My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3724 What did you see?

Chapter 3724 What did you see?


"Hey, Da Guoguo, you say."

"Rui'er, you shouldn't mind if your sister Yun rests with us, right?"

When Ren Qingrui heard her lover asking her this question, she shook her head without hesitation.

"No, of course I don't mind. I wish Sister Yun could rest with us."

After Ren Qingrui answered Young Master Liu in a soft voice, she smiled and immediately turned sideways to look at Qi Yun, who looked a little hesitant across from her.

“Sister Yun, Da Guoguo is right.

The three of us can take a bath and wash together, and then rest together. It will be much easier. Why should you, sister, keep yourself busy?

Sister Yun, don't bother yourself any more, just come and rest with Da Guoguo and me."

When Ren Qingrui said these words to Qi Yun with a smile in her eyes, not only was her tone of voice very sincere, but even the look in her eyes when she looked at Qi Yun was full of sincerity.

In fact, Ren Qingrui really wanted to rest with Qi Yun.

Because in this way, I can chat quietly with Sister Yun until I get tired and then take a rest.

Compared to resting alone with my loved one, it is more comfortable to have Sister Yun resting with me.

Seeing Ren Qingrui's pair of watery eyes full of sincerity, Qi Yun pondered for a moment, then smiled and nodded twice.

"Okay, then I'll stay and rest with you two, my husband."

Hearing Qi Yun's answer, Ren Qingrui immediately smiled and nodded.

"Hehehe, that's great, Sister Yun, you finally agreed."

When Young Master Liu saw that Qi Yun finally agreed to this matter after being persuaded by Ren Qingrui, he chuckled and walked straight into the room carrying two buckets of water.

"Yun'er, Rui'er, let's go back to the room."

Upon hearing this, Qi Yun immediately raised her eyes and looked towards Liu Mingzhi who had already walked up the stairs.

“My dear, let’s take a bath together. The two buckets of hot water in my room and these two buckets of hot water will definitely not be needed.

In this case, what should we do with these extra buckets of hot water?"

"Hehe, my dear lady, it's already this late, what else can we do except leaving it outside the room and wasting it?"

"Ah? It's just going to be wasted like this?"

"Yun'er, there's nothing you can do if you don't want to waste it.

Now, Yan'er, Lian'er, Wanyan, Yajie and other sisters, as well as that naughty girl Yue'er, all have hot water in their rooms.

We can't use it, and neither can they.

In this way, it will naturally be wasted.”

Listening to her husband's smiling answer, Qi Yun looked down at the bucket of water on the ground that was still steaming with a look of regret, and nodded her head a few times with a slightly helpless look.

"Okay, I know."

"Sister Yun, Da Guoguo has already gone in, let's go back quickly."

"Sister Rui'er, please wait a moment. I'll go put out the candles in my room first."

Ren Qingrui turned her head to look at Qi Yun's room, and seeing that the lights were on, she immediately nodded with a smile.

"Hey, sister, go ahead."

Qi Yun smiled and nodded twice, then walked straight towards her room.

Under Ren Qingrui's gaze, Qi Yun quickly walked out of the room where several candles had been extinguished.

Qi Yun closed the door and walked towards Ren Qingrui with light steps.

"Sister Ruier, let's go."

"Hey, sister, you go first."

"Chuck, chuck, chuck."

Qi Yun raised her eyebrows and giggled a few times, then reached out and grasped Ren Qingrui's wrist, then walked straight into the room at a leisurely pace.

"Silly sister, let's go together, let's go together."

By the time the Qi Yun sisters came behind the screen together, Young Master Liu was already adjusting the water temperature in the bathtub.

Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly, turned his head and looked at Qi Yun and Ren Qingrui sisters, then casually put the scoop in his hand into the two buckets at his feet.

“Yun’er, you and Rui’er should take a bath first.

After you two sisters have finished bathing, I will take my bath.”

"Husband, the bathtub is so big, it's not like it can't accommodate the three of us, Sister Rui'er.

Otherwise, let's take a bath together."

As soon as Qi Yun finished speaking softly, Ren Qingrui immediately echoed her in a tender voice.

"That's right, that's right.

Da Guoguo, by the time my sister Yun and I finish bathing, the water in the tub should be almost cool.

It’s not like the three of us haven’t bathed together before, why don’t you bathe with Sister Yun and me?”

Liu Mingzhi listened to the sisters' words of persuasion, chuckled and waved his hand.

Then he took out the pipe from his waist and walked slowly towards the window a few steps away.

“No, no, you two sisters can just take a bath first.

Wait until you two sisters have finished bathing, then I will start bathing.

I have some things to think about. When you sisters have finished bathing, I should have finished thinking about the problem."

Hearing the answer from her lover, Ren Qingrui nodded twice gently.

"Okay, sister understands."

"My dear husband, my concubine and sister Rui'er will not wait for you."

Young Master Liu slowly stopped in front of the window, lit a pot of tobacco with skillful movements, and then waved at the two beauties with a smile.

"Hahaha, no need to wait, you two sisters should take a bath."

"Hey, okay."

"Hey, okay."

Sisters Qi Yun and Ren Qingrui responded to Young Master Liu in unison and immediately began to undress.

After a while, the Qi Yun sisters' flawless bodies with smooth skin, exquisite curves and perfect shapes were revealed in the air.

Then, the two sisters each lifted up their slender legs and gently sat in the steaming bathtub, one after the other.

Young Master Liu listened to the sound of water splashing behind him, took a puff of his pipe, then raised his head with a dim gaze towards the bright moon in the night sky that was radiating its light.

Duan Dingbang led the second army to help Persia put down the rebellion. A hundred thousand troops went out, and fifty thousand stayed in Persia.

In the end, he brought back more than 42,000 troops to the royal city of the Arab Empire.

This means that more than 7,000 young men died on the battlefield in a foreign country.

More than seven thousand soldiers and horses were buried in a foreign country!

This number of casualties is indeed not small!

But then again, compared to the military achievements they made in this expedition, this number of casualties was not that large.

  But that’s not how you calculate the accounts!

Every casualty among Dalong's men is a huge loss to me as the king of a country and to the court!

Especially for the relatives of those soldiers, they lost their sons, husbands, fathers, and brothers!

More than seven thousand, more than seven thousand soldiers.

These more than 7,000 soldiers died in a foreign country, which means that more than 7,000 families will never see their sons, husbands, fathers, and brothers return home.

Although the families of the fallen soldiers can all get a generous pension after receiving their ashes, I would rather the families of all the soldiers never receive the pension issued by the court.

  After all, behind every generous pension is a human life!


Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, took the pipe in his hand and took a big puff of the tobacco, then frowned with a melancholy look.

The Long March people have not returned.

Those who have gone on the Long March have not yet returned!


Then again, since they have chosen to join the army, it means that they have long been very clear in their hearts that there are only two outcomes for their future life.

Either you return home in glory, or you are buried far away.

I hope the families of those soldiers can mourn their loss.

After Liu Mingzhi sighed inwardly, he withdrew his gaze from the bright moon in the night sky and leaned slightly on the windowsill.

Qi Yun, whose back was being gently wiped by Ren Qingrui with a hot towel, saw that she had turned around and immediately smiled with her eyebrows slightly raised.

"Husband, have you thought about the problem clearly?"

Hearing Qi Yun's question about Young Master Liu, Ren Qingrui instinctively turned her head slightly to look towards her lover.

Seeing that the two sisters were looking towards him, Young Master Liu nodded happily.

"Hahaha, I guess I have thought it through."

Qi Yun smiled gently and nodded her head a few times, then gently raised her slender arms with skin as white as cream and supported them on the edge of the bathtub.

"Yeah, yeah, just think it through, just think it through.

Since you have figured out the problem, I will talk to you about another matter."

Upon hearing this, Liu Mingzhi smiled, raised his eyebrows twice, and walked slowly towards the chair a few steps away.

"Yun'er, if it's as I expected, you should want to tell me.

You think Yue'er's reaction before she left seemed to indicate she had figured something out."

Hearing her husband's laughing words, Qi Yun's pretty face was slightly startled, and a hint of surprise appeared in her watery eyes.

From the change in expression on the beautiful woman's pretty face, it was obvious that what Young Master Liu had just said hit the nail on the head for her.

After Qi Yun came to her senses from her shock, she looked at Young Master Liu, who was already sitting on the chair, with a look of surprise.

"My dear husband, how did you know that I was going to tell you this?"

Seeing the beauty's surprised eyes, Young Master Liu took a puff of his pipe, smiled and picked up the teapot on the table to pour himself a cup of cold tea.

"Haha, hahaha.

Yun'er, Yue'er has never had such a reaction before.

However, she suddenly had such a reaction today.

When we were outside the door just now, she even suddenly stopped and turned around to ask me if I had any questions.

If Yue'er didn't feel that something was wrong, how could she ask me, her husband, such a question out of nowhere?

  Yun'er, you are such a kind-hearted and intelligent person. Outsiders may not understand this, but how can I, your husband and your bedmate, not understand this?

When you see that little girl Yue'er's reaction, you will naturally subconsciously think that she must have seen something.

In this case, my lady, you will naturally want to talk to me, your husband, about this issue.

Good Yun'er, am I right, your husband?"

As Young Master Liu stopped laughing, Qi Yun subconsciously nodded her head a few times.

"Yeah, yeah, that's right."

After Liu Mingzhi turned around and exhaled a puff of smoke, he picked up the teacup on the table with a faint smile, nodded slightly, and took a sip of the herbal tea in the cup.

"Yun'er, don't you find it strange that Yue'er, that little bitch, suddenly reacted like this?"

Hearing her husband's question, Qi Yun immediately pretended to be annoyed and rolled her eyes slightly.

"My stinky husband, isn't what you said nonsense?

If I didn't think Yue'er's previous reaction seemed a little strange, do you think I would want to talk to you about this issue?"

Seeing the beauty's pretending to be unhappy, Young Master Liu smiled, took a sip of the tea from the corner of his mouth, and casually crossed his legs.


"Well, go ahead and talk. I'm listening!"

After taking a deep puff of his pipe, Young Master Liu leaned over slightly and knocked out the ashes from the pipe into the copper basin under the table.

"Yun'er, you just need to think carefully about what I said to that little bitch Yue'er when I saw her after I woke up, and you will understand why that little bitch reacted like that."

"What did you say to Yue'er when you met her?"

"Haha, that's right, think about it carefully."

Qi Yun frowned slightly and nodded, her pair of watery eyes instantly filled with memories.

After a long time.

Qi Yun pursed her lips gently and glared at Young Master Liu with a helpless look on her face.

"My stinky husband, what are you asking me to think about?

When you met Yue'er, I had already notified my two uncles to send you the documents you wanted.

By the time I come back, you and Yue'er will have already finished talking about everything you needed to talk about.

I am not by your side, how can I possibly know what you said to Yue'er!"

When Young Master Liu heard the beautiful woman's unpleasant rebuttal, his expression suddenly froze.

He frowned and recalled for a moment, and the expression on his face suddenly became embarrassed.

“Uh! Uh! Uh!

  Yun'er, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I thought you were there at that time!

Well, well, I will tell you right away what I said to Yue'er."

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