Chapter 3608 Remember

"Huh? What, there must be two dishes, chicken and fish?"

Amina was slightly startled and asked subconsciously.

Crich looked at the dazed expression on his wife's pretty face, smiled and nodded gently.

“Yes, there must be two dishes, chicken and fish.

According to what I learned from the caravan owners from Dalong, there is a rule that everyone tacitly agrees with in the Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

It is said that there is no feast without chicken, and there is no dinner without fish.

Mr. Liu's status is very noble. I don't need to tell you this. Madam, you also know it.

Today, Mr. Liu can condescend to come to our home as a guest. It is an honor for our family. We must entertain him well.

Since there is a saying in Dalong Celestial Dynasty that there is no feast without chickens and no feast without fishes.

Then we must try our best to follow the customs of Dalong and specially prepare these two dishes, chicken and fish. "

After listening to her husband's explanation, Amina suddenly nodded her head a few times with a clear look.

"Oh, so that's what it is.

Okay, okay, I know, I will explain this to you later.

As soon as Amina finished speaking softly, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly her beautiful eyes frowned with a smile on her forehead.

"That's right, sir."

Creech saw Amina's reaction as if she had suddenly thought of something, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Huh? Madam, what's wrong?"

"Sir, that's it.

You just told me that no matter what kind of cooking, there must be two kinds of dishes: chicken and fish.

Master, you need to know something.

We here don't know much about Mr. Liu's taste, nor do we know what the particularities of these two dishes are.

So, concubine, I suddenly thought of something, that is, Master, you asked Orr to book a banquet at Zuixian Restaurant. That is a restaurant run by a businessman from Dalong.

In this case, why don't you tell Orr directly and ask him to tell the shopkeeper of Zuixian Tower directly that the table of food and wine we ordered is to entertain several distinguished guests from Dalong.

The shopkeeper of Zuixian Tower is Dalongren. He must know how to prepare food and drinks for guests.

In this case, wouldn't it be enough if you just ask Al to tell the shopkeeper of Zuixianlou and ask him to help us prepare a table of wine and food according to the customs in Dalong? "

After hearing what his wife said, Creech suddenly felt his eyes light up and clapped his hands hard.

"Yes, yes, just ask Shopkeeper Su from Zuixian Tower to help us prepare the food and drinks!

Madam, my good madam, you are truly a good wife to my husband!

When you send someone to notify Orr later, tell him to do as you say. "

Seeing the relaxed smile on Krich's face, Amina smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I know.

Master, if there is nothing else to do, I will prepare my concubine first. "

After Amina finished speaking, she turned slightly and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Krich quickly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Madam, wait a minute, I haven't finished talking about being a father yet."

Amina immediately retracted her raised lotus feet, looked back at Krich with a puzzled expression and asked softly: "Master, do you have any other instructions?"

"Madam, why are you so anxious?

Listen to me, Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu, Miss Liu, and Zhang Shuai and their group came to our home as guests. We can't just prepare food and drinks from Dalong.

We are the master’s family today, so naturally we have to show our loyalty as landlords! "

As Krich spoke, he smiled slightly and turned to look at his daughter-in-law Tinia who was standing next to him.

"Madam, after you send someone to inform Orr to go to Zuixian Tower to prepare wine and food, you and Tinia will rush to the kitchen of Bieyuan immediately.

Then, you instruct the cooks in the kitchen to cook a few classic dishes from our Roman country and the big food country as soon as possible.

At the same time, you and Tinia also take matters into your own hands, each cooking a dish that you are both good at.

As for the drinks, madam, you don't have to worry about it. I have my own plans for my husband. "

"Okay, okay, I know.

After I arranged things for Al, I immediately took Tinia with me to the kitchen of the Villa. "

Following Amina's soft words, Tinia, who was standing next to her, immediately echoed softly.

"Yeah, daddy, my daughter-in-law also knows."

After receiving responses from Amina, Tinia and her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Keric breathed a sigh of relief.

Amina pursed her red lips silently, and frowned slightly as she glanced at Krich, whose expression softened.

"Sir, besides these, do you have any other instructions?"

Hearing his wife's question, Krich nodded without hesitation.

“Yes, yes, yes.

Madam, you must remember one thing.

After you and Orr have prepared the food and wine, you must not rush to the room to deliver food and wine without my notice.

When is it time to deliver the food and wine? I will ask Mi Meng to come out and tell you. "

"Ah? This? This, this, this?

Master, didn't Mr. Liu tell us just now?

If we calculate according to the time on their side of Dalong, it is already time for lunch.

After I have prepared the food and wine, Mr. Liu will be unhappy if he is delayed in sending them over. "

Seeing his wife's suddenly worried look, Kerridge chuckled and shook his head.

"Silly Madam, do you really think Mr. Liu is telling us this because he wants to have lunch?

When he said these words to us, he was hinting to me that he was going to start talking to me about serious matters about cooperation.

It is somewhat inconvenient for you women to be present when we are talking about business.

Otherwise, why do you think Mr. Liu would take Miss Liu out as well?

The so-called Miss Liu hasn't seen our Yi Keke for several days. It's time to catch up with her. It's just an excuse.

It’s only been a few days since we last met, so what’s there to reminisce about?

As for why Mrs. Liu didn't leave, is there any need to say this?

What kind of noble status does Madam Liu have? She is the empress of the Dragon Heavenly Dynasty!

According to Dalong's rules, Mr. Liu is the most noble person in Dalong's world.

As for Mrs. Liu, as the empress of Dalong, her status is second only to Mr. Liu.

Apart from Mr. Liu, she has the most noble status among Dalong.

She continued to sit there, which was perfectly normal. "

When Krich said this, he subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the room in the distance.

"Madam, do you know?

As soon as you guys left, Mr. Liu walked out of the room and told my husband that he wanted to go to the latrine for a while.

At the same time, he also called out Zhang Shuai and the others. Mr. Liu did this because he really wanted to go to the latrine to resolve an internal emergency.

However, the real purpose of his move is to leave a gap for my husband, so that I can take the opportunity to catch up with you immediately to discuss the preparations for the banquet.

Otherwise, as a husband, how could I have the chance to come to you? "

After listening to her husband's narration, Amina frowned slightly with a strange expression.

"Is it so, so complicated?"

Krich breathed a sigh of relief silently, looking at Amina who looked weird and waved her hand casually.

"Madam, my time is limited because of my husband, and I can't stay here for too long. I will tell you this much for the time being.

As for other issues, I will explain them to you slowly when I have the opportunity.

In short, you must remember one thing.

That is, as long as I don't let this child Mi Meng come out to inform you, you should not go to the living room to deliver food or drinks without authorization.

Even if the prepared food and wine have cooled down, you must continue to wait outside.

Remember, you must remember. "

As soon as the words in Krich's mouth fell, before Amina could react, she hurriedly set off and trotted towards the courtyard next to her.

"Madam, for my husband's sake, I will go to the wine cellar to get some wine first. You and Tiniya can hurry up and do the things you need to prepare."

Amina watched her husband's retreating back, subconsciously nodded and responded softly.

"Hey, I know it."

After her husband's back disappeared from her sight, Amina immediately turned around and looked at her daughter-in-law Tinia.

"Tinya, let's go."

"Hey, it's coming, it's coming."

In the blink of an eye, Amina's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hurried out of the courtyard in quick succession.

After half a day.

When Krich returned to the living room with two wine jars in his arms, Young Master Liu was eating melon seeds in his hand with a smile on his face, while chatting and laughing with Krimimon.

Seeing Young Master Liu and his son chatting happily, Krich happily walked to Young Master Liu and stopped.

"Mr. Liu, I'm back."

Young Master Liu paused slightly while shaking the Wanli Jiangshan jade fan in his hand, and turned his head with a smile on his face to look up at Krich, who had already come to his side.

"Krich, what did you do just now?

Before you come back, I, the young master, are still discussing with this boy Mi Meng full of doubts.

My young master, my two uncles, and my eldest brother, we just went to a hut here, why are there no people around you?

This kid Mi Meng groaned for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

Fortunately, you are back here. "

Young Master Liu spoke happily and waved his hand to Krich happily.

"Haha, hahaha.

It'll be good if you come back here, it'll be good if you come back.

Sit down quickly, sit down quickly. "

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Crich nodded with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he gently placed the two wine jars on the table, then casually arranged his clothes and sat on the chair behind him again.

"Mr. Liu, that's what happened.

I have said it before, you can come to my humble home, this is something that makes my humble home shine.

But what!

I didn't know that you would suddenly bring Mrs. Liu, Miss Liu, Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and Brother Song to my humble home.

Therefore, there is no preparation in advance here.

I am rude, and I hope you will forgive me, Mr. Liu. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, shaking the jade fan in his hand and casually glancing at the two wine jars on the table.

"Brother Krich, you're too polite, you're too polite!"

Looking at Young Master Liu with a smile on his face, Krich happily pointed to the two wine jars he had just placed on the table.

"Mr. Liu, you can understand my rudeness. This is your magnanimity, Mr. Liu.

Thank you very much, thank you very much.

It's just that I can't be rude once and continue to be rude again and again!

Therefore, I took advantage of Mr. Liu and you guys to solve the internal emergency and immediately rushed to our wine cellar to get two jars of wine. "

The words in Krich's mouth paused slightly, and he immediately turned to look at Climmon.


Crimmon heard the sound and stood up hurriedly.

"Hey, the kid is here, dad, what are your orders?"

"The tables and tables are all filled with cups for drinking tea. They are not suitable for drinking. Go and get the set of drinking utensils from the shelf next to you."

"Okay, let's go now, kid."

Climmon nodded vigorously, turned around and hurriedly walked towards the wooden shelves with various items placed a few steps away.

It takes just a few breaths.

Climmon quickly returned with a set of drinking utensils.

Krich glanced at his son who was carefully arranging the drinking utensils, and bowed his hand to Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Liu, the drinks here are not as diverse as those at Dalong Tianchao.

Most of the wines in our Western countries are wines made from grapes.

In my haste, I couldn't find any good drinks to entertain you and Mrs. Liu, as well as Zhang Shuai and your distinguished guests.

As a result, I have no choice but to take out two jars of wine from the wine cellar that my wife brewed in her free time to entertain you distinguished guests. "

As Krich spoke, he immediately reached out to lift a jar of wine, and skillfully wiped off the sealing mud on the jar.

Immediately, he held the wine jar in his hand towards the wine glasses that his son Crimimon had just placed, and poured a glass of bright red wine one by one.

"Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu."

"Shuai Zhang, Shuai Nangong, Brother Song."

"A glass of thin wine, please taste it."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the bright red wine in the wine glass on the table, smiled and nodded, then picked up a glass of wine.

Seeing this, Qi Yun, Song Qing and others also picked up a glass of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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