My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3616 Good wind relies on strength

Chapter 3616 Good wind relies on strength

"Hahaha, that's true."

After Liu Mingzhi chuckled and casually responded to Krich's words, he raised his eyes and glanced at Krich who was smiling, and picked up the tea on the table with a faint smile.

"Brother Crich, this is indeed the truth.

However, I still have to say one thing, brother, you are really open-minded! "

After Liu Dashao finished speaking, he directly brought the teacup in his hand to his mouth with a smile on his face and took a small sip of the herbal tea.

Krich looked at Mr. Liu who was drinking tea, and the tense heartstrings in his heart suddenly relaxed, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

"Mr. Liu, I dare to make a bold statement.

The reason why I think this way is not just because I am open-minded enough, but there is another main reason. "

Young Master Liu raised his brows and casually sipped the tea from the corner of his lips twice, then turned his eyes towards Krich with interest.

"Oh? There is another reason? And is it the main reason?"

"Mr. Liu, there is nothing wrong with you."

As Krich spoke, he paused slightly in his words, smiled slightly melancholy, raised his arm and made a few gentle gestures.

"Brother Crich, is it convenient to tell you the main reason you mentioned?"

"Hehehe, I would like to hear the details!"

Krich nodded slightly, looked at Mr. Liu with sincere eyes and replied loudly: "Mr. Liu, I have lived half my life.

Krich breathed a silent sigh and bowed his hands to Young Master Liu with a respectful expression.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth, then looked at Krich with a faint smile and nodded gently.

Without your help, Mr. Liu, I might have achieved a lot in the future.

"Mr. Liu, I feel very clear in my heart.

Seeing the candidness of Creech's answer, Liu Mingzhi gently put down the tea cup in his hand and tapped his fingers on the table with a sad expression.

"Brother Krich, keep talking."

"Mr. Liu."

But what!

With your help, Mr. Liu, things will be different.

Krich took a deep breath, looked at Young Master Liu and replied loudly: "Mr. Liu, the main reason is that I, Krich, am self-aware.

Seeing that Mr. Liu was drinking tea, Krich quickly picked up his tea cup and quickly took a sip of tea to moisten his dry throat.

Brother Krich, if you have such a character, even without my help, you will definitely have great achievements in the future! "

Krich nodded slightly and quickly calmed down his mood.

“The most valuable thing in life is self-knowledge.

"Hehe, hehehe, Mr. Liu.

Liu Mingzhi listened to Krich's tone full of sadness, narrowed his eyes slightly, and waved his hands casually with a faint smile.

What virtues and talents are there to make it worth your troubles, Mr. Liu?

Precisely because of this, I have nothing to worry about at all. "

Mr. Liu, with your simple words, the starting point I have has easily surpassed the lifetime achievements I can climb with all my life's efforts. "

In front of you, Mr. Liu, I, Krich, am at best a businessman with some wealth.

With your true identity, Mr. Liu, if you really want to deal with me, you don't need to spend so much effort at all.

Mr. Liu gently stroked the tea lid in his hand and chuckled happily.

God doesn’t have much time left for me to continue fighting. "

Mr. Liu, you also know what the current situation is like in the Western countries.

"Brother Krich, do you value my help to you so much?"

Immediately, he gently put down the teacup in his hand and sat upright again.

"In response to Mr. Liu, that's right."

"Brother Krich, keep talking."

However, such an achievement is one that can be seen at a glance.

To put it bluntly, I am a small businessman.

As far as the current situation in the Western countries is concerned, if I only rely on my own meager skills and the limited connections and resources I have.

"Mr. Liu, you are ridiculous.

So, even if I try my best, what great achievements can I make in the end?

There is nothing we can do about this, after all, I am already this age now.

If I only relied on myself, even if I, Crich, could achieve the height of my life with all my efforts, it would only be like that.

To elaborate, I have already said one side of the story before.

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly while shaking the jade fan, and cheerfully reached out to pick up the tea cup on the table.

My life path is already visible to the end at a glance! "

I am very clear in my heart about my abilities.

There are many things that should be understood clearly.

In life, one's own abilities and one's own efforts are of course very important.

However, compared to these two points, a person's life opportunities are more important.

It is so rare to encounter a real opportunity in this life.

However, as long as you can seize such opportunities, you will definitely gain something.

Mr. Liu, you are the opportunity in my life, the biggest opportunity.

I am truly lucky to be valued by Mr. Liu today! "

Liu Mingzhi saw the sincere look in Krich's eyes, and while gently shaking the jade fan in his hand, he smiled and sighed softly.

"The good wind, with its power, sends me to the blue clouds!

Crich, you have made the meaning of this poem very clear! "

Listening to this poem recited aloud by Mr. Liu, Krich's face was slightly startled, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of doubt.

It can be seen from his reaction that he obviously doesn't quite understand what this poem means.

"By virtue of its strength, the good wind sent me to Qingyun."

After Krich repeated this line of poetry softly, he frowned slightly in confusion.

"Mr. Liu, what, what does this sentence mean?"

"What do you mean you don't understand?"

"Mr. Hui Liu, you really don't understand a lot."

Liu Mingzhi casually closed the jade fan in his hand.

"Brother, this sentence is a poem.

The meaning of this poem is that I am willing to use the power of the east wind to send me to the blue sky. "

After listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, Krich nodded in understanding.

"Send it to heaven?"

"Yes, that's exactly it."


Krich took a breath subconsciously, and a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Liu, I would like to ask a presumptuous question.

As far as I know, when your Dalong Heavenly Dynasty talks about sending people to heaven, doesn’t it mean killing people? Just like that sentence, I will send you to the west today. "

Young Master Liu couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard Krich's questioning words full of entanglement in his tone.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

"Hahaha, ouch."

"Brother Crich, the kind of sending to heaven that you understood before and the kind of sending to heaven that I just talked about are two completely different meanings.

The good wind carries me to the blue clouds with its power.

The real meaning of this sentence is..."

The words in Young Master Liu's mouth stopped abruptly, and then he waved his hand to Krich happily.

"Forget it, forget it, brother, you still don't understand much about my Dalong's knowledge, culture, customs and customs!

Under such circumstances, it won't matter if I explain it to you a few more times.

The key problem is that there are many things on our Dalong side that are difficult to forcibly explain with a certain unilateral meaning.

In the future, when you understand my Dalong culture more and more deeply, you will naturally understand some things. "

After listening to Young Master Liu's eloquent words, Krich frowned and pondered for a while, then looked at Young Master Liu dejectedly and nodded gently.

"Okay, I understand."

Immediately, he raised his hands and made fist gestures to Liu Dashao, his wife, and Song Qing.

"Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu, I am not good at studying and I am making you laugh."

Qi Yun smiled sweetly and waved her hand gently to Krich sideways.

"Brother Crich, you are not laughing at all.

People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? "

When this sentence was spoken, Qi Yun seemed to realize something, and the words in her mouth suddenly stopped.

"Uh! Uh!"

“Oh, forget it, forget it.

Brother Krich, what about that, you just need to slowly learn about Dalong’s culture. "

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand."

Young Master Liu glanced sideways at Qi Yun, who looked slightly embarrassed, and cheerfully reached out and picked up a few melon seeds from the plate.

"Brother Krich, let me put it another way for you.

It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree. You should know what this sentence means, right? "

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Krich's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded without hesitation.

"Mr. Hui Liu, I understand the meaning of this sentence. I understand it."

Seeing Krich's reaction, Liu Dashan pinched the tip of his nose with his fingers and chuckled slightly.

"Brother, if you study the meaning of these two sentences carefully, there is actually a big difference.

However, if it is used in the cooperation between the two of us today, it has the same effect.

You just need to understand what it means to enjoy the shade under a big tree. "

"I understand, I understand."

Just when Liu Mingzhi was about to answer, some noisy footsteps suddenly came from outside the room.

Then came Amina's soft voice.

"Master Qi, the food and wine have been prepared. Is it convenient for us to go in now?"

Hearing his wife's inquiry, Krich quickly turned his head to look at Amina and others standing outside the door, and then immediately turned his attention to Young Master Liu.

"Mr. Liu, look?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and looked at the little cuties standing outside the door. Amina, Kerry and several others, smiled and gently patted the melon seed crumbs on his hands.

"Brothers and sisters, girl Yi Ke, please stop standing outside and come in quickly."

Amina and others heard Mr. Liu's greetings and quickly walked into the room.

"Mr. Liu, civilian women are polite."

Seeing Crimimon and Tinia behind Amina who were about to give her a hand, Young Master Liu immediately waved his hand cheerfully and interrupted them directly.

"Okay, okay, no need to be polite."

"Thank you, Mr. Liu."

"Thank you Uncle Liu."

Upon seeing this, Krich immediately stood up from the chair and waved to Amina, Tinia, and Orr who were holding the tray with a smile on their face.

"Madam, Tinia, Al, hurry up, hurry up, you three, hurry up and put the food and drinks on the table."


"Yeah, kid, I know."

"Yes, the old slave understands."

"Mi Meng, please help clear the dishes and plates on the table."

"Yes Yes Yes."


Amina, Tinia, and Orr had already placed the food and wine on the trays on the table one by one.

After all the dishes were served, Amina picked up the tray in front of her and quickly looked at her husband.

Krich noticed his wife's gaze on him, and immediately raised his eyes to look at Amina.

When Amina saw her husband looking at her, she quickly responded with a look to Krich, and then immediately pressed her red lips towards the fine wine and dishes on the table.

It seems to be asking, are these dishes prepared by myself okay?

Krich withdrew his gaze and looked directly down at the fine wine and dishes on the table.

Soon, his nervous mood relaxed.

There are meat and vegetables, soups and dishes, a total of sixteen dishes.

With sixteen dishes, this banquet should be quite sumptuous.

Especially the chicken and fish that I specially ordered to prepare, have all been prepared.

Very good, very good!

Krich secretly discussed something in his heart, and after giving his wife a vague look in his eyes, he immediately looked towards Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Liu, are you satisfied with these food and drinks?

If you have any special dishes you want to eat, just tell me, and I will tell my wife to prepare it for you right away. "

As soon as the words in Krich's mouth fell, Amina immediately turned around and looked at Mr. Liu and softly agreed.

“It’s extreme, it’s extreme.

Mr. Liu, if you have any dishes you want to eat, just ask the peasant woman and I will prepare it for you right away. "

Liu Mingzhi casually glanced at the dozen or so dishes on the table, smiled lightly and waved to the Creech couple.

Those few dishes he had never seen before, and should have come from the Kingdom of Great Food or the Kingdom of Rome, were enough to show that Crich had prepared this banquet with great care.

"Brother Crich, brothers and sisters, you two have troubled yourself.

These dishes are quite good, and you don’t have to prepare anything else, brothers and sisters. "

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