nangong Ye looked filled with emotion and smiled bitterly, before sighing softly.



"Yeah, I'm old, I'm old!"

Seeing this, Zhang Kuang gently took a puff of dry smoke and turned his attention back to Young Master Liu.

"Zhi'er, uncle, let me tell you this.

When the three kingdoms were at war with each other, the only person in our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty who could really compete with Brother Wanyan was my uncle and my adoptive father.

That is to say, one of your current ladies, the father of this little girl Shan'er, your father-in-law, General Jin Yi, is no longer alive.

Except for his adoptive father, among the many generals in our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, none of them can match Wanyan's ability in commanding troops.

Even though he is the grandfather of this girl Xiaoxi, brother Yunchong and his father, Mr. Yunyang.

In terms of the ability to command and use troops, he is also slightly inferior to Brother Wanyan. "

Listening to Zhang Kuang's sigh-filled tone, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly with a strange expression.

"Uncle, aren't you exaggerating a little?

Is Uncle Wanyan's ability to command troops so powerful? "

Seeing that Young Master Liu had a strange look on his face, as if he didn't believe it, Zhang Kuang shook his head gently with a melancholy expression.

"Zhi'er, uncle, when I tell you this, I am not trying to boost others' ambitions or destroy my own prestige.

It’s really because Brother Wanyan’s performance back then was so dazzling!

My child, let me give you the most vivid example.

Back when the world was not yet unified, Brother Wanyan was guarding the border in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin. What kind of official position was that?

I think back then, Brother Wanyan was the king of the Kingdom of Jin.



Zhi'er, you should know what the word "Zhenguo" means, right?

And you should also know what the title of Town King means, right?

The word "Zhenguo" was not spoken by others.

The title of King of the Town was not given by others as a compliment, but by his actual use of his own abilities.

I think back then, the world was not yet unified.

At that time, Zhi'er, you were still the one-word king guarding the twenty-seven mansions of my Dalong Frontier.

When the Jin and Tu countries joined forces to launch a large-scale military attack on my Dalong border, you knew everything that happened in the various prefectures and cities along my Dalong border.

Uncle, I dare to say something that is not pleasant to the ears. Back then, the two countries of Jin and Turkmenistan jointly invaded the border.

If it weren't for the various new weapons and artillery that you brought to the hands of our Dalong garrison officers and soldiers, could we really have defended the hundreds of thousands of troops united by the two countries? "

After hearing this, Young Master Liu frowned subconsciously.

"This, this."

"Zhi'er, although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit it.

Back then, if the soldiers of our Dalong garrison did not have artillery that could be used to attack the city and use it as a defensive weapon, we, Dalong, would not necessarily be able to defend the dozens of troops united by the two countries. Ten thousand troops.

It can be seen from this that Brother Wanyan’s ability to use troops is extraordinary!

I'll touch my conscience and tell you what's in my heart. I'll obey him wildly!

Whether he is here or not, I admire his ability to use troops.

In the same way, I admire the abilities of my adoptive father, the father of little sister Shaner, and your father-in-law, General Jin Yi.

Because only he can compete with Brother Wanyan in the true way of using soldiers.

It's a pity that if it weren't for his adoptive father, his military ability would be too strong and his prestige in the army would be too high.

Then, his old man also..."

When Zhang Kuang said this, the words in his mouth stopped abruptly.


He suddenly waved his hand gently and chuckled happily.

"Haha, hahaha, old things, all old things that have already passed many years ago.

Since it's an old thing, it's okay not to mention it, or not to mention it. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang's sudden change in expression and nodded sadly.

"Uncle, it's better not to mention those old memories that should have passed away with the wind, or not."

Zhang Kuang nodded slightly and gently knocked out the ashes from the smoke pot with his backhand on the car window.

“Yeah, it’s okay not to mention it, it’s okay not to mention it!

Zhi'er, regarding old uncle and my evaluation of old brother Wanyan, from the past events I just mentioned, you should be able to understand something.

In this case, uncle, I won't waste too much time. "

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